Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sympathy For The Devil ❯ Lust and Fantasy ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Rated: NC17!

Warnings: Icky Icejin hentais and their fantasies

Author's Notes: My loyal Goddess Ginia did a glorious job betaing. *huggles her*

Fantasies and Lust

It ached to breathe, but it hardly stopped the mad yet quiet cackles that were torn from Furiza's chest. In amazement, he listened to all the sights and sounds that flashed through his mind, savoring each and every one like a cool old wine... and these sights and sounds tasted just as sweet, if not more. Black eyes darted back and forth, as if examining a document, reading each small typed word carefully. Furiza took in everything that he saw before him, purring at some images, giggling at others, smiling at the simplicity and frowning at the heartache. He knew, he could sense, that at this same moment, Kakarrotto was doing the same, but the sights and sounds he experienced were much different.

Kakarrotto lay right across from Furiza, stretched out on a metal table, writhing in anguish. It was what caused Furiza's cackles, not the images. Each scream sent rapture through the Icejin. Furiza was aching with desire. He wanted... NEEDED Kakarrotto! He moaned with each scream from Kakarrotto. The young Saiyajin writhed on the table, Vejita holding him down with a desperate look in those luscious black eyes that were so filled with love.

Mad laughter once again escaped Furiza. Had his legs been working, the Icejin would have jumped up and danced around the room, but unfortunately, because of the Saiyajin's cruelty and deviousness, Furiza was as crippled as Kakarrotto. Neither of them could walk, but because of Vejita's quickness, Furiza had taken the worst of the blow, the very center of the ki blast, while Kakarrotto had merely been terribly singed. Nevertheless, the attack had affected them both, and they were both quite helpless.

This was a brief moment of clarity for the Icejin. He saw things through the thoughts of Kakarrotto during these seconds, as his mind ran over and over the wild nameless images that flashed one after another beneath his eyelids. He knew the blast could have killed him, and in some strange way, he was thankful for Vejita's interference. Of course, it had not only saved his life, and Kakarrotto's, but all of Vejitasei as well.

It had prevented the vision from coming true.

There was a price, however, and Furiza was becoming more and more amused as he felt Kakarrotto paying it.

"What's wrong with him! DO SOMETHING! Worthless!" the Saiyajin no Ouji, in all his deliciousness, screamed at the guards and doctors that ran around the room like madmen. Furiza watched in amusement, laughing along, watching them all stare in pure terror at the nearly unconscious Icejin.

Furiza recalled seeing loathing lust in Vejita's eyes when the prince had stepped forward, next to the crater in which Furiza's body was buried deeply in, beneath all the rubble. Furiza had remained still after the blast, waiting for the pain to stop and the buzzing in his ears to go away. Furiza had listened quietly to the world around him as the images had slowly begun. He had almost felt Zarbon's emptiness. He could sense the pure terror and shock that had overwhelmed all of Vejitasei. He had felt the ecstasy as all the Saiyajin rejoiced, believing he had been defeated... and by his own blast.

Vejita was not so idiotic.

Furiza had been so proud.

He'd watched with enthusiastic curiosity as Vejita had extended his hand. The blast that had formed within his fingers could have, at that moment, been the end of the Icejin. Furiza didn't have enough energy to climb to his feet, much less defend himself from any type of attack. Wide black eyes had watched with excitement and hope as the blast grew more powerful, crackled with energy, grew brighter, almost blinding. Once again, the black night had been alit with frightening power. Saiyajin that were observing held their breath in confusion, wondering why Vejita wasn't happy and celebrating with them, but the majority had not even noticed the prince's movements.

Just as Furiza's heart began to slow, anticipating and preparing for death, Kakarrotto, who had been held up at Vejita's side, reached out with what little energy he had. Furiza had been shocked by the movement, but it brought a smile to his face. Vejita had immediately halted the blast, shocked gaze turning to Kakarrotto. The Saiyajin no Ouji hissed, enraged. He's snarled something quietly to the younger Saiyajin... and Furiza had been shocked to hear the words, not through his ears, but through his mind.

'What the fuck are you doing! Get your hand off of me!'

Kakarrotto had not responded. He had not possessed the energy to do so. In that instant, as Furiza realized just how weak his precious Son Gokou was, Kakarrotto collapsed, and Vejita had no longer cared about Furiza's death. With relief, amusement, and disappointment, Furiza had fallen back against the rubble and darkness had closed in.

Yet, he was still alive.

Furiza watched these beautiful images flash before his eyes. He purred faintly, seeing Kakarrotto's childhood. He watched with pride as young Son Gokou destroyed armies, battled fierce enemies, and played happily. This was not an average Saiyajin childhood... if not the very opposite.

Furiza found it strange that Vejita had actually brought him into the hospital wing of the castle, but it did somewhat make sense. If Zarbon was to discover that Furiza was still alive, the changeling would reclaim him and shove him in the rejuvenation chamber for a few hours. The mad Icejin would return, health fully restored, and he would be very, very angry.

There was a quiet peacefulness in Furiza's soul at this moment. From where he'd been dumped on the floor, lying limp in a shadowy corner, he was barely able to move without wincing. He could faintly see the world around him through the flashing sights and sounds, but reality was slowly becoming very boring. Doctors were injecting the Saiyajin with medicines, hooking him up to machines, and trying to keep Vejita from killing them.

Slowly, ever so slowly, weary of the pain that had exploded through his nervous system, Furiza allowed his eyelids to drift shut. The blue world slowly took over and Furiza smiled as he saw a blue-haired ningen appear in his vision.

"You're eating again!?"

"I'm hungry, Bulma!"

"What about the Dragon Balls, Son-kun?"

"Got 'em already!" Gokou exclaimed, darting up from the table, the cooked leg of an animal gripped tightly in his fist. The ningen woman's eyes grew wide as she spun around, eyes following the young Saiyajin boy. "You've already collected all seven? Really?" She darted after the boy.

Grabbing a small red bag from the floor beside the doorway, Son Gokou shoved it forward into Bulma's stomach, causing the ningen girl to stumble. She managed by some miracle to maintain her balance and was quick to rip it open and shuffle through. A large orange sphere was produced and the woman's blue eyes widened brightly. "WOW! Gokou! That was fast! Now we can wish for that forest back that you destroyed!"

Gokou bowed his head somewhat with a sheepish smile. "Yeah... sorry about that, Bulma."

Furiza blinked away the sights with a snarl. His gaze, focusing slowly, turned in the room. A Saiyajin was lying unconscious on the floor, sporting a very nasty bruise over his eye and cowering from the enraged prince. Wincing, Furiza sat up against the wall, eyes wandering over to the young Saiyajin. He was surprised to see Kakarrotto, too, was up.

Smiling just faintly, Furiza leaned his head back against the wall, allowing his eyes to drift shut. Poor innocent Kakarrotto was shivering, drenched in a cold sweat as wave after wave of Furiza's memories rushed through the Saiyajin's thoughts. He pushed aside the constant images from Kakarrotto that instantly plagued his mind, reaching out in search of another, one so close he could almost taste it. 'Kakarrotto...' he quietly purred.

"NO!" screamed the Saiyajin, spinning around and slamming back against the wall. Large black eyes landed on the Icejin, filled with rage and pure terror. Furiza chuckled just lightly, mental bond briefly silenced as Vejita rushed to the young Saiyajin's side. Vejita shoved Kakarrotto against the wall, snarling lowly. Furiza could hear every word, and it made him shiver with pleasure.

"Please... Vejita... make it stop. I can't... the sights..."

"Kakarrotto!" snarled the Saiyajin, worry in his voice. Furiza purred contently, amused. Closing his eyes, the Icejin pulled out every memory he could find within his mind, beginning of with one of his favorites... not a memory, but a fantasy.

Sitting on his alter, the room dark and cold, Furiza, nude and in his final form, watched the Saiyajin with lust filled eyes. How many endless nights he'd wanted this, the Icejin could not even comprehend. Vejita was unclothed, aching for physical attention. Golden jewels decorated his body, trailing across darkly tanned skin and making the already sweaty body glisten. Vejita was on his hands and knees, tail lashing through air, unleashing wave after wave of his delicious scent of heat.

Furiza purred as the Saiyajin no Ouji approached the throne, climbing up the steps of the dais to sit at the Icejin's feet, resting his hot cheek against Furiza's cold thigh. The Ice lord thought he would melt with the contact, but somehow he survived. Midnight eyes eyed the throbbing arousal that was just inches away from his lips. The tail behind Vejita began to slow, lowering to the ground and curving around his thigh, rubbing against the arousal beneath the loincloth made of gold. Vejita was his favorite pet, and the clothes were just the Icejin's way of marking him. No one touched Vejita but him... and Vejita didn't want anyone but Furiza.

"Are you hungry, Vejita?" Furiza whispered softly, running his hand through the thick upswept hair. Vejita purred in response - a blissful sound that caused Furiza to shiver. Vejita leaned against the petting hand, hands rising up to wrap around the cold thighs. "Yes, Furiza-koi. I've been so hungry for so... very... long." Onyx eyes returned to the throbbing shaft. Furiza moaned, pulling the head forward. With more than eagerness, Vejita engulfed the shaft. The excruciating heat suddenly surrounding Furiza's engorged icy shaft caused the Icejin to nearly scream.

Vejita's hands stiffened and pressed the powerful Icejin down into the throne, head slowly pulling back, leaving the shaft moist and pulsing. Sitting back on his heels, Vejita's eyes clashed with the Icejin and he purred, licking his lips. "Don't do this to me," Furiza groaned, reaching out to reclaim the body. Vejita ducked the fist, grabbing it midair and gently returning it to his lord. "Allow me to pleasure you, my lord. I want to satisfy you."

Furiza stared down at the pleading eyes and couldn't help a small smile of amusement. Vejita desired him so desperately it was almost pitiful. The arousal of the young prince was peaking out from beneath the chains that surrounded his waist. The small clink of gold against gold echoed out in the dark room with each movement of the young prince. The Icejin raised a curious brow before smirking. "Very well, but I have little patience for teasing, Vejita."

"I know, my god," Vejita responded with a kinky grin, leaning forward once again. Furiza leaned back against the throne, his eyes locked on the upswept hair. A furry appendage looped around his leg, rubbing down the cold skin. Warm lips reclaiming the throbbing shaft, earning a moan from the Icejin lord….

Confused black eyes stared at the writhing Saiyajin. His tail snapped madly behind him, causing the musk in the room to grow thicker. Vejita growled quietly, trying to keep his violent sex-filled thoughts controlled as he watched the young warrior sob quietly, the bulge beneath his pants growing with each second. "Kakarrotto!" he snarled, lunging forward and gripping the Saiyajin's shoulders, yanking him forward before shoving him back against the wall, head connecting. Kakarrotto jerked, eyes jerking open. "Vejita? Vejita! Gods… Vejita… please…." The young Saiyajin was on the verge of tears, his cheeks flushed, eyes moist.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Vejita… please… Vejita," Kakarrotto reached out, wrapping his arms around the prince's shoulders and pulling him forward. Vejita froze as warm lips claimed his, a tail circling his waist and interlocking with his own. He shivered at the touch of fur on fur and couldn't help but part his lips as Kakarrotto's tongue begged for admittance.

Furiza chuckled softly as he sensed the warmth against Kakarrotto's body. Vejita… his beautiful Vejita. A sly cold hand traced down the curves of his abdomen to stroke the aching need beneath the tight white material. The Icejin grinned, fantasy fading in favor of reality. He licked his dry cold lips.

Kakarrotto whimpered against Vejita's mouth, arms encircling narrow shoulders, arousal bucking against cloth. Tears streamed from midnight eyes. Kakarrotto was numb, from the inside out. Every nerve was on fire as his scarred skin tried vainly to heal. He could barely see through the mass of visions and the mad arousing thoughts that were spilling from Furiza's mind. Why could he hear the Icejin's every thought? Why did he know, without looking, that Furiza was touching himself, that Furiza could feel Vejita's skin pressed against his own.

He couldn't do this… not with Furiza so close. Not with that bastard Icejin just a few feet away, jacking off! Ripping himself away, he fled past the frozen Saiyajin no Ouji and out the room, forced to fly just inches off the ground because of his injured body. The door slid closed behind the younger Saiyajin.

Vejita only blinked, staring blankly at the wall, gasping for breath.

Kakarrotto tasted so good.
