Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Tails of Troubles ❯ Games of Desire ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tails of Troubles-

Rated: NC17
Timeline: Sequel to Claimed Love
Warnings: Sex, Incest, orgies, shounenai, yaoi, lusting…
Pairings: Goten/Trunks, Trunks/Vejita, Vejita/Gokou, Trunks/Goten/Vejita, vague Gohan/Videl and Gokou/Chichi
Summary: Trunks makes an unwise wish. Goten reveals his feelings. Chaos ensues.

Author's Notes: Rape in this chapter... uh... sortta. O_O' Hey, the reviewer planted the idea in my head! Blame him!

Chapter 4: Games of Desire:

Rock music blared through a cracked doorway. He could hear it from the hallway, loud and powerful, causing the floor to vibrate beneath his feet. The source of the beat originated from within Trunks' bedroom, and for this Goten was extremely grateful. Behind him, still not completely controlled, his tail snapped in excitement and anticipation. He knew now what wish Shenlong had granted, but the ideas of why ran rapidly through his mind, accompanied by vicious lustful thoughts of bites and kisses. The open doorway must be a welcomed invitation, and Goten's heart pounded beneath his breastbone with the thought. Trunks did love him, and always had!

He paused as he reached the large door, pressing his palm against the cool surface and gently pushing open. It was dark within the room. Bed sheets were tangled around a form outlined by moonlight from balcony doors. The scent of sex and musk filled the thick air, making it difficult to breathe. Goten welcomed the aroma in his lungs. "Trunks?" he whispered gently as he paused in the doorway. How could the demi-Saiyajin sleep while the radio was so loud? He entered the room, shutting the door behind him, and moved over to the radio.

With a simple click, the music halted.

"Leave it alone!" came a sleepy abrupt yell as a figure jerked up on the bed. Goten spun sharply, gazing with wide eyes at a weary nude Trunks. "Goten?" Trunks muttered through a yawn, scratching his head through the knotted mane of hair in a mocking version of a braid. "Hai. Trunks," Goten smiled, moving across the room to sit down on the edge of the bed. Trunks' chest was coated in a thin layer of sweat, lips slightly swollen. The young prince looked perfectly… edible.

Trunks blinked a few times before wiping the sleep away from his eyes. His bed was empty, but his senses told him that Vejita was nearby and thankfully nowhere near Gokou. Trunks struggled to remember what had last happened through the haze of sleepiness. His wrists had been bound and there had been the clash of leather before the soft tickle of fur… and of course that damnable yet pleasant torture bag…

'Ye gods, Vejita, where are you?'

Goten was speaking, Trunks suddenly realized. He turned to gaze at the youngest son of Gokou with a frown. Goten was the last person he wanted to see right now. "What?" questioned the elder demi-Saiyajin. Goten frowned, a hurt look in his eyes. "I need to tell you something, Trunks."

"Poor pitiful Sons never get who they truly desire," came an amused purr from the doorway. Trunks grinned at the sound of his father's voice, turning to see Vejita standing against the now open balcony door, head tilting slightly to the left, tail rubbing against his inner thigh. Goten gasped as he saw the Saiyajin no Ouji in all his glory. His head turned sharply, hand covering his eyes as a blush burned on his cheeks. Goten had always admired Vejita, and perhaps even occasionally thought the stubborn warrior was somewhat physically attractive… but this was Vejita of all people!

Why was there a exposed Vejita in Trunks' room?

"What are you talking about, Dad?" Trunks questioned, looking to Goten with anger. Was Goten in love with his father? Why was everyone after Vejita? Bulma he accepted and encouraged, Gokou he coped with… but four people having Vejita was crossing the line!

"Isn't it obvious, boy?" Vejita said with a smirk as he moved across the room, standing in front of Goten. The young Son seemed to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown as Vejita stared down at him, hands on his hips, arousal quite apparent. A protective growl was earned from Trunks by this movement, to which Vejita only grinned more. The Saiyajin no Ouji looked to the younger prince as Trunks climbed to his knees, sheets falling away. "Not me… you."

Trunks paused, eyes widening. He looked to Goten in disbelief. Goten… wanted him?

"You and I seem to be the most desired whores on this planet, Trunks," Vejita laughed sinisterly, reaching out and gripping Goten's head to pull the teenager to his feet. Goten yelped, gripping the hand that yanked his hair, but fell silent as Vejita looked at him, eyes narrowed in fevered lust. "Don't think you can ever hide anything from your prince, boy!" Vejita threw Goten across the bed. Trunks watched as the younger demi-Saiyajin bounced once before settling, looking fearfully between the two princes.

It was too much for Trunks to handle. Goten had always been his best friend, and he had always and would forever love Goten as a friend… but Goten really loved him. It was obvious in the boy's large black eyes as Goten looked to him fearfully, as if Trunks would protect him from Vejita. The confused thoughts, accompanied by the strong arousing scent of his father's musk and his own straining need was about to send him over the edge.

Vejita, however, seemed to be having a grand old time.

"None of you are ever able to just walk up and take what you want," he scowled, climbing on the end of the bed and leaning forward, face pressing into Goten's. The young Son swallowed stiffly, moving closer to the dazed Trunks, whose eyes had just recently become locked on the swaying tail behind Vejita. "How many nights have passed where you thought about Trunks while jerking off, hmm?" Vejita's lips traced across Goten's jaw line, daring the demi-Saiyajin to move even the slightest inch.

"Is it true?" Trunks whispered nervously, blinking. Goten remained silent, hands digging into the sheets as the aroused prince taunted him. A warm tail encircled his thigh suddenly. Trunks gazed down and chuckled softly, his own tail looping up to embrace Goten's nervous appendage. "Dad, please, you're killing him."

"No such luck," Vejita muttered in response, gazing around Goten to stare at Trunks with a smirk on his luscious lips, mischief burning within his eyes. When had he become so playful? Trunks shook his head and grabbed Goten's shoulder, gently easing him around so they could face each other. "Goten?"

"I'm… I'm sorry… I can't… I…" he stuttered inanely, moving to rip himself away. Trunks grabbed his shoulder before he could leave the bed and held him there firmly. If Goten left in this state, everyone would know about Trunks and Vejita's affair by morning. "Goten, calm down! You have to!"

Vejita scowled and shoved Goten forward with impatience. The youngest demi-Saiyajin stumbled, feet trapped by the sheets, and fell against Trunks. Taking the advantage, Trunks wrapped his arms around his friend's neck and pulled him in for a harsh panicked kiss. Goten squirmed against the embrace for a brief moment until a skilled devious hand gripped the base of his tail, slender calloused fingers brushing through the thick fur. Goten moaned out against Trunks' lips, accepting and returning each nip, exploring the warm mouth with excited vigor.

Over Goten's shoulder, Trunks looked fearfully to his father, watching as Vejita tormented his best friend's tail. Was he really going to do this? If Gokou found out… there was no telling what would happen.

"Kami, Trunks… I love you so much," Goten whispered breathlessly, pulling back for breath. Guilty blue eyes stared into a lovesick soul. Could Trunks do this? He didn't love Goten… not like he should, and not like Goten wanted or deserved.

"Enough jabbering," Vejita snarled, yanking away Goten's belt. The young demi-Saiyajin gasped as he realized Vejita was still in the room, but Trunks reached out, gently touching his chin. He would have to go through with this… and it wouldn't be so bad. He could tell Goten everything later, make him understand… make him move on. "It's okay," he whispered gently, guiding Goten closer. Their lips met gently. "Everything's okay." Trunks watched as Goten squirmed, brows narrowing in discomfort. Vejita had begun to prepare him.

Goten's virginity would be taken by Vejita. Trunks' eyes slid shut as he fell back on the covers, drawing Goten down with him as he refused to let the tears flow. Why was this upsetting him so much? Silently, as he spread his legs, allowing Goten to settle between his thighs, he told himself that it was because Goten was his best friend. They had fused, and they were forever connected. Trunks told himself that, but he wasn't completely sure.

He watched Goten's face contort with pain as Vejita intruded the unused caverns. Rut had prepared them somewhat, but Goten had never experienced any of it before. The youngest of the three panted desperately for breath, blank eyes searching for comfort within his mind as he tried to cope with what was happening. Trunks reached out for Goten, wrapping his arms around the frightened body, pulling Goten close and gently kissing his ear. "It's okay," he repeated, brushing his hand through Goten's thick black hair. Trunks raised his hips, hands running down Goten's back, taunting skin with the brush of nails. He wanted Goten to enjoy this, even though he had lost interest in the game. "Goten, listen to me," he whispered sternly. Goten grunted against his ear, body jerking with each harsh thrust. Vejita was not being merciful. "Goten, do you want to be inside me?"

Goten pulled back slightly. His lips were parted and cheeks flushed. Confused yet eager eyes gazed at Trunks. Goten hadn't changed at all. He was still that innocent naïve boy who asked Trunks to define a wizard so many years ago. Trunks smiled, cupping Goten's cheek in his palm. "I'm ready for you," he smiled.

"But… are…" Goten trailed off with a moan. Vejita chuckled softly and leaned down over Goten, a hand wrapping around the boy, caressing his chest. "Stop playing games," hissed the prince before his hands snaked down, grabbing Trunks' hips and jerking them up to accept Goten.

'Games,' Trunks scowled as his head fell back, eyes closing tightly. There was bitterness in his thoughts and it reflected in his eyes. Vejita did enjoy his games, but Trunks was growing weary of them. The feelings were strengthened by rut and fueled by the ache inside him.

Trunks was tired.

A heavy roar of rapture echoed out behind Goten just as a thick warmth penetrated Trunks' entrance. Back arching with a snarl, Trunks turned his head aside. He couldn't look Goten in the eye, could never face what he had done. Vejita collapsed beside him and without even opening his eyes he could see the smirk on his father's face. Vejita was enjoying this, each agonizing moment of HIS game.

Hands slid across Trunks' chest - hands that belonged to Goten. A warm mouth touched his neck, but didn't dare bite. Trunks slowly allowed his eyes to open. The first thing Trunks saw was his father, watching him, a smirk his lips. Goten moaned out softly as he began to reach climax. Trunks' legs tightened around the demi-Saiyajin's hips, mechanically rocking with each movement.

Vejita chuckled softly, eyes tearing away briefly to watch each glorious moment of Goten's climax. The young demi-Saiyajin stilled for a brief moment, reclaiming his breath. Vejita sat up, stretching his body, tail coiling out and curling back. "Lust and love," he said with a smile, looking down to Trunks. "Two things that seem so similar."

With a hollow heart, Trunks watched as his father climbed to his feet and left the bedroom. Goten fell back, sitting at the end of the bed, wrapping his arms around his knees. Lifeless blue eyes stared at the doorway, anger and confusion burning behind them.


As a boy, Vejita had always been just a little curious about science. It was a fact Bulma had been shocked by and was, perhaps, one of the things that had drawn Vejita to the blue-haired onna. He secretly enjoyed watching her in the lab - especially when she caused things to explode - but that was just one of the many perks.

Curiosity and boredom drew Vejita into his wife's lab between phases of rut, tail trashing behind him. Rut had worn off for the moment, but would return shortly, and in that time his blood boiled with energy. For the next two days he would be unable sleep, and only rarely would he eat.

Just as soon as the door slid shut with a quiet click, Vejita felt him appear. A swish of air being disturbed echoed out faintly before Gokou materialized across from him, black eyes narrowed and tanned body sweaty. He'd been training for the past few hours. Vejita grinned, folding his arms across his chest. How often had Vejita done that - spent sleepless nights fighting with no one to keep himself controlled? Nappa and Raditzu would have done anything to have him grace their beds, but Vejita had refused countless times. He should have been ashamed of himself giving in this night to Trunks and Goten, but the pleasure was all-consuming. "Trunks will have your tail," Vejita grinned, gazing over the firm muscular body waiting anxiously for attention, observing said tail with lidded eyes.

"Let him come," Gokou growled, aggressive voice begging for the challenge. Gokou strode forward in two swift steps and grabbed Vejita's shoulders, shoving the prince back against a counter and forcing him to bend backwards over the surface. Vejita didn't object as dominating lips enclosed around his. His hands gripped the edge as he moaned softly, tongue fiercely battling.

Gokou took complete advantage of the control he had - though it promised to be temporary. He gripped the prince's hips, grinding their groins together to release building tension. He could feel Vejita's growing arousal through the thinness of his gi. Grinning, he pulled back breathlessly, gazing at the flaming-haired Saiyajin. "You want me, don't you, Vejita?"

Vejita smirked. "Don't get cocky, Kakarrotto."

"Look who's talking." Lips mashed together as hands yanked at the younger Saiyajin's clothing, ripping as the offending material was pulled off skin. Gokou reached behind Vejita, grabbing his ass tightly and heaving him up onto the counter. The elder Saiyajin growled out as Gokou pulled away to strip himself of the remaining threads and boots before returning, again claiming Vejita's mouth. A warm tongue traced down the prince's throat, nipping playfully at each inch of available skin. Vejita's fingers tangled themselves within the thick mane, guiding his lover further down until the deliciously hot mouth encased his need.

Vejita's head fell back with a loud moan as his grip tightened, hips trying vainly to thrust into the warmth, only to be held down by firm demanding hands as the torturous acts of Gokou continued. His vision burned as he gazed up at the ceiling, a devious smirk on his lips as he wondered how long it would take Trunks to discover Gokou's betrayal.

Softly, Gokou purred. Vejita gasped, eyes closing tightly. "Gods…"



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