Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Price Of Power ❯ Chapter: 9 ( Chapter 11 )

[ A - All Readers ]

The Price Of Power

" rrrr " Speech

< rrrr > Thoughts

<< rrrr >> Inward voice

<> rrrr <> Telepathy

A/N: Enjoy the chapter people ^_^

Chapter: Nine

<><><><><><><><> ;

From space, the Earth shone like the Sun as Kakarotto continued to show his power. Piccolo, Goten, Dendi, Mr. Popo and even Adam were taken completely by surprise at the amount of power he was generating.

" Well Piccolo, what do you think? Quite exquisite power wouldn't you say? "

Kakarotto chuckled after his statement, but broke out in a deep laughter as Piccolo was to gripped with fear to answer.

" Why no answer Piccolo? Has the ex Demon King turned coward? "

Piccolo remained silent, trying his best to keep his temper under control.

" Or are you still thinking of the beating I gave you back when I was twelve? Certainly the great conqueror of the world isn't scared of the same thing happening? "

" Don't try your mind games with me! " Piccolo responded angrily as he began to slowly power up.

" Games? ... All I stated was the truth. But it does make sense for you to be in denial. It was absolutely shameful that a former demon near a millennia old, would get beaten by a mere child. Yes … very shameful indeed. " He said with a snicker.

Piccolo was quickly beginning to lose his temper. Kakarotto's words struck a nerve, as they had some truth to them.

" Wait … How could I of been so foolish. The great Demon King fears nothing ... So it must be you have finally realized how incompetent you are. Nothing but a green tough talking fool, right Piccolo? … " He said mockingly.

Adam watched the scene still extremely confused. His teacher was insulting someone he had spoken very highly of during the stay in the room of Spirit and Time. Someone, Kakarotto informed him, he was to see and treat as a teacher and superior.

< Why then is he doing this? This doesn't make any sense. It's like he wants Piccolo to attack him. >

<> Just calm down Adam and enjoy the show. <>

<> But why are you doing this sir? I thought he was your friend? <>

<> He is, he's been a loyal friend for many years. Sometimes scores need to be settled and honor regained. I know your confused, but trust me and pay close attention to everything you see. Try and learn as much you can. <>

<> Okay … But what am I suppose to learn? … <>

<> The pride of a warrior Adam, the pride of a warrior. <>

As if on cue, Adam sensed several extremely powerful Ki's heading their way. Within a second his teacher was surrounded by eight mysterious people, whom Adam figured were the rest of Kakarotto's friends and family.

" Well, well, I was wondering how long it would take for you guys to show up. Thought my little light display would of gotten you all here sooner. "

" What do you want here Kakarotto? Have you come to die? " Asked Vegita in a low but deadly tone.

" Come now Vegita, is that anyway to talk? After all these years that attitude of yours still hasn't gotten any better. I see that tasty wife of yours hasn't tamed you yet ? "

Vegita saw through his revivals attempt to get under his skin and kept his temper under control, but only barely.

" Speaking of Bulma, where is she? I'm sure she will be excited to see her childhood friend again, aye Vegita? … " Stated Kakarotto with a sly grin.

Vegita remained quiet not showing any sign of hearing his Saiya-jin counterpart.

" Have you realized the only reason you two are married is because I never pursued her? That sweet temptress would have been mine, and Trunks my offspring. But then again anything could of happened during those times we were alone while growing up."

Vegita again said nothing, but like Piccolo saw some truth in Kakarotto's words. He and Bulma were married for years, but yet he still wasn't the person she trusted or respected the most. He was positive Trunks was his though. But there were times early on in the marriage he wandered, given her constant praise and comparing to Goku.

< It's always Kakarotto this, and Kakarotto that. It's like she worships him. Even after he nearly killed us all, she still never says a bad word about him. >

" You know, when I left I was considering taking her with me. I thought she deserved to have a real man and not some washed up imitation. " He said with a cruel laugh.

" No response Prince? … Don't tell me the prideful Prince of all Saiya-jins has become a coward? … Or are you like Piccolo, and have finally realized your worthlessness? " He said with the same type of mocking tone he used on Piccolo.

" Quit your games, I'm not some inexperience child! Now answer my question. Why are you here?! "

Kakarotto smiled, impressed that his rival had matured so much over the years he was gone. The old Vegita he noted would of tried to rip his throat out after his comments, but this one seemed much more composed. So for this reason and that time was running short, he decided to end the mind games and get to the real reason he was there.

" Why? ... Why do you think? There was some unfinished business the last time we saw each other that needs to be resolved, get my point? … " Replied Kakarotto in a deadly serious tone.

" Yes … We all get your point. "

All of the Z fighters immediately got into fighting stances upon Vegita's words. Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, Krillian, Tienshinhan, Yamacha, Android #17, Android #18, and of course Vegita himself. Looked ready to fight to the death if that is what it took to protect their world from it's former protector.

" Do any of you really think you're my equals? I am unbeatable, the last time we fought should of made that point perfectly clear. " He said as his aura grew even more.

" We shall see you second rate Saiya-jin! " Responded Vegita.

In an Instant all of the fighters were on Kakarotto, attacking with relentless ferocity. Incurring, the second battle of creations strongest.


All the Master's stood before the King and Queen, informing them if there was any progress in the search for Prince Adam. But, like the previous two days their searches had once again come up empty.

" Where could he be?! I know he's care free but this is unlike him to disappear without even saying a word. " Stated King Randor.

" I know ... I have the sinking feeling something has happened to him Randor ... " Stated the Queen with obvious worry on her face.

Teela remained quiet as both Monarchs expressed their thoughts. She like the Queen also felt something happened to Adam, but what she had no idea.

< My heart... It's been feeling funny ever since Adam disappeared. Something definitely has happened to him, but what? ... >

" Everyone I need your attention! " Stated Man-At-Arms. Who felt it was time he made his thoughts known.

" I believe I know what has happened to Adam, but what I say must not go outside this room. " He said with a somber expression.

He then asked the King to dismiss the guards, so that only the Master's were left inside the throne room. Randor did so, but got the feeling his Chief Scientist's words weren't going to be pleasant.

" Thank you your Highness. What I have to say will surprise all of you and it's something I had hoped that one day Adam would of revealed to you himself. But given the present circumstances it seems I have no choice but to do it for him ... "

Everyone looked on with confusion and a bit of apprehension. Whatever news Man-At-Arms had to say, they could tell it was something that greatly troubled him.

" I believe Adam has been kidnapped. "

He let the statement sink in for a few seconds before continuing as he saw their shocked looks.

" How do you know this Duncan? " Asked the King.

" Because … myself and the other Master's were warned of this your Majesty. The person who I believe took him promised to do so in front of us all ... "

The Master's were shocked by their colleague's words. They all denied having any foreknowledge that something would happen to the young Prince. But yet Man-At-Arm's remained firm on his stance insisting they did.

" Duncan your not making much sense at all. If you all knew then certainly you wouldn't of let him be taken. " Stated Randor.

" If only it were that easy. I'm afraid that even if we were there the moment he was taken it wouldn't of made any difference. We would of just been hapless spectators … "

" Duncan, your still not making much ... --"

" Excuse me for interrupting your Highness but there is more I wanted to say. "

Man-At-Arm's sighed deeply. He was beginning to question whether he should go through with telling Adam's most trusted and dangerous secret. He hoped that the young Prince would suddenly appear and spare him from doing so, but in his heart he knew that would not happen.

" When Kakarotto fought He-Man and beat him. The deal made beforehand between the two was that if He-Man lost then he would become Kakarotto's slave for three years, but if He-Man won then Kakarotto would leave Eternia never to return. "

" Yes Duncan you told me this after I awoke from my coma. But what does this ...-- " Randor stopped himself as he understood what his long time friend was implying.

" No ... you can't be serious Duncan? Adam? ... "

Man-At-Arms nodded his head in agreement showing the King had heard him correctly.

" Yes, Adam is He-Man ... "

For the next few minutes Man-At-Arms explained how Adam became He-Man, and how long he had kept this secret from them. Randor, Marlena, and all the Master's stood in disbelief at the revelation Man-At-Arm's just told them. But the most effected by this news was Teela who's heart was swept over by a wave of bitterness.

" Father, you can't be serious?! ... "

" I'm sorry Teela but it's true. Adam is He-Man. "

Man-At-Arms saw the look of hurt and bewilderment in his daughter's eyes. He knew telling Adam's secret might cause this, but given they may never see him again he figured she along with everyone deserved to know the truth.

" That Bastard!! What was I to him, a toy to be used ... -- "

" Please Teela, stop it! You know that's not true! Adam loves you and would ne ... -- "

" What do you mean?! He treated my feeling's like they were mere play things and you know it father. Why else wouldn't he of told me who he was after I reviled to He-Man how I felt towards him?! "

" Teela, can't you see reason?! I know this is a surprise for you, all of you in fact and in some way it's hard to believe. But he didn't want to put any of you in more danger. He knew that if Skeletor found out who He-Man really was, he would use you to get to him. " He stated emphatically.

" To heck with all that!! I almost died seeing Kakarotto beat him near death. Every blow he took felt like it was destroying me piece by piece ..." Teela replied as she looked on the verge of tears.

" I ... I bared my soul to that bastard! I exposed myself to him like no one else! The least he could of done was show me proper respect! Instead of playing some sick game!! Instead of using me ... " Teela began to cry bitterly, causing her to run out of the throne room embarrassed, leaving everyone except her father shocked.

With his daughters last statement, Man-At-Arms fully understood why she was so angry.

< She must think Adam was using her in some sort of perverse game. But why would she think that? She knows he's not that type of person. It's almost like all reason has left her ... >

<> You need not worry about her Man-At-Arms. Given some time she will be back to normal. <>

Man-At-Arms recognized the voice as the Sorceresses, and was glad she chose that moment to contact him, hoping she would be able to give some insight into her daughters behavior.

< Are you sure Sorceress? I knew she would be upset, but this is severe even for her... >

<> True, but she's experiencing emotions and situations that are new to her. She's scared and doesn't know quite how to respond to them. So she lashes out, as it seems most natural to her. <>

< Okay, that does make sense ... Sorry to abruptly change the subject, but have you located Adam? >

The Sorceresses heart sunk as she heard the desperation in her daughters surrogate fathers voice.

<> No ... I'm afraid it is as I told you before, Adam may no longer be on Eternia. Considering I cannot reach him with my magic.<>

< I see... >

<> I do not wish to sound callous about Adam's fate, but we need to concentrate on stopping Skeletor from unleashing the Ice Dragon's. Releasing them would cause more pain and misery then you could possibly imagine ... <>

< Your not being callus, only thinking of the greater good. I will relay this to everyone and have their location kept under constant surveillance. >

With that his conversation with the Sorceress ended and he returned his full attention to those gathered in the throne room.

" I apologize for my daughters unruly behavior everyone and especially too you your Majesties. Teela … Teela's going to need some time to deal with all of this. And I ask that you all be patient while she deals with her emotions. "

All the Master's agreed, fully understanding the young captain was not herself. Man-At-Arms thanked them then relayed the message the Sorceress told him.

" You are correct Duncan, as much as it pains me. Adam's search will have to be temporally called off ... "

Marlena looked on in silence. Her heart nearly crumbled on hearing her husbands words. But she knew he was right. Millions could not be sacrificed to save one life, even if that one life was her only son's. So she continued to look on in silence as her husband and Man-At-Arms laid out a plan to divide Eternia's forces. All the time hoping, praying that her son was still alive and be returned to her soon.


Adam watched in awe at the battle before him, or whatever of it he could make out. He saw mostly blurs and colors flashing by every few minutes, with the occasional sound of thunder, which he realized were the result of their punches and kicks.

< Incredible, truly incredible ... >

<> You haven't seen anything yet boy! <>

Adam was amazed that his teacher was able to contact him even while engaged in such a vicious battle. But he didn't question him, only continued to watch and do as he was instructed to try and learn from it.

< I still don't know what he wants me to learn. Especially when I can barely make anything out... -- >

A sudden break in the action broke the young Prince away from his thoughts. He watched as Kakarotto had 17 and 18 by their ankles and slammed them face first into the ground. The impact caused the entire Lookout to shake violently, resulting in large cracks, which appeared all throughout the structure.

The unconscious twin androids laid motionless In the small crater their impact caused, as Kakarotto arrogantly stood over their unconscious forms.

" Humph, Peasants. I hope the rest of you can show me a better time then these two. "

" 18!! " Screamed Krillin as his heart became gripped with fear his wife might be dead after the impact.

<< What are you doing?! You should be making amends not causing more rips! >> Stated an angry Goku, as Kakarotto easily dodged a series of punches and kicks from Piccolo.

< I am … > He replied as he caught a kick from Piccolo which was intended for his head.

<< What are you talking about? All your doing is ins …-- >>

< Just shut up and listen. I am making amends but I'm doing it my way. Don't judge until you see the final result. >

Ending his conversation with his alter ego, Kakarotto continued to focus in on his opponents. With Piccolo's leg still in his hand, he punched him with his free hand in the stomach, knocking the Super Namek-sei-jin completely unconscious. Then as if he were a piece of trash. Kakarotto flung him off the Lookout and to the earth below.

" Piccolo!! " Screamed Gohan as he saw his mentor plummeting to what he thought was his death. He was about to go after him, but was quickly restrained by Vegita.

" Let go of me! I have to ... -- "

" Shut up! We can't worry about him now! Defeating your father is the only thing that matters at the moment. Or would you prefer to save one life but lose the planet?! "

At Vegita's words Gohan stopped struggling, realizing the truth in them. Even though it pained him greatly he knew it was the best thing to do and put his full attention back into his father who was watching him with a cocky smirk.


" Shin Kikoho!! " Screamed Tienshinhan as he floated in the sky preparing to fire his strongest attack.

Forming his hands into the shape of a triangle. Tienshinhan fired a massive golden beam at the Earth's former protector. Kakarotto effortlessly back fisted the attack, sending it back to the shocked human. Tienshinhan, though quickly overcame his shock and moved out of the way of the blast, just avoiding death by a few seconds.

" You've grown stronger, as always I must commend your efforts ... " Kakarotto stated as he appeared behind the three eyed human.

Before he knew what was happening Tienshinhan's world went black. The remaining Z fighters watched in horror as their comrade fell to the ground like a lifeless piece of meat.

" Tienshinhan!! " Krillian and Yamacha said in unison.

At their cry, Kakarotto just laughed and gestured with his hand for the two to come towards him.

" No, stick to the plan and stay together! " Screamed Vegita.

But his cry fell on death ears as the two humans rushed towards Kakarotto with rage and revenge in their eyes.

" Kienzan!! "

Krillian shot his buzz saw shaped disk at his best friend, too which Kakarotto shook his head at and began to chuckle.

" Separate! "

The single Kienzan split into ten smaller disks upon Krillin's words. The small disks remained on there deadly course, streaking towards there target.

" Come on Krillin, don't tell me that's the best you came up with? " Stated Kakarotto, as his eyes flashed creating an invisible wave of energy, causing the disks to bounce off it and head back to there maker.

" Wait and see you monster! "

Extending his hand, Krillin stopped the disk's in midair, then with another wave of his hand he sent then back towards Kakarotto.

" This is beginning to remind me of Frieza's last attack on Namek. And like him Krillin, if you rely on this to defeat me it will mean your end. " He stated as the Kienzan's whizzed around him.

" Never! " Screamed Yamacha as he appeared behind Kakarotto, as the Kienzan's suddenly stopped moving.

Kakarotto cocked his head to the right, avoiding his punch. Undeterred, Yamacha unleashed a series of punches and kicks, which Kakarotto didn't even bother to dodge. Blow after ground breaking blow landed to the cocky Saiya-jin's head and back but he showed no signs of feeling the attacks whatsoever.

" It was a nice ploy, using the disks as a distraction so you could get a shot in. But honestly Yamacha did you expect this plan to work on me? "

Before giving his former comrade the chance to reply, Kakarotto's tail unwrapped from around his waste, smacking Yamacha right across the jaw. The former desert bandit dropped to the ground like Tienshinhan before him and laid motionless.

Krillin heart was filled with pain and rage as he saw another one of the Z warriors fall. He knew there was only one thing to be done, but questioned if he had what it took to go through with it.

" Kri-Krillin … "

Krillin recognized the voice and quickly looked over to the direction where his wife lay. He ran over to her, but before he could reach her she smiled and passed out once again.

" 18 … " He said looking down at her limp body.

" I … I'm sorry Goku … " He said as tears began to form, for his wife and the thought of having to possibly kill his best friend.

Krillin's body erupted in a brilliant blue flame aura. Raising his hands towards the sky, the hovering disks began to glow and grow to three times there size.

" Come on Krillin I told you this will not work on me. So why persist in doing something that's useless? … " Stated Kakarotto as he continued too hover in the sky with his arms crossed.

Without uttering a word, the former monk closed his hands causing the disks to head for Kakarotto. The Saiya-jin warrior remained motionless as they came closer and closer.

<> Teacher! Why aren't you moving?! Isn't that the Kienzan attack you showed me?! The one you said could cut through almost anything! … <>

<> Right, it can. <> He replied nonchalantly.

<> So why are …-- <>

<> My young student, if you are to be a complete warrior you must stop thinking like a weakling and start thinking like the near invincible warrior you now are. <>

Just as he finished his statement, Kakarotto was struck by all the disks at the same time. But like glass breaking, they all shattered upon impact, leaving him completely unharmed.

" Like against Cell, Krillin, those disks of yours are of no use. I'm surprised you couldn't see that. "

Suddenly appearing behind the shocked warrior. Kakarotto delivered a light chop to the side of his neck, knocking him completely out.

<> Now what did you learn just now Adam? <>

<> I'm not sure … <>

<> Boy, have you forgotten so quickly what I've taught you?! A warrior must always know what can and cannot harm them. You must never assume. For instance, Krillin's attack would of cut through me if I were less or equal to his strength. But since my power is far greater then his own. I knew nothing he tried would effect me in any way. <>

<> Yes, I remember that lesson. Forgive me for being so absent minded. <>

<> Good, glad to see you were paying attention over the years. Now enjoy the rest of the show … <> He said with a chuckle.

Turing his attention back towards the remaining conscious fighters, Kakarotto smiled and began to slowly walk towards them.

" How come you guys didn't try to stop me from taking out the others? " He asked with a smirk.

" Their better off unconscious then getting involved in this … " Replied Vegita, as he, Trunks, Gohan and Goten increased their power to just below Super Saiya-jin.

" True, we don't want any useless deaths on are hands, now do we? ... " Kakarotto stated as his smile grew even wider.


In the solace of her room. Teela laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. Tears were silently running down her cheek, as she cursed Adam and the day they first met as children.

< I should of known he was no good from the first time I saw that gutless ... -- >

Teela couldn't continue her thought as the pain in her heart was growing greater the longer she thought of him. It felt like bursting out of her chest and she clutched it as if having an heart attack. This went on for another ten minutes before she was able to get some control over her emotions and settle down a bit.

< I swear he will pay for the pain he's caused me ... Even if I have to wait years, he will pay!! >

" Why do that to yourself and your friends young warrior. " Stated a mysterious voice.

Before Teela knew what was happening. Her arms and legs were pinned to her bed by strange blue rings of energy. She tried yelling for help but even her mouth was covered by a ring preventing her from doing so.

" Hush, my dear. I've come to help you deal with your problem, unless you want to continue in self pity and bitterness. " Stated the mysterious figure.

Teela tried her best to break free, but her restraints didn't loosen despite her mightiest efforts. After a few minutes she decided to give up trying to escape as she was overcome with exhaustion.

" Good ... I was beginning to wonder if you would ever settle down. "

The cloaked figure then brushed it's hand across Teela's cheek in an attempt to calm her even more. But Teela only became more fearful at what this person or thing in her room wanted. She looked up into the beings face to see that it was completely covered by a black mask which matched the rest of it's concealed body as a long black cloak and hood completely covered the rest of it.

" Don't worry, as I said before I'm here to help you. We both need something, and can definitely help each other." The cloaked being said taking a seat next to Teela's head, on the top right-hand corner of her bed.

Teela though was still uneasy. Even the persons voice was synthesized, making it sound like many voices speaking to her at once. Which to Teela added to the suspicion that whatever this being wanted with her, it wanted it kept in absolute secrecy.

" You need to relieve yourself of this agonizing pain you feel whenever you think of your love, and I need a person your well acquainted with dead ... I can make sure you never have to deal with these feelings again. In exchange for getting rid of a plague to your world as my payment. "

Teela gave a confused look, truly having no idea what this person was talking about.

" You see, this plague to your world is also a plague to someone I hold most dear. A person that shouldn't have to go through the pain their feeling ... "

The being then stopped for a few seconds seeming to be collecting themselves after the statement.

" All you have to do is next time you battle that whore known as Evil-Lyn, see to it that she doesn't walk out alive! " The person stated with apparent anger and disgust at the mention of Evil-Lyn's name.

< What?! Kill Evil-Lyn?! Why would ... -- >

" To help you accomplish this task I will give you this poison ring. It contains a special powder that won't kill her but will daze her long enough, so that you will be able to do so. That thing doesn't even deserve the dignity of dying in battle, but for certain reasons it must be done this way. "

< Thing... Thing … Why does that sound so familiar? >

It was then she remembered the incident outside of Castle Grayskull, and in particular the part with Kakarotto and Seih.

< Yes, now I understand what's going on. This has something to do with what happened a few days earlier involving Kakarotto and that strange woman. >

" So ... does it sound like a good deal? " The cloaked being asked while gently brushing it's gloved hand across Teela's cheek.

Teela shook her head repeatedly, indicating she wanted no part in this persons insidious plot.

" Don't be so stubborn, or do you like feeling all the pain from what Adam did to you? I can make that all go away. All you have to do is agree to help me ... "

Teela continued to shake her head, still refusing to have any part in this persons evil plan. Evil-Lyn was her sworn enemy, as long as she served the forces of evil. But murdering her was something she had never thought of doing.

But there were somethings that seriously bothered the young captain, other then what this person had planned for Evil-Lyn. For instance, how this person knew about her situation with Adam and how they got into the palace undetected considering it was on high alert.

" Isn't it obvious captain, your mind is an open field before me. For example, you say no, but secretly your wondering if I can really make do on my part of the bargain if you agree. Am I not correct? "

Teela's eyes went wide, realizing this person was able to go through her mind just like Kakarotto had.

" And since your interested, how about I give you a free taste of what freedom from your pain will feel like. "

Teela watched as the cloaked being held up a small four inch by four inch silver box. Opening the box, the being took out an off white, penny sized object.

" After you try this you will see things more clearly. "

Teela again tried to break free from the rings that bound her. But all attempts were useless as the cloaked being placed the small disk on the back of her neck. Instantly she stopped struggling and laid on her bed perfectly still.

< This... This feels so good... > Stated Teela as she looked to be in a trance.

" Well, are you prepared to talk now? ... " The cloaked being asked, as the restraining ring over Teela's mouth disappeared.

The young captain was faced with the most difficult decision of her life. Turn down the mysterious beings offer and possibly face a life full of pain and bitterness. Or except the offer and commit one of life's most heinous acts, premeditated murder. Face life, and learn to deal with the hurt and pain. Or take the apparent easy way out which might lead to unexpected and potentially life ruining results.

" Yes ... Lets talk ... " Replied Teela, much to the delight of the cloaked being.

Within a second her restraints were gone and the cloaked being helped her to sit straight up. Thus, beginning a series of events Teela and the inhabitants of two separate universes would not soon forget.

<><><><><><><><> ;

A/N: Well, looks like the price of power might be hi for a few people :) but the keyword here is might. I'm still not 100% sure how I will play everything out. One more chapter and then things will shift back to Eternia, and yes, Goku and the Z Fighters situation will be resolved partly in the next chap. Thanks again for reading and as always leave a comment if you want. ^_^