Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ They Have Arrived ❯ Chutes and Ladders ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]
They Have Arrived

Disclaimer: All well known DBZ chars don't belong to me but to Akira and the animatio stuido whom poduced it so we Americans could watch it. So sit back and enjoy the show because the movie is on me!

With that said & done, on with the show! Let's blow this taco stand!
Two girls stand back to back on an rocky oucroping, one with bat wings and the other with angel wings. As they open their eyes and look up, their bodies give off a elctric energy that spreads through out the areas and wipes the area flat clean like a chalk board...

To learn more about Angelina EarthHart and Anyanka FireStone, just head over to the Thundercats fanfics in Cartoons and look at "Book 6: Trials and Trivulataions" and "Around Town". I also suggest reading "Angels of New Thundra" to read what Angelina is talking about in the beining of this story.
They Have Arrived
AJ Angelique
6) Chutes and Ladders

Eveyone flew realtivly in silence as they followed Yamu and Spopvitch. The only converastion that had passed was the Kai explaing what was going on and who was pulling the puppet strings on the two men.
"So, Angelina, What is that your sister hasn't old us about you?" Krillian asked after a brief moment of silence.
"Well, as Kai and Kabito may allready sense. I'm not alone in this body," Angelina said, making the two she named look at her nervously.
"Are you saying that you have another personality...like Launch?" Kirllian asked, shuddering a bit as he remebered how the woman would be sweet and innocent one moment and a butch blonde the next when ever she snezzed.
"It's more than that, there's another soul in here with me," Angelina said sternly.
"You have got to be kidding me," Vegetta said.
"I wish I was. You already know that our powers woke when we were in that accoma. I trust that she told you about the Great Rose War that never happened," Angelina said.
"Yes, even though it's a little hard to believe," Goku said.
"The you know that my mind had been a clean slate...but that was only temperary when I returned to New Thundera and helped that planet's Angels stop Darkness itself from destorying the plant by becoming an willing vessel. They then used their powers to seperate us and each left apart of ourselves in the other being. I left a peice of my heart in Darkness and it planted a seed in me which allowed mt own darkside to grow into another being whcih eventually took over and tried to use my...our powers to destory all the dimensions in one big clean sweep," Angelina said.
"And it almost worked...but how did you stop her?" Kabito asked.
"I fought with her and showed Angelique the one thing she feared...facing her own death," Angelina said. The moment she said that, Kai and Kabito looked at each other with the same worried look.
"But what is that Darkness you talked about?" Piccilo asked.
"Darkness is the force which drives evil to be evil. There is also a being called Light that drives good to be good. They are the oldest beings in all the dimensions and will still be around when it all ends," Angelina said omniously as she sent a shiver down the other's spine. Even Vegetta was a bit...a bit...unerved by this.

Before long, the group made it out to some isolated area with some rocky hills so our heros stayed back and hid smong them as Yamu and Spopvitch delivered the device that held all of Gohan's energy they had stolen to Babidy. Kai pointed him out and then he and Kabito were shocked to see Dabora come out of the ship as well.
"Anyanka, I trust you and your sister know something of what's going to happen," Kai said as he turned to the Princess of Fire. Anyanka turned to him with a glare.
"You of all people know that I can't tell what I know...if I don't want to," Anyanka said. Kai frowned and then nodded, indicating that he understood. Just then, the two heard an explosion and they looked to see that Spopovitch had been killed and the two watched in stunned silence as Yamu was the next to be killed as he flew away. It was then the other noticed just how stunned the girls were when they saw this.
"You two allright?" Goku asked, now thinking that it may have been an mistake to bring them.
"Yes. It's always different seeing it in front of you rather than on the tv or in the movies," Anyanka said and Goku nodded in agreement. At the moment, Dabora appeared right in front of Kabito and blew him away with a single blast.
"Did you really think you could hide up here forever?" Dabora asked with a light laugh as he looked at everyone. As his eyes took in everyone, they stopped when they saw the girls.
"I thought it was you, Anyanka FireStone," Dabora said, not looking very please to see her while the Z fighters looked on at this confusses as Anyanka smiled confidently.
"I see my reputation as the Princess of Fire perseves me this realm and you are speachless my being in my presence," Anyanka said, letting her vanity show as Angelina put a hand to hear like she was having a headache and Angelique gaged in the back of her head.
"Actually I heard that you were just some spoiled immature girl who got a crush on almost every guy she saw," Dabora said with with arms crossed as he spoke in his most unimpressed voice. Both Angelina and Angelique bursted out laughing while Anyanka looked ready to turn Dabora into a crispy critter for that insult.
"You sister on the other hand, I have heard a lot about her," Dabora said as he shifted his attention to Angelina as both girls stood on their guard.
"And Master Babidy would like very mcuh to meet her," Dabora said.
"Let's not and say we did, ok?" Angelina said.
"It seems you have made a mistake. This is an order, not a request," Dabora said.
"Well it looks as if you're going to have to go through us first," Krillian said as he and Piccilo were the frist to move between Dabora and Angelina/Angelique. Dabora glared at them before he grinned at them.
"Have it your way then," Dabora said before he spat on the both of them.
"No!" Angelina shouted as the strange saliva hit them and they began to turn to stone. While the others were looking on at this process in silent shock, Dabora vanished only to reappear right in front of Angelina. Before she could move away or defend herself, Dabora grabbed her by the neck and kept a tight hold of her. Angelina shrieked as his clawed hand partally closed off her air way and the claw dug their way into her skin and she felt her own blood trail down her neck.
"Angel!" Anyanka shouted when the shriek attracted her attention but Dabora was gone from the hill before she could even move and was in front of the ship again, holding Angelina up so as her feet didn't touch the ground.
"If you want her and to stop us, come into the ship...if you dare," Dabora said, mockingly at the end as he took Angelina into the ship as she tried to shout out to the others but couldn't. Anyanka was growling with anger when she heard this.
"That...he's so going to pay for this," Anyanka said.
"We can't follow him in there, it could be a trap," Kai said.
"So you're saying we should just stay out here and let that stupid little wizard get away with not only kidnapping my sister but wakeing the so called almight Majin Buu?" Anyanka asked.
"She's right, we have to go in there after him," Vegetta said and Anyanka gave him a 'thank you' look. The Kai sighed at this as Goku and Gohan were already heading for the ship.
"We'll go in there and get your sister. You stay here and watch over Krillian and Piccilo," Kai said.
"What? Why me?" Anyanka asked.
"We can't run the risk of them getting you as well. Besides, we have to make sure nothing happens to them if we want to restore them," Kai said.
"Fine, I'll baby sit the statues," Anyanka said with a sigh. The Kai smiled and hurried after the three Sayiens. Anyanka watched them go off and then turned back to statue Krillian and Piccilo. With one more sigh Anyanka made a bean bag, a Zima, and a book full of Bulma/Vegetta romance stories appear out of thin air. She then proceded to flop down into the beanbag, poped open the Zima, and sat back to read the book as she prepared to watch over the statues and protect them from weather, earthquakes, nosey kids, and the usual dumb bird...


Next) Mind Games

The Tangeled Web