Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uncertain Future ❯ Painful Urges ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own dbz or any of the characters you see in the show, though I wish I did, cause then I'd be really rich…. On that note, I'm not making any money off of this story, so don't sue me please cause I can't afford it.

Author's note: Hey people! Thanks for all the great reviews I've been getting! I was worried that maybe people wouldn't read this story cause its B/V and an AU with plenty of OOC ness. Well, I guess I was wrong! J

Also, before I get to the story… Major thanks to Vegetababe for beta-ing this for me! You ROCK V-Babe!

Uncertain Future, Chapter 10: Painful Urges

It was late. Very late. It was also dark, and silent, except for the soft pattering of footsteps coming from Vegeta's room. Bulma sat alone in her own room, curled up in her armchair, buried in blankets. She had been escorted home from the ballroom about 3 hours ago. She had taken a shower and then curled up in bed, only to discover she was too depressed to sleep.

Except for the one dance, King Vegeta had practically ignored her. He seemed to be purposely ignoring her. "Damnit! She cried quietly. "What the hell is wrong with me? No man will ever love me… first Yamucha, and now Vegeta. What can I expect though? He's a King Bulma, and you're nothing more than a lowly slave. What were you thinking?" She buried her head in her hands and wept, for about the 10th time that night. All that time and effort to look pretty for him had just gone down the drain. He didn't want her, he probably just considered her another little whore, after all, what could one expect from a Yranian slave? Well, he didn't know. He didn't know that she had avoided males at all costs, causing her tons of trouble. He didn't know that she had purposely disregarded personal hygiene in a desperate attempt to avoid unwanted attention. All he would see is a slave, and therefore, someone's dirty little whore. He didn't know that she would be totally pure if only it wasn't for that disgusting creature in the orange robe. She had been violated, one way or the other. Even if he hadn't touched her while she was unconscious, which she deemed highly unlikely, he had forced his…. male anatomy….in her mouth. She shuddered just thinking about it, and a few tiny sobs escaped her throat.

Bulma dove deeper into the blankets, trying to muffle her pitiful cries. She prayed to her lost Kami that the King could not hear her. He had come in about an hour after she had, and she had sat contemplating what she should do as she heard the shower running. When she heard the water stop, she had been sorely tempted to go out and talk to the King, but what would she say? No, she decided it would be better if she just saw him in the morning. Hopefully she would have gained her confidence back by then.

***** Meanwhile, in King Vegeta's Room *****

Vegeta was pacing restlessly back and forth. He growled deep in his throat, an angry, frustrated growl. He had almost lost control tonight. He had almost kissed her, and allowed his primal desires to take over. "What a perfect scenario that would have been." he mumbled quietly. "King Vegeta, loses his superb control over a lousy female… pshh." he snorted. "My father is probably laughing in Hell right now…" Vegeta remembered well the feel of her young body pressed against him. Her scent alone had almost been enough to make him crazy, but combined with the feel of her against him, he had to fight hard to keep his hormones in check. After their brief spin around the dance floor, he had forced himself to avoid her, no matter how much he wanted to touch her, or even talk to her.

Vegeta looked down at his feet. He couldn't see part of them because of the huge bulge in his pants. He sighed, sitting on the bed. The minute he stepped in his door that night, he had lost control, allowing his straining manhood to grow larger as his senses picked up the little female once more. He had headed immediately for the shower, but the freezing spray of water had not helped one bit. Every time he remembered why he was in a freezing cold shower, his erection would grow larger, and more painful, until he finally decided to get out before he got sick. At the rate he was going, it would take another 50 years of cold showers to calm himself.

Damn that woman for being so alluring! First of all, that damn dress had clung to her curves ever so nicely, emphasizing her tiny waist and large, round breasts. Then, those damn servants had to do her makeup so damn perfectly and those damn sparkles all over her damn breasts and damn damn damn damn damn damn damn DAMN EVERYTHING!!!!! Vegeta slumped over, allowing the soft cushiony warmth of his bed to break his fall. "Nothing compared to the warmth of a woman…" he snorted, loathing his weakness.

He sighed once more as he felt the throbbing mass of flesh in his groin. He knew three choices were available to him. He could just go to bed and hope he dreamt of something grotesque, like Nappa in a thong. He could, errr, satisfy his own need, or he could go into the female's chambers and demand she share his bed.

The first choice was obviously unacceptable. First off, he would never get to sleep with an erection the size of Vegetasei in his lap. Second he would rather die than imagine Nappa in a thong. The second option was unappealing, but infinitely more available and practical. The third choice made him grow with anticipation. It was the most desirable solution, and probably the worst. More than likely she would be asleep, and while he really didn't mind the thought of waking her, the possibility that she would resist existed. He had witnessed her reaction when King Orlis had tried to touch her, and he didn't want her to hate him. That left only the second choice open to him.

He whimpered pitifully, as he thought about what he was about to do. King Vegeta had truly sunk to a new low. Resorting to pleasuring himself, just to avoid upsetting a worthless female. Becoming this aroused by the bitch was bad enough, but satisfying his own urges was just…just…pathetic. Vegeta frowned as he slipped his hand under the waistband of his silk pajamas, and began gently stroking his hardened manhood. He began moving his hand faster as he felt himself coming closer to release and he groaned, disgusted, yet delighted by his own touch.

Hey folks, sorry it's so short, but I didn't want to do the next 'scene' yet. I know, I know… I don't like the idea of Vegeta errrr…. spanking his monkey (bad joke, I know) but I had to get the point across that he was severely aroused by our favorite beautiful genius….no, I don't mean Nappa… Well, enough of that for now… Hope ya liked the chapter, and if ya didn't, well, whadda ya gonna do??? Remember to review! Bye for now!