Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ Claimed ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 11


Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters. The only characters I own are the ones that I make up throughout this fiction, or any other fiction I write.

Currently listening to: Taking Over Me by: Evanesence

Happy reading and I thank you very much for reviewing. You all make me so very happy. It puts a bright smile on my face. XD

Warning: This chapter contains extreme adult content. If sexual content bothers you, do not read! Remember this is an ‘M’ rated fiction.


“Please don’t hurt me,” she pleaded.

“I am not going to hurt you, but when I am done with you, you will know who you truly belong to,” Vegeta grinned grabbing her feet pulling her closer.

Bulma clenched her fists and cried out feeling his bruising grip on ankles. She tried to kick out of his grip, but that only made the Prince squeeze tighter. Vegeta lifted one hand and yanked on his tie, loosening it and pulling it up and over his head. He gave it a toss to the side and looked her body over with hungry eyes noticing how nicely she had prepared for the human scum.

“What were you looking for in that pathetic human, wench?” He asked her shifting his blazing eyes to her fear stricken face.

Bulma was panting and had her arms up tightly against her chest. She opened her lips to speak, and tightly closed her eyes. She found it difficult to find her words. This anger had come out of nowhere. She didn’t honestly understand why it was so bad. He didn’t even seem to show any hint of interest. Until now she didn’t know why he didn’t just allow her to leave and live her life.

“Answer me!” He shouted, “You dress up like a common whore, what did you expect him to fuck you?” Vegeta growled, baring his teeth at her. The Prince yanked her closer to him causing her legs to part around his hips.

Bulma let out a scream and stuttered quickly, “I-I…He…he offered to make me dinner. He met me when I was bringing my …my plates back to the kitchen,” she blinked letting her brilliant blue eyes meet his angry stare.

“I suppose you try and attract each male you meet by dressing like this?” He asked her with a nasty tone.

Bulma’s eyes filled with rage hearing the way he spoke to her on top of accusing her of being a whore for having dinner with a man. He was in reach and without thinking Bulma quickly reached up and slapped him across his face. The slap stung her hand, but she hid her discomfort.  

“I am …NOT…a whore, Vegeta.” Her voice quivered with fear, but she stood her ground.

His eyes widened with anger and in a split second he gripped the bottom of her dress and torn it open, exposing her bra and panties to him.

“No, but you are mine and no other can touch what belongs to me,” He hissed angrily. Vegeta grabbed her thighs tightly in his hands and pressed his groin against her covered core, allowing her to feel his hardness. She felt like she was re-living her dream. She felt a rush of heat flow over her body instantly as his hardness brushed the front of her panties.

“You had better remember that, woman.” He whispered against her ear, nipping her earlobe lightly.

Bulma’s fingers gripped the bed sheets as her hips bucked up against his. Vegeta’s hand’s traveled up her thighs to her flattened belly. Her flesh was so warm and soft. His need for her grew quickly. His hands moved higher and gripped her bra, ripping it clean from her body. Bulma gasped softly feeling the fabric being torn away. Part of her was quite disappointed that she lost a perfectly good bra, but the other part of her didn’t care. Her bodies need was growing, and nothing else mattered at that moment.  

Vegeta’s face descended to her creamy breasts, taking its pink tipped flesh in his mouth, letting his tongue swirl around the sensitive bud. A groan rumbled in his throat as he let his eyes lift to look upon her face. Her eyes were tightly closed, and she was biting her lip. She was trying to keep her sounds of pleasure from escaping. Vegeta chuckled and slid a hand back down between her thighs. His hand pulled the panties to the side and pressed a finger deep within her wet flesh. Bulma’s mouth opened slightly and as a soft moan escaped those perfectly pink lips. Vegeta grinned against her breasts. He loved it when he could make a woman moan.

“These need to go,” the Prince looked between her parted thighs and gripped the thin fabric coving her womanhood. He tore them clean from her body, just like her bra and tossed it over his shoulder. Her glistening core was bare to his hungry eyes. Once again he buried his fingers in her womanhood, feeling around for the right spot. He knew he struck the perfect place when she gasped for breath and her hips arched up to meet his every moment. He knew she was ready for him, and he had been ready since he laid eyes on her. He needed to take her now. He honestly didn’t know why it took him this long.

Bulma sighed in frustration when she felt his fingers withdraw from her. She opened her ocean blue eyes and looked upon the Prince.  Her fingers were still clutching the bed sheets. She felt completely overwhelmed. She had never felt like this. Yamcha had been her first and only. It had been good, but she never knew sex could feel this way. Prince Vegeta gripped her thighs after stripping of his pants and boxers. Bulma’s hungry eyes lowered to his erect manhood. She looked away burying her face in the sheets. How was that going to fit, she was going to be torn in half that was for sure.

Vegeta yanked her forward and impaled her on his erection. He threw his head back, enjoying the moment of first entry. She was tightly wrapped around him, and her inner walls clenched him tightly the farther he let himself slide within her.

Bulma let out a loud moan and pressed her hips tighter to his. He finally began to move against her, letting his fingertips dig into the soft flesh of her thighs. His head rested on her shoulder as he took her body and used it completely. She could hear his soft pants in her ear, which drove her wild. Vegeta rocked against her body quicker feeling her body reaching its peak. He wanted her to think of nothing else but the reaction his body was giving hers. Finally Bulma arched her chest and cried out. Her voice echoed through the large vaulted room. Almost on cue, Vegeta felt her body release, which triggered his own.

He gritted his teeth feeling his fangs elongate in his mouth. His eyes shot open. He could no longer resist the urge to drink her blood, the blood that he had been craving ever since he had first met her. Vegeta growled and sunk his teeth into the pulsing jugular. Bulma’s soft moan egged him on. The taste of her rich blood and the feeling of her tightly around him nearly made him explode once again.  He collapsed on her body trying to catch his breath. He shuddered feeling his strength double from her blood. The Prince licked his lips, allowing his fangs to reseed.  He felt her fingertips brushing over his cool flesh.

He felt her hand still on his back, which made him look up. His eyes were back to normal, thankfully. Bulma’s eyes were closed and her breathing was calm, and soothing. Vegeta leaned in and took her lower lip between his lips, sucking on it softly. She opened her eyes and looked into his neutrally. He pulled away. Bulma could taste her blood as her tongue brushed over her bottom lip.

“You are mine, remember that,” He spoke seriously to her. She was his until he said, and from this point he thought it would be a great deal of time before he ended up losing interest.


Goku sprinted to Chichi’s front door and straightened up. It was late, but he had to see her. He reached up and knocked a couple times on the door. He waited hearing someone rushing down the steps. The door flew open and Chichi lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Goku’s waist.

“I am so glad to see you. I was so scared that something might have happened to you when you went to get Bulma.” The dark haired woman pulled back and looked him over. Her hands slid over his arms and her dark eyes met his. She smiled up at him.

Goku smiled back, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her lips, “Well, we have not yet got Bulma from that place,” he admitted and winced seeing Chichi’s smile fade from her face.

“You haven’t? I thought you said that your father figured out where she was,” her eyes were filled with concern and followed Goku’s seeing he didn’t want to speak about this one bit.

“I know, but my father doesn’t want to go in there without being prepared. You know what we are up against Chi, please understand.” He gave her hands a squeeze, but still refused to make eye contact with her. He didn’t want to promise Chichi anything, and the topic was a hard one because he knew it was her friend and if anything where to happen to Bulma she would never let him live it down.

“Goku, Bulma is my friend. Your father has to get her. The longer you all wait the more harm they could be doing to her,” Chichi placed a hand over her mouth. Tears were filling her eyes. Her childhood friend meant so much to her, and to know she was still not safe hurt her greatly.

“Chichi, I will let you know when we get our hands on her,” Goku smiled down at her, lifting her chin and placing another kiss on her lips.

He felt horrible trying to put her mind at ease. He knew his father had every intension of getting Bulma to safety, but when humans worked for vampires his sympathy was non-existent until he found out the human’s intensions. Not to mention he wanted to make sure Bulma would help him destroy or fight against this weapon they were told about. He didn’t wish to speak to Chichi about this because it would only make her fly off the handle to protect her friend. He didn’t blame her, but Chichi was his woman, and he wanted to make sure of her safety. If Chichi went against Bardock at any moment he knew his father would easily turn on her, even if she was his mate.

Chichi placed her head against his strong chest and sighed deeply. Her finger clutched at his shirt. After a moment of silence, he felt her relax and she nodded in agreement.

“I trust you Goku,” she said against his shirt.

“Thank you Chi, I love you,” he kissed the top of her head and whispered against her hair.

The dark haired woman smiled against his shirt and tightened her grip, “I love you,” she said softly.


It was silent in her room. The smell of her dinner now touched her nose. She knew it was still all over the floor, but she made no movement to get up and look at the damage done to her room. Not to mention Bulma could tell it was late. She had been lying in her bed alone for some time now dwelling on what had transpired in her bed earlier.  She was his blood slave which meant the end of her ever having a friendship or relationship with a human man again because it was no longer tolerated. Her body ached, which brought back memories. He had done it for punishment. He wanted her to know that she was his and his alone. He was the sole controller of her body and actions.

Bulma rolled to her side and watched the door. He had left not too long after he closed the wound on her neck. There were no other words exchanged except for his warning.

“You are mine, remember that,” He spoke seriously to her.

Those words echoed in her mind. She closed her blue eyes and sighed. She felt so different. There was so much running through her head. She had an odd attraction for this man, and of course after getting what she honestly wanted from him, it only made her regret having those thoughts.

It was raw. It was mindless. He took what he wanted. It was not about her it was about his dominance over her body and actions and that angered Bulma.

Her fingers gripped the bed sheets and her jaw tightly clenched. She was so angry with everything. Why was all this happening to her? She was a normal college student, the heiress to a corporation, and enjoying her life.

She felt her eyes start to sting but willed herself to stop, and quickly blinked back her tears. Bulma tightly wrapped her blanket around her body and pulled her legs against her chest.

The sound of the door knob made Bulma’s body tense. She didn’t want to open her eyes to see who it was. She would pretend to be asleep.

Doris closed the door behind her and slowly walked up to her bed. She peeked over noticing Bulma had her eyes closed. She raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips.

“You know you are horrible when it comes to convincing someone you are asleep.” Doris crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes dropped to the floor and she frowned, finally noticing the plates of food.

The heiress opened her eyes, but said nothing. She only kept the blanket tightly against her body, hiding everything from her nose down. Doris leaned over and turned on a light and sat at the edge of the bed turning to face Bulma.

“Well, this room is a bloody mess, what happened in here? Did you and my son get into an argument?” she chuckled trying to make a joke, but her smile quickly faded when she saw the blue haired woman’s eyes widen slightly.

“What? What happened?” Doris looked over her shoulder and noticed the spaghetti coated the carpet along with shirt buttons scattered on the floor.

Bulma pulled the comforter from her lips, “Nothing happened…well a little misunderstanding you could say,” she shrugged slightly.

“Misunderstanding you say? Well, I am pretty sure that a misunderstanding doesn’t result in spaghetti on the floor with…what is that…oh buttons?” she rose to her feet and turned to face Bulma, her eyebrow raised. “Of course I am not quite sure what you humans are considering misunderstandings now days,” Doris straightened her dress and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Did he hurt you?” Bulma looked up in surprise. She didn’t say a word, but this woman seemed to read her like a book. Bulma kept the blanket wrapped around her naked body and she sat up.

“No, I am fine.” The blue haired woman said softly, brushing some of the hair behind her ears. Doris could tell she was confused as to how she could tell something other than a misunderstanding happened.

“Dear, I saw the shredded dress on the floor, not to mention you are naked as can be,” she pointed to the ground and sat next to Bulma once again wrapping her arms around her. “It will be alright.”

“Will it really? Because I don’t honestly feel like it will be alright…” she admitted. “I just want to go home,” Bulma stated bluntly. Doris bit her lower lip and nodded. She understood completely, but she also knew there was no escaping. She had been dealing for years, and she knew in time Bulma would also learn to cope.

Brolli flipped back and crouched low to the ground. His golden eyes were calculating his opponent’s movements. Finally one quick movement and he close lined the man trying to make a move against him. The man stopped in midair and slammed against the hard floor. He moaned softly in pain and quickly got to his feet. Brolli made a point to knock him back to the ground and place his foot against the man’s throat.

“I have you pinned, you are dead.” He chuckled and offered the man a hand. He patted him on the back and looked to the group, “You all are getting better, but remember these creatures are fast. The one thing we need to understand is our nose is our advantage.” He nodded and paced the floor.

The men were roughed up, but they had a lot of fight in them. This training was the best for them at this point. They wanted to be ready to take on these creatures. The pack’s attention was solely on the man before them.

“The nose should be used to track down their movements along with our hearing and sight. Their quick movements are far better than ours, but if we use our heightened senses we can quickly take them down and rip out their cold hearts.”

Brolli stopped and cracked his knuckles, “Now, from what our leader has told me. We are to get in and out with the science woman. She most likely will be held in a bedroom, or maybe in a cell. That information we aren’t sure, and that is why we need to be prepared to fight off these demons in our search.” He took out a piece of clothing and threw it on the floor. “That scent is the blue haired woman’s scent. Goku’s mate is friends with the woman. Be sure to memorize it because that is ultimately how we will be able to find her.” Brolli crossed his arms over his chest and watched the men as they each glanced down at the fabric lying loosely on the floor. They needed to be prepared for tomorrow. Just before the crack of dawn Bardock said they would attack. There was no more stalling. He needed to get his hands on that woman, prepared or not.


The next day, Bulma forced her body out of bed. She had to force herself into the shower. She was not at all motivated to get out of the bed ever again. The more she stayed in her bed the less inclined she was to actually getting up.

She closed her room door behind her and slowly made her way down the long hallway. Her eyes shifted around fearful she was going to run into Vegeta on her way to the kitchens.

Bulma stopped and peaked around the corner seeing the guards at the door were the only people present. She walked down the stairs quickly not making eye contact with them. She was twiddling her fingers trying to think of something to say to the man that was scared out of her rooms the night before. Bulma was sure no matter what she came up with it wouldn’t be enough to explain.

She pushed passed the swinging doors, this time checking to make sure no one was coming. She looked around and saw he was in a small room collecting cleaning supplies. She sucked in a slow breath and made her way to his side. Bulma stopped at the door and gave a soft knock to gain his attention. Matt’s body quickly turned around, but his expression changed quickly.

“What are you doing here? Do you want me to get killed?” Matt grabbed her arm and shut the door behind them. Bulma looked around the small closet.

“Well, I had to come and say I was sorry, I didn’t realize he would actually come into my rooms and…well do that,” Bulma chewed her lower lip and looked down. She was scared to hear what he had to say to her about the whole thing.

“Well, honestly Bulma I am not sure what to say to you. You are obviously not a worker here,” Matt grabbed more supplies and placed them in a bucket. They were in the supply closet, so he might as well collect things he need in the meantime.

“Well, I didn’t want to tell you because I wanted to make some of my time here enjoyable. If I were to tell everyone I met here that I am a blood slave no one would want to talk to me,” Bulma glanced up seeing Matt turn to look at her. Sympathy was clear in his eyes. He did feel for her, but he was scared that the Prince would take it out on him once again.

“You heard what he said to me Bulma,” Matt looked her over carefully and picked up his supplies, holding them tightly to his chest.

“Yes, I know.” Bulma nodded.

“Did he hurt you?” Matt swallowed hard and hugged the bucket tighter.

“No, I am fine.” Bulma smiled softly.

“I am glad. I will have some of my wild rice soup brought up to you today for lunch. Sound good?” Matt offered her a smile.

Bulma’s eyes softened and she nodded, “Yes that sounds great. Thank you,” Bulma pushed open the closet door and walked out. Matt watched her leave.

“Bulma…” he called for her. She turned and glanced over at him, their eyes meetings for a moment. “I’m sorry,” he spoke softly. Bulma knew then what he meant by that. He knew if he continued their friendship he would most likely be killed, or worse his family would be hurt. She gave him a sad smile and pushed through the kitchen doors making her way back to her room.


She lay quietly in her room thinking about her apology. Of course she was sincere as possible and she really did want a friend, but now she didn’t even know why she bothered. She was stupid for actually going down there and speaking to him. She growled and kicked the blankets from her body. She let her head drop to the side it was then she noticed a pair of glowing eyes watching her from the corner. Bulma gasped and pressed her back against the headboard. Her eyes were wide as she tried to force herself to see who was sitting there staring, but her eyes weren’t registering fast enough. She calmed some when the outline of the flame shaped hair was finally visible.

“Who is there…?” her voice quivered speaking in the figures direction.

He stood up and the red color faded from his eyes as he made his way to her bed, his eyes had softened and she could see Vegeta’s black eyes. He reached down and grabbed her hand pulling her small body close to his as he sat on the bed. His nose nuzzled her hair as he embraced her. Bulma looked around a bit confused. He was holding her tightly, almost in a caring manner.

“Vegeta...?” she asked against his ear softly. She felt his body shudder, but he still didn’t answer her. Bulma’s blue eyes narrowed as she ran a hand up his bare back. At that moment Vegeta gripped her body and flipped her on her back. His lips pressed against hers with hunger as his hand slid under her night gown and pulled her panties down her long legs. She sighed softly feeling her body already responding to his soft touch. Vegeta growled softly against her shoulder before shifting out of his pants. Bulma was not prepared at all as he sunk deeply into her warmth.

Her head rolled to the side and she gasped for air. Her body arched against his and tried to move under him. Vegeta groaned softly and closed his eyes. He gripped her hips tightly keeping her in one place. After a few moments of nothing but panting, Vegeta gripped her hips tighter and moved against her slowly. He leaned in and kissed her lips. Bulma could feel his tongue seeking entrance. She allowed him reaching up, placing both her hands on either side of his face. The heiress moaned against his neck feeling his pace quicken.

Her thighs parted and her body quickly peaked under him. She couldn’t take this, whatever he did to her body she loved every moment of it. Vegeta quieted her once against with his mouth. After feeling her peak, he flipped her on her stomach and filled her quickly. His hand reached around gripping her breasts softly as he moved against her. She cried out against the bed sheets. Bulma felt his body tense on top of hers and his movements slow. His breathing was heavy by her ear. He leaned in and nipped her earlobe.

“I’m sorry, woman.” He finally said to her. He reached down and picked up his pants, leaving her alone in her room. Bulma looked over her shoulder and watched his figure disappear into his own room. Running her fingers through her hair, she looked around a bit confused. Had he just apologized to her for the other night? Why did he leave so quickly? Bulma sat back on the bed and let her body fall back against the pillows. She sighed dramatically for she was so confused.


Alright guys, that was it for this chapter. I was going to write a bit more, but I decided to save it for the next chapter. I have an ear infection, so I apologies that I haven’t been updating as quickly. I hope to get the next one up soon. Thank you for all the wonderful reviews. Gosh, I was actually quite surprised. It really motivated me to get this chapter out. Alright, now back to bed.


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