Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ Home ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 14


Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of its characters. I write purely for my own obnoxious amusement.

Authors Note: Hi there readers. I really want to say that I appreciate all those who have stuck with my story. After years of being absent from the fan fiction scene, I have finally got drawn back in by a friend of mine that re-kindled my extreme love for anime and my gate way drug, Dragon Ball Z. I even have gotten my boyfriend to watch Dragon Ball every night before we go to sleep, and I am not the one who was begging to watch it [but he would never admit it ;)]. I wish to thank everyone who has been religiously reading my updates on this story. Back in 2004 when I was a little teenager I came up with this crazy vampire idea and went with it. My first ever fan fiction, but I knew after years of just sitting I needed to update it. I have changed a lot of things from the previous plot because it just didn’t make sense, but I think it was for the best. I feel like I have accomplished a lot with this story, and I hope it is pleasing to all of you readers.

I know I am corny, but I want to send a huge thank-you to all my silent viewers and my reviewers. Thank-you: OnyxV, KimiruMai, Rhea0023, Daughter of Vegeta, maymayB, gdoodle, blackirishawk, The Late Dark Phone245, vegetabulmafangirl97, Kikas, Su, Buu, Bj, Ashley, DemonaVeggi, Forgetful-Chaos, SilverHerron, and Loves2readandwrite.

I want to especially thank Preciousjade76 my cheerleader for sparking a lot of my inspiration, which you reviewers all have done in your own little way and I love it. Also I want to thank Ngoctrang, because this person really lets me have it in their reviews. I am so scared to post a chapter because I never know when they will review or if they would even like my chapters, but they really inspired me to do better and I thank you, even though you are brutally honest.

Sorry for the long authors note, but I really wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate your support. It means a lot. I hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Currently Listening to: ‘Starships’ by: Nicki Minaj


Weeks passed and Bulma seemed to get used to her new found home with the Lycan’s. Every day her mind would stray to those she met at the manor when she was forced to work and live amongst them. It hadn’t been too long, but she could honestly say she missed Doris. That woman had been there for the moment she arrived and took her under her wing. Even though it was because the woman pitied her, there was a friendship that bloomed out of that stressful situation. She was just glad to finally be back with her friends, and soon she hoped to be permitted to go home.

Bulma pulled a yellow V-neck t-shirt over her head. She smoothed her hands over her stomach and pulled the towel from her head, taking a brush and running it thought her blue locks of hair. Bulma had been using Chichi’s clothing for the past couple of weeks because she had all her of her things at the manor. This really put her mind through the blender because she had a lot of missed items that she most likely would never see again. Her family had the money to provide her with more items to keep her mind from it, but some of those items could never be replaced.

“Bulma, are you in there?” Chichi asked softly through the closed door.

Chichi and Goku had offered their spare bedroom that was originally meant for the child that Chichi was expecting, but since the child wasn’t going to be around for a bit and Bulma still didn’t have a room of her own, Chi allowed her to stay there.

“I’m just about ready. Let me put up my hair.” Bulma called, pausing a moment to make sure she heard Chichi walk away.

Bulma sighed softly and closed her eyes. She rubbed them softly with the backs of her hands. She was extremely tried and didn’t want to do much of anything lately. She started to feel sick to her stomach, which convinced Bulma that she was coming down with something. Not to mention she was feeling overwhelmingly stressed because Chichi was smothering her to death. She didn’t get any space because her friend always tried to talk to her about her time spent at the manor. She honestly knew her friend meant well, but she was just not ready to speak about it. It was a fresh wound, and the more she thought about it, the more her thoughts drifted back to the Prince, which strangely caused her heart to ache.

Bulma took the hair tie from her wrist and gripped her wet hair in a messy bun and tied it back. She quietly moved to the door and closed it behind her. There was a woman she hadn’t met before with hair the color of sunshine and hazel eyes. She smiled and giggled softly chasing after a small boy who was climbing all over the furniture. The little toddler climbed down the couch and started to climb up Bulma’s small frame like a monkey. The blue haired woman gasped and gripped the child wrists, struggling to hold him out. She couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle.

“Oh my, well what is your name?” She smiled at the little boy with dark hair and hazel eyes, which matched his mothers.

“I am sorry about that; he is a bit of a handful. Keegan get down off of her.” The blonde haired woman scolded pulling him against her chest.

“Oh it’s really no problem.” Bulma smiled.

“Bulma, this is Aerie,” Chichi peaked from her small kitchenette, “She is Brolli’s mate.”

“Oh…I see.” Bulma forced a smile on her lips, which Aerie reached out to offer Bulma a handshake.

“Nice to meet you Bulma and this is our son Keegan.” She tickled her son’s belly.

Bulma smiled softly and walked into the Kitchen to meet a pair of menacing eyes, which belonged to Brolli. He stood against the counter top with his arms crossed over his chest. She swallowed and looked down slowly. This particular man, along with Bardock, scared her completely. Chichi then grabbed her hand and pulled her close and lifted a cracker with some type of dip on it and almost pressed it into her face. Bulma’s head snapped back and she lifted her hand and gripped Chichi’s wrist before her friend got the stuff all over her noise. Bulma frowned and noticed Chichi had offered it to her while trying to put the dip on other crackers.

“That is good Chi,” Bulma said with her mouth full.

“I knew you would like it. Sorry I didn’t tell you that we were going to be inviting them over, but I figured since you were here it would be nice to meet a few people.” Chi looked up and placed her butter knife to the side. She gripped a large plate filled with sandwiches and laid it out. Goku tried to sneak a hand under her arm and pull a sandwich free, but he let out a yelp of surprise as Chichi gripped a spoon and snapped it over his hand.

 “Goku…not yet.” She warned him.

“Aw come on, Chichi. I am starving.” Goku placed a hand on his belly and moved away from the food.

Bulma crossed her arms over her chest and chuckled softly seeing the child like expression on his face. She glanced down at the sandwiches and felt her own belly start to rumble. She was so glad that Chichi was making something for lunch. Just then Chichi stomped her food and looked around in the cabinets.

“Darn I knew I forgot something. Bulma could you do me a favor?” Chichi peaked over the counter.

“Oh, I could do it, Chichi.” Aerie said softly juggling a little boy in her arms.

“No it’s alright Aerie, you have your hands full. What do you need?” Bulma asked letting her arms drop to her sides.

“Oh the drinks I left the cans in the main dining hall. Do you remember where that is, Bulma?” Chi asked as she grabbed a bowl of potato salad, giving it a quick stir.

“Yep, I remember it was only yesterday, Chi.” Bulma forced a smile on her lips as she exited their rooms.

Bulma gasped as she was nearly run over by two young boys. They let out playfully growls and tackled one another in the hall ways. The den was constantly busy and many people were roaming the halls during the day. The little kids seemed to like it the most, which nearly got Bulma run over every time she tried to make her way through the large stone hallways. She watched as the two young boys wrestling got reprimanded quickly when an older man picked them up by their ears and scolded them for everyone to hear. She let out a slow breath and took this time to hurry to the dining hall. She pushed her long blue hair behind her ears and extended her arm to open the kitchen door. Some of the women of the den were preparing meals for the warriors and their families. What Bulma liked about this particular set up is everyone was so kind to one another. It was a pack thing. They took care of each other as one large family knit.

“Excuse me…” Bulma said softly gaining the attention of the women. A couple of the women in the back were whispering and glancing in Bulma’s direction. Just then she mentally kicked herself for coming alone, “Do you happen to know where Chichi’s soda is?” she asked softly making her way into the kitchen. Finally an older woman stepped forward with the cases of soda and placed them in her arms.

“There you are dear, tell Chichi hello.” The old woman said looking up at Bulma with a wide smile.

“I will thank you.” Bulma turned around and quickly made her way out of the kitchen, which not long after she stepped out it erupted in whispers. She closed her eyes momentarily and took a deep breath. Everyone seemed to know exactly who she was. She was the talk of the den, and was not surprised that word of her slavery made news. She gritted her teeth and quickly sped up her pace through the halls gripping the case tighter to her chest. She was getting looks even on her way because, which caused her to look down with embarrassment.

Bulma screamed and fell back as her body ran into something rather hard. Just before she could hit the ground the man’s strong hands gripped her arms and pulled her back up slowly. Bulma’s eyes were tightly closed and her lips pursed tightly together preparing for the impact. She opened one of her bright blue eyes and she saw Bardock with an unpleasant frown on his face. That vein on the middle of his forehead was popping out and pulsing. She knew he was angry because that one particular vein would pop up every time they had their conversations.

“Girl, you do realize that when you walk you are supposed to watch where you are going?” He growled softly and released her as she steadied herself.

“Um, yes sorry.” She blushed with embarrassment.

“You could seriously have hurt someone.” He scolded her like a young child.

Bulma glanced up slowly. Her blush was gone and a deep frown had formed on her lips, “Well excuse me I apologized.  What more do you want? Do you wish me to write you a long statement of how sorry I am and what I should try to do next time? Gosh…” she growled and started to walk away without another word, but before she could take another step Bulma’s arm was being gripped tightly.

Bardock had shot out a hand and grabbed the woman. His dark brown eyes scanned her face a moment and fell to her trembling lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in taking a slow breath in. After releasing a breath his lip was curled up into a sneer. His eyes opened and were shimmering gold. Bulma let out a soft whimper as she felt his hand gripping tighter on her arm. She felt like any moment she would hear her arm snap.

“Please…I said I was sorry.” Bulma whimpered trying to pull away from him.

The pain of his hand on her arm caused her to immediately drop the cases of soda. They went crashing to the floor, and each one of the cans went slowly rolling down the hallway. He turned with her arm still in his grasp and started to pull her down the hall.

“What are you doing? I didn’t mean to upset you. Let me go.” Bulma yanked back against him.

“Father!” Goku came running down the hall and paused seeing his father with Bulma in his grasp.

Bardock stopped in his tracks and tensed hearing his son call for him. He looked over his shoulder and frowned deeply in his son’s direction, “You knew, didn’t you?” Bardock raised an eyebrow and released the woman, who stumbled back and ran to hide behind Goku.

“Yes I knew, but this is the reason why I didn’t tell you. An innocent woman should not have to suffer the fate you would give her just because of one little mistake that could be fixed.” Goku’s nostrils flared as his anger grew.

“A mistake!?” His father’s voice boomed in the hall way causing many to scatter, “Are you a fool? Do you not realize what that could mean? I will not allow this.” Bardock’s fists clenched tightly.

“Let me talk to her and we will do away with it. It will be taken care of father.” Goku lifted a hand attempting to calm his father’s anger.

“You had better, Kakkarot. Or I will come after her and kill her myself.” With that Bardock’s dark eyes landed on the cowering woman. He turned and stormed down the hall.


“What in the hell is going on, Goku?” Bulma followed quickly behind him.

“I will explain later. We need to get back to the room.” Goku said softly, “I do not want you here any longer.”

“Well, I don’t want to be here any longer, but I really want to know what that exchange was about, damn you.” She screamed at him.

Goku turned and gripped her shoulders looking deeply into her tear filled crystal blue eyes, “Bulma, I am sorry to say this, but I need you to close your mouth for a little bit and just trust me,” Bulma’s eyes widened in shock as he spoke boldly.

Goku put his index finger over his lips, which instantly quieted Bulma. He turned and opened the door. Brolli stood in the same place and was eating a sandwich; he didn’t even look up to see who entered.

“I am glad you found Bulma, so was there any trouble?” Chichi asked as she ate some of her potato salad.

“Yep, I found her and she seemed to not be able to find the soda. I think they used some of it last night.” Goku smiled brightly and rubbed the back of his head.

“I think I am going to lay down, I don’t feel well.” Bulma rushed past the group and closed her room door behind her.

Chichi paused in mid bite and glared up at Goku. He glanced over at Chichi with an odd seriousness, which alerted her to go check on Bulma. Goku then grabbed a plate of his own and began to fill it rather quickly, taking this time to eat before they left.

Chichi knocked lightly on Bulma door. Bulma peaked out and then allowed her friend to enter, but shut the door rather quickly as she entered.

“What is going on?” Chichi asked her crossing her arms over her chest.

“I don’t know. One moment Bardock was scolding me for not watching where I was going and the next moment he sniffed me and was dragging me away. Goku stopped him and took me back. I am so lost.” She ran her fingers through her hair.

“Oh shit.” Chichi opened her closet and pulled a few duffle bags from the shelving, “We are most likely leaving then. Well, pack all the clothing I have and I will get us a few things. We will stay at your parent’s house; do you think they will mind?” Chichi started to rush around the room causing Bulma to panic.

“What in the fuck is going on, Chichi?” she whispered harshly.

Chichi paused and stood up straight. Her arms were filled with clothing and she was chewing her lower lip, “Have you gotten your period this month?” she asked.

“What? Is that a serious question…I mean how does that have anything to…” her voice began to trail off and she raised a hand to her lips, “Oh goodness…” Bulma whispered and slowly took a seat on the bed.

“I think I have my answer.” Chichi put the clothing in the bag.

“How did you…?” she paused.

“Goku knew and it took Bardock a little longer, which we were shocked. I think he has been so busy on getting his hands on the King that he wasn’t paying attention.” Chichi explained to her worried friend.

Bulma let her finger course thought her blue locks of hair. She leaned over and closed her eyes tightly. How could this be happening to her? It couldn’t be possible. Bulma groaned and fell back on the bed placing her hands over her face. It was possible. Doris had conceived Vegeta when she was human. But this was a rare phenomenon.

“Chichi, how could this happen?” Bulma asked in a soft tone.

“It is alright Bulma, everything will be alright.” Chichi said and lowered her body to the bed, sitting right next to her stunned friend.

“I had a dream you know.” Bulma said softly, letting her hands drop to her sides.

“A dream?” Chichi asked her a bit confused.

“Yes, I had a dream that I was protecting this child from being taken by Bardock.” Bulma admitted and finally allowed her body to sit up. She was feeling a bit queasy.

“Oh, well never mind that dream, Bulma,” Chichi rubbed her friends back, “We will keep you and the child safe.” Chichi smiled softly.

Bulma said nothing, for she had no idea what was in store for her now. She had just figured out that she was carrying a child. This child’s father was a vampire. She was so unlucky. Surely things couldn’t get any worse. Bulma stood up and collected more things and began to help Chichi pack.


“Sorry guys, I guess Bulma was feeling a bit under the weather. We will let you know the next time we can get together, maybe next week?” Goku offered them a smile.

Aerie seemed to be alright with the last moment decision, but Brolli was glaring in his direction. Goku knew he was trying to figure out what was happening. He really hoped the girls had everything they needed once Brolli and his mate were out of sight. He wanted to be long gone before Brolli went to his father and figured out what had happened. They would surely never be allowed to leave. He closed the door slowly and then hurried to the radio and turned it on, making a bit of noise to drown out the sound of their talking. He knew Brolli had excellent hearing and he would most likely be listening until out of range.

“Hey, are you two ready? We don’t have much time. Brolli is already suspicious.” Goku said as he hauled a couple of the bag over his shoulder.

“Everything that we need is packed.” Chichi smiled and kept her friend close to her side.

Bulma gripped her friends hand tightly and nodded. They made it to the door and Goku peaked out. He looked both ways and waved them to follow. Goku took them through the back ways. Since he was Bardock’s son, he knew many different routes that not many were allowed down unless told by one of Bardock’s higher ups. Goku opened a hatch door down a hallway and lowered Chichi and Bulma down slowly. He tossed the bags down to each of them women and then quickly hopped down last, closing the door behind him. He looked up at the closed door and gripped both of the women’s hands.

“Stay close to me. I know the ways through these tunnels. I have a cell phone too. I want to get us a good enough distance from the den, and I will let you call your parents Bulma. Do you think they will pick us up?” Goku asked as he led the girls through the tunnels, barely giving them enough time to keep up.

“Yes, if we catch him at a good time he will answer.” Bulma licked her lips and nervously looked over her shoulder making sure no one had followed them.

“If worse comes to worst, I will have to carry you both.” Goku let out a slow breath knowing how much of a challenge that would be.

They quickly made it out of the underground den. Bulma was relieved to hear the sound of the waterfall just outside the cave. Both of the women ran in front of Goku to take in the fresh air. Bulma turned around and smiled at Goku.

“I want to thank you, Goku. You have been a great friend.” She smiled softly.

Goku nodded once and then waved them to follow. “Alright let’s keep moving I want to get to a road. I have to warn you we are pretty far away from a road.” His eyes scanned the lush forest in front of them. He was still leery of intruders that might have their eyes on the den.


By the time the group made it to a road the sun was setting and they were all tired from their adventure. He pulled out his phone and handed it to Bulma. Bulma was leaned over with her hands gripping her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Her blue eyes shifted to the phone and she reached out and took it. Flipping it open, she dialed the number to Capsule Corporation. The receptionist quickly transferred her call and her father finally answered.

“Hi daddy,” Bulma immediately felt tears come to her eyes. It had been months since she had talked to him.

“Hi there my sweet girl, where have you been? Your mother said you have been busy with projects.” He chuckled softly over the phone.

Bulma giggled and nodded, “Yes dad, but listen I need you to come get us. We aren’t sure where we are. Do you think you can track my call?” She waited patiently as she heard her father’s fingers quickly go to work on his key board.

“Ah, I have you. I will be there in a jiffy.” They quickly hung up and Bulma tossed the phone back to Goku.

“He should be here soon. We just have to wait. He tracked the phone call to this position, so we can’t move far.” Bulma walked over to a large rock and sat on it, dropping her bag.

“I am so glad your father answered,” Chichi took out a water bottle and sipped from it.

“Yes, I am too. Usually he is too busy with work, but I am not quite sure what he will be bringing.” Bulma looked around the curve of the road preparing for her father’s arrival. Finally after a half hour of waiting an SUV came around the corner. Bulma rushed to the side of the road and waved him in. She run around the side of her father’s car and pulled the latch of the trunk, throwing her items in the back. Chichi and Goku set their things in and climbed into the vehicle.

“Now why in the world were you guys out here?” Dr. Briefs asked raising a brow. Bulma leaned an elbow on the arm rest by the window and glanced up at her father.

“Oh it’s really a long story dad, I will tell you about it later.” She blew off his question.

Dr. Briefs blinked a few times before focusing completely on the road. He took a drag on his cigarette and blew it out his cracked window, “Well, if you insist dear.”

Bulma smiled softly and then glanced back at Chichi and Goku who shifted nervously in the back seat.

“Well, your mother should have dinner ready when we arrive home. I hope you all are hungry.” Bulma’s father peaked up at the rear view mirror to look at the two in the back.

“Oh dinner sounds great right about now.” Goku sprang forward and gripped cushioned seats that Bulma and Dr. Briefs were seated in. Bulma couldn’t help but chuckle when Chichi glared in Goku’s direction, which made him slowly retract back into his seat.

They arrived home quickly, and to Bulma’s surprise her mother was waiting for them in the driveway, waving and jumping up and down with excitement. Bulma was so glad to be home. It felt nice to finally put her arms around her mother. Her mother was so excited that she had stopped by. They actually believed she was helping someone work on a project, which wasn’t entirely false. She was just glad to finally feel at ease with the people she cared about most. Bulma was able to relax, have a hot shower and lay in her childhood bed, which she completely adored coming home to. She couldn’t ask for more.


He strolled down the wide sidewalks with his hands deeply in his pockets. The cool breeze felt nice on his face. He took in a deep breath and lifted his eyes seeing many people walking past him and talking loudly. It was the night life of West City, a perfect feeding ground. He stopped in his tracks and looked around. His eyes scanned the large area down town. Vegeta had felt it. The presence of that woman was strong, and no matter how much he fed he could not seem to get her out of his system. He felt his body tense and quiver sensing how close she was to him. He thought the Lycan’s had their hands on her. They must have allowed her to leave the den for a little bit thinking he wouldn’t be able to sense her.

Vegeta grinned and chuckled maliciously to himself as he walked the dimly lit streets. He closed his blood red eyes as he reached out to find her. Her blood was still coursing through his body like he had recently fed, which made it quite easy to find her. Once he zone in on her he realized she was back at Capsule Corporation. Vegeta pulled his hands from his pocket and blurred, disappearing in seconds to collect his woman.

This time you will not escape me, woman…


Sorry everyone, this chapter was finished on Saturday at about 9:00 PM. I had a terrible time writing this because this is yet another transition chapter into other ideas. I have a certain way I see this story going, but I am trying to figure out how I am going to approach it. I had to fix a lot of my mistakes in it also before I posted it for you guys. I was flying through it when I was typing it so; I hope that this is a good chapter. I really didn’t want to disappoint.


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