Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ Escape and Lies ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Escape and Lies
Alright you guys are the best I have had the most reviews in a long time and I started this fic in June wondering if this would be a great fic…well I think people like it both on AFF.net and FF.net ….Chris brought up a good idea for the next story…its going to be a prequel of Claire before she died!! If you guys agree that would be awesome!! I am so going for that because I think it sounds awesome! Anyways on to the next chapter lol!!
Bulma's eyes fluttered open as she stirred in her sleep. She pulled her hands up to run them through her hair and down her face. She stopped and actually opened her eye wide as she got to her breasts as she realized she was not dressed.
“Why am I….oh my god!” She sat up and looked around the room wondering what happened. In a few seconds after she started to realize what Vegeta was not there and she had slept with him. She had given him the one thing that she had wanted to give to person who she was going to spend the rest of her life with and Vegeta was definitely not the person who she thought would be the one. She looked around the room and noticed that her clothes were lying on this chair on the other side of the room. Well there they are it was so damn dark last night I probably didn't notice them. Then she inspected the room further and notice the odd dress she had been dressed in were on the floor along with her ripped panties and bra.
Bulma got out of bed got her cloths on and sat in a corner of the room and thought for the longest moment of her life why she did that. She felt so dirty and she felt like she had wronged everyone. God! Why did I even go and act like I wanted him at that club…I should have ignored him on that bench, and never acted like he was there. Also…I put the moves on a guy when I knew I had a boy friend....! Oh Yamcha I am so sorry! She thought to herself as she put her hands to her face and started to cry silently in the corner. She remembered what she said about him that night before it all started. They have been hiding their relationship since Chichi didn't like it at all.
"What?" Chichi said as she got up and closed the door behind her. She then walked up to Bulma and looked at her neck. "Oh my god Bulma…wait a minute weren't you with Yamcha last weekend?"

"No! Are you crazy! I wouldn't do anything with that freak." She rolled her eyes and just shrugged it off. "You know this really isn't a good idea…-" She was interrupted by Chi chi's voice. &&END OF FLASHBACK&&&
She kept thinking and cry, but it just got worse the more she thought about it. “Wait!!” She wiped her tears and slowly stood up. “Vegeta is a vampire…and vampires only sleep at night and it is morning…the sun…!” She smiled and looked out the window. “I could leave without him knowing.”
“That would be a great choice.” A feminine voice from the dark corner of the room said to her. “I think you should leave … it's your only hope.” Nora said in a eerie tone.
“Why would you want to help you, you're the only one who wanted to fucking kill me. Now you're being nice and want to help? What kind of sick person are you?” Bulma yelled at her.
“Well, you're not the only person Vegeta has had before… you see there were at least six others before you. Vegeta took each other of their virginities and…well…as you can see they are not longer her.” She laughed and looked Bulma up and down. “Well, he was very angry last night as he came back into our room… I guess your time it up as well.” Nora whispered.
“I …I have to get out of here!” she started to run her hands through her hair. How could she be so stupid?
“Nora, can you help me get out of here?” She asked quietly.
Nora looked at her with a straight face then it slowly curved up into a smirk. “Yes Bulma, I would love to help you.”
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&
Later that evening Bulma had all her stuff together. She was waiting for the perfect time when Vegeta wouldn't know. She remembered the actual words that came out of Nora's mouth. Make sure you come to my chambers, and if I am not there I have unlocked the front gates and the door. Once you are out of this place run as fast as you can and never look back. As for me I hope you get back home. She really didn't like that woman. All those things she said about Vegeta didn't even sound like him at all. But if it meant for her only escape than she had to make a run for it before it was too late. She knew that she couldn't say with a man who held her in a place she didn't like at all and be with two women who wanted to make her their evening snack.
Bulma made her way quietly down the large hallway. She was going to Nora's room and hopefully makes her way home.
Nora picked up everything in her room that was just lying on the ground before Vegeta through another one of his temper tantrums. She turned around to have Vegeta come in the room. He glared at her and turned his back to her.
Nora side loudly and moved over to stand next to him. “Vegeta what's the matter?” She cooed in his ear. He moved away from her.
“Nora I would like it if you wouldn't touch me. You can only touch me when I say you can touch me.” He hissed at her. She backed off and sat on the chair next to him.
“What's the matter with you? Ever since she came you act like she is better than us.” She said quietly.
“She is better Nora, better than you and Rosalie…but I am still not sure about Claire…they are so much alike.” He stared away from Nora. She sneered at the comment.
“What do you want me to say Nora…?” He yelled at her, “That I think she is worthless excuse for a human?”
Nora looked away. “No.” She got up and walked away. She paused at the door and looked back at him. “I would never force you into anything my Lord.” She said stressing force in her sentence.
Bulma looked in the door that she could hear Vegeta loud voice coming from. She didn't get the first part of their conversation but she did walk in to a bad part of it.
“That I think she is worthless excuse for a human?” Vegeta told her.
Nora looked away. “No.” Nora got up and moved away from Vegeta.
Bulma's eyes went wide. Nora was telling the truth Vegeta didn't really want her. She was just like the others. Bulma ran down the hallway. At the end of the hallway was the door she got to it. Bulma grabbed the handle and pulled with all her strength and got it open. She ran out of the door and towards the gate. When Bulma got to the gate she slipped though it and ran to the highway.
When Bulma finally got home after 3 hours of standing at the side of the highway waiting for someone to give her a ride she got to her destination. She climbed though her window. She didn't know where her keys were and she didn't plan on looking for them.
She got to her bedroom and packed up all her stuff that she would need for a couple of days, and left. She walked to her mother's house which was two blocks away. “God damn… I really need my car.” She wined. She got to her mothers house and opened her door. “Mom…dad…I am home.” She said while crying. Her parents both looked up and got up to run to her.
“Bulma are you ok honey.” Her mother asked. Before Bulma could answer she passed out on there living room floor.
“Bulma…Bulma!! Honey wake up!” her father said grabbing her.
Well you guys what you think? I hope you guys liked it!!
Please review!!