Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ You Ask The Z Gang Answers ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DB/Z/GT as much as I'd like too.

You Ask the Gang Answers

Yup you've read it correctly you ask the questions and the Z gang answers them no matter how weird the questions are.

Vegeta: I don't remember agreeing to this I'm leaving *tries to leave but is unsuccessful due to invisible force field blocking the exit.

SayinAngelPrincess: Sorry but that's not possible you are all going to stay here and answer the reader's questions whether you like it or not. Don't even try to blast your way out because the room is Sayain proof so there. *laughs maniacally.

Goku: Hey is there any food here

All: *sweat drops

SayinAngelPrincess: Um yeah there's a fridge in the corner

Miari Trunks: So when do we start?

SayinAngelPrincess: Simple when the first question comes in.

Chichi: I don't like this it's cutting into my boys studying time

*Gohan and Goten look like they don't mind taking a break from all the studying their evil mother makes them do

Gohan: I don't know why she continues to make me study I have a family after all and am out of school for years now.

Chichi: *Stalks over to Gohan with a frying pan. What was that?

Gohan: *Gulps in fear. Um nothing.

Chichi: I thought so

SayinAngelPrincess: Okay well let's hope that no one here gets seriously hurt before the first question. Hope to hear from all of you soon. *Runs off to stop the fighting the group was doing.