Elfen Lied Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Elfen Lied Inuyasha ❯ Unwanted Disturbance ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Her vectors neared Inuyasha’s throat, some of them twining around him. Suddenly, Lucy stopped. Her eyes widened in horror. She knew that face. An image of a young boy with long silver hair and a pair of dog ears flashed through her mind. He was only about 8 maybe. Blood covered his face as tears streamed from his eyes. His screaming echoed through her thoughts.

Quickly, she withdrew her vectors. Her head lowered, the hair still shielding her from his view. "Inuyasha." She said, her voice low.

"Huh?" He said shocked. She had said his name!

Kagome gasped. Mayu stood, uncertain. Then turning around, Lucy walked out the door without looking back.

"Nyuu?" Inuyasha asked as she left. He stood paralyzed. He didn’t know what to do. Should he follow? Or should he stay?

"What’s..." Kagome started. "What’s going on?" Kagome asked astonished.

"I don’t know." Inuyasha said his eyes still on the door where Lucy had left.

Outside Lucy stepped off the porch. Wanta was tied to a post by his leash and was yapping loudly. She turned her head to look at him. Her hair shifted to the left side of her face, revealing her right. Her eyes focused on the dog as she sent a vector at him, Wanta yipping one last time.

Nana twirled about in a new dress. Dr. Kurama, Dr. Garashi, and herself were at the facility’s base, preparing for Nana to be transported to where Lucy had last been spotted.

It was sunny and the nice weather filled Nana with energy. It had been so long since she had been out of that awful cell, it felt good to be outside. She smiled happily as she danced around. She loved the dress that Papa had gotten her.

"Oh, Papa!" She said excitedly. "I’ve never worn these clothes before!"

"I’m glad you like them." Dr. Kurama replied absently. "Nana, are you ready?"

She stopped her dancing and looked up at him. "Yes, Papa! I am." She said. "But, you have to remember to pat me on the head when I do a good job." She added.

"Yes, Nana. I will." He said. "Now the helicopter will take you to where Lucy is. Once you locate her contact me. The pilot will leave you with a radio."

"Yes, Papa." She said nodding. Then she asked, "Papa, can I ask you a favor?"

"Yes, Nana?"

"Can I have that pretty purple ribbon?" She asked pointing at his tie.

He untied the tie from about his neck, handing it to her. She smiled.

"Oh, thank you Papa! Thank you!" She cried holding the ribbon. "I won’t let you down. I promise!"

Mayu stood uncomfortably in the front entry way. Inuyasha still stood somewhat shocked and unmoving. Kagome was also undecided.

"Maybe, we should give her some time alone?" Kagome thought aloud. "She seemed upset about something."

"I know." Inuyasha agreed. "But over what? Do you think her memory may have returned? She did say my name." He said turning to look at Kagome.

Kagome shrugged. "Why don’t you give it some time. If she doesn’t come back we’ll go look for her. I doubt she’ll go far." Inuyasha nodded.

Mayu sighed softly. "I better go." She said walking toward the door. "Thanks."

"Where are you going?" Kagome asked. "Don’t you want breakfast?"

Mayu hesitated, her stomach aching for some food. "No." She shook her head. "I-I better go." Then she left.

I couldn’t do that. She thought to herself. I don’t belong there. I belong in my own place.

Suddenly she froze. "Wanta!" She cried loudly. Her heart raced, tears forming at her eyes. How could have this have happened!? Her mind yelled. "Wanta!" Again she yelled.

His leash was still tied to the pole, but it had been torn through the middle. What could have happened to him? He never left her side. Then, she heard his little bark as he run up the walk.

"Oh, Wanta!" Mayu cried kneeling on the ground. Playfully, the pup jumped into her lap, licking her face.

"I knew you’d never leave me." She said, hugging the puppy. She looked up at the torn leash. It had really scared her. She thought that Wanta may have been taken or even worse, left her. It terrified her to be alone. To maybe be alone again. What would she do if Wanta did ever leave her? She shuddered.

"C’mon, Wanta." She said. "Let’s go home."

Lucy sat on a row of cement steps leading to a large cemetery. She was silent as her thoughts flowed in her mind. How did she ever come across Inuyasha again? It was obvious he didn’t recognize her or at least not fully. It puzzled her really. How could he have forgotten her? And what she had done?

Soon her thoughts ceased. She had sensed another being for the last fifteen minutes or so. Now that being was nearing her. Lucy knew that they were looking for her. Lucy knew this being.

Lucy sat, not moving as Nana walked down the steps. Nana stopped a few feet away, holding a paper bag. Nana gently placed the bag on the ground, clasping her hands. She knew that Papa had told her to contact him and then stay out of Lucy’s way. But she wanted to impress Papa, show him she was a big girl. A good girl.

"There’s no sense in running." She said softly. "I’ve already told them you were here." She gestured to the bag. It contained the radio so that she could contact Dr. Kurama. She continued, "It’s time for you to go home."

Lucy knew Nana well enough. She knew that Nana had been used for all sorts of experiments, mainly to test a Diclonius’s ability to block and dodge attacks. She also knew that Nana was only half a Diclonius by the simple fact that her vectors could not carry any kind of reproductive cell.

Lucy rose. "I’m not going back." She said lowly. "Now leave."

"You’ve killed so many. You must go back." Nana protested.

Lucy’s eyes narrowed, her back still to Nana. "I’ve killed nobody." She said turned to walk away. To her, humans were nothing more than a cancer upon the earth. A cancer that needed to be destroyed.

"Nobody?" Nana asked surprised.

She stopped. She felt an awful sensation against her head, a force.

"Don’t move." Lucy demanded. "I could crush the nerves in your brain right now. It would kill you instantly." Nana froze. She could feel Lucy’s vectors prying themselves in her head. "Now, leave." She repeated, withdrawing the vectors and turning to leave.

"But,-" Nana began stepping toward her.

Suddenly, she was struck in the face. She stumbled back, barely catching herself. Drops of blood fell from her nose. She watched the blood, shocked that Lucy had struck her.

"At first, I considered you as just an annoying relative." Lucy said glaring at her over her shoulder. "But, your becoming a nuisance."

Nana clenched her fists. "That!" She yelled. "That didn’t hurt at all!" Lucy smirked.

Nana’s anger took hold. How dare she strike me! Her mind became clouded by her fury. Her vectors flew from about her, charging at Lucy. Lucy had little time to react as the vectors took hold of her, throwing her against a large gravestone about 5 meters away.

Nana’s vectors held firm as they pinned Lucy against the gravestone. Lucy grasped a vector that held her throat with her hand, fighting to break free. Quickly, she sent a wave of vectors for Nana, only to have them stop short of their target.

"What?" Lucy choked. "You have a further reach than me?"

"Don’t worry." Nana said her eyes locked on Lucy. "I won’t kill you. But I will make you pay for what you did." Her anger had taken over, her true nature taking hold. All those years in the cell, all those horrible experiments. She had never felt this way, never felt this horrible anger.

Lucy laughed, "You can’t kill me." She said. Skillfully, she maneuvered a vector to her right, pulling a small stake from the soil marking a gravesite. Then, swiftly she threw it at Nana.

Nana’s attention focused on the stake as she deflected it with a vector. The change in her attention had weakened her grip on Lucy, allowing her to break free. Powerfully, Lucy struck Nana in her stomach knocking her back. Blood ejected from her mouth as she fell, the blow causing minor internal bleeding.

"Looks like you’ve learned something while being their guinea pig." Lucy smirked. "But not enough."

Unknowingly, Lucy had knocked Nana out of her range about a meter out. Nana rose from the ground, her fists clenched. "Enough!" She yelled, her vectors darting at Lucy.