Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ Tragic Heroes ❯ Find Your Way ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tragic Heroes
a Magic Knight Rayearth/Metal Gear crossover
Chapter 15: Find Your Way
by Grey Fox

Disclaimer: Solid Snake and Metal Gear are the creation of the gaming genius Hideo Kojima and the property of Konami. Hikaru Shidou and Magic Knight Rayearth are the creation and property of the talented ladies of CLAMP studios.


About half a dozen armed soldiers positioned themselves in front of the only elevator door on their level, assault rifles at the ready. According to their comrades on the level just above them, the two intruders were last seen heading in the direction of the elevator before they lost sight of them. The guards knew they were coming for Metal Gear; no doubt they would take this elevator to descend further into the base.

They heard the elevator suddenly spring to life, descending to their level. "Here they come!" shouted the lead soldier. "As soon as that elevator opens, FIRE!"

A few seconds later, the door hissed open, and all the soldiers unloaded all their rounds into the open elevator. All this accomplish, though, was riddling the inside of the elevator with copious amounts of bullet holes. The two intruders were nowhere inside.

"W-What the..." stammed the lead soldier, perplexed by this turn of events. "They weren't in.... WE'VE BEEN TRICKED! They're somewhere else!"

"But they heading that way! That's the only way down onto this level," said one of the female soldiers. "Isn't it?" she then added uncertainly.

"Hey, is it me, or is it getting hot in here?" asked one of the other soldiers uneasily. Now that he had mentioned it, the others began to notice it indeed was getting hotter. Much hotter. Oppressively hot.

Before the guards could figure out what was happening, they began to pass out from the rapidly increasing temperature one by one. When the final guard collapsed into unconsciousness, the cover of a ventilation duct in the ceiling fell off and clattered onto the floor. And from the open ventilation duct dropped Solid Snake.

Snake took a few seconds to survey his partner's handiwork and a small grin formed on his lips. Much easier and less risky than taking them all out in a firefight or sneaking up and snapping their necks one at a time. Hikaru Shidou was certainly handy to have around on a mission.

"Hey Snake, a little help here," called out the Japanese schoolgirl from above. Snake looked up to see Hikaru struggling to climb out backwards, and her legs were dangling clumsily from the open duct.

Snake chuckled softly, and said, "Just drop down, I'll catch you," and held out his arms to do just that. She obediently climbed out and let go, and Snake caught her just as she was about to hit the floor.

"Thanks, Snake," said Hikaru as he let her down, then turned to look at the bodies of the fallen soldiers. She didn't like using her powers so viciously, but it was better than the alternative of a direct conflict. She absent-mindedly brushed some of her hair away from her face, and for the first time Snake noticed her new bandana.

"Hey, what's that?" Snake asked, touching her forehead.

Hikaru had no idea what he was talking about at first, then she remembered her new little fashion accessory. "Oh, that. Just something I thought I'd wear since you had one. You like it?"

"Real cute," Snake answered quickly. "C'mon, let's get going before anyone else shows up."

So the duo ran down the hallway, deeper into the underground base, leaving the six unconscious guards to just lie there....

Or rather, five unconscious guards and one barely conscious group leader. The group leader struggled to push himself up off the floor and take out his radio....


The Wayfarer quickly took out his radio and answered the call, listening attentively to the weak and frantic voice on the other end. "Ah, I see," he replied to his underling. "They keep coming and coming, despite all our soldiers' best efforts to apprehend them."

The voice on the other end continued, and the Wayfarer's face changed to one of disapproval. "No. Don't order more troops into the area. It's obvious by now that they will find a way yo elude us no matter what we do. Instead, order everyone out of the area. Let them find their way here. I will deal with them myself." The voice on the other end then voiced his own disapproval, and the Wayfarer's tone became that of indignation. "Do not question me! They've come too far, and any further attempt to impede their advance would be futile. If they are going to be stopped, I must do it here. Wayfarer out."

With that, he switched off his radio and turned to look around him. "Yes, it is here I must make my final stand. The Cyborg Twins, Piranha, Geneticist, Wolframite.... somehow they have managed to defeat them all. But even if they finally succeed in defeating me, they will still be ultimately crushbed by the very machines they have come to destroy...."


Snake and Hikaru continued to descend further and further into the base, encountering no resistance whatsoever. Even the surveillance cameras seemed to have been turned off! Hikaru was the first to voice her concern. "I don't like this," she said darkly. "We haven't seen any patrolling guards for a while. It's like they want us to find whatever's hidden down here."

"I noticed it too," replied Snake tersely. "But still, let's be careful."

"So, Snake, tell me again about this 'Wayfarer' you saw. Is he really the one who's behind all this?" asked Hikaru.

"Yeah, apparently," answered Snake, looking around nervously as they walked, as if expecting some trap to spring at any second. "He said he's an ex-terrorist from the Middle East who ventured out on his own with his own agenda. And he thinks capturing Metal Gear will help him realize his goals."

"It still seems so ludicrous," said Hikaru dryly, "that they think using a weapon like that will help them change the world for the better. Not only that, but...." Hikaru's voiced trailed off, having noticed something strange. She raised her arm to block Snake from walking any further.

"What is it?" asked Snake impatiently. They had stopped about twenty meters from the next elevator, and Snake was extremely anxious to go down that elevator and get the operation done and over with.

"Another mine field," said Hikaru, pointing to the hallway that stood in between them and the elevator.

"But you lost your thermal goggles," Snake pointed out. "How can you...."

"I can sense metal now, remember?" said Hikaru, cutting him off. "Anyway, I'll pick them up this time. I saw you do it earlier, so...." Hikaru got on her hands and knees and crawled forward, picking up all the mines and disarming them. When she was done, she was carrying roughly twenty Claymore mines in her arms.

"Give me those," said Snake, taking the mines out of Hikaru's arms. "I have a feeling I'll be needing these real soon." Putting the mines away, he walked up to the elevator. It had the number 99 painted on it. "Oh, that's real funny," he shouted sarcastically to no one in particular.

"What is?" asked Hikaru confusedly, staring at the elevator door.

"Forget it," he snapped, and pressed the down button to call the elevator. Soon enough, the door hissed open, and Hikaru and Snake stepped inside. "Get ready for a fight, kid. I have a feeling we've finally reached the end."

And so, the elevator travelled one floor down and unceremiously opened up. Snake and Hikaru stepped out, greeted by a now-familiar sight: A VERY wide open room, with dimensions of at least 500 by 500 meters, and a few long stacks of metal and wooden crates scattered about here and there, many of them stacked in such a way that they acted as walls. The only thing that stood out, however, was one BIG wooden crate in a far corner of the room. Snake took out his assault rifle, as if anticipating an enemy attack. Hikaru likewise drew her sword, also sensing that something sinister was afoot.

"It truly is remarkably that you managed to make it this far, Snake," boomed an ominous voice. "Without a doubt, the title of 'Legend' is an apt one. And your companion, Hikaru, is equally worthy of praise."

"Where are you?!" demandly Snake hotly, having had enough of the Wayfarer and his forces. He looked around the room frantically, ready to fire upon anything that moved.

"Snake, over there," said Hikaru, pointing across the room. Snake turned to look in the direction she was pointing. Sure enough, there was the Wayfarer, walking out casually from behind a stack of crates, holding an M-16 at his side.

"I had hoped that you would have reconsidered my offer and joined our cause, Snake. Your comrade as well," the Wayfarer went on, not looking the least bit concerned that Snake had his FAMAS rifle aimed right at him and was prepared to blow him away. "But it's obvious that the two of you are implacable. You've cut a swath through our base, decimated all my lieutenants, and significantly set back my plans. It ends here."

"Those sound like fightin' words," Snake spat, his hands still gripping his rifle tightly.

"He's right though, Snake. It WILL end here!!" cried Hikaru truculently. She glared at the Wayfarer menacingly and said to him, "We won't let you use a weapon like Metal Gear! And just who do you think you are, trying to remake the world in your image?!"

"Because someone must!" he shot back. "Look at this world, and all the suffering and injustice, warfare and destruction. I and those who have gathered around me know full well how terrible a place this world had become, and see the need for a fresh start. The suffering I have seen wrought upon my Arab brethren by autocratic dictators is bad enough. And what about your country, Snake? America's sins are many," he shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the dup. "Your nation was built on the backs of African slaves and over the dead bodies of millions of natives, and for centuries non-Caucasians were ostracized and denied justice, and to this day the American masses are manipulated by the rich and powerful. And your government continues to manipulate the international stage as if the Earth was one big chess board. And you, little girl, your people are not free of sin either. Need I remind you of the atrocities committed by the Japanese during World War II, specifically against the Chinese; atrocities that rival the evil done by the Nazis against the Jews?"

Hikaru dropped her head after hearing this, a feeling of shame sweeping over her. But Snake was far from being beguiled by the Wayfarer's fine words. "ENOUGH OF YOUR SPEECHES!!" bellowed Snake. "You can try to justify your movement all you want, but it doesn't make what you're doing right! I've heard all this talk of a new world order before, from someone else. He was called 'Big Boss'."

"That's harsh, Snake," the Wayfarer calmly replied, a stark contrast to Snake's belligerency. "Big Boss sought to plunge our world in an eternal state of war; I aim to eventually bring everlasting peace. I'm NOTHING like your father."

The mention of Big Boss being his father chilled Snake to the bone, and he flinched and slightly loosened his grip on his weapon. But while he was unable to come with a retort, Hikaru did it for him. "And how many people are you willing to kill to bring about this peace?!" she demanded virily.

"And how many did you kill to come and stop me? How many more would you have been willing to kill?" the Wayfarer spat in a vindictive tone. "And you, Snake.... how many have you killed to bring down Metal Gear in the past?" He paused for a moment, then continued. "Believe me, I have struggled with such questions myself. I wish to refrain from killing whenever possible. But still, this is something I must do!"

"And we have to stop you!" shouted Hikaru, shaking with rage.

"A pity, that," replied the Wayfarer. "I truly hoped we could have been allies, but it seems fated that we become adversaries."

"Screw fate," Snake snapped. "I don't believe in destiny. We're all who we choose to be."

"Perhaps you are right. And I choose to do.... THIS!" Without warning, the Wayfarer reached into his pocket with his free hand, and Snake heard something click, and a buzzing noise followed. Far across the room, the sounds of machinery springing to life could be heard. Specifically, they were coming from the huge crate Snake and Hikaru had noticed moments before....

Then came the crashing sound of splintering wood, and out from the remains of the crate stepped a huge, bipedal battle battle tank, which Snake recognized immediately: the Metal Gear D, the same breed of Metal Gear that Grey Fox piloted in Zanzibar four years ago. "Oh crap," muttered Snake dejectedly.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, the Wayfarer readied his own assault rifle and fired upon the duo. As would be expected, however, they managed to deftly dodge the attack. Snake turned and fired a volley of his own, but the Wayfarer slipped behind cover before he could hit him. And even worse, by now the Metal Gear D was drawing near.

"Oh, and by the way, my lieutenants and I concocted a special AI for that Metal Gear," called out the Wayfarer. "It can now fight on its own."

"Can't we EVER catch a break?!" shouted Hikaru. "Snake, you go after the Wayfarer!" she ordered her partner. "I'll handle Metal Gear!"

"Hikaru, wait!" Snake called out to her, but it was too late. She was already charging towards the approaching bipedal tank. This thing.... was huge. Bigger than the Gustav she faced earlier, even bigger than the ones New Way was making in that factory. Its presence seemed to loom over her.... the parts she knew were weapon systems all seemed to be aimed at her. But she knew she had to bring the monstrous machine down, or die trying.

The Metal Gear's CPU obviously sensed the advance of its enemy and opened fine with its frontal machine gun. But Hikaru, having expected this, quickly rolled to the side and fired off her Flame Arrow spell. The stream of fire smacked into the tank dead-center, but all she managed to do was knock it back slightly. Hikaru could sense that it wasn't made of Wolframite's special alloy, but instead it looked like the armor plating was made up of some heat-resistant ceramic, which repelled her magic all the same.

"Hikaru, the legs! The legs have lighter armor!" she heard Snake cry out above the sounds of gunfire from his battle with the Wayfarer. Hikaru turned toward the direction of his voice; indeed, there he was, exchanging fire with the Wayfarer as they both used the crates for cover. A part of her was worried about Snake, but by now she knew this fight wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

She turned back to face the Metal Gear D - now that Snake had mentioned it, the legs DID in fact look rather weak. "Ruby Lightning!" she cried, and her deadly energy blast smacked into its left leg with crushing force. Once the haze cleared, Hikaru could she sparks and smoke sputtering from where she had hit it. Apparently, Snake had been right about the legs being its weak point. *This shouldn't be too hard,* Hikaru thought to herself.

But as soon as Hikaru finished that thought, Metal Gear changed its mode of attack, responding to this attack on its sole weak spot with deadly force of its own. The missile launcher on its right side fired off two missiles that rapidly closed in on Hikaru. She attempted to avoid them the same way she avoided its machine gun fire. But halfway toawrds her, the trajectory of the missiles curved slightly to go after Hikaru. By the time she realized this, it was too late and the missiles were almost upon her. Acting on instinct, she flattened herself on the ground and the missiles harmlessly flew over her. But they impacted nearby, spewing debris and smoke everywhere.

*Oh, lovely. They must be heat-seekers,* she thought angrily as she picked herself up off the floor and faced Metal Gear again. It opened fire on her with its machine gun again. Hikaru quickly jumped backwards to avoid it, but then it fired off two more heat-seeking missiles at her. But this time, Hikaru was ready. Using her stored energy, she projected heat onto one of the nearby metal crates, and the missiles turned to hit that instead. And while Metal Gear was wide open, she used another Ruby Lightning spell to strike its other leg, causing even more damage.

Now, instead of just standing still and firing its weapons at Hikaru, the Metal Gear D charged forward, wildly spewing machine gun fire everywhere. *Guess it's now analyzed how much of a threat I really am and is now getting serious,* mused Hikaru as she ducked behind a wall of metal crates to avoid getting ripped to shreds. Once she heard the machine gun fire die down, she immediately leaped out from behind the crates and shot off her Flame Arrow spell at Metal Gear's main body. While its CPU was disoriented, she used her Ruby Lightning spell again on both its legs, filling the entire room with the ugly sound of metal twisting and cracking.

But the Metal Gear D still wasn't downed. It charged forward again, crashing through the wall of crates Hikaru was using as cover. Hikaru was forced to retreat backward again and find new cover. Eventually, she found another suitable spot to duck behind and repeat her strategy. She used the Flame Arrow spell on its main body again to confuse its CPU, but as she was about to follow up with her Ruby Lightning spell, she heard a strange buzzing from behind her.... and it was getting closer. She looked behind her and saw another missile closing in on her fast. She deftly dashed aside, but she had noticed it too late; the missile impacted dangerously close to her and sent her flying, smacking into a wall.

Her right arm and head impacted the wall hard, and the pain was so bad she almost passed out. But through sheer force of will, she remained conscious and turned to face Metal Gear again. Another volley of missiles had been fired directly at her. Fighting back the pain, she thrust out her left hand and channeled more of her stored heat energy. Cutting loose with a wide burst, she intercepted the missiles long before they would have reached her and caused them to detonate. Under the cover of the cloud of smoke they created, Hikaru slipped away.

Her head was still spinning from hitting that wall so hard, and she could taste blood oozing from her mouth. Cradling her badly bruised arm, she ducked behind another wall of crates and tried to come up with another plan of attack. *New Way sure did a good job with that AI,* she thought bitterly, spitting out a glob of blood. In her current state, Hikaru knew she probably wouldn't to be able to avoid any more of Metal Gear's attacks. She wouldn't be able to face it head on anymore. *I wonder just how good that computerized brain really is....* she started to think. Then her bloodied lips curled into a wickd smile, thinking that she might have found a flaw in its programming. Calling upon her reserves of power again, she reached out with both hands and grabbed hold of one of the metal crates. She superheated the metal, and then with both hands pulled off a chunk of the crate as it was beginning to liquify. She continued to heat it even more, until she was able to handle it as if it were putty.

She could hear the Metal Gear's heavy footfalls getting closer again. Once she determined it had gotten close enough, she darted out from behind her cover and shouted "HEY! OVER HERE!" It slowly turned around to face her, and once she saw she had a clear shot, she threw the ball of molten metal at it using her good arm. It splattered all over the missile launcher and covered up all six holes, just as Hikaru had planned on. Then, concentrating again, she reached outward toward the metal she had thrown and this time EXTRACTED the heat from it, causing it to solidify all over the missile launcher. Next, the Metal Gear D fired its missiles at her.... or at least TRIED TO....

The entire missile launching apparatus exploded violently, almost causing the Metal Gear to fall down. "Yes!!" exclaimed Hikaru joyously. "That CPU of yours didn't have enough common sense to know I just made your missiles useless, now did it?" And then Hikaru shouted "RUBY LIGHTNING!" and fired her spell at one of its legs, concentrating with all her might. She had willed so much power behind her spell, she literally blew off its leg and finally caused the mechanical abomination to fall. The entire room shook with the force of the tremendous explosion it created when it hit the ground.


Snake deftly jumped back behind cover as the sound of the Wayfarer's machine gun rang in his ears. *Damn, this guy's good. Must come from a lifetime's experience with guerilla warfare,* he thought dejectedly as he reloaded his own rifle with a fresh clip of ammunition. He again stood up from behind his ctare and fired at the Wayfarer. His enemy once again quickly ran to the side and fired back at him while doing so, forcing Snake to duck behind cover again.

Off in the distance, he could hear the machine gun fire and exploding missiles from the Metal Gear D, reminding him of when he had fought that same machine long ago.... of his battle with Grey Fox.... His mind started to fill with worry for Hikaru, but he forced himself to snap out of it. *Hikaru'll do fine, she's handled everything else New Way's thrown at her. I've gotta concentrate on this Big Boss wannabe.* He reached into his grenade pouch and fished out a stun grenade, promptly pulling the pin and chucking it out from behind cover. Once he heard the flash-bang combo - along with the Wayfarer's startled cry - he leaped out again and looked about. There, off in the distance, was the Wayfarer, covering his face with his arm. But somehow, he must have known that Snake was about to open fire, because he used his other hand to fire blindly with his M-16, forcing Snake to duck out of the way. He did manage to shoot out some rounds of his own, and judging from the hideous cries of pain, some of his shots must have been on target.

Snake frantically looked around for any signs of the Wayfarer, but it was obvious that he had taken behind cover again. Hopefully he had wounded him badly enough that he would be unable to continue fighting, but Snake had a feeling he wouldn't be that lucky....

"Perhaps it was foolish of me to think I could battle the 'Legend' on equal footing," echoed the Wayfarer's taunting voice, as ardent and determined as ever. "Guess I'll have to fight dirty." Snake didn't know what he meant by that, but he had a feeling he wouldn't like it....

His FAMAS at the ready, Snake desperately began to search around the maze of crates, trying to find the Wayfarer before he had a chance to try out his new strategy. But for several minutes, he had no such luck. *Goddamnit!! Where is he?!* he thought bitterly. As if on cue, he heard a strange sound.... and it was getting closer. Snake immediately recognized what it was: a stinger missile.

Snake rolled out of the way just in time; he had stood there a second longer, it would have been all over. The missile's explosion resounded throughout the room and spraying debris and smoke everywhere. Snake immediately got back on his feet and turned in the direction where the missile had come from. Sure enough, standing atop a big stack of crates was the Wayfarer, armed with a missile launcher. Though he was very far away, Snake was certain he could make out a wicked, devilish grin on his face.

The Wayfarer armed another missile and aimed his launcher directly at Snake. He was too far away to fire upon, and there was no way Snake could reach his position before he'd get blasted with the missile.... and the Wayfarer knew it. The Wayfarer did not fire his missile, even though he could clearly see Snake; it was as if he was daring Snake to advance....

Then, all of a sudden, an incredibly powerful explosion shook the entire room and Snake almost lost his footing. He then looked up to where the Wayfarer had been standing, and saw he was no longer there. Evidently, that huge explosion had knocked him off his perch. Which gave Snake the opening he needed. He charged forward, determined to end this battle for good.

Snake rounded a corner. hoping to catch the Wayfarer unawares, but instead he found the Wayfarer waiting for him, another missile armed and ready to fire. And he did fire it. Once again, Snake barely managed to jump out of the way in time. The missile instead hit yet another stack of crates and caused them to topple, forcing both Snake and the Wayfarer to back away from the falling containers.

Snake knew that this would give the Wayfarer yet another opportunity to arm another stinger, and he couldn't run the risk of that happening again. It was time to end this for good. Snake leaped up onto the pile of fallen crates to try and reach to Wayfarer's postion. Sure enough, there he was, and had already armed another missile. The Wayfarer evidently had heard Snake approaching and turned to fire on him. Snake saw that it was now or never. Hesitating for only a second, Snake pulled the trigger and fired the rest of the rounds in his clip. All of them hit their target, and the Wayfarer dropped his missile launcher and unceremoniously slumped to the floor.

Snake slowly walked toward his downed foe, nervous that he might have another nasty surprise waiting for him. But the Wayfarer just lay there, barely moving. "So, the Legend is victorious in battle once more," he spewed mockingly through choked gasps. Snake wanting to say something, say that he didn't want to do this, that he never wanted to be a 'Legend', that he would always regret the things he did here. But no words came to him, and all he could do was stare regrettably at his handywork as an uneasy silence lingered.

The Wayfarer violently hacked up blood, and then said, "Don't celebrate just yet, Snake. You have defeated.... my lieutenants and I today.... but mark my words.... New Way.... is far from finished. And besides," he continued, smiling with bloodied lips, "that which you came to destroy.... that which was here in the beginning.... is still down here. Good luck beating THAT!" After that, the Wayfarer spoke no more. He just continued to stare accusingly at Snake, who looked on guiltily. Moments later, the Wayfarer breathed his last, and his body lay lifeless unmoving. It was over.

Snake had no idea how long he just stood there, staring at the dead body of New Way's leader. The only thing that snapped him out of it was the sound of light footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he saw Hikaru, bleeding from the mouth and cradling her right arm. "Snake, are you okay?" she asked softly.

"I've had better days," he answered gruffly. "That big explosion... what was it?" he asked her, although he already had a good idea what Hikaru's answer would be.

"That was me destroying Metal Gear for good," she replied with a slight smile, obviously pleased with herself for destroying such a horrific weapon. "It's over, it's finally over," she muttered, looking down. "Metal Gear's destroyed, it's finally over...."

"I'm afraid not, Hikaru," Snake cut in. Hikaru looked up, staring at him wide-eyed with shock. "That must've been another little one New Way built themselves. The one we came to destroy in the first place is still somewhere down here."

"Y-y-you m-mean," stammered Hikaru, "t-there's ANOTHER ONE?!! One that's even BIGGER?!"

"Yup," said Snake. Then he turned around to pick up the Wayfarer's stinger missile launcher and take the remaining missiles from his dead body. He had no doubt he'd ned them against the last Metal Gear. When he had finished and turned back around though, Hikaru was still staring wide-eyed in front of her. But not at Snake, but instead at the slain leader of New Way....

Snake looked at the Wayfarer's dead body, then turned back to look at Hikaru. *She's seen so much fighting, so much death,* thought Snake with an almost fatherly sense of concern. *No one should ever have to go through all this, especially not someone so young and has so much going for her.* Out loud, he said, "Forget it, Hikaru. Get out of here. I'll go fight the last one alone. I should've never let you come along in the first place.... you shouldn't have to put up with crap like this...."

"NO!!" shouted Hikaru, cutting him off. "Like it or not, I *AM* part of this. I've seen too much already, and now I have to see this through to the end!" she said through tear-filled eyes. And Snake saw in her eyes, through all the tears, a fierce determination to finish what they had started, no matter how painful it would be.

"All right, you win," said Snake, resigning in defeat. "Then come on. Let's get this over with. There should be a feieght elevator or something around here that leads even farther down...."

And with that, the two ran off to fight their final battle....


Next chapter: Metal Gear Gander

So long,
Grey Fox