Fan Fiction / Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ It's a Weird World After All ❯ The Day the Universe Stood Still ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sum- It's just a normal day at the SGC, when the Stargate suddenly activates and brings forth a little alchemic surprise, and a few problems along with it… FMA x over
This is a Stargate SG-1 and Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA) crossover. If you don't know what FMA is you should check it out on You Tube. It is a really, really great anime series! One of the best I've ever seen!
A/N- The first part of this chapter is written in a 2nd/ 3rd (or whatever you want to call it) POV. It's just essentially explaining how the SG-1 storyline was tweaked a little, but it is very important that you read that or you won't get something later on.
Just for your future information, I will not be posting a disclaimer in this story, nor any other story I write in the future. Disclaimers are stupid, and if you really owned this stuff, why would you be posting your stories on a fan fiction site in the first place? So unless you don't know what fan fiction is, please don't bug me on how I don't have a disclaimer, if you ever notice or care. Thank you.
It's a Weird World After All
The Day the Universe Stood Still
It was a perfectly normal day at the SGC. Okay, so normal doesn't exactly apply there, it never has, but it was a normal day to their standards, until the incident happened…
But, let's skip back a bit before the incident happened, and explain what has happened on this merry-go-round we call life.
For the past few weeks…okay months, the SGC was under a lot of pressure, from just about everything. For instance, the Pentagon, or whoever oversaw the Stargate Program, wanted to promote General Hammond out of the SGC and Jack into the general's chair. Of course, Hammond, not wanting to give up the chair even for his life, said no. And Jack, who would go absolutely insane if he ever became general, said he would shoot them in the head and blow them to hell first.
On another note, a lot has been going on with SG-1 enemies, or, so to speak, hasn't anymore. Almost all of the major Goa'uld bad guys are dead, except for Baal and Anubis. (SG-1 aren't sure if they killed him once and for all or not. He always “pops” up at the most unexpected times.) And the Replicators are still crawling, with Evil Sam controlling them. (After Replicator Sam betrayed Fifth and everybody else, she was dubbed Robot Sam, Sam's Evil Twin, and even Kamikaze Sam (though no one exactly knew why), but the majority on the base called her Evil Sam.) And then there are some minor situations that aren't really worth mentioning, even though they do contribute to the pressure. So, all and all, everyday life for the SGC. Until that incident.
Now, your probably wondering what “that incident” was. Well, let's go forward in time now, to a few hours before “that incident” happened…
Jack was bored. Drastically, monumentally, out of his mind bored. He was so bored that he could rewrite the definition of bored and not even realize he's doing it. Why was he so bored? Well, the reason is that he had just gotten back from an extremely boring meeting along with Hammond the day before. The people there were immensely boring, babbling on about budget cuts or something like that. He had fallen asleep in that one, before Hammond gave him a sharp, painful nudge in the shoulder. And now he was back, just left from breakfast (oatmeal, yummy), and realized that he was on vacation with nothing to do. No scheduled planets to explore, no world to save…heck, there weren't even any bills to pay (not that he ever paid a bill in his life). So, for the moment, his life was boring.
Maybe he would bug someone. Yes. That would be a fun thing to do. Now who to bug…?
Jack wandered around the hallways looking for someone to bug. He could bug a number of different people. Hammond? No, that wouldn't be a good idea. He was under enough pressure as it was, and Jack wasn't exactly wild about shortening his lifespan. Fraiser? Eek! Who knows what that lady has up her sleeve today. She could try to give him a shot for revenge if he bugged her to much (Janet's dark side). Hmm, who else…? Teal'c! Yes, he would bug Teal'c!
Jack zipped off in the direction of Teal'c's room. Teal'c was always a good person to bug, mainly because he doesn't try to kill you in the end, despite his appearance of ability. When Jack got to his room, he found Teal'c in a state of Kelnoreem. Ah yes, Kelnoreem. The thing every Jaffa had to go through in order to stay alive. Jack thought back to the time when he switched bodies with Teal'c and when he himself had to perform Kelnoreem. Man that was a freaky experience! It was like going to the inner confines of his mind (one place any sane person wouldn't dare go), and thinking and remembering things he'd never thought he'd think about in a million years! Maybe he would bug Teal'c later, it was important for a Jaffa to-
“Is there something I can help you with O'Neill?” The Jaffa asked in a kind, sincere tone, which obviously hinted he was up to something.
“Uh, no, I was just…uh…”
“You were attempting to “bug” me because you have no current occupation to do at the moment.”
Jack looked at him in a funny way. “Okay, how did you know that?”
“I have known you for eight years my friend. I know you better than you know.” Teal'c said with a little gleam in his eye.
For some reason that freaked Jack out a little. Or maybe it was just him. “Well, since you're doing that…Kelnoreem thing, which I know is important to you buddy…I'm just, going to go-“
“You wanted to say something O'Neill.”
Freaky. “Okay, how do you do that?”
“Do what O'Neill?”
“You know…that?”
“That what?”
“That thing you do, that makes you…that psychic thingy thing, that-“
“Are you referring to the fact that I knew you wanted to speak about something.”
“Yes! That's exactly what I mean!”
“As I said, I know you better than you know.”
Well that didn't help at all.
“You wanted to say something O'Neill.”
“Oh, yes! Uh…don't you think it's just a little too quiet around here?”
“You are referring that we have not had a battle in many days.”
“…Yea, somewhere along those lines. I mean usually something's always goin' on. It feels like an omen.”
“On the contrary O'Neill, it is very peaceful.”
“Well that's just you, but me-“
“Just enjoy your vacation O'Neill.”
“All right, fine, I'll just enjoy my vacation!” Jack snapped and started walking the down the hall again in what appeared to be an annoyed fashion. But Teal'c knew better, and just gave a humorous smile.
Jack was bored again. Yes, again. He wandered down the halls yet again pondering on who to bug next. Walter? No. He'd just ignore Jack for the rest of the time. Sam? Yes! Sam! He wondered what she was up too.
By the time Jack entered the lab he found Sam working on some kind of machine. At least she wasn't working on those stupid bug cell thingies. The last time she work on-
“Hi Colonel.” She said without even looking up. Was everyone psychic today?
“Hi. So Carter, what's up?”
“Just working on this. Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?”
“Well, you know. There's nothing to do on Earth. Just boring, non-savin' the world stuff.”
“Did you come here to bug me?”
“…Okay, how did you know that?”
“I know you better than you think, Jack.”
Yep. There was definitely something freaky going on.
“…Never mind. So what'ch ya workin' on? Jack asked knowing full well that he wouldn't understand a word of what she was about to say.
“Well sir, I'm trying to figure out some way to expand the energy compatibility of the naquadah generator to create a more distant connection between wormholes while using a decreased amount of energy.”
Boy she saw that coming. “I'm trying to make the Stargate go further with less power.”
“Ooohhh, why didn't you say so?”
Sam just rolled her eyes.
“Sir, don't you have anything better to do?”
“No. Not really.”
She saw that coming too.
“You wanna do something?”
Sam smiled. “Sorry sir, I have to work on this, I'm not on vacation like you.”
Jack sighed. “Okay, but you don't know what you're missing.” And with that he left the room doing a little skip-walk all along the way. Sam just laughed inwardly to herself. That guy was just way too weird.
Jack sighed. It was a long, bored, exasperated sigh. He was running out of people to bug, and his boredom was at an extreme level. It felt like the world was squishing him like a tiny bug who just hit God over the head with a shovel. It was all too much! I wonder what Daniel's doing?
Daniel, who was sitting at his desk working, and was not on vacation like Jack was, was having much more fun than Jack right now. Oh how happy he was, sitting on his uncomfortable stool and hunched over a big block of stone with little symbols on it, which looked remarkably similar to the language of the Elves in The Lord of the Rings. Yes, he could stay like that forever. The last thing he wanted was for someone to bug him, which is exactly what Jack planned to do.
“Hey Daniel how's it going?”
Daniel jumped slightly in surprise and found Jack standing at his door, waving his hand like he was just sailing off to Timbuktu. “Oh, Jack it's just you.”
“What? You aren't happy to see me?”
“No, it was just I was working, and you surprised me.”
“Oh, sorry `bout that.”
“No your not.”
“Okay, your right, I'm not.”
“Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?”
“Yea, I am.”
“But a vacation is when you're supposed to leave…That's what they're for.”
“Well then consider this a very long five minute break.”
“…Whatever you say.”
Jack walked up beside Daniel and stared down at the big brick with the funky writing. “So, what's this?”
Daniel, now given the cue to become Mr. Encyclopedia of the Universe, thoroughly started to explain the giant brick. “This is the tablet that we found on P3X-127.”
“You mean the planet with all the funky monkey head statues?”
“…Yeeesss, the planet with all the funky monkey head statues.”
“So, what about it?”
“Well, this tablet is apparently written in Furling.”
“The Furlings? You mean the guys that sound like they could resemble the singing gerbils of Quizno's.”
“Yes, those guys.”
“Okay, so what's it say?”
“Well, most of the text seems to have been rubbed away, but there are a few words I have been able to decipher.”
“Well, reading from what's left, it seems to say something about a lost city of the Ancient Ones.”
“The Ancients?”
“Could they be referring to Atlantis, the lost city that isn't so lost anymore?”
“It's possible, but I think they're talking about another city.”
“Huh, how do ya figure that?”
“Well, there's one more line here that says `none shall retrieve the heart'.”
“…Okay. What's that mean?”
“Well, I don't know.”
The both of them where silent for a while, as if half-expecting the answer to fall on their heads.
“You like saying the word `well' don't you?” Jack said, terminating any chance for the half-expected answer to fall.
“You just came here to bug me didn't you?”
“How did you know that?! What are you psychic or something?!”
“Jack, I've known you since before the Stargate Program! Trust me, I know how your mind works.”
“Now you see, everybody has been saying that to me all day!”
“That's because everybody you bug knows you better than you do!”
“How do you know?!”
“Because I know you!”
“Alright, so you know me better than I do!”
“Why are we even having this conversation?!”
“Because I'm bored!”
“So that's it. That's why you've been bugging everyone on this base.”
“Actually it was only Teal'c, Carter, and you.”
“Can't you do something that's actually helpful around here?”
“Oh come on Daniel. Nothing bad's gonna happen today.”
Suddenly, in an extreme case of irony, the alarms went off throughout the base, and Walter's voice repeated the oh so familiar phrase throughout the halls.
“Unscheduled offworld activation. Repeat. Unscheduled offworld activation.”
“Or not.”
Jack and Daniel ran out of the room and headed toward the Control room. When they got there they could see Sam, Teal'c, Hammond, and all the guards filing out into the Gate room, ready to fire at any unexpected attack.
“So General, who's at the door?”
Hammond turned to look at Jack. “We don't know Colonel, there's no IDC yet.”
The Stargate was dialing rapidly, and pretty soon, the usual wormhole was formed with the iris protecting them.
“So, do we have any idea who it is now?” asked Daniel.
“No IDC yet sir.”
“Well, well. Looks like we'll be having some uninvited guests this evening.”
The wormhole stayed like that for about five minutes, with no sign of activity. Everyone in the Control room was wondering what was going on, until Walter happen to glance down at the computer screen.
“Umm, sir, you may want to see this.”
Then, before anyone could do anything, before the guards knew danger was there, before Walter could say the Stargate dialed in a nine symbol address, before every soul in the control room knew what was happening, a big bolt of lightning surrounded the Stargate and shot around the room, burning everything in its path. Then, something even more bizarre happened. The blue wormhole inside the Stargate exploded into a bright red! It was so bright that the guards were blinded and defenseless. The iris was somehow gone, and there was nothing to protect them from the unknown. Sam and Walter were working furiously at the computers, trying to shut them down, but to no avail.
Suddenly, another big bolt of lightning stuck the Control room, and fried the computers, causing Sam and Walter to fly back and hit the floor in a most uncomfortable fashion. Immediately, Jack and the other rushed over to them, trying to help them. Lucky, the injuries weren't bad, but the wounds on Walter were much worst. Jack, Daniel, and Hammond struggled to get them up. It was painful, but eventually, only Sam was able to stand.
“Carter, you okay.” Jack asked as worried as hell. The red light had died down now.
“Yea, I'm okay. How's Walter?”
“He's a little beet up, but he'll be fine.” Daniel responded.
“What happened?”
“I don't know, but we've got to figure it out soon.”
“Colonel O'Neil, General Hammond.” Teal'c was still standing by the computers, looking out the window.
“What is it Teal'c?” Hammond asked.
“You should take a look at this.”
All four of them walked over to the window. What they saw stunned and confused them more than they could ever know. Standing on the ramp, was a small boy, and a large suit of armor standing behind him.
Yay! First chapter done. Jack likes to bug people.
Reviews? Please? C'mon, tell me what ya think.