Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hachi Hooseki (Eight gems) ❯ The flea that wanders ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha demo I do own everything else in this story that isn't Inuyasha

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Pai sat in a tree as usual. She had a bone in her mouth but that was normal for her. She enjoyed watching the sunset from the top of trees.

She had just finished her dinner with her mother and otousan.

Her ears twitched at every sound made in their territory and her tail swayed slowly.

Then a small thump was made.

She opened her eyes and sniffed the air.

"Youmas," she growled angrily then took off.

A new scent entered her nose and she gave a slight whimper.

"Stay away!" she heard her okaasan yell and she stayed still.

Then there was an evil laugh.

She extended her claws ready to fight when a youma appeared from behind.

It charged at her and she managed to dodge the attack.

"Where the Gem?!" it asked angrily.

"What Gem?!" Pai asked.

"You know what I'm talking about," it shouted. "I guess I'll have to beat it out of you!"

Pai got in a defense stance as the youma got ready.

"Vine binding!" it shouted.

Vines came from the forest and wrapped themselves around her body crushing her. She struggled and it presses more.

"No use, the more you struggle the more it binds," the youma said.

Pai glared at the youma fighting the vines from crushing her. Then she caught sight of a green gem embezzled in its forehead.

She struggled a bit and strain to watch the gem, she noticed it flicked and the vines wrapped around her tighter.

"Okami blades!" she shouted and the vines fell limp.

"Branch whip!" it shouted.

Pai jumping towards the youma while dodging the whipping branches.

She cracked her knuckles and snatched the gem from its forehead.

"No! My power!" it shouted.

The trees stop trying to whip her and went back to their normal stances.

Pai was about to crush the gem with it glowed brightly in her hand.

She began screaming in pain as the gem dug into her palm and into her body. The youma looked interested by the okami youkai.

Her eyes turned green and a rose grew in her hair.

"A natural," it grasped. The gem couldn't be seen but he could feel the power.

"What did you do to me?!" Pai screamed clutching her head in pain.

The youma was too afraid to answer and slowly began to back away.

Pai eyes narrowed slightly and a tree grabbed the youma foot.

"What did you do to me?" she asked.

"Nothing," it said.

Pai slit its throat and the tree dropped him.

"What was that for?" a voice asked.

"For interrupting my peace," Pai said and kept going to her parents.

"Wait," the voice shouted.

She turned around and saw a man in a baboon skin.

"Fight for me," he said.

A scream filled the area with the scent of fresh blood.

Pai took off towards her parents leaving the man to his own devises.

When she reached home she saw her otousan on the ground with a youma over him.

"Iwa throw!" she shouted. A boulder appeared in her hands and she threw it at the youma knocking him off her otousan.

She ran up to him and then noticed another figure.

Her okaasan laid dead a few feet away.

"Pai," her otousan grasped and she turned her attention back to him.

"Iie, you shouldn't talk," Pai sobbed.

She held her otousan closer.

"I love you otousan," Pai said.

"Don't give up hope young one," he grasped. "Not everything is what it seems."

She nodded and he fell limp in her arms.

She began to cry and glared up at the youma in front of her.

"Okami razor claws," she shouted and slashed the youma in half.

She stood shaking with anger and sorrow then let out a loud howl.

Birds flew to spread the news; fishes swam while other creatures spread the word of the devastating tragedy.

But one creature, a flea hurried away from the opposite way to tell the news.

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Okami: Wolf

Iwa: Rock

Ok, I need someone to tell me how to spell Inuyasha little youkai flea, first one gets next chapter.

Love it? Like it? Hate it? Loathe it?

Let me know!
