Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hachi Hooseki (Eight gems) ❯ Off to Seles! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha demo I do own everything else in this story that isn't Inuyasha

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They made it to Seles to see the town busy and bursting with business.

As soon as they entered people began trying to sell things to them.

"Ah an okami youkai!" one shouted and they all came running.

"Would you like this ma'am?" "It brings out the colors of your eyes." "Mating season is coming soon, you'll need something to attracted a mate." "Try this!" Someone sprayed some perfume on her.

It was heavy and she felt light-headed.

The others weren't in much luck either.

"That scarf you have looks old, here feel this!" "Hair clips for that hair!" "You need a new traveling bag!" "You need more traveling bags!"

"A brush from your tail!" "New clothes!" "How about some sweets?"

"Ah a monk!" "Perhaps a new staff shall." "New cloaks." "More holy beads!" "How about a haircut?"

Inuyasha was making his way to Pai when he got surrounded.

"Ah, feelings for the okami youkai over there." "Impress her with this!" "Diamonds are forever!" "You have to look your best for when you want to mate!"

They managed to break away from the merchants and into a more quiet part of the city.

"I reek of that smell now," Pai complained.

"Me too!" Sango said. "We have to take a bath."

Inuyasha walked over and sniffed Pai. "You stink like you always do!" he said.

Pai growled at him angrily but then turned around and went to find the nearest lake with Sango and Shippou.

"You know that perfume was called `Okami heat', ne?" Miroku asked.

"Yeah, so?" Inuyasha asked.

"And she's smelled like that before we came here?" Miroku asked.

"She's been smelling like that since we left camp," Inuyasha said. `And it's been like hell walking with her.'

Miroku then remember what happened an hour ago.

Flashback an hour ago

"I can see it from here," Pai said.

"Good," Sango said. "We should reach it in an hour or so."

Inuyasha walked up by Pai and planted his feet in the ground.

He made a grab for Pai but she took a few steps forward and looked at a flower.

She bent down and sniffed it with a small smile on her face. Inuyasha went back a few steps then ran up to her making a grab but she turned to Sango.

Inuyasha went flying and tumbling down the small hill they were on and into a small lake.

"Inuyasha quit fooling around!" Pai said.

Flashback ends

`So, he's known all along,' Miroku thought.

Meanwhile Pai, Sango and Shippou had found a small lake and began to wash off the perfume.

"It won't come off!" Pai complained. She kept lathering herself up then dumping herself in the water.

"Relax," Sango said.

Pai nodded and leaned against the banks with Sango.

Shippou swam happily holding on to a big leaf.

Miroku had snuck down to the river with Inuyasha looking at them.

"I still don't know how he does it," Miroku said.

"When he gets older he won't be in there with them," Inuyasha said. "We should be gem hunting, not sitting here!"

Pai, Shippou and Sango, got out the lake and dried off then got dressed.

When they met back up together, they began looking for the gem.

"It's here but its not here," Pai said looking at the map.

Then a shock of fire came down and people ran inside and closed shops.

A kitsune youkai came down from the sky with a slight smile on its face.

"Sango," Shippou said and jumped in her arms.

"What do you want?" Pai asked before Inuyasha could insult him.

He grabbed Pai and kissed her.

"Iron reaper soul stealer!" Inuyasha shouted sending his attack at the kitsune.

It put up a firewall and stopped the attack.

"He has the fire gem!" Miroku shouted and gripped his staff.

"Freezing rain!" Inuyasha shouted but the attack was stopped by the firewall again.

He brought out tetsugia(sp?) and strikes the youkai.

"Fireball blast!" he shouted. He shot the fireball sending the tetsugia back to its original form.

Sango threw her boomerang but he just dodged it.

Miroku prepared to let free his hand when he caught sight of Naraku.

"Good work Toki," Naraku said. "As promised you get to keep the girl."

"Arigato Naraku-san," he said and jumped away with Pai.

Inuyasha followed but Toki got away.

"Koruso!" Inuyasha swore.

"We need to get the water gem," Myouga said. "It's the only thing that can compete with the fire gem."

"But I thought only Pai could channel that one," Sango said.

"One of you can do it also, you just won't be able to use it to its full power like she would," Myouga said.

"Where is it?" Inuyasha asked.

"Mermaid Lagoon," Sango said.

"Mermaids," Inuyasha muttered and began towards the lagoons.

"What about Pai?" Shippou asked. "We can't just leave her here."

"He's right, Inuyasha," Myouga said.

"Fine," Inuyasha said. "You go watch her, I'm going for the gem."

Myouga hopped on Inuyasha's shoulder while Shippou walked along side with Sango.

"What does a mermaid look like?" Shippou asked.

"They're pretty until you get on their nerves then they'll tell you to leave them be or knock you out of the water," Inuyasha said.

"What do you think will happen to Pai?" Miroku asked.

"Don't care," Inuyasha said and sped up a bit.

"Do you think he'll even come back for her?" Sango whispered.

"I'm not sure," Miroku said.


Toki sat Pai on the ground.

He had fire chains around her and sniffed her with a smirk. "You're not ready yet," he said.

`Koruso Kitsune,' Pai thought as he continued to talk about her not being ready.

"I suppose those others won't come after you," Toki said. "They didn't really seem to try to even fight me. Especially that hanyou, he just grabbed the map from you then gave up."

`Inuyasha wouldn't do that,' Pai thought. `They wouldn't leave me here, would they?'

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