Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Come Back ❯ Get Ready ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer- I do not own Zoids.

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Parts shop in Striking City

"Can I help you?"Asked the owner.

"Yeah, I ordered the new short-to-long-range rifle, and the two 4-shot missile launchers, that I ordered over the phone."Vega said.

"Yeah they came in like a few a hours ago."He replied

5 minutes later

"How did you order those parts over the phone?"Asked Bit.

"I have my own base and Sarah lives with me she's sort of my mom, you know Sarah from the BackDraft."Vega replied.

"Where is your base."Bit asked Vega.

"A few miles away."Vega replied.

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Vega's base.

"Hey Sarah, meet Bit Cloud."Vega said

"Bit Cloud, huh you won the Royal Cup a few weeks ago."Sarah replied.

"Hey, Bit come outside."Vega said.

"Coming, see ya."Bit said to Sarah.

"What is it?"Bit asked.

What Bit saw surprised him, it was a brand new hover cargo, it was painted black, red, and aqua.

"Whoa, a brand new hover cargo."Bit said in a excited voice."How did you afford this, I know it wasn't cheap."

"I have been winning a few battles in Class A, If I win two more battles I'll be in Class S, hey I have an idea, why don't you join my team, with your skills we could be in Class S in a few days."Vega said.

"Well if Sarah agrees."Bit said.

"Don't worry she will."Vega replied.

"Hey Sarah, can Bit join our team?"Vega asked.

"Sure Vega."Sarah replied.

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Blitz Team Base

"Team, we have a battle."Doc announced.

"How much are they paying?"Asked Brad.

"Five times the normal amount."Doc replied.

"It's probably the Champ Team, no one else would offer that much money."Leena said angrily.

"You're lucky Leena, it's not the Champ Team, it's a new team called the Ultimate Team, I've looked up some information about the team. It says the team has two pilots, that's all the information they have."Jamie finished saying.

"Well get some rest team, and be ready for the battle tomorrow."Doc said.

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Vega's Base

"We have a battle tomorrow Bit."Vega said.

"Really against who?"Asked Bit.

"You might not like this."Vega replied.

"Who, tell me?"Bit asked again.

"The Blitz Team."Vega said.

"Get ready Vega."Bit told Vega.

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Blitz Team Hover Cargo

"Mobilizing Shadowfox."Brad said.

The Shadowfox landed a few feet away from the hover cargo.

"Mobilizing Gunsniper."Leena yelled.

The Gunsniper landed a few feet away from the Shadowfox. Next the judge came down.

"The area within a 15 mile radius is a designated Zoid Battlefield. This zone is now restricted. Only competitors and personnel have authorized entry. Danger! All others must leave the area at once. Area scanned. Battlefield setup. The Blitz Team versus the Ultimate Team. Battle Mode 0982. Ready… Fight."The judge said.

"Those are our opponents."Leena said excitedly.

To be continued

Author's Notes: I wrote this like at 11:15 pm central time. It took me a day to write this

Chapter. People who want to know about chapter 4 can email me at

Ok I'll tell you right now about chap. 4. The battle against the Blitz Team and the new weapons that Vega got for the Berserk Fury. PLEASE PEOPLE REVIEW PLEASE REVIEW.