Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Return of the Death Stinger ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My eyes slowly opened. I was in the cockpit of the DDH with a pounding headache. I tried to lean forward to try an re-activate the systems, but cringed in pain when I tried to do so. I reached back on my neck. The rod was still implanted! As I withdrew my hand I noticed there was blood on it. It wasn't going to withdraw on its own, I was going to have to pull it out. I shut my eyes, grit my teeth, and pulled. I screamed and tears came to my eyes the pain was so intense. It slowly withdrew itself and once free of my neck it reset itself in the back of my chair. The pain settled almost instantly and I flipped the systems on. The DDH hummed to life. "Damage reports, DDH." `Surface damage only. All weapons functional. Maximum performance: 85%.'

"85%! You're kidding, right? There is no way we're down to 85%. Is the fusion system working?"

`Negative. Auto-repair system initiated, 100% capacity in 15 minutes.'

"That's too much time! Are we mobile?"

`Affirmative. Maximum speed, mach 3.'

"Good. Let's fly!"

I grabbed the joystick and shot off into the air. "DDH, where's the death stinger?" The radar turned itself on. A large reading showed the death stinger, the smaller ones moving about were my friends. One vanished off the radar, then another. I hit top speed and hoped that one of those destroyed wasn't May. I won't lose another partner, I won't. I was moving at top speed but it still was taking a while. `7 minutes until 100% capacity. Now at 93%.' The dragon was sending me messages, updates on how much time was left. `4 minutes until 100% capacity, now at 96%.' Another minute had passed before the battlefield came into sight. The few remaining units were closely grouped together, and the death stinger was preparing to fire. I charged the qpc but it was taking longer than usual. The death stinger's cannon fired and what happened next seemed to be in slow motion. Without even thinking I fired the qpc and it flew into the path of the cannon blast. The blasts intercepted and exploded short of my allies. The death stinger turned and fired the cannon at me but I dodged it this time. "Drake!"

"Oh God, May, its so good to hear your voice. Did you really think I could be destroyed that easily? Try to get your systems working, I'll distract him." The ground units now were making attempts to get their systems working. I kept the death stinger's attention away from the crippled zoids. The death stinger fired blasts with the charged particle cannon but it kept missing me. I received messages from the ground units saying they had their system working again. Time to finish this. I hit the brakes and the death stinger sped under me. I matched its speed and fired a mini-missile underneath the zoid. It latched on to the underside of the death stinger and the countdown began. I accelerated the clock and it exploded, taking off the back two legs of the death stinger. How ironic, I thought, this is how I gave it life and this is what will help me destroy it. `Now at 100%. New attack summoned. Dragons breath blast added to arsenal.'

"DDH, fuse us!" my vision tunneled and I was now in the air. "Lets try that new attack." I dropped to the ground and dropped the foot-locks. Now securely fastened to the ground I began the attack. The other units watched in awe as this never before seen weapon was summoned. The spikes at the corners of my mouth shot beams of light that stopped when they crossed each other. The spikes at the top of my head did the same. The beams all came together at one point and created a spinning, swirling disc. There was a message in my head that said the charge up was complete. "Fire!!!" Instead of a ball of energy, it was a beam, a beam that was infinitely amplified when it hit that swirling disc. The blast completely engulfed the death stinger and even with the foot-locks in place I slid back a few feet. When the light faded away, there was no sign of the death stinger, not even a part left on the ground. The sand surrounding it had been superheated so intensely that it had been turned to glass. It sparkled in the sunshine, creating a warm, happy atmosphere. I separated from the DDH and opened my cockpit. My team mates rushed around me and did the same. "You did it!"

"We did it. There is no way I could have done that without the removal of a couple weapons. Thanks guys."

"It's no problem. I'm just glad you're not dead . we would have been goners without you," said Bit.

"Sure, we May have won, but at what price? Thousands of people have died, countless cities have been ruined, and some of the greatest warriors the planet has ever seen have been killed. Today is a day for celebration and sorrow. Every warrior here has lost a loved one, you all now have something to fight for. This day should make you stronger, not weaker. All old rivalries should be dropped, you accomplished something as a team. We should re-instate the old team responsible for keeping this planet safe: The Guardian Force. The warriors here are the best of the best, we should use our abilities to do some good."


"Lets revive it!"

"Great speech Drake."

"Thanks. I think we should head back to HQ. We have to inform them of our victory." We loaded up inside the zoids and headed back to HQ. "Hey May, I'll race you!"

"You're on!"

I fused with the dragon and accelerated to mach 4. The dragons shape began to change to become more aerodynamic. The voice in my head said, "Experience maximized. Micro-Transformation initiated. New maximum speed, mach 5." Cool, another transformation. This new form left May in my dust. Even though the dragon and I were fused, my vision tunneled and the world appeared a blur. Before I knew it I saw HQ and I hit the brakes. I was still, floating in the air. Zero to 3500 and back to zero in 3.5 seconds. Haha. I settled us down and walked into the hangar. I separated from the dragon and hopped out of the cockpit to see the new dragon. No longer black, it was a sparkling silver. The horns on the head were gone, replaced by finger-like spikes on the wings. The armor moved in almost wavelike segments and all of the weapons were hidden. The claws on the hands and feet were much larger, and even the cockpit door was air-tight. It didn't look much like a zoid anymore, more of an animal that could be piloted. It really was no longer a zoid, but an android. It moved fluidly, and it even breathed like an animal. Amazing, it hardly even looks like my old friend. It really was amazing that a zoid could go through so many transformations. I continued to marvel at it while I waited for the others to arrive.

Well, thats all I have so far. I hoped you like it. Please don't forget to review. There is more coming soon, but I haven't gotten around to writing it. I will get the rest on the net ASAP.