Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Years Later ❯ Chapter 10

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

---------------------THE NEXT DAY---------------------
" Come on, hurry up mommy, I don't wanna be late!" Kaori called out form the doorway. She was completely ready, all her school stuff stuffed in her orange and black backpack.
" Were coming!" Nicole replied happily.
" Why do I really need to go to?" Yuki asked yawning. He hated getting up so early, and was happy when he didn't have to go to school anymore when he graduated.
" Its your daughter's first time at school, you have to come bring her there with me" Nicole answered, walking out of the room.
" Fine, whatever" Yuki replied, as he walk out as well.
" Can we go now!?" Kaori asked, practically bouncing up and down.
" Yup! Lets go!" Nicole replied. They started to walk to the school Kaori would be going to. Nicole and Kaori chattering away, at how fun it's going to be. Yuki staying silent as usual.
" Mommy, what if I don't make any friends...?" Kaori asked a little sadly.
Nicole looked at her, and then smiled brightly. " Of coarse you're going to make friends. Who wouldn't want to be friends with you?!" Nicole replied.
"Hmm, I guess" Kaori simply said, and they started chatting again till they finally got to the school.