Fan Fiction ❯ 5th World ❯ Aoikaze Town!Megumi the mysterious boy. ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

So Kitana,Iruka,Tori,and Kurai arrive at Aoikaze town a very pretty town by the ocean.
Kurai is sweating uncontrollably and muttering "k....kar....crow...."very low while Kitana
is glaring at him oddly."What are you muttering Ku-chan?"She pokes him and he jumps.
"N..nothing...p...princess...."They continue walking as Kitana stares at all of the sea creatures.
"IIIIIIRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"A small voice screamed and Kurai stiffened.
A crow came running up to them and pounced happily onto Iruka's shoulders."Iruka-nee-chan!Your back!"
He smiled cheerfully at the dolphin and she sighed."Karasu how many times do I have to
tell you don't do that whenever I come home please....."he chuckled "Gomen Iru-neechan...."He turned
toward Kitana and Tori and Kurai who was very,very pale right now."Kurai-sensei?"he looked confusedly
at Kurai then smiled"Have you come back to train me to be a knight sensei??"Kurai shuddered he remembered
exactly a year ago he was mentoring the little crow in being a knight.The boy had managed to get him stuck
in more crazy situations that even Kitana could!There was the time he was catapulted into Akaiyama town and
stuck in the pine tree....then the time with the miso...OH THE MISO.....he just did not want to be around the crow-boy.
Kitana remembered the time he came running home with a scarecrow saying they had to plant them all around the forest.
"Ummm..No I'm here as Princess Kitana's bodyguard."Karasu's face fell a little."Oh Kurai you were Karasu's mentor then?"
Iruka question and Kitana giggled."You were afraid of...him???"she fell over laughing and Kurai was getting angrier.
"Oh Kurai you're going to stay for a few days go mentor him."Tori smiled oblivious to what was going on."Yeah go Ku-chan."Kitana
smirked."Well before we go...who are you ma'am?"Karasu turned toward Tori"'m Tori Naomi..."she looked confused and Karasu
kissed her hand "What a lovely name Tori-san."Tori blushed so much it matched the red tips on her feathers and hair.Then he proceeded
to drag the sobbing raven away.When the girls were alone Kitana finally asked "Your a dolphin but your brothers a crow?"Iruka looked
down at her shoes."Yeah we found him and his brother Megumi abandoned on the cliff..."
Tori blushed again "A brother??"Iruka looked at Tori "Don't worry he is nothing like Karasu even though they are twins."Kitana
was getting impatient"I wanna take a bath Iru-kun lets go to your house..."(A/N Kitana says "kun" because she thinks Iruka looks like a boy.)
They began on to her house.When they arrive they see it's a small house with peeling paint and a small front yard."Wow a real fixer-upper..."Tori
whispers to Kitana as she nods."Okay now if you don't bother Meg-kun he won't bother you."she said very casually.Kitana and Tori both sweatdropped
at this comment.As they entered they saw the small boy a carbon-copy of Karasu sitting casually on the couch with a book.The title of the book
read "The Legend of A Great Man" and Kitana was puzzled at this.As they walked in Megumi looked up and said "Visitors?"then looked back at his book.
When they got upstairs Kitana asked"What's wrong with him?"Iruka turned her head to the left a bit."Whaddya mean?He's very shy thats all."Tori was
snoring on the floor in Iru's guest room."Well anyways I'm going to take a shower..."Kitana looked around."Bathroom is on the left."Iruka replied to
Kitana's lost expression."Thanks...."
To Be Continued