Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten Sorrow ❯ Forgotten Dreams, Forgotten Sorrow. ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Forgotten Dreams, Forgotten Sorrow.

`Beneath the beautiful midnight skies of Draconis, the dark forest Faren lay ominously quiet. Towards the center, a soft glow lit the clouds drifting by. Small wisps of smoke rose from chimneys, of the quaint yet beautiful village of Breston. At the southern point of this village a small home lay nestled safely between the trees. A draconic family of three slept peacefully in this house, unaware of the danger that currently crept along side of their dreams.

Two dark figures quietly made there way into the home, silent as death. This is what they carried at their sides.

These men were going into this home for the purpose of killing the parents of the child. Intending on, carrying him away, to their lord and master Soron. The vicious tyrant responsible for the war that now scarred the beautiful surface of the planet as it revolved slowly.

This war had lasted for many years and Solon's grip was only strengthening on the life of the planet. His strength was remarkable in the most sinister of ways, a being of evil and conquest, one who wanted the world.'