Fan Fiction ❯ Gene Splice ❯ Six Assassins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: Six Assassins
Rain poured in sleets onto the cold pavement from dark, looming clouds. On this particularly morbid day, six individuals had each been sent an unmarked letter asking them to meet in an old, decrepit building on the outskirts of the city. These six were assassins that the goverment had long ago presumed dead. As they sat in a newly furnished steel room within the building, each was glaring suspiciously at the others. They did not know each other, but the fact that they were all assassins formed a bond of temporary truce between them. The six were seated around a circular table with a laptop in front of each. Every single one of them was in their early or late twenties. All save for one. This one sat quietly observing the others. She could see hidden weapons and tense muscles on everyone. She herself was only 13 years old. As far as she knew, she had no parents and could remember nothing prior to seven years ago. Not that she cared much, for the moment, she was an "ordinary" student attending an normal middle school and living with normal foster parents, however, she knew that she was the only one among these assassins that had been genetically altered multiple times. She remembered only that she was an experiment still in its testing stage, and nothing else, and she couldn't care less.
As she thought about the letter, something came to mind. At the end of her copy of the letter was an embossed sign that had a snake emerging from the petals of a full-bloomed rose. An image flashed through her mind and she held on long enough to see that the symbol was on a shirt before it disappeared. She ignored this for the time being and focused on the laptop. They had been sitting there for 10 minutes already and it had still not turned on. She checked her letter again, the time was most certainly accurate; 3:15 pm. Now it was 3:25. She sighed softly, deciding to look around the room first. It was a small room with only the table, laptop, chairs, power sockets where the laptops were plugged in, a crystal chandelier above the table, and two crooked clocks hanging above the door and on the other side of the room. The floor and walls were stainless steel, freshly cleaned. So clean, in fact, that you could almost see your own reflection in it. Finishing her observation of the room, she moved on to staring at the other assassins.
The one on her left was a tall, blonde, muscular man who looked extremely serious in his designer suit; he must have been in his late twenties with a permanent scowl on his face and deep, blue eyes. On her right was another man, younger; early twenties, a bit shorter, smiling genuinely at everyone else, a mop of sleek, black hair on his head, pale-skin and brown eyes, dressed in a T-shirt and khaki pants. Next to the blonde man, was a young woman who couldn't have been more than 23 years old. The woman had flaming red hair and emerald green eyes with tannish skin. She was dressed in a casual outfit consisting of a skirt and slightly large coat. Beside the black-haired man sat another woman who was dressed in an extremely flashy outfit; a halter top and miniskirt. She had on high amounts of make-up and had bleached her hair a pale yellow. As she sat there, she batted her long, no doubt fake, eyelashes and was smiling seductively and the serious blonde man. She had contacts on, which made her eyes a vivid blue. The 13-year-old's guess was that the woman was about 27 to 30 years old Next to her, and across from the 13-year-old was a man in his late twenties. He had sneaky eyes that kept darting from here to there, bouncing all over the place in contant, rapid motion. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a black designer suit. As he looked, his eyes landed on the 13-year-old, who was distinctively recognizable among the other taller assassins. He sneered slightly as he looked at her. The girl was dressed in a black sweatshirt with black shorts to go with it. Her hair was cut extremely short and close to her head and was messy in a boyish way. Her limpid, violet eyes were moving sluggishly around, seemingly bored with everything around her. Her nails were short and her pale skin contrasted with her dark clothing. He laughed silently to himself. How could a little brat like her be an assassin? If he weren't surrounded by other assassins, he would have cackled.
Half an hour later, nothin had happened. Several of the assassins had tried turning the laptops on to no avail. The 13-year-old watched their deliberate and "tactical" actions silently. She knew the laptops would not turned on unless a signal was sent to it, hence the infrared receptor beneath the laptop. She had done a bit of looking around as well. She began to think that this was some sort of test to see which assassin was worthy of whatever this person had in mind. 'Two can play that game,' she thought, smiling slightly. She soon realized that the other five assassins had gathered together and were talking with each other, ignoring her entirely. She rolled her eyes. Standing up got her no attention, so she was pleased. As long as they were busy chatting, she'll have a look around. She searched each of their laptops thoroughly and found nothing. Then she searched the chairs and even the chandelier, but nothing showed up. No hint, nothing unusual in the least save for a wad of chewed-up gum under the cosmetic freak's chair. The other assassins were slowly losing their calmness. They had already tried the door and found it locked and sealed tightly. No amount of weapons or force could open it. The 13-year-old pulled a chair over to the door and stood on top of it. She reached up and pulled the first crooked clock from its place. Behind it was a protruding nail which the clock had once hung on. After checking the nail twice, she climbed down and went back to her seat, pulling the clock apart slowly. First was the glass screen; nothing unusual. Then it was the hands; hmm...they looked like keys, she put those to the side, saving them for later. Then it was the screen of the clock, the numbers were nothing special; thrown aside. Then it was the gears beneath the clock. There was nothing there. None of the gears were shaped differently or had any writing on it.
Slightly confused, the 13-year-old placed the clock back together, save for the hands. While she did this, the other five had been watching intently. They sighed defeatedly when she turned up nothing. 'Well, there was always one more clock,' she thought, 'Maybe something's in there.' As she turned to look at the other clock, she realized that it was no longer there.
"Alright, who took the other clock," she said.
"What other clock, hun? There's no other clocks here," replied the cosmetic-freak woman, applying more lipstick to her overly bright, red lips.
"No, there was one more, don't tell me none of you saw it," the 13-year-old replied, staring intently at the place where the other clock was supposed to be. 'Maybe...' she thought. She then thought of something. Throwing the dismembered clock onto the table, she pulled a chair up to the spot where the other clock should have been. As she stood up, she saw herself staring back at her.
"It's a mirror," she said. She pried the huge square from its niche in the wall and turned it over. The entire back of the mirror was made of aluminum and in the space behind the mirror was another laptop. It was plugged to a socket right behind it and hummed to life. The screen flickered on and upon it shone a bright red rose with a black snake emerging from it.
"Hello all," said the laptop, "You certainly took your sweet time figuring this out. Kudos to Lucia for solving it. I must admit, I'm impressed. Then again, this is what she was trained for. Let me introduce myself, my name is Arthur and this test was designed to show me your skills at solving practical problems. The goal was to find this laptop. Everything else was a mere distraction. The only hint I gave you was the clock and the only one who noticed this was Lucia. With this information, I'll be giving her a special task."

To be continued....

Please review, I want the honest truth and swear as much as you want if you think it sucks.