Fan Fiction ❯ Gennaro ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Jump City, 10:00 A.M.
The man walked into town. He had business. He knew the client, and was doing him a favor. The man's name was Gennaro. He walked into an office. The secretary asked, “Do you have an appointment?”
“I believe so…” he began. “Is this the office of Mr. Wilson?”
“Yes, it is. I'll tell him you're here.” With this, the secretary sauntered into the room ahead. Gennaro hated waiting, so he sat down. Gennaro was by no means small. He wasn't short, unless it was from Shaquille O'Neal's perspective. Almost 8 feet tall, he looked down on almost everyone. If he ever looked up, he'd probably be doing it for the first time since adolescence. His arms were well-muscled, and his chest was even more muscular. He looked like he lifted weights at least twice a day. At LEAST twice a day… Even his chin was muscular. He had dark hair, with little bits of gray here and there. He was about fifty, but in no way did he look it.
A few minutes later, the secretary came out again. “Sir, Mr. Wilson will see you now.”
Gennaro nodded silently. He got up and walked into the office of Slade Wilson.
“Come in, come in. I suppose you know the deal.”
“Yes,” Gennaro replied. “Destroy the Teen Titans. I want my money first.”
Slade nodded thoughtfully and handed him a briefcase. “Mankind is always so… untrustworthy…”
Gennaro gulped nervously. He might be bigger than Slade, but that didn't mean he could take him in a fight. They had never fought, of course, but Gennaro had seen Slade fight. The man could run a hundred gauntlets by a hundred of the best architects while blindfolded, with cotton in his ears. His senses were sharpened to a point, and his reaction time was .0012. No other human could act that quickly to a stimulus. Gennaro knew better than to cross the path of Slade. Thinking about what Slade had said, he nodded.
“Now, go. I have… other business…”
With this parting word, Slade pressed a button on his desk. A screen lowered, separating Slade from Gennaro. Gennaro walked out casually, thanking the secretary on his way out.