Fan Fiction ❯ Juvenile Angel ❯ The Ki Masters, Clinet, and the Babies ( Chapter 23 )

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Chapter 23: The Ki Masters, Clinet, and The Babies.
“Ah, well. I didn't like him that much, anyway,” Sakura said, looking up at the cupcake. “Say, Dark…CAN YOU DO THAT WITH COOKIES?!”
“Maybe…if tried. But I don't really want to.”
Trex and Dark shook with fear. After resolving the problem by taking her to a cookie shop, they went to the hospital to see the baby. Little did they know, there was more than one baby…
At the hospital…
“HONEY!” Dark yelled as he ran in and hugged a stone poll.
“Dark…I'm over here.” Reeku said.
“Honey!” He yelled once more.
“Dark!” Reeku said once again as she hugged him.
“And the baby—WHOA!!! TWO?!?! What ZE heck!? I thought the doctor said ONE baby. But, TWO?!” Dark said frantically, grabbing his hair.
“Tell him your names, dearests.” Reeku said quietly.
“I am Jake,” the boy said quietly.
“And I am Ginger,” the girl said.
Trex's jaw hit the ground.
“What the heck?! They can talk? Already?! They're like…two…hours old!” Trex said, flabbergasted.
“Yeah,” said Dark, “us phantoms start growing the minute we're born, being able to fully speak English. By the age of at least two, we are in our stage of teens and we're fully grown adults by 10. But we can look youthful from anywhere of about 5 to 50 billion years. Very cunning, if you ask me.”
We now take this time for Trex to look even more shocked.
……………………….. (Okay that's long enough.)
“Jeez, Dark! Your history must be monstrous!” Trex said, dumbfounded.
“Nah, not really…err…ah…AHHHHHH!!!!!!” Dark screamed, grabbing his head and shouting in pain. “I-It's…Clinet…again…he's…taking…over! Squirrel!”
Dark suddenly grabbed Jake and picked up a knife that was on a stool. He then put it up to Jake's neck.
“Don't anybody move!” The transformed Clinet shouted. “Now…I want someone who can fly!”
“I-I can…” Ginger said softly.
“Good…now, I want you to be a good girl and teleport to space and get me the Ki Master Evi. If you don't, I will kill your brother!”
“Y-yes sir…” she said softly…again.
Trex quickly slipped out the door and ran down the hallway.
“(Huff)…(huff)…do you guys…(huff)…have a ferret here?” Trex said gaping for breath.
“No…I'm sorry, we don't,” a nurse said.
“QUICKLY!” A gang of police officers shouted. “CATCH THAT FERRET!”
Trex glanced out the window to see a ferret running by. He dashed outside and caught it.
“Good job…wait a minute…YOU'RE THAT TREX KID!!! GET HIM!”
“Sorry, not right now!” Trex said quickly. He dashed back into the hospital and busted open the door. “Heeeey, CLINET! Here's a present!!!”
Trex tossed the ferret at Clinet. He picked it off his face and looked at it.
“………FERRET!!!!! Oh, I just love ferrets! Cutsy, wootsy, little adorable things!!! You're so cuuuuuuuute! I luv u!!!!”
Trex sighed with relief. “Whew…glad that's over.”
The police mysteriously disappeared…