Fan Fiction ❯ Poetry section ❯ Remember When...? ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Remember When...?
Not too long ago
A fight we yelled
Nothing to keep us apart
Nothing to hold in our words
I told you we shouldn't try
We were too close
Yet still you persist
And try to break me
So I won't stand up again
And be right for the millionth time
I know you too well
And for that, you screamed
'Why do you do this to me?'
And I hold only a clueless mind
'If you don't want to be friends
I'll completely understand'
That when it all sailed down
You cried and asked me
'Am I heartless?
Like she told me you said?'
I never said such a thing
You were the only one
I told a soul about pointless stuff
'No, not to me'
Then you shouted
'Well, I believe I am'
It continued on
Curses and screams
Shouting out
Private conversations
Never meant to be
Finally, I had enough
Told you
'Shut the hell up
If you don't want to mope
And feel sorry for yourself
Listen to what you say
Do you hear the pity in your voice
You call yourself heartless
If I don't want to be friends
Isn't that a sign
Of low self-esteem
And pity
And sorrow for yourself?'
Don't lie to me
Expect me to believe every word
I know who you are
Deep inside, in your heart
You know me
Just as well
Each and every thought
Might as well be yours
We grin
To each other
In the corner of our eyes
And more often
Than not
We're mistaken
As twins
We speak as one
So, now, what have we
Turned into
Bitter enemies
Torn apart by the new schools
And other friends
Over the phone we argue
And make plans
For the next visit
But every time
It's stories
Not 'How was your day?'
Or 'My day sucked - got detention'
Anything like that?
Anything new, perhaps the way
You met someone new
Or have you had another dream
Where all you do
Was walk down a hall
And look out the window
Seeing memories past
Have you experienced
Your first heart break
Your first date
Is There
Nothing new, except what you
Want me to hear
Can you still say
'I really wish you were with me'
Or has that promise
Been laid
To rest