Fan Fiction ❯ Revival: DNA ❯ Chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Revival: DNA

By: Airi-chan

Chapter three

"You suggest? For a second there it sounded like you wanted to keep me alive." Chaos Smirked.

"If we don't keep you alive, we don't get the reward money for turning you in." The blounde glared at her.

"We?" She cocked an eyebrow at the blounde boy.

"Yes. My partener Shiro." Chaos tried to contain her laughter.

"You mean someone actually wants to work with you!" She started laughing only to find the cold metal barrel of a gun being pressed against her head a few seconds later.

"Shut up! You know I could kill you if I wanted."

"But Kei! If you killed her we wouldn't get the bounty money!" Shiro looked at his partner who was currently holding the gun to the bounty's head.

"So blounde boys name is Kei ne?" Chaos smirked yet again causing shivers to run down Shiro's spine. The look in her eyes when she did that wasn't human; it looked like something you would see in the unemotional eyes of a robot or android.

"I guess you're going to make fun of that now right? Just remember I control your fate as of now." Kei looked down at the dark haired girl who glared at him in response.

"You're wrong you don't control it. You'd be wrong if you even thought so." Kei tightened his grip on the trigger. "What's the point of trying to kill someone who you have no control over ne? You have the exact amount of control over me as you do your temper. Besides…" She smirked again. "Whatever happened to wanting the bounty?" Kei lowered the gun allowing her to grab the combat knife that was hanging off of her belt.

"You can't do anything with that piece of shit Chaos. I can't believe you're actually trying to use something that crappy against me!" Kei began to laugh.

"Kei help!" Kei looked over at Shiro and saw Chaos holding the bloody combat knife to his neck.

"Meh, I guess you were wrong when you said that this crappy weapon didn't work. Works right now for threats and it worked to kill that damn person who was blocking my escape route." Kei looked at her in disbelief. "What? Think I wouldn't use it?"

"You don't have to guts to."

"Really… then explain how I had the guts to kill the afore mentioned guy and how I got this blood on my knife." Kei looked then the girl that lived up to her name of Chaos and had no response to her questions.

"Meh. I have no interest in your friend." She lowered the knife away from his neck and walked over to Kei. "Although this is for interrupting me when I was having a nice day." She stabbed the knife into Kei's leg and began to walk off but felt something graze the side of her arm. She looked down at her arm just to notice it was bleeding. Then she looked over in the direction the shot was fired from. "Meh, it's only you." She looked at Shiro and walked away.