Fan Fiction ❯ SHADE ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was long after the sun had set, when the employees saved their work and turned off their computers, packed up their supplies and headed home. Long after the lights had gone out and the parking lot was emptied of all. When the cheery business buildings become eerie shadows against the dark sky speckled with the millions of stars struggling to be seen. The curfew was in affect, and no one ever broke curfew...

The sound of a motorcycle pierced the suffocating silence, the headlight slicing through the darkness with sickening ease. Night in this city was a dark one. No streetlights illuminating the paved walkways below, no glowing lamps from the shaded windows fell in golden beams onto the streets that streached like ribbons of ink throughout the city.

A polished helmet concealed the identity of the rider, a thick purple sweater and black denim pants protecting her from the harsh bite of the wind that raced past her like she raced past the buildings. Hard and fast. Here and gone before you realized what was happening. The bike hummed beneath her, as if in agreement. She could feel the power of the vehicle, the strength and speed that no human could ever boast.

Ahead lay a quaint three story building just behind two larger office buildings, the darkness concealing the stained concrete and boarded or broken windows. To others it was an eyesore, to her it was home, a headquarters for her privet business. The perfect hideout.

The sleek sports bike entered the complex in a graceful swoop off the street and into the back-alley, its dark ivory color glistening in the faint light of the crescent moon hanging overhead illuminating the golden captions inscribed along the side.

Had anybody been looking they might have been able to identify the bike, had anybody been listening they might have heard the creak of a gate and the moan of the bike as it reluctantly stopped inside the small garage-like room where it was stored. But she knew no one was.

It was a dark town, a quiet town. No one was looking….No one was listening. The curfew was in affect, and no one ever broke curfew.

No one wanted to die…