Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Noble Intentions ( Chapter 32 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: While I don't own Tolkien's characters or places I do own the storyline and characters of my and my co-authors creation.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 32 - Noble Intentions


The remainder of the morning was torture for Rain, not that she wasn't enjoying Legolas's presence, but that she was being to feel totally inadequate. The richness and splendor of the dining room had only been the tip of the candle, and with each room that she was shown her depression became deeper and deeper.

Where she had been comfortable and relaxed when staying with Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel, here she was beginning to see that she really didn't belong in the world of the elves, especially Legolas's world.

Looking up into his animated face, she could tell that he loved his home. Her meager home, while comfortable to her, would look like a hovel in comparison to just one room within his home. She ate off of corning ware plates with cheap silverware and plastic cups; not plates, dining ware and goblets made of purest gold and crystal.

Looking away again, her mind rolling with her turmoiled thoughts. 'He didn't act like such things bothered him when we were on the trail. He was just as willing as each of us to use his fingers.' Shaking her head sharply, she brought her attention back to Legolas, who as looking down at her questioningly.

"Are you all right Rain?" he asked softly as he led her into the stables where they were going to check on the horses.

"I'm fine." she replied, looking away from him and into the stable, trying not to wince. Even a place as mundane as a stable glittered brightly with gold and jewels. Each stall had gold name plates encrusted with emeralds. Pulling away from him she strode across the glittering stable to Arod, opening the door to his stall and slipping inside with him. He whickered gently as she softly rubbed his nose, she laughed as he imperiously butted against her, nuzzling her pockets.

"All right, I didn't forget. Here you are greedy guts." she smiled as she held out her palm with the treat he was expecting. She watched as he daintily lipped the treat from her fingers before bringing her hand up to run gently along his nose.

Legolas watched as Rain turned and picked up a brush before starting to work on Arod's hide. He leaned back against Hasufel's stall door puzzling over her behavior since this mornings breakfast. She had seemed ill at ease ever since they had entered the dining room and the tension he felt going in her had continued to build throughout the day. Feeling movement next to him, he turned to find Elrohir sliding down onto the bale of hay next to him.

"I don't understand her, Elrohir." he said softly as he sat down next to his friend.

"What's there not to understand Legolas?" Elrohir said as he leaned back and watched Rain briskly brushing Arod.

"Elrohir, quit being obtuse. Last night everything was fine, yet today she seems distant and reserved. Why?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I have a feeling that it has to do with something about your home." Elrohir chuckled at the startled expression that crossed Legolas's face.

"My home? What's wrong with it?" Legolas frowned as he turned and looked at Rain.

"You wouldn't see anything wrong with it since you grew up here, but to an average person or even an elf, you would have to say that it is a little lavish, wouldn't you?" Elrohir said softly as he leaned back closing his eyes.

Legolas thought about his words for a minute before replying, "True, father does like to show off his wealth, but that doesn't matter to me."

"Ah, but Legolas, to Rain I think it does matter. I think that she is feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the fripperies that King Thranduil loves so much." Elrohir chuckled with a remembered memory. "Do you remember when I first came here so long ago? I was quite startled by the amount of gold and jewels your father put into his decorations, and I grew up in Rivendell, which was reputed to be the most lovely of all kingdoms. Even then it was a bit more than I could take and since then he had added even more."

Before Legolas could respond to Elrohir's statement, he heard a click and looked up to find Rain closing the door to Arod's stall. Standing up quickly, he walked across the space separating them and slid an arm about her waist, pulling her into his arms. She looked up as his arms slid around her waist and was confronted by his worried blue eyes.

"Rain, are you ready to continue our tour?" he asked softly bending down slightly to drop a kiss on her forehead.

"Legolas." she said, reaching a hand up to trace along his cheek. "I think that I need to go back to my room. The journey seems to have caught up with me." her voice echoed tiredly. The stress and strain of the their travels since leaving Rivendell, the overwhelming atmosphere she was currently experiencing and the uncertainty of her future were beginning to take their toll on her body and spirit.

"I'll escort you back." he said softly. He frowned as she pulled out of his arms, shaking her head.

"No, Legolas. Stay here and visit with Elrohir longer. I can find my own way back." with that said she turned on her heel and walked quietly from the stable. Legolas started after her, but was detained by a hand on his arm.

"Let her go. She needs this time alone." Elrohir said as he dropped his hand and stepped up next to Legolas. Legolas nodded absently as he watched Rain walked down the path and out of sight.


Rain opened her eyes and stared at the filmy material covering the canopy of the bed. It was a delicate gold, shoot threw with emerald colored threads, creating a pattern of leaves delicately twining through the material.

'Lavish, yet strangely beautiful.' she thought as she closed her eyes against the sight. She was used to staring up at her white sheetrock ceiling at home, not paneled wood, expensive babbles and fripperies left and right. She didn't even want to look around the room again. When she had left Legolas in the stables she had returned to her room to contemplate what was running through her mind.

She had been so excited that she was finally going to see were Legolas grew up and to be able to meet his parents, but she was unsure of how to act now. She had no problems with people who had money, that wasn't the problem. The problem was the ostentatious of the decorations within his home. Money was one thing, but gold plated beds, gold plated staircases, hell even the sheets were shot through with gold threads.

So engrossed in her thoughts she did not hear the gentle knock at her door, nor the fact that it had been opened and an individual had entered her room. She was not aware of this person until she felt the edge of the bed sink gently beneath the light weight. Rolling over and opening her eyes, she shot back suddenly against the headboard as she looked directly into a pair of crystal blue eyes staring back down at her.

"I am sorry, I didn't hear you come in." she stuttered quickly as she bowed her head to the woman in front of her.

"No problem, my dear. I could tell that you were deep in thought." Queen Tiapyvain said gently as she gracefully placed her hands in her lap and stared back at Rain. "I wanted to visit a while with you before you and my son decide to continue your journey."

"I would be honored Queen Tiapyvain." Rain said.

"Please call me Tia. I have seen how Legolas looks at you and can only assume that he had fallen head over heals for you. It is good to finally see that my son has taken an interest in the female species after so many centuries." she replied softly. Rain could only look at her stunned. `How old is Legolas?' she thought, but couldn't bring herself to ask.

"But you aren't upset that he has fallen in love with a human." Rain blurted out, quickly clamping her mouth shut when she realized what she had said. She looked straight into her eyes, not wanting to see the answer that may be contain within, but not backing down either.

Tia smiled gently at the girl in front of her. She could see why Legolas had fallen for her, she didn't back down from a challenge, yet she could see a hint of fear and vulnerability within those deep emerald eyes.

'This girl is wonderful for Legolas. She will definitely lead him on a merry chase.' she thought gleefully, smiling softly.

"No my dear. I would never be upset about such a thing, I only want Legolas to be happy. I can see that you make him happy, no matter what the circumstances of your birth may be and he has accepted that." Tia said as she shifted slightly on the bedspread.

Rain looked down at her clasped hands, confusion warring within her heart. Legolas's mother accepted her freely for who she is now, but what would she do if Rain became an elf. Would she see it as a betrayal for not telling them and Legolas? She desperately needed someone one to talk to about her situation, someone who could give her advice and help her though her inner turmoil.

"Are you all right my dear?" Tia's voice echoed softly into her confused thoughts.

"Yes. . .No. . Oh, I don't know any more." Rain said as she leaned forward and buried her face in her hands. The tension, turmoil, and confusion she had been consumed by since she had arrived in Middle Earth finally tearing away at her mind. She had been stuck here now for more than a month, she could just imagine what kind of trouble she would be in when she finally got back home. And to top that off what was she going to do about Legolas, he obviously loved her, but was she good enough for him.

'He deserves better than me.' she thought ruefully. 'I mean the man is richer than Midas and I am just a poor country girl. Plus what is he going to say when I tell him that I can become an elf, he'll see it as a betrayal that I didn't tell him sooner.'

"You're wrong Rain. Legolas would love you no matter who you are." said Tia softly. Rain looked up startled into Queen Tiapyvain's compassionate blue eyes and winced.

"I didn't just say all that out loud did I." she asked.

"Yes you did, my dear." Tia smiled gently. "Legolas will be ecstatic that he doesn't have to lose you from his life. He would have been willing to take the time that you have no matter what, but this means that you can be together forever. And don't you worry about not being good enough for him, I think that you are perfect no matter what form you are."

"But I can't compare to his wealth." Rain protested.

"Rain." Tia said as she leaned forward and cup Rain's cheeks in her hands. "Legolas loves the simple life much more than the glittery glamour that my husband so adores. He spends so much of his time in the forest than he does here at home. He would give all of this up in a heartbeat to be with the one he loves."

Rain stared up Tia, quite unconvinced that Legolas could so easily give up such luxuries. She knew that all mothers loved their children and could find no wrong within them. She sighed softly as she pulled back from Tia and leaned back against the headboard, shutting her eyes. Too many thoughts were racing around in her head for her to make sense of the entire conversation. She needed time to sort though each and determine her best course of action.

"I see that you are tired. I shall leave you to your rest and see you in the morning at breakfast." Tia said as she stood and walked towards the door.

"Queen Tia." Rain said, watching as she stopped and turned back towards her. "Thank you."

"You are quite welcome, my child. If you ever have the need to talk to someone, please feel free to come to me anytime." Tia said as she closed the door softly behind her.

Rain watched as Legolas's mother departed and moved to swing her legs over the edge of the bed. Nanook, who had been laying on the floor next to the bed, moved to sit next to her and pressed his wet nose to the back of her hand.

"Oh, Bup-pup, what should we do? I can't tell him and I can't compete with his home. I think that we need to just go home, don't you?" Rain whispered softly him, gently stroking his fur along his head. "Right, that's what we'll do. We'll go on to the Lonely Mountain and retrieve the key and return home. It's only right that Legolas find someone of his own stature."

Nanook sat quietly watching Rain slip silently through the room, gathering her belongings and stuffing them into her bag.

Once packed, Rain crossed to the window and peered down into the courtyard below. In the moonlight, she could just make out the forms of the two guards patrolling the open space. She stood watching them as they walked out of view and patiently waited for they're return.

Five minutes passed before they rounded the corner of the building and slowly walked past the outer door. Glancing at her watch, she calculated her window of opportunity before slinging her bag over her shoulder and motioning for Nanook to follow her.

Rain sent up a silent prayer of thanks as her door swung open noiselessly. Across the hall, Legolas' door beckoned.

Slowly turning the handle, she held her breath as she pushed the heavy gilded door inward. Inside, the massive room was awash in moonlight. Taking a careful step, Rain focused her attention on the huge four poster bed standing against the far wall.

Amidst a mass of silken pillows and the thick satin coverlet lay Legolas. With his long legs stretched out, and his golden hair sprawling across the soft pillow, his chest rose and fell in the slow even breaths of sleep.

Rain's heart leapt into her throat as her gaze collided with the deep blue of his eyes. Frozen to the spot, it was several moments before she realized he was indeed asleep. With a deep sigh of relief, she vaguely remembered reading about elves sleeping with their eyes open.

Once again Rain's gaze took in the high cheekbones, flawless complexion and soft lips, committing them to memory. Clamping her jaw shut against the burn of tears in her eyes, she turned away and slipped out the door.

Nanook sat in the hall, his silken ears low, a sad expression in his big, shining eyes. Seeing the regret in his face, Rain had a moment of doubt, before gritting her teeth and heading down the hallway. Nanook glanced longingly at Legolas' door before slowly following his mistress.

Her steps light, Rain carefully made her way down the long hall cast in dancing shadows by the flickering flames of the torches. Just as she approached the stairwell, voices made her dash into a nearby doorway. She waited there, Nanook by her side, until the voices faded before venturing out to the stairs once again.

She made it down to the main floor and across the expanse of the dining room until she reached the door that lead to the courtyard. Glancing at her watch, she prayed that the guards were on schedule before pushing open the heavy door. Poking her head out, she just caught the flash of their pale blond hair as they rounded the far corner, leaving the yard. She slipped through the door and closed it carefully behind Nanook before she dashed across the moonlit yard.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she leaned against the stable door, taking in the heavy scent of hay and horses. Hefting the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder, she walked through the stable before stopping at the farthest stall.

Arod perked his ears forward at his unexpected visitors before walking to the stall door. He greeted Rain with a soft snort and then nuzzled her with his velvety nose.

"I need your help," she said softly, rubbing his neck gently. Arod's ears quivered as he pulled away from her touch and prodded his saddle eagerly. With an affectionate grin, Rain opened the stall door and saddled him as he curiously rubbed noses with Nanook, whose tail wagged slowly.

Arod whinnied quietly as Rain climbed up and led him out of the stall. She glanced once more at her watch, checking for the guards, before spurring the horse and galloping away into the night. Her heart breaking as she cast on last look at Mirkwood palace, whispering her farewells to Legolas.

So intent on her escape, Rain failed to notice the elf standing on the balcony on the top floor of the palace. Tia sighed heavily before turning and heading for her chambers.


A/N: Please don't get mad at Rain, she is so confused right now that this seems to her to be the only viable option. Stay tuned for the next exciting installment. . .

Thanks for reading ~ DBZ Vegeta