Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ A Voice of Reason ( Chapter 50 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fic title: Wild Blue Yonder
Authors: DBZ Vegeta
Rating: PG-13/R
# of Chapters: 50/?
Category: Angst/Action/Adventure/Romance/Suspense
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.R.R. Tolkien, various publishers including but not limited to Ballentine Books. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Author Note: Sorry for the long time between posting, this new job is a bugger-bear and keeps me extremely busy. To the point where my mind is focused more on it than writing, plus I have been off this fandom for a bit now. This is a short chapter, I know, but I hope that you enjoy it anyway.
Chapter 50 - A Voice of Reason
She groaned as she struggled to sit upright, placing a hand against her forehead. Opening her eyes, she groaned again and closed them. “Geez, not again.”
Reopening her eyes, she stared up at the tall trees surrounding her. She couldn't help to wonder were she was now, when only moments before she had been staring at the looming stone doors buried miles beneath the earth in a world that was as far from hers as she had ever been.
“Man, if this keeps happening I'm gonna have to demand frequent flyer miles,” she groused grouchily, as she rolled up into a sitting position.
Looking around she found that she was in the center of a small clearing seated upon a raised stone dais. Large obelisks of stone, standing in what she estimated a rough circle and approximately 15 to 20 feet in height, surrounded the dais. Tall, leafy green trees surrounded the circle, their growth reaching out over the clearing, until little light spilled through the leafy canopy.
Pushing up to her feet, she reached back and brushed off the back of her pants while looking curiously around. The clearing was deserted of life, only trees, grass and stone. Stepping down off the dais, she cautiously paced the perimeter, looking for any signs of life or danger. Her circle complete, she looked about, disgruntled as she had found not even an opening in the tree, growing so close together that there was no way to slip through them In effect, she was inside the circle with no way of exiting.
“Now how in the hell did I get here, if there is no way in or out?” she muttered under her breath as she moved closer to the stone obelisks. Each stone, thirteen total, had ancient runes carved into them. She gently ran her fingers over one set, frowning as they seemed familiar in appearance. “Where have I seen these before?” she exhaled lightly.
In all her travels throughout her world, she had encountered many different cultures. The runes she found on the stones had a curious look to them, almost Asian in appearance. One of the cultures that she had a fondness for was Japan, the runes were similar in appearance to their written language, all sharp lines and strokes, but not exactly right.
As her fingers drifted over the symbol, it began to glow in a sharp blue color. She jerked her hand away and took several steps back, her eyes automatically looking around at the other stone columns. Each were beginning to glow in the eerily blue color as the one in front of her. She stepped back further as the glow began to intensify, bringing one hand up to shield her eyes from the glare. Suddenly she was thrown back into the grass as the glow from all the stones shot forth in the blinding beams of light to converge at the center of the stone dais, and just as abruptly the light disappeared.
She groaned as she rolled over pushing to her hands and knees; she was getting too old to keep getting knocked around like that. As she rolled up, a soft voice whispered through the clearing.
“You have come, daughter of two worlds.”
He eyes blinked open and she stared up at the floating glowing figure hovering in the center of the dais. Long pale, almost white, hair curled down around her face. Pale green eyes watched her, filled with such depths, that Rain felt as if she was being sucked into them. A blue glow surrounded her body, cloaking her so that only her upper body was visible, the rest lost in the haze of blue.
“Who are you?” Rain asked, as she pushed herself back to her feet and warily dropped her hand to her pistol.
“You have no need of your weapon, I am what you have been seeking,” came back the whispery voice. Rain stared at the figure, finally realizing that her lips hadn't moved. “You are right, young one.”
“Will you stop it with the mind reading crap!” Rain snorted, “You are just as bad as Galadriel.”
A soft laugh filled the clearing, echoing lightly. “You are much more than was expected, daughter of two worlds. I feel that you may be the one who will finally fulfill the destiny that ties our two worlds together.”
“Finally?” Rain said, picking up on the one odd word within the sentence. “What do you mean finally? How many times has this happened before?”
“Three time past has the chosen one graced our world and three time past have they failed,” came the whispery voice.
“Failed?” Rain asked, “Failed how?”
“The first daughter was not strong enough; she could not handle the stress of this world and was returned without completing the task. The first son was ambitious; he wanted power and domination, control over men and beasts. He too did not complete his mission, but brought upon this world a great blight that only just recently was finally defeated,” the voice sounded tired and sad Rain noticed however, the face did not change her expression.
“And the last,” she prompted.
“Ah the last, he had been so close to the key, that had he not thought of fame and greed, that he would have been the one to complete the task set before him. But alas, he returned to your world to exploit the teaching and history we gave him, in the name of greed and money.”
Rain frowned, her mind puzzling the words presented to her. Three before her, one woman and two men, each set with the task that she herself had been appointed and each time all three had failed due to a flaw in themselves.
“What makes you think that I will not fail as the others before me have done so,” Rain asked softly, wondering if she really was the one able to complete the task.
“You are different from the others, my child,” said the whispery voice, “You have strength of mind and purpose, a dedication to do what is right. That alone stands you above those that came before you. I know that you shall not fail.”
“But if I do fail, what happens then? Do I return to my home with nary a word said, does this world continue on as it had in the past until another like me comes to save it?” Rain said softly, trying to come to a reason for the insanity that was surrounding her. This entire journey was like out of the pages of a book, not set in stone until you turn the next page to see what was going to happen.
She looked up into the pale green eyes that hovered above her, and say what she needed to know in that instant. “This is the last chance, isn't it?”
The pale head nodded solemnly, “Yes, my child. This is the last chance for this world to continue on with elves among the inhabitants of these lands.”
“What will happen to the elves, should I fail?” Rain asked quietly, a band of fear tightening around her heart as she thought suddenly of Legolas and Elrohir. How would she feel if she was the one to cause them to disappear from her life.
A softly serene smile tugged at the spirits lips, “They shall disappear into the west, never to be heard of again. They will be remembered for a short period of time, but as with all men the memories of what had come before will slowly die and become legend. Now, my daughter, it is time for you to return.”
“Wait, what about the key?” Rain said suddenly as the clearing around her slowly began to shrink in upon itself and vanish. She stumbled forward towards the dias, intent on getting her answers. Darkness began to close in upon her, wrapping about her legs and arms as she struggled forward fingers gripping the stone. “What do I do to save them?” she cried as the blackness engulfed her.
Her last thoughts were filled with the parting words, “You shall know when it is time.”