Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Destiny Awaits ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: I claim now and forever not to own any of Tolkien's work or Lord of the Rings. I do however claim ownership to Rain, Nanook and Elenna…..(Hey watch that. . .<author ducking several sharp objects> 'I own myself wench,' says Rain. <Opps, sorry>) Well onto the show. . .

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 9 - Destiny Awaits


A tickling sensation tugged at her awareness. It centered on her nose, and she reached up to bat away whatever was tickling her, without opening her eyes. The tickling sensation continued this time trailing down across her cheek to the tip of her ear. She tried rolling away from the feeling, feebly batting at the area.

"Stop it Bup-pup, I want to sleep." she mumbled. Hearing a low masculine chuckle her eyes sprang open and she abruptly sat up, right into a hard body.

"Ouch" she cried, rubbing her forehead where it had come into contact with the body. She peered up under her bangs to see long blond hair and bright blue eyes twinkling back down at her.

"Legolas, you goof. What was that for?" she growled irritably, sleep still clouding her sense. She hadn't had a full restful sleep in four days.

"I was trying to wake you up. Its time for dinner and I thought I would escort you down." Legolas commented as he trailed a piece of her black tresses down her neck and across her bare shoulder, where her robe had parted and slipped off during her rest. Rain was suddenly wide awake, mouth dry, pulse racing. For a brief moment she wished it was his fingers trailing across her electrified skin, and that those fingers would dip lower, to where the silk of the robe parted. She gave herself a mental shake to chase those thoughts away.

He had slipped in a little while earlier and had been entranced by her. He had never seen her hair down and he was amazed at how beautiful she was. He had thought her pretty before, but with her hair unbound and flowing around her like a halo, he had been unable to control his hand as he had gently slid his fingers along one long black lock. Her hair was softer than he had imagined and smelled of lavender, when he had brought the piece to his nose.

Unable to stop himself, he had begun to tease her nose with the lock of hair, smiling as she wrinkled it and batted at his hand. He had then trailed it down over her ear and her comment had made him laugh, waking her. Looking down, he was enchanted by her sleepy countenance, her forest green eyes peering annoyedly up at him through a tangle of black hair.

'Hello, Legolas, anyone in there." her voice seem to float on the edge of his consciousness. Blinking rapidly, his eyes refocused on her face. She was peering up at him worriedly, her bright green eyes flickering over his face.

"What happened Legolas, I was talking to you and then you suddenly zoned out there." she said as she scooted closer to him and placed her hand on his check. He stifled a groan at the feel of her soft hand against his skin and closed his eyes, unconsciously leaning into her touch.

She was startled by the tingling sensation that raced through the skin of her hand and when she saw his eyes close and felt him lean into her she could not help herself as her fingers began to caress the side of his face. Taking in the smooth contours of his high cheekbones, the proud length of his nose, and the softness of his perfect lips.

They both began to lean in towards each other, unaware of the movement. Their lips almost touching, when suddenly a loud knocking at the door interrupted them, causing them to spring apart as the door swung open

"My Lady Rain, I have come to help y. . ." Elenna's voice trailed off as she saw that Rain was sitting in bed with the covers pulled up tight around her waist and Legolas standing next to the open balcony doorway, both with flushes highlighting their cheeks. Chuckling knowingly, Elenna glided into the room and over to the closet to fetch the deep green dress.

"Prince Legolas, if you would excuse us for a little while, I will have Lady Rain ready for you to escort to dinner." she said as she draped the dress along the bottom of the bed.

"Of course, I shall await for you in the hallway, my lady." Legolas said as he bowed and quickly strode from the room. Rain watched as he almost bolted from the room, confused about what had just happened only a few moments ago. Her hand strayed to her lips, almost feeling the warmth of his breath caressing them. Hearing a light laugh, she looked up to find the knowing gaze of Elenna watching her. ' She needed to stop this now, she wasn't a blushing school girl.' she thought, as she dropped her hand and flung back the covers.

"Well, Elenna, let's see what we can do with mess like this" she said as she gestured to her tangled black hair.

Laughing, Elenna gestured to a chair in front of a small vanity table, where she began to comb and fuss with Rain's hair. "So, Lady Rain, how long have you known Prince Legolas." she asked as she struggled with a difficult snarl.

"We meet four days ago. He was on his way here to visit with friends when he found Nanook and I." She said as she gestured to the large dog laying in a patch of fading sunlight on the balcony. "Nanook and I sorta lost our way from home and Legolas was kind enough to offer to help us."

'Ain't that the half of it.' she thought. She really had not wanted to scare Elenna by telling her she was a different world. She drifted off with her thoughts of what she was going to do now.

* Number one, she definitely wasn't getting back to her world anytime soon. It had already been four days and she had no idea on how she had gotten here no matter how much she contemplated the subject.

* Number two, she needed to find out how Lord Elrond knew her name. Something about how he had said it intrigued her. As if he had been expecting her.

* Number three, she was unsure of what was going on between Legolas and her. The example of only just a little while ago. She had almost kissed him. What was she thinking? He was much much older than her and an elf to boot. Where she would die in 50 or so more years he would live on longer. She couldn't let anything happen between them. It wasn't fair to both of them.

Elenna interrupted her musings, "There done, now lets get you into your dress, before Prince Legolas wears a rut in the hallway with his pacing." Rain looked up into the mirror and gasped. Her hair had been pulled back up away from her face and was hanging in a mass of curls down her back. A green ribbon the color of the dress had been woven into the dark curls, the ends trailing down to mix with her hair.

"Oh, Elenna, it's beautiful. I never have been able to do much with my hair except braid it or pull it up into a ponytail."

"Now for the dress and then you can go impress Prince Legolas." Elenna said as she slipped the dress over her head. It slipped down light as a feather to settle easily about her. The material was soft to the touch, and looking into the mirror, she found a stranger staring back at her. Elenna had been right the dress did match her eyes, but not only that it slimmed down her figure considerably.

The neckline was scooped and hugged about the tops of her shoulders, the sleeves were light and fell halfway down her arms to about her elbows. The bodice was close fitting to the waist where it then fell in graceful waves about her legs. The green material was shot through with silver threads the glittered as she moved.

"Elenna, the dress is beautiful. Much too nice for me to wear." Rain said as she looked in consternation at the beautiful garment.

"Nonsense, Lady Rain. This dress is perfect for you, no one else would look as lovely in it as you. Now, isn't someone waiting to escort you to dinner." Elenna said as she strode over to open the door. Legolas stopped his pacing in the hall as Rain stepped from the room. He almost forgot to breathe at the sight of her.

He held out a hand to her and smiled as she placed hers in his. Smiling back at him, she said "Are we ready to face the lion's den then, Legolas."

He frowned slightly at her words, and she laughed as she tugged on his arm. "Come on, I'm hungry."

His face cleared and he led her down the hallway to the central stairs. As they descended, she saw two other elves waiting at the foot of the staircase.

"Good evening Lord Elrohir and Lord Elladan." she commented as they drew even with the brothers.

"Lady Rain, how exquisite you look this evening, a vast improvement from when we meet last night." Elrohir said as his took her hand in his and kissed the back gently.

"Are you saying that I looked that bad last night, Lord Elrohir?" she chuckled over the slight flush of dismay across his face at her words. "That's all right. BDUs are not meant for beauty but for functionality."

"Shall we go now, Lord Elrond is waiting for us." Legolas growled, unsure of the sudden feelings that he had over Elrohir flirting with Rain. Pulling her away from him, he guided her towards the open double doors across the hall. Elladan shot a warning glare to which Elrohir merely grinned impishly. He had never seen his oldest friend suffer such emotions, and being such a loyal friend, he wanted to enjoy every one of them. Still smiling, he joined his brother and followed the others.

Upon entering the dining hall, Lord Elrond stood to meet them, his voice ringing out over the gathered elves.

"Welcome friends of old and new. I would like to welcome a very special guest this evening. Her coming has been foretold by the Lady Galdadriel herself, Lady Rain Clearwater, fiftieth generation granddaughter of Elros Half-Even, my brother."


A/N: Well, well, well. . . This is an interesting predicament. If any of you have read Simarillion, Elros chose to become the King of Men, while Elrond stayed as an Elf. So, who do you think that makes her a relative of, other than Elrond and his boys. . . Hummm

Well, let me know. Did you like, loathe it, detest it?