Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Journey Eastward ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: Nope, nodda, never, ever will I own it. Just doing this for fun and entertainment.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 18 - Journey Eastward


Rain concentrated on guiding Arod's headlong dash down the road, ignoring the cries of the guards as they jumped a low outpost. Her mind was racing as fast as Arod, pictures and emotions tumbling together.

Aragorn's words, the look on Arwen's face, the hint of concern in Lord Elrond's eyes and the sad expression on Legolas's face.

'Was I so wrong about what I saw?' her thoughts screamed as she leaned farther forward over Arod's neck urging him to go faster. She barely noticed the sounds of other hoofbeats behind her and was brought abruptly out of her reckless ride by a sharp whistle.

Arod dug his feet into the ground, almost flinging her over his head, at his sudden stop. Only instinct kept her firmly on his back, her legs and hands tightening around him.

Legolas rode forward on a large gray horse and stopped next to Arod. "Are you all right?" he asked, concern coloring his tones. His eyes, she saw, held what looked like pain and confusion.

'Confusion, too right there.' she thought, as her own mind whirled with the same emotions. Steeling herself, she sat upright on Arod's back, stiffening her shoulders. She needed to think everything through before she could make her decision about what was happening. It was what any good NCO did.

"I am fine." she ground out between clenched teeth. "Why are you following me?"

"I want to help you on your quest." he said, a soft smile creeping over his lips. He had known that she was going to be mad about his presence but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He chuckled at his thoughts, ignoring the glare she sent at him. Nudging the horse with his heels, he turned and continued down the trail.

"I don't need your help!" she yelled as she kicked Arod gently to follow Legolas's horse. Quickly catching up, she reached out and grasped his arm, digging her fingers in painfully.

He reached over and pried her fingers off his arms as he looked down into her fierce green eyes. "Rain, you don't know the dangers of Middle Earth and though Elrohir is a good warrior, I can protect you better than he." His blue eyes suddenly became as cold as ice, shaking her straight to her soul. In that instance, she saw the cold hard warrior that he was not the soft compassionate man that she thought she knew.

Shaken, she sat back on Arod and turned to stare blindly down the trail. Trying to ignore the tendrils of fear and cold that had suddenly shot up her spine.

They rode in silence throughout the entire morning, before the sounds of hoofbeats behind them drifted into their quiet world. They both turned to find Elrohir racing toward them, with two packhorses in tow.

"Finally, you two decide that you were going to race the entire way to Lothlórien." he asked breathing hard as he pulled the horse to a stop next to them. He turned to look at the pair, noticing that neither of them seemed to be interested in responding back. Sighing heavily, he turned and followed the quiet pair down the road.

Silence prevailed for the rest of the day, none of the trio willing to speak to the other. The sounds of nature the only symphony to be heard. As darkness began to fall, Legolas turned Hasufel toward an open clearing just off the edge of the road, before dismounting. Without saying a word, he went to assist Elrohir to unpack the horses. Rain left to her own devices began to setup a rudimentary camp. By the time that the elves had finished with the horses, she had a fire going and dinner halfway complete. When Legolas turned to look back at her, he noticed that she had placed their bedding on opposite sides of the camp.

Sighing he strode over to his gear and swiftly picked it up and deposited next to hers. Ignoring the frosty glare she sent in his direction, he unrolled his blanket and stretched out languidly, closing his eyes and listening to the night sounds.

Rain watched as Legolas move his stuff next to hers, and cringed at the thought of having so close. Even through she was still angry with him, he still was a very attractive man and she prayed that she could handle this. Her thoughts returned to the other morning when she had woken with him in bed with her and a flush spread across her checks.

Elrohir watched the silent interaction of his companions, grinning as he watched the flush spread over Rain's face. 'This was definitely going to be a very interesting trip.' he thought wickedly, with every intention of throwing the two of them together as much as possible. He had never seen two people more suited for each other than Rain and Legolas, and if everything worked out Rain would remain in Middle Earth as one of the firstborn.

Elrohir shook his head and turned his attention back to Rain, who had been calling him several times. "Elrohir what's wrong?" she asked concerned.

"Nothing, just thinking." he said with a slight chuckle. "What did you want?"

"I was curious, how long with it take us to get to Lothlórien?" she queried as she removed the water kettle from the fire and pour some into her cup. Tea was all that the elves had and though she did on occasion like it, she suddenly craved a strong cup of coffee. Sighing she poured two more cups of the tea for the others as she turned her attention back to Elrohir.

"We should be there in about two weeks. We shall cross the Misty Mountains at the High Pass and then travel to the Anduin River and follow the western shore to Lórien." he commented as he took the cup she proffered.

"How far is that in distance?" she asked curious.

"It would be about a hundred leagues, I would guess." he thought, as he turned to Legolas, "Wouldn't you say so?"

"Yes, that is about right." he answered without opening his eyes.

"Hundred leagues. . ." she murmured, doing some quick math in her head. "That's about three hundred miles, and its going to take use two weeks by horseback." she wondered. "My truck sure would be handy about now, wouldn't it." she pondered out loud.

"Truck, what is a truck?" Elrohir asked puzzled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget that you don't know about modern marvels." she chuckled at the confused expression on his face.

"A truck is a machine that transports people from one place to another at great rates of speed. Even faster than horses. In my time, horses are for primarily for recreation and some work use. With a truck, I could travel three hundred miles or as you say a hundred leagues in less than one day. But of course, over this territory that we are covering, my truck would have a hard time, since it required a road to travel upon." she explained, laughing at the awed expression on his face.

"Magic. . ." he breathed heavily, stunned by her revelation.

"Nope, not magic. Just good old human ingenuity." she said, thinking that she had better not say anything about airplanes, knowing that would even shock him further. Yawning widely, she turned to look over at Legolas. Nanook had crawled up next to him and had his head propped up on his hip, snoring away peacefully. She watched with a small smile as Legolas's hand gently stroked her dog's head, taking care not to wake up the exhausted animal. She almost wished that it was her that he was touching.

'Where did that come from?' she chastised herself mentally, shaking her head angrily. 'She was supposed to be angry with him, wasn't she?'

Standing up, she walked over towards the pair and knelt down next to her bag, unzipping it. Reaching in she pulled the bedroll that she had made at Rivendell and laid it down on the ground several feet from the pair. Pulling her bag around, she used it for a pillow. Closing her eyes, she tried to ignore the soft sounds of his breathing next to her and relax. Sleep came uneasily that night, her dreams haunted by images of his sad eyes.

Legolas lay on his bedroll, his eyes closed, feigning sleep. He listened intently as Rain settled down beside him, a comforting hand nestled in Nanook's warm fur. He had been surprised when she didn't moved her bed to the far side of the camp, as he had fully expected. Maybe his plan was working, he mused, a soft smile curving his lips.

All day he had deliberately not spoken, allowing Rain the silence to organize her jumbled thoughts. Several times he'd seen the pensive, confused glances she'd directed at him. He knew instinctively that she would need time and space to sort out her emotions, and that pressuring her would only push her farther away from him.

Hearing her breath slow, he risked opening his eyes and turned his head toward her. Her hair was still pulled back into that braid which he was coming to hate since seeing her silken tresses flowing freely over her shoulders. Several pieces had strayed from their bond to cascade gently across her face.

Legolas dug his fingers into Nanook's fur to keep from reaching out, capturing a strand and caressing it. The dog grunted in his sleep, before wiggling himself closer to Legolas' thigh.

His attention was once again drawn to Rain as she shifted restlessly in her sleep, a frown marring her pale brow. His own brow furrowed deeply as his mind returned to the moment before their departure. He had been slow in returning Nayowyn to the stable, curious to see Rain's reaction upon meeting Arwen.

The whole time during the disastrous dinner the night before, Arwen had been seated on the other side of Elrond, opposite Rain. Both he and Aragorn, sitting next to Arwen, had noticed Rain's clear attempts to avoid eye contact with the other woman. And the only time their eyes HAD met, Rain's had been filled with anger and loathing.

But at their formal introduction this morning, Rain's emerald eyes had been filled with surprise which was quickly replaced by recognition.

Legolas had seen that look before. She had known him upon their first meeting, and had immediately known Aragorn, using both his human and elven name. How was that possible? he wondered, his blue eyes scanning the stars, as if for answers. How could she know so much about the people of a land she had never visited before?

It was long into the night before his eyes drifted shut in sleep, his questions unanswered.


A/N: Well the journey has started. Rain doubts herself and what she believes Legolas has done. Will she be able to overcome her fears and will Legolas be able to convince her of his love. And when is she going to tell him about her ability to become immortal also. . .hummm

Oh, well that is for me to know and you to continue reading to find out.. . Let me know what you think so far and I will take any suggestions to heart.

Thanks ~ DBZVegeta