Fatal Fury Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Rifts ❯ Chapter 29: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sailor Moon/Rifts Crossover (Revised Edition) By Simon Woodington

Chapter 29: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

There was a desperate crying, weeping, dissolving in the pain of her
own existence, losing all hope, finding it again, and banishing it.

But it did not have a voice.

:Oh Goddess! Not again!:

The hand was slender, and as it reached, the facade of skin shattered
and fell, leaving behind the geometric gleam of metal. She ducked
back, weaving away, but failed to flee. The clawed hand gripped her
upper arm, and painlessly, the fingers slipped into her flesh, tearing
the arm loose in a harsh motion.

She did not scream. It was not the first time. Though tears stained
her beautiful face, her blond slivers of hair shifting over her
slender features, though pain rendered her soul, she did not cry out.

:Who are you...:

A blue streak lit the infinite darkness, holding a part of her mind,
drawing forth her inner child. She remembered, she knew. It was a
friend. Her inner southpaw was too young to know, but it was there,
buried back... nearly forsaken, but still alive.


A feral snarl wafted beyond her sight, hovering in her ears. Three
silvery blades drifted near her face, and she held her breath.

:I don't know who you are, but get out of my dreams!:

:Ami no! Don't do this..! Don't you know who I am?:

Her anger skewed face appeared in a shadow, glaring with the intensity
of acknowledged death.

:Sorry honey; she said before offering her knowledge to her perceived


'Usako!' replied a fearful male voice in Japanese. 'Usako... it's
alright.' His arms wrapped firmly about her, she trembled at the
passage of dreams.


Tonight they shared the same cot, for Usagi was temperamental as a
Juicer, and as uncertain as a Crazy.

'Was it the dream?'

He felt her hair shift at his shoulder; a nod. For a succinct
stumbling of Chronos, Silence stammered and wept, feeling for the
young woman.

'Ami's out there... she's lost... she's confused.'

He sought her eyes as Silence fled, and Chronos passed idly onwards.

'I don't understand.'

She shook her head.

'Neither do I. I think maybe she is trying to reach me.'

'But she lost her memory of us, how...?'

Silence. Dead, unquestionable, Phateful silence.

:My love, Usako... Please darling, speak to me:

'No!' she whispered, pushing away abruptly from him. 'No! You couldn't
do that before!'

'I...' he felt the silence in him, and did not refuse it. It was
almost comfortable. The moonlight fled from their dispassioned faces
as a silver of warmth replaced it. The easy heat lit her forearms,
where her fists were clenched in all of her torrential feelings.

'Usako? What...?'

She leveled her eyes to his, reading the fear in her sudden power, and
his uninflicted love.

'The Coalition did this,' she said in hushed tones. 'They changed me.'

Mamoru nurtured his silence, unsure of any words.

'Do you still love me?'

His mouth opened, but her shining finger halted him.

'No, Mamoru, look at me. I am not the same childish teenager you fell
in love with back on earth. I hunt demons, I smell magic. Can you love

'Usako, we have both changed. I have become an Earth Child. I am
psychic. It doesn't matter. It simply does not matter. I fell in love
with you over a thousand years ago. I will always love you.'

'Mamoru!' she leaned upon him fully, kissing him upon the mouth - an
altogether clumsy thing - leaving no doubt in his mind.

She had not changed all that much.


'How do you know? You're just a...'

'Juicer?' Aaran shook her head. 'Not anymore... You've heard of the
Lord God Black, haven't you?'

Makoto's face tightened inquisitively.

'He's a God of War and Dragons. I'm one of His High Priestesses.'


:She's not lying, dearest. She speaks sooth. At least, where I come

Makoto merely nodded solemnly.


'I'm looking for my brother. Uh, well, y'know, it just turned out I
could help Demelza, who was kinda going my way when I stuck out my
dimension shifting thumb...' A slightly pleading look entered her
face, as if she expected Makoto to have a concept of her desire.
Again, Makoto fell short.

'Maybe you've heard some rumors, or... His name is Jake Yyone, he's
stationed at Lone Star, in Tex...'

'I know where Lone Star is,' Makoto waved her hand with a hard set
facial adornment. 'Listen, I really don't know. I've been away for
seven years.'

Aaran arched an eyebrow sharply.

'We didn't take that long!'

'Look, it really doesn't matter. Talk to Usagi. She was there.' Makoto
gave a faint half shrug, turning away. 'She might know.'

'Okay,' Aaran said softly, getting to her feet and approaching the
door. 'Makoto.. you fight pretty well.... I think, if I ever see you
again, that maybe it would be nice if it was on different terms.'

Makoto nodded hesitantly.

'I'm going to see Usagi in a minute if you want to come with me.'

'Well, sure,' Aaran agreed, waiting for Makoto to walk through the
door first, leading the way.

:Any luck, love?:

:Adolphus!; she cried in pleasant mind-tones. :Where are you? I

:Of course not. This is a rather inopportune place to 'talk'; replied
he with a trace of a mental smirk.

:Far be it for me to refuse, but.. I've got to right now. I might've
found a lead to Jake!:

:A lead? So Makoto was able to tell you...?:

:No, Makoto doesn't know. She told me her friend might:

:Contact me when you desire my company, love:

:Damn skippy; she replied cheerily.

As they entered the dojo, Makoto half called out her friend's name,
before realizing that she was already entwined in conversation.

'I cannot tell you what it means, I am not you. Yet, I think your
instincts are correct,' offered the oddly red-haired woman.
Immediately Makoto knew why.

'She's American,' Aaran muttered, glancing at Makoto.

'Canadian, actually,' was the woman's unbidden reply. 'Come now. I
have as much need to talk to you as Usagi.'

The two stepped forth, as bid, and dwelt before her, Aaran quite
certain she was not included in the matter at hand, and rightfully so.
Regarding only Usagi and Makoto, the former of whom took aside her
friend, in worry.

'So, Sailor Senshi, what will you do?'

Usagi handed her gaze to Makoto, who offered it directly in reply,
also unsure of their next course of action.

'Osaka, I do not know. We are not ready to fight. We are not even
together yet!' Usagi replied, expression unsettled. 'It all hinges on

The middle aged woman gasped at her forgetfullness.

'I am sorry,' she stated, blushing faintly. 'I was brought into this
at the lost minute, and told you had questions for me.'

'Um, hai,' Usagi nodded glumly, feeling very much a small child. 'We
do. But...'

'Actually, we were kinda hoping you would be able to guide us," Makoto
elaborated for her friend who seemed unable to pull together a
complete sentence. "Kai-chan said you would tell us about the Senshi

'Oh, of course!' she smiled faintly, and briefly. 'There's so much
more to it than that. It's hard to cover all at once.'

Usagi nodded, a panicked ache in her chest.

'Hai. I get it,' she breathed, gazing about herself nervously.

'Usagi-san?' Makoto prodded. 'Are you okay?'

'Hm?' she started, flinching away from Makoto's gentle hand. 'I guess.
I'm leaving with Mamoru very soon to get Ami... I just want to know
who it is that's set up this whole Resistence thing, and what it means
for us.'

'Hai, then. You have more friends than you will ever realize. Nasura
Iridian and I are responsible for the network of people who have come
to form the Resistence. What it means to you is that there is hope
here. We have successfully fought off the increase of demons since
your exile.'

'I don't understand. How many? How powerful? Who? Who is the new
senshi? What's happened to her? Who are Akari and Yanei?'

Osaka fell silent, gazing at Usagi wide eyed in stock amazement.

'I don't have answers to most of those questions,' she gradually
managed to reply. 'But here is what I know: A young woman was
appointed to be the first protector of earth, as Sailor Ether.'

'But Ether isn't a planet.'

'No, but none of these girls are Royal Senshi, either. Nasura felt it
would be disrespectful to select names that might already have

'Hai. Thank her for me.'

'Of course. This girl has done very well, up until the introduction of
the Vortex crystal which has appeared in northern Tokyo.'

'What?' Makoto blinked.

'Later. Members of the Resistence are attempting to determine it's
purpose as we speak.'

'When that thing starts up, you'll know it,' Usagi snarled faintly,
hands slipping up to her hips. 'What about Akari and Yanei? And where
is Sailor Ether now?'

'That's the problem. We don't know. The same goes for Akari and Yanei.
Ether is missing, and the other two haven't done anything in days.'

'So I guess things are getting pretty tense, eh?' Makoto remarked.

She nodded, emotions restrained.

'Good. That helps,' Usagi stated softly.


'Helps me to understand this. So what made Nasura decide to start up
this little network?'

'She is merely an organizer of those with interest in your welfare.
The initiative comes from every individual involved.'

'Then what's hers?' Usagi inquired sharply.

'She seemed to sense some greater evil, something powerful. Something
you couldn't defeat.'

'I'd be insulted if it wasn't true,' Makoto frowned angrily. 'Do you
know what it is?'

Osaka nodded.

'The NegaVerse, directed by its oldest champion; Uraki-Ayo.'

Makoto did not suppress her snarl.

'Give me one round with this bloody...' her words deepened into viral

Usagi startled slightly at her harsh language. Osaka shook her head

'Please, Makoto... I cannot pretend to understand how you feel,
but...' she frowned pointedly.

'Gomen nasai! I guess I'm still pretty angry with... well, him,' she
replied, her face darkened by the internal swirl of long buried
emotions. 'What's the plan? What are we going to do?'

'Not much until Nasura Knights the new warriors.'

Makoto's feral expression faded into puzzlement.

'You haven't already?' Usagi inquired softly, ignoring her friend's
subsiding torrential anger.

'You must understand, we were caught off guard by this. If we Knight
the wrong ones, then we could easily blow Tokyo's only hope for
survival. Chances are Ether's disappearance may be a result of her
premature Knighting.' A destitute look wandered over her face, and she
shared it with Usagi, who turned away. 'It is miraculous that we even
can hope to offer this kind of protection to Tokyo, but we can't
afford to take it lightly.'

'Hai. I understand. You know what you're doing. Forgive me.'

'Forgive what? We've been acting behind your back for almost a year.
We should be asking for forgiveness for not telling you sooner.'

Usagi could only shake her head.

'Usagi?' prodded another feminine voice.

'Hai?' she returned weakly, vaguely, eyes flicking upwards for a
solitary moment.

'I apologize for my interruption,' the somewhat buxom blond excluded
from the conversation bowed nervously. 'But I was hoping you might be
able to answer a, um, couple questions. When...' Aaran paused,
uncertain. 'When you escaped from Lone Star,' and paused again as
Usagi winced. 'Did you ever hear of a CS grunt named Yyone?'

Aaran felt the pain writhe inside Usagi, and knew that she wanted to
help, despite it. Despite everything she had suffered. She also was
aware of a potentially all consuming shard of rage, one very similar
to those she had experienced as a Hormone Juicer. This made her draw
back slightly. Usagi closed her eyes tightly as tension sought to
invite her fury forth.

'Hai, Aaran, he is out of Lone Star. He is with my friend Minako.'

'Thank you,' Aaran bowed slightly to Osaka and Makoto. 'Makoto, I have
things to attend to, but I will be here when you wish to go back.'

Usagi's eyes snapped open, and she hissed at Aaran angrily.

'Go be with your dragon lover, then! Leave!'

Dumbfounded, Aaran gazed at Usagi, stunned. Makoto stared at her
friend, openly lost.

:Adolphus...?; Aaran pined in her mind.

Aaran was clipped out of their reality no sooner than the thought had
been issued.

'What the hell was...'

:Makoto-san, forget it; Ellison warned.

:What was that though? How the hell does she know who Aaran's with?:

:No idea. But if you haven't received the hint, she is volatile in the
extreme. Best to leave it be:


'Uhm, Usagi, what's wrong?' Makoto inquired, though not moving.

The blond woman's face grew a tad more placid.

'Nothing. I'm just tired, that's all.'

'Then rest,' Osaka offered.

'No! There isn't time. There's too much at stake,' Usagi's voice was
harsh, and unusually stubborn sounding. 'I have to find Ami.'

Osaka frowned, her head bowed.

'Usagi, I wish could help. But...'

'No, thank you, and I am so sorry. I would stay, but I need the others
if we're going to defeat this...' she squinted, an emotional fatigue
washing over her. 'Uraki-Ayo. You're doing everything you can, and I
am very grateful.'

Osaka blinked at Usagi's words, but then decided not to question them
at this point.

'Then please go. I understand what is at stake.' Her eyes met Usagi's,
seconding her earlier wish of favourable luck.

'Makoto, I'm so sorry!' Usagi whispered, wrapping her arms around her
friend in slighted emotion. 'I'm... I just...'

'No, Usagi-san,' she replied with a faint smile, altogether startled
by her friend's abrupt alteration in temperament. 'This bastard isn't
going to win. I should go with you.... but...'

'Forget it. Mamoru and I will do okay. I can take care of myself.'

'Yeah... good luck.'


Watching them, Osaka's thoughts came to her own daughter. Nasura would
not miss a beat, and it occurred to her to wonder if she might select
Ayla. She hoped not. A nod saw Usagi's departure, and Makoto's
induction into Osaka's command.

'Osaka-san, when will your Senshi be "Knighted"?' Makoto inquired with
heated anxiousness.

'That is entirely up to Nasura. She has told me nothing of what she
plans to do. All we can do is wait.'

'Wait. My first choice,' she sighed.


"You're pretty lucky there Mamoru, she's a nice girl. Fine lookin'

The recipient leaned back against the chair, hands in his loose pant

"You don't know what Makoto was like before, do you."

"All I know now is she's plenty tough, a helluva fighter, and the
sexiest woman I've ever seen," he replied with a wide grin. "My wife
kicks ass. Pretty sweet package if you ask me."

"She's always been beautiful, but she's more now than she used to be."

"What're you sayin'?" Hanlan half-snapped.

He answered him with a reproachful look.

"Look, do I really seem like that to you?"

"I dunno. She talks about you like you used to be an item."

"Figures. She always did have a funny sense of romance. No, you don't
understand. Before all of this, I used to protect them."

"Them who?"

Mamoru stored his sigh for later use.

"The Sailor Senshi. Makoto, Usagi, Ami, Rei, and Minako."

"Oh," he nodded slowly. "Uh-huh. I remember."

"Usagi and I are destined to be together. We loved each other before
we were reborn."

"Reborn? Whatcha talking about?"

"Didn't Makoto tell you anything about herself?"

"Yeah, lots. She told me she's not human if that's what you mean."

"It is. They were all born on the Moon. Usagi's mother was the Queen.
Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom."

"Freaky," Han commented dryly. "Well, yeah, it's like I said: When
Makoto talks about you, it's like you're her brother 'r somethin'.
Sometimes more. I mean, I guess that's why I got all like that."

"That's alright," Mamoru replied curtly. "What I meant by her being
more beautiful... it's just the fact that she's older now. A woman,
not so much a girl anymore."

"With little Ayana? No frickin' doubt," Hanlan whistled. "So what
about you? Weren't you born on the moon too?"

"No. I was a warrior from Earth. I was courting Usagi when the army of
the NegaForce attacked and destroyed the Moon Kingdom." His voice drew
back slightly.

"So what happened? How come Mako didn't nail their asses to the wall?"

Mamoru had to wonder just how much of his friend's change was not

"She's always been the toughest of the Sailor Senshi, but wasn't as
strong then as she is now... if that puts it in perspective."

"Sorta. What's different about her?"

"It's hard to tell. I mean, I don't know exactly, not really... so
much has happened," Mamoru sighed.

"Well, maybe it doesn't matter so much. What happened after this bitch
nailed the Moon Castle? Or whatever it was."

"Queen Serenity sacrificed herself to banish the creature which
destroyed her Kingdom."

"Yowch. When was this?"

"About one-thousand years ago."

Hanlan's face twisted inquisitively.

"So why didn't they come back and cream you guys when they got strong
enough? And how'd you survive, anyway?"

"I don't know. The Sailor Senshi were much more powerful then... To
protect us from the NegaVerse, Queen Serenity sent us into the
future." He shrugged, indicating that it still made little sense to

"I dunno Mamoru, I'd be happy just t' still be kickin' it with yer

Mamoru chuckled.

"Yeah. I am."

"So... my Mako-babe and her friends are your chick's bodyguards?"

"That's about the size of it."

Hanlan lifted a tall cold one to his lips, took a long gulp, and

"Now I've heard it all."


The evening air of the clouded amethyst sky cast over the Shirinaui
archerage like some great downy blanket, muffling the still bright sun
and warding its soothing warmth. It was damningly cold, and Mamoru
strode with the edge of wary concern, watching the world about him as
much as Usagi. Makoto had told him of her outburst, and he knew from
Minako that there was some change in her, some fearful, dramatic
skewing of what she was.

Worrisome, he took her in his arms, and she did not refuse him.

Why she had chosen the contemplative territory of the open aired
training grounds of the Shirnaui martial arts school puzzled him, and
summoned forth unpleasant curiosity. It was unlike her to seek the
outdoors when troubled. However, he was frightfully aware of there
being so little that remained of her former self. On the matter of
their earlier argument, he understood to a degree her angered
reaction. In the revelation of suddenly becoming an Earthen creature
of much strength and fury, an Earth Child, he had felt much the same.
Bitter, angry, betrayed. By whom? Phate, probably, though she never
made promises of any variety.

'Usako, what about Makoto?' his voice was concentrated with acidic
concern as he held her.

'The NegaForce still wants to fight,' she began, her light, soft voice
lethargic. 'They just wanted us out of the picture. I see that now.
Makoto is going to stay behind to help the Neo Senshi get together to
fight for us until... until we can get our team back...'

Mamoru's head shook slowly.

'What if they are not strong enough?'

'I think Nasura knows what she is doing,' she replied, hatefully
uncertain of her words. 'I don't know who else to trust anymore.'

'You can trust me.'

'Hai Mamoru-san,' she replied, as if unsure.

The evening bitter wafted amongst them again, as if attempting to
separate them. Mamoru was not so surprised by her tactility, but
rather by her edgy demeanor and frantic emoting. Yet, he had sworn his
life to her... a vow honoured in diligence by will of heart. There was
an answer. It would be found!

'Aaran is waiting. We should go.'

'Hai, my love. Hai.'

They proceeded beyond the walls of the structure ancient in design,
recent of construction. The scene presented was one of nigh restless
tranquility, as if at any point a disruption would rend the canvas
bound images to embittered shreds. Carl had honoured his promise of
assistance, providing them the means to discover the precise
whereabouts of Ami, and the opportunity to recover her. It was not an
offer accepted ungratefully, nor without the acknowledgement of how
fortunate they seemed.

'You ready? Carl's waitin',' Aaran pointed out plainly in accented
Japanese. She ushered them into the sleek black and white low slung
vehicle with literal scads of armour and weapons adorning it's nearly
sensual aerodynamic figure.

'Hai,' Usagi nodded. She glanced over at the silent, yet anxious
Mamoru, who held a deep query in his soul as he reclined comfortably
beside his formerly lost love.

:I feel that, my love. Tell me?:

Mamoru blinked. :Hai! But I thought... no... nevermind. What did I
miss? How did you escape?:

:I've told you that, Mamo-san..; she noted gently. :Carl was very
kind. The 'CSM' a group of mutants, they, well... they offered to help
free me, as I understand it, in exchange for sanctuary... You
remember, right?:

:Hai, I do:

:Is that all?:

Mamoru's eyes widened. Usagi's shocked expression passed for one of
humour as she raised her slender prosthetic hand to her mouth.

:You're so cute when you look confused:

:Confused? Ah... um... go ahead:

Usagi shuffled the heavy grey overcoat she had acquired from Mai about
the smooth curves of her matured figure.

:Carl 'ported us out of Lone Star... where... um... where they...:

:I know. Let's not get into again:

She smiled wistfully, and gratefully at him.

:I guess he was looking for Ami too, but she was gone. I was very
angry about that...; she noted in a nigh unemotional monotone. She
blinked, and rubbed her eyes before continuing. :I found out I could
trace the mage who took Rei and Ami. When we found them, I fought with
a small demon child who had claimed a very different Ami as her

:Carl argued with her for a bit after I knocked Ami away with a faint
energy burst. She wasn't hurt, I just wanted them separate. I remember
clearly that Carl became quite vehement with the child, who took off
shortly thereafter:

Mamoru shook his head morosely. :She'd never had struggled in school
with a vocabulary like that!:

:It's been a year Mamoru! I've been through so much. Do you honestly
think I haven't learned?:

:No, Usako; he sighed audibly. :I guess not:

:I mean look what you've learned! You're a KnightsSquire, besides
being an Earth Child... you know?:

:Osaka offered to Knight you directly! Why'd you turn her down?:

She yawned and leaned forward, as she locked her arms around his
torso, head on his chest.

:Because of my responsibility to the Senshi. Luna is right. I can feel
it. We can still win. I can't be a KnightsMage, a Sailor Senshi, and a
Demon Hunter all at once: She looked at him with the regard of a
hyperactive child and giggled warmheartedly. :Silly love. There's so
much you don't get:

He sighed, and urged her to continue. :Do you know where they went?:

:I told him I felt a dimensional shift, like when Makoto disappeared.
I wonder if it was a transit to the same place, and why she hasn't
talked about it...?:

:I imagine she has good reasons, even though we haven't thought to
ask. What about Ami? Has Carl found her?:

:Oh, I'll ask her when we get back. Anyway... hai, he knows where she
is. He said he would find her while we helped look for Makoto. That
was when he brought me to England... to be with you again:

Mamoru smiled at that. So many anxieties abated, so many others born.
He paused as he realized a sudden lack of motion. Glancing about, he
noticed only the succinct wash of green forest and shining sky.

'That's the ride kids, thanks for travelling Dimensional Skippers!'
Aaran laughed.

'Where are we?' Usagi hissed, hackles risen.

'A world of fantasy, to put it mildly. This is where Ami is,' she
replied, then shrugged. 'All's I know is Sarge told me to bring you

The side door opened, and as they stood and stretched, Mamoru gathered
the existence of a distant town.

'Usako, look,' he indicated with word and directional finger.

Usagi inclined her shoulders upward for a moment as she slipped the
heavy overcoat from them.

'It's nothing, just a warring town,' she elaborated, folding the coat
into her palm, where it seemed to disappear. 'They're in the middle of
a war against some local demons.'

Mamoru just gaped at his soulmate, completely befuddled.

'She's right,' stated a friendly baritone in perfect Japanese. 'I
guess there's more to her transformation than even I can sense.'

'Hello Carl Silver,' Mamoru offered somewhat stiffly.

Carl regarded the tone with sympathy, a vaguely concerned expression
upon his face.

:I am sorry that I cannot change what has happened here. We have acted
as swiftly as humanly possible:

The fire in Mamoru's bosom tamed, and calmed in respect, but found
words lacking.

:We're grateful; Usagi elaborated softly, where he could not.

'Listen gang, I'd love to chat, but I'm needed!' Aaran proclaimed,
bowing her head as her blond hair altered to red, her figure gaining a
shapely quality formerly lacking as a dark brown kimono concealed her
newly adorned body. She cast her brown eyes skyward and called a
summoning in a strange tongue.


Usagi's gaze met a small winged creature which glided effortlessly to
Aaran's gauntleted arm. She retrieved a miniature note from its leg,
and upon reading it, set it free with a whispered phrase:

"Corr cheni. Ska!" She then bowed deeply two the gathered three, and
set off towards the war borne town.

'What did she say Carl?'

'Sakoheni is the family name of the house she serves. Li is "come."
Corr cheni roughly translates to "go home," and ska is "hurry." She is
speaking the family tongue...'

'A mage's language!' Usagi snapped, whirling with white fire in her
clenched fists and sparkling eyes towards Carl. 'I'm going with her.'

'No, Usagi-san. The plan is very delicate and...' he blinked, the
realization quickly dawning that he could no longer detect her
presence. 'Usagi?! You can't do this! Ami is depending on you!'

'Carl, she's asking me to say "It's nothing you haven't already
figured out. Besides... you can't force me." Before you ask, I don't
know where she is.'

:Usako! What are you doing?:

:It's really simple. There are demons out there, and I have to kill
them. Got it?:

:Uh... I guess. What about Ami?; was his less than calm reply, knowing
he could only fail in an arguement with her.

:Don't worry about that. I'll be there when you need me. That's real
simple too, but I don't expect you to understand:

:It's not about understanding, Usagi. He loves you; Aaran interjected.
:Even I get that. Well, if you are going to tag along, then hurry up,
and stay close!:

:Hai; she agreed.

'Ultimately she is correct. I cannot coerce her into an action not of
her own agency. Come Mamoru, we will discuss Ami's alteration. Usagi,
I imagine, is powerful enough to take care of herself.'

'She's changed so much... I don't know if I'll ever get used to it,'
Mamoru groaned.

'Mayhap... though are not the ways of women mysterious and fantastic?
Perhaps that is why they intrigue us so vastly.'

'Uh, yeah...'


:Ayana!; Usagi rasped mentally. :Makoto's little girl? Grown? I don't
get it...:

The young red-headed woman flicked her head about, as though a
suggestion of a presence had glimmered aside her. With a frown, she
glanced downwards, before returning her gaze to the silver armoured
man among those of the court. Her dark dress of short skirt, grey
leggings, headband, and hefty armor of legs and arms appointed her the
squire of the Knight. A pretty young woman, who seemed ill at ease in
the presence of royalty.

:What?! I thought Ayana was with Makoto!; Aaran blurted skeptically.
:Are you sure?:

"Please, Sir Knight, call me Arthur."

:Undeniably. Her power reads the same, but it's much higher...:

The young man bowed deeply, the short black lengths of his hair

"If it is your lord's wish."

Arthur smiled faintly.

"Your exploits are well heard. It takes considerable skill to dispatch
those beasts as you have done."

:It also seems to require a bloodthirsty blade as well; the recipient
sighed internally.

"And your squire..." he indicated to her that she should step away,
and without hesitation, she complied. "It is important to nurture her
skills, her... ability. Also, have you kept in mind to respect her
interests in you?"

"I'm afraid I understand you not," qouth the undeniably nervous

"Nay...? Sir..." he paused, searching for a name.

"Sir Lording, my liege. Narayan, if it so pleases you."

"Narayan, then. Can you see it not? Her pleasure as you have ascended
so abruptly? She cares for you. To have earned the concern and
feelings of one such as her... a point worth attention, no doubt."

"No doubt," he agreed half-heartedly as Usagi traced his gaze to the
young woman, her eyes intent upon him. Ayana could not belay the sharp
anxiousness and curiosity stemming from within, and immediately, Usagi
became aware of Narayan's sense of her beauty. As if he was seeing her
as a young woman rather than a girl. An instant later, embarrassment
flashed across her cheeks, and she turned her burning eyes away. The
young man once again faced the emotional revelator.

"You are a very perceptive man, my King. I am afraid I failed to
notice. I have been distracted by the war, as you have said. Thank you
for informing me. Is that all, my Lord?"

"Were I you, and plainly I am not, I would become less 'distracted.'
As for her... talents, know you well, or might have you a question or

"I will not trouble his Lordship with such a trifling matter. I wish
not to disturb you any longer. May I be dismissed? I have preparations
for the battle tonight to make."

"Indeed. Fare you well good knight. May Phate smile upon us."

"May she indeed, and may you stay safe m'lord. I will be by your
side," he bowed deeply. "It is in my blood. It is in my name."

With a nod fell their dismissal, and as they departed, the arrival of

"Sir Lording!"

He blanched, and nigh clumsily about-faced to meet the voice.

"I know you not!" he snapped, unsettled. "State your business or be on
your way."

Aaran simply produced a silver-white pendent with a family crest upon

"I am but a humble messenger, Sir Knight."

"Aye then," he coughed and swallowed. "What message have you?"

"It is the wishes of your house that you should represent them in the
war. They have sent you a small token of men with which to battle."

"How many?"

The woman's eyes flitted to Ayana, who shrunk behind Narayan.

"Two thousand men. I am sorry to say that they are not well trained.
The house suffers ill funds. The taxes have taken their toll."

"Are they ready for battle?"

"Barely. They wear light leather armour, wield cheaply wrought swords
and shields, and hold only a months training in the summer's scorching

"Are they ready for battle!?" he demanded impatiently.

:Impudent brat!; Aaran snapped harshly in thought alone as a
dangerously intolerant glare soured her face. :If I wasn't here to
save your thick skull, I'd hack it off!: Despite these inner decrees,
her face softened, and her tone, when offered, was gentle.

"They can fight, aye, Sir Knight."

"Come then. We will attend them."

As they proceeded, Usagi gauged the older Ayana, pressing her
mentally, attempting to gain a sense of her ability.

:Usagi-san? Is that you?:

Such was her shock that she tumbled over her intangible self, bringing
Ayana to a halt, and calling attention to the entirely imperceivable

"Ayana? What is it? We must proceed apace! The men wait," Narayan
iterated pleasantly, a dark patch of unrest serving as an undertone.

:Are you alright? I'm sorry if I startled you!; Ayana apologized, not
giving Narayan his due.

Usagi brushed her transparent body off as she stumbled to her feet.

:I'm fine! How did you know? I mean... Carl couldn't even sense me...:


She spun on one foot, facing him with a puzzled expression.


"Didn't you hear me?" he frowned.

"Nay, I'm sorry. Aren't they waiting at the Silver Blade? Shouldn't we
get going?"

Narayan sighed loudly. "Aye, they are."

:I'm sorry. Where were we?:

:I don't remember. Um... so how'd you end up with this kid?:

:Kid? You mean Sir Lording?:


:It was prearranged. Phate is healing Mama-san while I'm away:

:What?! What happened to her?:

:Uh... nothing:

Usagi glared at her, winding her fists into balls.

:Who hurt Makoto?:

:It doesn't matter; Ayana admonished, abruptly nervous. :She's okay.

:It does to me! Tell me!; Usagi flared, a light forming in her hands
as her power spiked aside her ascending rage.

:She's going to be fine! Usagi-san... don't! You're attracting

Aaran had, indeed, redirected her gaze to the emotionally and
dramatically empowered woman, as had several others as they had
approached the aforementioned inn. Narayan faced the semi-opaque
Usagi, poised and eager to fight.

"Demon! Behold Sir Lording, slayer of demons and your end! Stand ye
back from my squire!" Narayan declared, drawing a seven foot blade
from his back to leer over the unimpressed woman. "Harken to my
command lest I entreat your annihilation!"

"Sir Lording! No!!" Ayana desperately wailed.

"What are you saying, brat?" Usagi growled, assuming a stance of
trained defense and dropping the waning facade of invisibility. "Are
you trying to say you want to fight? Okay. Bring it."

"'Tis no use, this creature is as stubborn as the wicked sea! I shall
have to banish this lovely yet evil creature!"

The blade fell with a swiftness nigh inconceivable, and was met by a
steady hand, reflecting its fatally segmenting force. Usagi grinned.
The blade, through each strike, haboured a faint sapphire light, a
visual echo of every movement.

:Bloody hell...; Aaran cursed, standing stunned, as Ayana, uncertain
of how to avert further disaster, if even possible...


The female tones expressed such discord, surprise, and outright fear
that the small gathering crowd, both combatants halting,
simultaneously faced the direction of the vocal proclamation.

"Ami?!" Usagi started, silver light spinning in balled fists. The
curvaceous blue locked woman donned a classy sexy dress of deep sea
sapphire, offering only frightened glances.

"Why'd you follow me Usagi? Why?"

The reply was tremulous at best, scattered, and vague.

"I wanted... Mamoru and I... we... Luna, um..." she swallowed, tearful
eyes shining. "The senshi need you!"

Sir Lording's gaze hardened reflexively.

"I d-don't know nothin' 'bout n-n-no demons, witch," she nigh
stammered. Thunderous steps introduced a masculine mountain of muscle,
a twelve foot rock face of testosterone power into the verbal

"Natole!" Sarah whimpered, taking his thick forearm in her slender
arms, "she wants Shyanne!"

A wash of frightened gasps fell across the small crowd like a
threatening tsunami as the Half-Giant scowled darkly.

"I am One-Punch," he declared in a drawling bassoon voice. He opened
his tree trunk of a free hand, and an iron staff appeared within reach
of his massive fingers. Usagi instinctively recoiled.

"Called so with good reason. You," he deftly demolished an empty iron
wine keg, then placed the blunt tip of the brutal fourteen foot weapon
inches from Usagi's flared nostrils and wary, anxietous eyes. "Stay
away ye from my wife, lest I flatten ye."

Usagi, without hesitation, bowed and respectfully stated:

"Aye. Coril so sa lynn."

Respect to the Order.

...and was then gone.

Sir Lording made his efforts in the dispersal of the crowd, cursing
himself the futility of the battle.

:Usagi?; Ayana's uncertain mind tones rang freely, receiving no

:We are alone, Ayana. Usagi's back with Mamoru; Aaran affirmed,
entreating Sarah's attention. She hesitated briefly as Natole glared
down upon her for a moment, before Sarah bid him calm.

"I'm okay sweetie," she urged, caressing his thick hand

"What do you remember?"

Sarah shook her head, squinting, thoughts vague.

"She... the witch tried to steal my little girl before we came here.
Did..." here was a frightened, prescheduled pause. "Did she summon
those dreadful white cats? They've vacated half the populace."

Aaran gazed at her sharply, inquisitive.


Sarah - Ami's amnesia balking - blinked, a detached expression holding
her slender facial arrangement.

"Well, observation indicates that the number of felines doubled when
she arrived here. Now that she's departed, the total is decreasing


She frowned as if it were self-evident.

"They're following her. That's the only reasonable conclusion."

"So you could follow her?"

Her eyes rolled in consideration.

"Sure," she shrugged. "Why you'd want to though... Yeah. It could be

"Why all the combustible cats? Besides the horror factor," Sir Lording
queried curtly.

"That's precisely it though, you see? No people equal inequitable
land. Felcor is worthless without the magic and economy of the
Felynx," she elaborated, unblinking. "It would win the war for the
enemy. The Felynx cannot fight without supplies, and a supportive
social structure."

Aaran nodded.

:Sharp girl:

:So this is what my Aunt Ami is like; Ayana smiled. :Isn't she a
scientist or something?:

"Well, no. I'm studying to be a doctor, actually. Though I still have
a long way to go," Ami blurted with a blush, her mousey posture
momentarily breaching the sundry guise of her fragmented mind. The
moment fled, and she blanched, bursting into great gasping sobs as she
ran from the scene, leaving the remaining participants stunned.

Natole swiftly, for a several hundred pound creature, pursued Sarah,
belaying the others with his mere action, and the intimidation of his
incredible presense.

Yet it no longer mattered. She was still in there somewhere,
terrified, the very same Ami, a victim of this twisted weaving. She
was split, in fact, a fragment of her scarred consciousness living for
her when she could not otherwise survive.

"Ayana, go see what..."

"No Sir Lording," she negated oh-so gently.

"Listen, she knows about the demons... I want you to..."

"Respectfully, I can't do it. She's scared! I'm scared! Please, don't
push her. Zen lass, sein tol."

Forgive me, my lord.

The annoyed look immediately faded as he gazed at her.

"Of course," he smiled softly. "Of course, girl. I'll simply contact
my sister."