Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Objective Legend: The Unknown ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Keovu held Sibaru has they followed the group. She had gotten much quieter since the little incident about an hour earlier. Sibaru was soon seen leaning her head against Keovu's chest sleeping. Keovu, on the other hand, began to do some thinking. It then dawned on him on how to cure the girl, which was followed by a thought on why he didn't think of this earlier, or even the others. "Hey, why the hell haven't we used cure on this kid's wound?" he called up ahead. He soon was answered back by Cloud.

"That seems like a good idea, Keovu," Cloud answered, in a well-hidden sarcastic tone that Keovu couldn't pick up.

"And why haven't this came into mind earlier? Instead of sitt-" Keovu started, ending rudely until he was interrupted by Cloud.

"We would have if a certain someone didn't leave all the materia and that junk back in the airship!" Cloud immediately interrupted, covering his sarcasticness. He then sent a hard glare to Zell, which, even from the distance, Keovu caught.

"What?!! You f'ing idiot! You left the materia!" Keovu exclaimed, almost dropping Sibaru in his shockness. He was tempted to punch Zell hard for that.

"Hey I have no idea what that stuff was, you all just tossed it to me. I thought it was for a marble game or something," Zell replied with an innocent tone. He honestly had no idea they were magic items, until Vincent gave him a long talk about it in the bar. At that time, even Vincent was ticked at him.

"You dolt!" Squall sneered, coming into this conversation. Because he was close to Zell, he hit him upside the head, causing Zell to flinch forward and almost stumble.

During this commotion, Sibaru began to wake up, just in time to see Zell get hit. She made no noise, only watched what was happening. Yet slowly, her body began to weaken by the second as blood still continued to leave her; her shoulder has been wrapped on their last small break to stop it from pouring out blood and to keep most of it in Sibaru. "Thank you, Squall!" Keovu yelled up to the rest of the group, appreciating the fact that Squall smacked Zell. Squall lifted his hand up for Keovu to see, telling that he's welcome. "First Irvine and his little emotional problem, and now Zell with his forgetful problem…" Keovu mumbled to himself. He looked down to see Sibaru staring right up at him. He gave a small smile and asked, "Feelin' better?" He knew that wasn't the "best" question to ask and that she probably wouldn't answer. Sibaru just looked off to the side depressingly, which made Keovu confirm, "I'll take that as a no. Hey hold on in there, we will be there in a minute."

That remark made Sibaru feel somewhat better, however seeing the impression on the group when she woke up made her feel insecure with them. She didn't even try to comment on Keovu's statement. Something made her want to ask him about what has been going on, but like everyone else, she knew that he would give the same answer- not now. Keovu studied her, knowing that something was wrong with Sibaru, that something was on her mind. Having a slight hint, he still asked, "Something's bothering you. Care to tell me what it is?" Sibaru gave no answer, nor did she look at him, which made Keovu worry even more.

At that time the group reached a large airship that was hovering over the ground with a rope that was connected to the ship in some way, strong enough for people to climb, and hung over the rail, reaching the ground. One by one the group began to climb up it until the ones on the ground were Keovu, Sibaru, Irvine, Vincent, and Kai. By then that was when Keovu and Sibaru had finally caught up. Kai gave a sly smile before teasing, "What took you two? You didn't do anything to her back there did ya?" The remark made Keovu twitch. If he wasn't holding Sibaru, Kai would have found himself eating dirt for saying that. Kai knew he had the advantage, and that was why he said it.

"You know Kai…I have the ability to throw you off the ship. Don't mess that chance up. You know I will do it," Keovu calmly, yet rudely answered. He then placed Sibaru to where she was standing, weakly, and leaning on him for support. She hadn't even made a peep since she woke up, which kind of worried Keovu, even Vincent.

"You two knock it off. You should be agreeing and helping each other until we can get you back," Vincent snapped. He had had enough of Kai and Keovu's bickering. "May we begin to bring her up, or are you two not finished yet!" That was more of a sarcasm demand than a question.

"Whatever," Kai replied, keeping a rude tone but not like he was with Keovu. "Irvine, you go first. I need to make sure you get up there and not do anything stupid."

"But I was going to ask if h-" Irvine started kindly, but was immediately interrupted by Kai's harsh demand.

"Irvine, GO!"

"I'm going, I'm going," Irvine mumbled as he started to climb the rope. Kai followed after awhile. He felt kind of bad for yelling at Keovu, but didn't even apologize knowing that Keovu would never let him forget that he can be a softy, though that really was not true. Keovu had the same thoughts in mind. Since the bar, bickering was what the two have done when they talked to each other.

After awhile of making sure that Kai was already up at the deck and was waiting for Keovu to bring the girl up, Vincent looked at Keovu with a nod. "Your turn. Kai will help you when you reach the top. I'll follow after," Vincent stated kindly. He helped Keovu get Sibaru to lean on Keovu's back. Vincent then whispered into her ear, "Hold on to Keovu and you won't fall." Agreeing, Sibaru held her hands together around Keovu's shoulders and his neck, careful of not to choke him. However, she couldn't put much muscle into it because of her wound and both Keovu and Vincent knew that.

Keovu began to climb the rope and slowly began to lift off of the ground, one hand going up farther and so on. Vincent waited till Keovu was about ten feet up the rope before he began to climb it. He only went last, afraid that the girl would let go of Keovu. As of reaching three quarters of the rope, Sibaru began to loosen her grip; the pain was too much for her. Keovu, Vincent, and Kai all noticed as well. Still climbing, Keovu pleaded softly to Sibaru, "Don't let go, Siby…Don't give in...Keep your strength…We're almost there."

"I……I…can't," Sibaru hesitated, trying her best to keep ahold.

"Yes, you can," Keovu answered back.

"Keovu! Is everything alright up there?!" Vincent asked, timid of what might happen next.

"Uh…yeah. Everything's fine up here!" Keovu replied, though he kind of lied. By his voice, Vincent knew better.

"Keovu, if she's gonna past out, she will fall. I need to know ahead of time in case I need to catch her!" Vincent called. Keovu didn't answer him back. Instead most of his focus was on Sibaru.

"Hang in there, Sibaru," he whispered, but he knew it wouldn't be long until she passed out. `Damn girl, hang on', Keovu thought to himself. He could feel the tenseness in Sibaru was getting weaker. `Not now, don't give up now'. It was right when he reached the top and Kai offered his hand to help, that Sibaru was out. Keovu felt Sibaru slipping away from him. As quickly as he could, Keovu let go of the rope with a hand and grabbed Sibaru's wrist. He was two feet away from the top at the moment and he couldn't move up anymore. "Vincent!" he shouted.

Vincent stopped where he was at, seeing the moment Keovu had grabbed Sibaru's wrist. His eyes were wide in shock. Thoughts rushed through his head so fast he couldn't think of anything to do. Kai, on the other hand, rushed all over the deck to find something to help with. It wasn't long till he ran into the ship, yelling, "Cloud, we need help!"

Instantly, Cloud came rushing to Kai, along with Athrin and Yuffie. Kai then explained as quickly as he could what happened. Within minutes of the story, the four were found out on the deck, looking over the rail, trying to figure out how to get the three up. Keovu still keep his grip, but not knowing for how much longer he was able to. Vincent, as well, knew that Keovu couldn't keep a hold of her forever. He stayed ready for when Keovu had to let go. Keovu and Vincent looked eye to eye for the longest time. Both were worried about both their lives and Sibaru's, knowing that not only could Keovu not hold onto Sibaru for a long time, but that they can't hold onto the rope that long as well.

Vincent thought clearly for a moment, letting the thoughts go slowly in his mind, until he confirmed. Yelling as loud as he could for the ones on the deck to hear, "Start pulling on the rope, you can bring us up using that method!" Quickly as possible, the four on the deck ran to the rope and began to pull it, yet they needed about two more people to help as well as another one to lift the ones on the rope in.

"Squall! Mariku! Zell! Irvine! Somebody! We need your help!" Cloud demanded loudly. Soon coming out onto the deck were Zell, Mariku, and Squall. Without asking or even giving Cloud time to explain, they realized what is happening. Squall ran to the side of the deck while the other two ran to help Cloud and them. The ones on the rope began to pull the rope and slowly brought Keovu, Sibaru, and Vincent closer to the ship.

Squall reached over once Keovu was in reached. In response, Keovu handed over Sibaru by the wrist, and Squall brought her up, laying her down on the deck and running back to help the rest. Soon enough, Keovu and Vincent were on their feet, standing in one piece on the deck. However, without saying a word, Keovu picked up Sibaru and rushed to an empty room, grabbing some materia along the way. He knew he had to hurry if she was going to live, she was losing more blood by the minute. Everyone else went to a separate place on the ship, but Kai went straight to where Keovu and Sibaru were. He stood by the door and watched silently as Keovu frantically looked for the healing materia and Sibaru laying unconscious on a bed. Knowing what Keovu was looking for, Kai walked up and took the bag, soon pulling out a green materia and handing it to Keovu. "It's Full Cure, right?" Keovu asked. Kai nodded and answered, "After you use it, let her rest to regain her strength." He then moved to the back wall and leaned against it, watching Keovu's movements.

Keovu only hoped that it worked and that he wasn't too late. He held the materia tight in both hands, close to Sibaru. After mumbling a few words, the materia began to glow and slowly Sibaru's wound began to heal. Keovu stopped once the wound was fully healed, tossing the materia back to Kai. Kai caught it without a moment to notice it was coming. Both he and Keovu began to leave the room, Keovu being ahead. At the door, Keovu turned around and faced Kai. "Hey, sorry for being an ass for the past few hours. Too many things have been going on lately, you know. It's been kind of getting on my nerves," Keovu suddenly stated. Not at all surprised at his reactions, Kai smiled.

"Meh, it's okay. No hard feelings. It's the same for me too," Kai answered. He used one of Keovu's words, knowing it, and kind of pushed Keovu to the side to get past, knowing what just might happen.

As Kai past, Keovu registered what Kai had just said. "Hey…that's my word, Yeritz! Don't taking my fucking words!" Keovu then chased after Kai, leaving Sibaru.

Vincent had just began to past by the room, just in time to see Keovu and Kai playing their lovely game of tag. "You two! I said cut it out!" he yelled at the two boys. Yet the two continued their game out onto the deck. Vincent just ignored them and slipped his way into the room, just to see how Sibaru was feeling. She didn't budge nor make a sound, which informed Vincent that she was resting. He placed one of two glasses on the table next to the bed filled with water. Vincent then placed the other one at another table near the window and a chair. He went up to the book self and picked out a book to read, soon sitting down and reading the book on the chair. For the time being, Vincent was going to watch over Sibaru to make sure she would be alright.