Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ 1000 Words ❯ 1000 Words ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Begin: ARGH! I need to do SOMETHING. It's 3:23 AM on a Monday…I have school in four hours, and I'm buried up to my eyes in Final Fantasy music. That "1000 words" fic is gnawing at my mind, so I may go with that…Yeah. I'm using the Jade English version, because of a few changes the English version made, and it suits my purpose, SO THERE! XP

End: …It's random and hard to follow. Maybe I'll do a revision sequence later.

Pairings: Cloud/Sephiroth, Vincent/Cloud hints.

Warnings: Shounen-ai. Can't brush it off as idol-worship here, kiddies! Ahahahaha.


I know that you're hiding things

Using gentle words to shelter me…

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I marred your beautiful body with my Ultima Weapon. I know that you're finally free now, but it still hurts. Maybe I could've done more for you, before things got the way they did. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me!? If you had told me about your past, I would've been able to understand better! Why did you leave me clueless!?

Your words were like a dream

But dreams could never fool me…

That's all I want to know. Why did you keep lying to me? You kept saying that everything was okay, when you went through that personal Hell. Was it to save me? From what, then? Didn't you think I was mature enough to deal with it? You always did call me "baby". You really thought I was a baby, then? I knew how to read between the lines, you know. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't press because I didn't want you to get angry.

Not that easily.

I acted so distant then,

Didn't say good-bye before you left.

But I was listening!

You'll fight your battles far from me

Far too easily

I finally convinced myself that what you said was true. I guess I didn't want your pedestal to break.

"Save your tears, `cause I'll come back"

I could see that you whispered as you walked through that door…

A few weeks after we became "an official couple", you were called away for a mission. Back then, you were invincible to me. A god. Huh. I wasn't too far off, was I? I still worried, though. Especially since you had just come back from a "physical". That Hojo was a real piece of work. I don't want to think about what damage you'd already suffered before the mission. You just smiled at me and ran your hand through my hair before leaving. I didn't get a good's night rest the entire time you were gone.

But still, I swore

To hide the pain

I just smiled when you came home. You never knew that I cried every night.

When I turn back the pages,

Shouting might've been the answer.

If I had wanted to, I could've stopped you from going.

What if I'd cried my eyes out

And begged you not to depart?

You always bent over backwards to make sure I was happy. If I had ever let you know how much being away from you hurt me, you would never have left.

But now I'm not afraid

To say what's in my heart.

It was a win-lose outcome. I finally learned that there was no way you could be with me 24/7, and I would have to get used to it. But you found a piece of Gast's research. You'd be up late trying to figure missing parts out, when you only had a very small portion of an even smaller amount of information.

`Cause a thousand words

Have never been spoken

They'll fly to you

Crossing over the time and distance holding you

Suspended on silver wings

The night before Nibelheim, we talked forever. I've never seen you so exposed as I have that night. The only people you knew who were close to being parents were scientists and an imaginary friend you had. You said that he was the only one you trusted, but he left you. I would have gladly taken his place, you know. To be there for you and protect you, but I couldn't and can't even do that right.

And a thousand words

A thousand embraces

Will cradle you

Making all of the pain you feel seem so far away

They'll hold you forever.

The dream isn't over yet

Though I often say, "I can't forget."

You remembered Nibelheim. I know you did. As soon as you saw Shin-Ra mansion, all your memories came flooding back. You knew you'd find what you wanted to know there. But of course, you didn't want to worry me. You kept quiet. I still want to know why.

I still relive that day

You've been there with me all the way.

I still hear you say

And a look of indescribable horror passed over your face. You knew what that was, and what it meant. How it tied to you. You knew immediately, but you didn't want to believe it.

"Wait for me, I'll write you letters."

I could see how you stammered with your eyes to the floor

So you locked yourself in a room for a few days, offering the explanation of, "I have to know."

But still I swore

To hide the doubt

When I turn back the pages,

Anger might've been the answer

I should've told you that it didn't matter. You were you, and that's all I cared about. But I didn't.

What if I'd hung my head and I said that I couldn't wait?

But now I'm strong enough to know

It's not too late…

`Cause a thousand words

Call out through the ages

Even though we can't see

I know they're reaching you

Suspended on silver wings

I prayed that you'd find out what you wanted to know. I didn't want you that upset. But that blew up in face…literally. And that searing question comes back. Why?

A thousand words

A thousand embraces

Will cradle you

Making all of your weariness seem so far away

They'll hold you forever

I'm not mad at you. I don't blame you. I blame Hojo, the Jenova…but mostly myself. I could have done so many things and stopped you earlier. I could've prevented having to kill you. Vincent had said that Lucrecia was still very much alive due to the Jenova…I wonder, could you have survived as well? Please…

Vincent's grip tightens around my hand. He seems to always know when I'm thinking of you. I know he feels the same. He told me, once that aside from letting Lucrecia go ahead with that experiment was failing you. If he had been more careful, he said, then you wouldn't have had to go through such a childhood alone.

Even if you aren't alive…I want to find your body, at least. I don't think I could handle it if I just left you in the Crater. Vincent calls me over to where he is. Says he's found something. And he did. There you are…

I kiss you softly, and only then does it register that you weren't breathing…

All Vincent can do is hold me.

A thousand words

Have never been spoken

They'll fly to you

They'll carry you home

And back into my arms

Suspended on silver wings…

A thousand words

Call out through the ages

They'll cradle you

Turning all of your lonely years to only days

And hold you forever…