Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy X - This is Our Story ❯ Intermission - A Moment's Reprieve ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>>>>Intermission: A Moment’s Reprieve<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;<<<

‘I couldn’t believe what my mother had said, just before she passed on. I . . . I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. I had often wondered if Daddy knew, but . . . I’m sure he did. Mother wouldn’t have kept something like that from him, I think.

‘Word had just come that Sin had been slain. Everyone was so happy! Father Leon was already planning a big celebration, because . . . well, because Daddy had helped in the defeat of Sin! One of Besaid’s own, no less! We were all so proud . . .

‘But, later, after the embers of the bonfire had died down – after the village was too tired to celebrate anymore – Mother wasn’t happy anymore. She knew. She knew long before we had found out. Daddy wasn’t coming home. My mother was a strong woman; she was a hard-worker, and just a strong emotionally. But . . . when Daddy never came back, she gave up. Slowly, she drifted away.

‘Roughly a week later, Father Leon, a few nuns from the church, and the old woman who lived across the street had all come to our hut. Mother was on her last legs. Even I could tell. Father Leon and the nuns were performing a few Yevon rituals to ensure her departure for the Farplane, and the old woman was trying to keep me distracted . . . but I knew.

‘That was when she asked me to come to her side. It’s still so fresh in my memory, and it forever will be, I think.

“Shana . . .” she said, as I neared. “I want you to know, if you ever need help, seek out a man named Jid.
She brought one weakening hand to my cheek, running her fingers over it as if she couldn’t see me anymore. I don’t think she could.

“Who’s Jid?”

What she said next was the most surprising thing I’d heard in my life. To this day, I can’t believe I heard her right.

“My first husband . . . He’s an Al Bhi man, and if you’re ever in trouble, please . . . find him.”

‘Father Leon wasn’t shocked. Apparently, he knew. A few nuns were, though. I think that was when I first realized that Al Bhi were so hated, because one of the priestesses became so upset she was asked to leave. “Why?”

‘She was now struggling for air, so her response took a long time. I was scared she had gone already. But just as I was about to burst into tears, she spoke. “Because, your sister won’t be too far from him . . . Her name is Mary Anne. You met her when you were younger, but, you probably don’t remember . . . Family . . . is family . . . no matter what, Shana . . .”

‘After that, she said she loved me, and I said likewise in return. I held onto her until her breathing ceased, and, a long while afterwards. A few days later, once I was calm enough to think, I realized . . . I had lost both of my parents, and gained a sister . . . An Al Bhi, even! I wonder if she had my mother’s hair? For a while I envisioned her being blonde like Mother, but, I remembered that wasn’t her natural color. So, if she had inherited mother’s hair, she’d have black hair! All Al Bhi had green eyes, so, I’m sure she had green eyes. They’re supposed to have weird pupils, so, her’s are probably swirly, too. Sometimes, I’d lie awake at night, and imagine what my half-sister looked like.

‘In another way, I had sorta gained another sister, too. Father Leon and his wife had taken me in, since I was very well capable of fending for myself. Their daughter was hesitant to welcome me, but, after a few weeks . . .’


‘Me and Bri were probably ten years old, now. Three years had passed since Sin had been defeated, and my parents had left for the Farplane. Rhonda was carrying two more of Father Leon’s seed, and she was due any day now. Looking back on it, I think I was more excited about the thought of seeing twins than Bri was!’

In the middle of the dirt roads of Besaid Village, a young boy was running full speed out of the large Besaid temple. Much like a bird, he was waving his arms hysterically, like he was trying to fly away. “BRIII!” he shouted, while a messy brown ponytail fluttered around behind him as he bolted through the village.



I n his haste, he hadn’t seen that which he was trying to find. The long haired boy became airborne, flying through the air for a second or two before landing alongside a child not much older than himself.

The female of the two, though with both of them seeming to have the other’s rightful hair it was hard to tell, stood up, clutching her banged up head. “Ow! Dammit, Shana, watch where you’re going!” she growled, her brown eyes narrowed in fury.

The other child was trying to catch his breath to speak. To make up for his lack of communication, he began pointing frantically at the church. Every time he tried to say something, all that came out would be a strangled grunting sound.

“What is it Shanie? Is Alex stuck in a well?” the girl teased. Shana was growing angry and frustrated, prompting his face to turn the same color as his friend’s red sandals. Finally, he found his voice, and, looking like a volcano, he erupted –


“Why didn’t you say so?!” the girl demanded. She broke into a sprint toward the temple, running as fast as she could. Shana wasn’t too far behind her, fighting to keep up with her as they both moved like a herd of chocobos for the church.

‘Not too long after, Bri’s new brother and sister were born. Alvin Darcly and Neisha Darcly; cute, huh? I could kinda pretend they were my siblings too, but . . . It was just that. Pretending.

‘I loved Briruru and her family very much, but, we weren’t tied by blood. The only family I had left now was my sister I had never met, and my most abhorred cousin, a member of the Warrior Monks named Justoc.

‘Oh well! I like my second family very much! And if I ever find my sister, then, that’ll just be one more addition!’
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