Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging ❯ Hanging ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Hanging

Author: Yorda

Summary: Squall visits Seifer at the Orphanage with surprising consequences.

Rated: NC-17

Warning: lemon, mild angst, mild language, POV

Couple: Seifer x Squall

Diclaimer: Sadly none of the characters of FF8 are mine, but belong to Squaresoft


"Ragnarok" I say to myself as I watch the huge red ship land near the Orphanage. No one's disturbed my peace in at least six months,

so I wonder what is it this time. I stand up from the sandy ground and start walking towards the ship. I already see the back part open

up with a loud creak. A single droplet of water lands on the bridge of my nose. I glance up to the sky filled with dark, menacing clouds.

Perfect, I hate rain.

As I near the ship, I see a figure stepping out of the Ragnarok. I narrow my eyes to see who it is, and I'll be damned if it isn't Squall Leonhart. I'm actually surprised to see him, considering what happened the last time he visited me here. I really don't wanna reminisce, so let's just drop it. One single word is enough to describe it: Embarrassing. I'm close enough now to see the scowl on Squall's face. He never changes.

Squall stops before me, looking up to meet my eyes. He shifts his weight to the other leg and I can hear his belts clink. He obviously

isn't gonna be the one who starts the conversation.

"Leonhart." I say simply. He blinks when a raindrop lands on the tip of his nose and I smirk inwardly. I can see Squall glance towards

the old stone house as it starts to rain harder. I don't mind him getting wet. Actually, he looks sexy with his bangs all soaked.

I turn my back to Squall and slowly start walking towards the beach. I know he'll follow me, even if he wants to run inside the

Orphanage, away from the rainstorm. The wind is suddenly blowing really hard and I have seconds thoughts of going to the beach.

I climb up to the high cliff near the lighthouse. I often come up here. The view is nice, though now the sea is dark and the waives high.

I glance to my left and see Squall standing next to me, covering his face with a gloved hand.

"Why the hell did we come up here Seifer?!" he asks, sounding annoyed. I turn to face him.

"Aww, little Squall's made of sugar and he's afraid of melting?" I jeer. Squall remains silent but gives me one of his death glares. The

wind is messing with his longish chocolate brown hair, making it cover his narrowed eyes.

"So....It's been a while. Missed me?" I ask and see him shiver. We're both soaked and it just keeps raining harder and the wind isn't

subsiding either. Why the hell did I come up here?

"I came here to have a word with you. " Squall begins.

"You flew all the way here from Balamb to have a word with me Squall?" I continue to annoy him. I don't even know why.

You'd think I would have grown up at least a little bit during the past eight months I'v been here. I think it's a habit. In Squall's company

I always act like a fucking childish bully. Squall just rolls his eyes, obviously irritated by me.

"Rinoa and I are getting married Seifer." Squall says with his monotonous voice.

I don't know why, but somewhere deep inside me it suddenly feels like a part of me is dying. However, I manage to keep it from showing

on my face and simply raise an eyebrow.

"Aren't you a bit young to marry Squall? I mean, you just turned 18 didn't you?" I ask, fearing my voice will fail me. That bastard just

stares at me solemnly. After a moment of silence he opens his mouth to speak.

"It's what Rinoa wants." He says, not a trace of emotion showing on his face.

Fucking hell I hate that bitch. She's had Squall for eight months and she want's to marry him!? What the hell is she thinking! I bet after a

month of being married the little princess will change her mind and throw Squall aside like a used dress...Just like she did with me.

And why's Squall telling me this? It's not like he want's me to be his best man, right?

"Rinoa want's it and Squall's like a good little puppy and does what his mistress wants.." I mutter and meet Squall's eyes. He obviously heard me, for his balling his fists.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, frowning.

"Rinoa want's you to be at our wedding. She want's you to know she's forgiven you everything."

I grit my teeth, suddenly filled with loathing towards Rinoa Heartilly. She doesn't deserve Squall. My Squall. No way in hell am

I gonna be there to watch her ruin Squall's life. There's a long silence between us. It's hard to see from the pouring rain and my clothes

are starting to feel really heavy. I bet Squall's leather pants don't feel so good either when they're wet.

"Count me out. No way am I coming." I say, and see Squall lower his face.

"....You know how I feel about you Squall...And I know you feel something for me too. The last time we-" I'm interrupted by Squall

who suddenly looks up, gritting his teeth, his dark brows knitting together.

"Stop it!" he shouts, sounding angry. I arch my brows, slightly surprised by Squall's behaviour.

"I told you! Forget it! Nothing happened! I love Rinoa! I---I'm not gay!" he continues.

Ok, let's reminisce. About six months ago Squall came over ...I don't even remember why. Yes, we fucked, yes it was mind blowing and yes, I fucking went and told him I love him. That's when he freaked out and denied anything ever even happened and ran off. Stupid me.

I watch him before I open my mouth to say anything. He looks like a soaked little puppy. His darkened hair's clinging to his cheeks, ears

showing through. I know he doesn't really love Rinoa. He---he can't. They don't even match. Rinoa would be perfect for someone like

the Chicken-wuss, but not Squall. I slowly raise my hand to touch Squall's shoulder. The moment my hand makes contact with his body,

he tenses.

"Squall...You can't marry her. She's not good for you. She-"

"What do you know about what's good for me Seifer!!" Squall growls and suddenly tries to shove me, but I manage to avoid his hands.

It's like watching a slow-motion film as I turn and see him loose his balance and fly forward, off the cliff.

It feels like a dream, like I'm not really here. Suddenly I can't see Squall anymore. I look down and see a single hand clinging to the jut

of the cliff. My brain doesn't function. Fuck! This can't be happening!

"Oh my god!!" I hear myself cry as I land on my knees, clutching on the hand. I'm laying on my chest and glance down and meet Squall's usually narrow eyes, now wide and filled with fear. He looks down to see the waives hitting the razor sharp rocks below him. Squall looks up again, his eyes locking with mine.

"I don't wanna die Seifer!! Help!" he suddenly cries with a shaky voice. My hold on his hand starts to fail and I grab the hand more tightly.

"Don't let go!! Don't let me fall Seifer!" he shouts with panic-filled voice, looking down again.

"I won't! Squall stop wriggling! Try to stay still." I say, trying to sound reassuring.

"You have to pull yourself up Squall!" He looks up again and tries to get a hold of my arms with his free hand, unable to do so. Fucking hell, he's

slipping from my grip! I close my eyes, gritting my teeth, trying to summon all my strength up.


He looks in to my eyes, a pleading look on his face. He knows my hold on him is failing.

"Squall you're slipping." I say, meeting his scared eyes. I know he's crying, even though his face is already wet from the rain.

"Squall!!!! Pull yourself up! Now!!" I growl, feeling his single hand slide from my wet grip. Just when the hand is about to disappear

from mine, I hear Squall cry out and feel him grab my arms tightly with both his hands. I open my eyes and with all my strength pull him up. I fall on my back, Squall landing on me.

He's clinging to my body, refusing to let go as I sit up. I can feel him tremble uncontrollably and hear him gasp, his breathing ragged.

I myself am shocked too, and it takes a while for me to pull myself together. I slowly wind my hands around Squall's lean body and feel

him tighten his hold on me. He's suddenly crying aloud, mumbling something against my chest.

"What?" I ask, unable to hear what he's saying.

"I-I don't wanna marry R-Rinoa!!" he cries out, his voice shaky. I frown in confusion.

"I don't love her!!" Squall continues and I bring my hand up to stroke his wet hair. I slowly get up on my feet and pull Squall up to stand

beside me. It seems his legs aren't quite functioning, so I wind his hand around my neck and slowly we make our way down from the cliff, towards the stone house.

Once inside, I lay Squall down on the sofa and light the fireplace. I'v repaired a small part of the Orphanage, so I could stay here.

It was in ruins when I first came here eight months ago, but now I'v got a nice living room, a bed room and a kitchen.

When I return to Squall, he suddenly sits up and grabs my sleeve, pulling me down.

"Don't leave me." He whispers, and I give him a reassuring smile.

"I wasn't going to Squall."

I remove my wet and heavy coat and throw it on the floor. My skin's all damp and cold. I glance at Squall, motioning him to remove the

wet clothes, but he just sits there.

Hesitatingly I move closer and remove his soaked bomber jacket. Squall just stares blankly at the fireplace as I lower my hands to

remove his belts.

"I didn't see her." He suddenly whispers. I'm not quite sure what he means.

"What?" I ask, confused. He looks up and meets my eyes.

"When I was hanging there, and thought I was gonna die...I--I saw flashes of my life." Squall blinks his teary eyes and then continues.

"And I didn't see Rinoa." He whispers. I throw his belts on the floor and motion him to raise his hands so I can pull the white tee-shirt up.

"Instead I--I saw you Seifer." He swallows before continuing.

"I saw us as kids, here at the Orphanage. And as teen-agers at the Garden. We were always fighting."

I listen to Squall and pull the zipper of my vest down to remove the wet garment.

"Then I saw you with Matron--Ultimecia. And we were fighting again. And every time you were beaten and I felt so sorry for you..."

We're both now half naked, only the wet pants remain. I stand up and unbutton my trousers, pulling them down to my ankles and step

out of them. Squall still sits on the sofa.

"And then I saw us---saw us--" he stammers. I know exactly what he means.

I extend him my hand and he takes it. I pull Squall up from the sofa, to stand before me. He's observing me, and I notice his face is

slightly flushed. I bring my hand down to his waist and start unbuttoning his wet leather pants. I look up to see him blinking nervously.

As the trousers drop down to his ankles, I stare at Squall's groin, surprised by what I see. There's a huge bulge in Squall's wet boxers and I look up to meet his eyes. He lowers his gaze, obviously embarrassed.

"Seifer I-" he begins, but I stop him by pressing my cold body against his. He gasps and I watch his eyelids flutter close. Instantly the

contact with Squall's body sends tingles of pleasure down to my groin and I moan, as I feel my cock stir in my boxers. I can feel

Squall's hands twine around my neck and I bend down. I can see him wet his lips as he looks up to my eyes.

"Squall? Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods and I close the distance between us, sinking my tongue in to his hot and wet mouth. I hear

him moan as our tongues make contact. Hesitatingly he starts to rub his wet muscle against mine and I can feel myself drift away in to the land of pleasure.

When we part for air, I take Squall's hand and lead him towards my bed room. Once there, I motion him to lay on the bed and crawl

beside him. I glance down and see the bulge in his boxers has grown bigger. My own boxers are starting to feel painfully straining but I think I can bear a little while longer.

I bring my hands down to Squall's hips and slowly start pulling the black garment down. I hear him let out a loud moan as the waistband

makes contact with his already hard erection. He kicks the garment off from his ankles and now lies completely naked on my bed.

I lower my head and continue kissing him. Our tongues meet once again and suddenly I can feel his nimble fingers making their way in to my straining boxers.

"Nhhh...Squall!" I moan. He finds my stiff cock and twines his hand around it. I can feel his own erection press against my stomach.

As I move, I feel the tip leave streaks of pre-cum on my abs. Squall slowly makes me lie on my back and straddles me. I watch him with

half-lidded eyes as he brings his hand out of my boxers. He lowers his head and fucking rubs the bulge on my underwear with his nose! My mouth drops open and I moan as Squall slowly starts to remove the garment.

"Squall..." I moan his name when my erection bounces up, free from the straining boxers. It stands rigid and tall and I can see it leak pre-cum. I raise my hips, urging Squall to take it in his hot mouth. He obeys and lowers his face so that his lips brush the tip.

"Ahhh!" I sigh and my hips involuntarily thrust up as Squall dips his tongue in to my slit. I can hear him moan as he tastes my passion on

his tongue. I close my eyes as he takes the tip of my dick in to his hot mouth.

"Suck it! I growl, sinking my hands in to Squall's damp hair, urging him to swallow me. Once again he obeys and I open my eyes to

see the full length of my cock disappear in to Squall's wet tunnel. Slowly he starts to bob his head up and down as he sucks me. Hyne the wet suction around my pulsing cock feels good! Reluctantly I make Squall stop, knowing I'll explode right now if he continues.

I sit up. Now it's Squall's turn.

I make him get on his hands and knees and move to sit behind him. I bring my hands up to his ass and grab the firm globes, spreading them to reveal his puckered entrance. The sight makes me moan and my cock pulse with anticipation. It takes all my willpower not to ram my hard and horny dick in to Squall's tight hole already.

I lick my lips and without a warning, lick at the opening. Squall lets out a loud moan and pushes his hips back as I tongue him.

"Seifer!!" he gasps and I slip my wet tongue pass the tight ring of muscle. I tighten my grip on Squall's ass as I continue to lick him, in and out. I guide my hand between his parted legs and twine my fingers around his erection. He's leaking all over my hand and I stroke him up and down a couple of times. I pull my hand away from his rigid cock and lean back.

I hear Squall whimper as my tongue leaves his crack, but immediately sigh as I replace it with my fingers. I use his pre-cum to lubricate the entrance and push one finger inside.

"Ahh! Seifer...m-more!" he pleads and I add a second finger. I hear Squall gasp for air as I stretch him. Quickly but gently I add a third finger. I know I won't be able to hold back any more so I pull the fingers out of him and lower my hand to my throbbing cock. Once again I use pre-cum to lubricate my fuck-tool and get up on my knees.

"Are you ready Squall?" I ask him before I ram myself in to his opening. Shit this feels good!! The tightness is unbelievable! I hear Squall's shaky moan as I push myself in to him. I glance down and see myself buried to the hilt. Slowly I start to pull my cock out from the hot tightness. I tighten my grip on Squall's firm globes and thrust back in to him. He's moaning like there is no tomorrow.

"Can I fuck you faster? Harder?" I ask him and see him nod. He's panting and squeezing the bed sheets in his fists.

I start to build up the pace and fuck Squall faster, thrusting in to him in frenzy. Squall's leaking on the sheets and I bring my right hand down to pump his organ. He cries aloud as he feels my hand around his erection.

"Seifer! Fuck me harder!" he moans and I pound in to him mindlessly, feeling my orgasm near me. I groan as the wave of ecstasy washes through me and squeeze Squall's cock in my hand. My dick shoots jets of cum deep in to Squall's channel.

I brush the tip of his manhood with my thumb, running it over the slit, and moments later I hear Squall call my name as he tenses and warm shots of cum coat my hand and the sheets below us. He collapses and I go with him. I pull my dick out of his sticky hole and move to lie next to him.

Squall immediately crawls in to my arms and nuzzles against my sweaty chest. I kiss his ear and close my eyes. I want to tell him I love him, but am afraid. The last time I said it out loud he freaked out and called me flaming faggot. Maybe I won't say it this time.

Moments later I feel Squall move and sit up. I open my eyes and see him watching me. I give him a smile and he returns the gesture, surprising me. Squall actually smiling, now that's a rare sight. I try to sit up but Squall pushes me back down. He opens his mouth to speak.

"Seifer." He says and I remain silent, wanting to hear what he has to say. I let him take my hand in to his as he continues.

"I wanna stay here with you." He says, looking in to my eyes. I frown, a bit confused.

"What about Rinoa?" I ask and see Squall frown.

"I don't love her..I realise it now." He's silent for a while and suddenly I feel him squeeze my hand.

"Seifer...I love you." he whispers, turning slightly red, and surprising me. I arch my eyebrows but suddenly Squall leans forward and

kisses me passionately. All I can do is moan in delight and kiss him back. After a moment we part and I pull Squall in to my arms.

I'm going to say it now. I am.

"Squall I love you too." I whisper, kissing his forehead. This time he doesn't run away. Instead, he repeats what he said earlier and

lets me hold him close.

::::::::::.The End:::::::::::::::
