Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Nothing Left To Lose ❯ One-Shot

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“Nothing Left To Lose”
Final Fantasy VII
Romance/Angst (One-Shot)
I do not own FFVII or the title, which is Mat Kearney's song.
Summary: Cloud's life after all of the events.
Cloud's POV
The sky was dark and gloomy and that was all that could be seen from under the mossy, moldy plates that held the ruined city of Midgar together. This was the city of my beginning and end. The place where I began running from the Turks and chasing Sephiroth, the place where I got rid of Shinra. It was also the place were I began destroying the life of a young girl who loved me. And yet I was blind to see that she would give her life to save the world and mainly…me.
It is my fault Midgar is like this. It is my fault Aeris died. It is my fault the world was almost torn apart. It was also my fault that Sephiroth ever came into contact with huge materia. Why did I give it to him? To this day, I cannot answer the question. Was it love? Maybe…I don't doubt it but I also don't doubt that maybe I trusted him still, but why did I want him dead so bad? Why was I so ready to give up that someone I cared about? Today, I will forget my past once more and begin anew hopefully without my mind sending me the messages of guilt and regret.
Here I am, sitting in the house of the girl who died for me, only thinking. I must leave this place for her and never “think” about it again. That is what she would want me to do.
I walked down the stairs to that kitchen where I promised her mother I would protect her daughter. And yet, here I am, standing here without her. Surely I will burn forever for that.
“Please Aeris, pardon me for that pitiful lie,” I said to myself. Why was I talking to myself again?
Once I left the house, it became vacant. Slowly, I strolled arrogantly out of the slums. I made my way out of the slum outskirts. The memories flood my mind. I look around to see my motorcycle. The jet black, chrome bike, the sun reflecting to reveal a brilliant luster. I mounted it and sped off.
I could see the sky, dimmed blue with the stars barely shining. I guess they were punishing the world for its so certain demise that fooled even God. Still riding hard and quickly, I drove past the mountains, past Kalm and the Chocobo ranch to the swamp. Staring just beyond, I could see the Mythril mine where I had encountered Tseng. I decided against trying my luck with the damn snake. He was a pushover but I was in no mood to fight.
I remounted my bike and headed towards the ocean. Once again, I dismounted and sat on the dead, sandy beach. The ocean was wide but I knew exactly how wide it was having been around the world and seen everything. Did I deserve to see the site that lay before me? The raging ocean was pacifistic and silent, the azure waters resting.

“Cloud!” I heard someone call to me. I looked towards my left, towards Kalm, and I sat motionless and watchful of the woman who approached me. Her long, brown hair swaying yet still captivating her beauty, gluing my eyes to her wondrous body. Her eyes caught mine and stuck. I had only one thought.
I screwed up.
“Cloud, why didn't you tell me you were leaving?” She spoke to me breathless. I have to admit, her breathlessness excited me slightly but I endured.
“I want you to be happy whether that makes me happy or not. So, I left.” I responded.
“Cloud, what the hell were you thinking?” She scolded me.
I, of course already knew that me being with her would keep her happy, but that comment was to hide my exact feelings. I loved to give her the chase. However, this time felt like a test for me. Would she still want me even after all the hell I have caused? Even though I pretended to be Zack? Of course, she loved me.
“Tifa, will you sit with me awhile?” I asked her feeling a bit feminine.
She agreed silently and sat down next to me. She took off her gloves and I did the same. I took her warm hands and held them. I loved the touch of her skin. She inched closer feeling my hunger for her body.
We fell over and lay there a few seconds laughing. Then she turned on her side and put her left hand on my chest.
She was close enough that I could smell her scent, astounding it was. I loved her touch, her smell, her presence near me. She made me feel complete. Before this moment I felt as though if I were to die, I wouldn't have had anything left to lose. I was blind and yet also perceptive of it all.
We stared at the sky as I held her hand. I felt like I was in heaven, our bodies connected by our hands and our minds were connected by the sky. Now, it was bright oranges and reds, the stars divulged their light forgiving my mistakes seeing as how I would give it all away for her.
“Cloud, I am so happy to be here with you,” her voiced soothed me. To me, the sound of her left me with a natural high that I could not compare to anything.
Quickly, I stood up and tossed off my black trousers, shirt, and boots and ran into the ocean. I could feel her gaze on my skin and she invited herself to my ocean party.

I could tell that I was all she needed and I was positive that she was all I needed. If she was the only thing I had left to lose, than she would be what I ensure that I keep.