Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Predetermined ❯ Day 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Idea I got… no I don't own these characters…. How many pairings do you see with Vincent as a Turk and someone else? Not many but maybe I'm not looking hard enough……
Basic summary: Vincent becomes a Turk for unclear reasons, until Hojo of course comes into the picture. Vincent always was Tseng's rival, being so much better than the stern young man, but what if all that pent up frustration turns into something just a little bit more? Can Tseng possibly win Vincent over when Lucrecia steps onto the scene? Told from Tseng's POV until Vincent slumbers under ShinRa mansion…. Second part told in story format.
Although I had been working at ShinRa Inc. for years now, I had just recently been told to keep a journal. Then again I hadn't been working under the President's son, Rufus, until recently. Certainly plenty of files had been recorded of our doings but what am I supposed to say in a more private journal than the things I've accomplished in stored files of ShinRa's library section? Well, I suppose orders are orders and I'm not one to shirk my duties, unlike Reno. For some reason, when I came under President ShinRa to serve Rufus, as well as the President, the leaders of the Turks—at least Hojo—decided for us `lower' members to record journals of our personal thoughts and goings on. Of course that would also encompass Rude, Elena, and Reno as well, but I've figured Elena might be the only one to keep up with a journal, and she—being a girl—would no doubt fill her journal in a ridiculously short amount of time. So I will uphold my duties and attempt to write this journal, unless it threatens my life.
So what's there to say? I'm in a lounge room at ShinRa headquarters drinking strong tea and relaxing as I figure out what the hell to write down. I work under Rufus, we've established this fact, as more or less a babysitter for the young man. Us being fairly close in age I have no idea why he needs someone to monitor him, unless of course it's to bow to his every whim and want. Certainly we Turks have always protected him, but how can I possibly deal with a rebellious teen who hasn't gotten past puberty yet when I myself am struggling to overcome my own foolish desires? It's insidious! And, pray tell if I'm not the only one to know what's written in here, why in Holy's name do we need journals? What is the purpose? To eat away at the only relaxation time we get, not that we have any unless you're Reno, the slacker.
So what needs to be known…personal thoughts and interactions….. Well, I think this is a stupid idea, for one. I have the notion of burning this book, secondly. And whatever kind of `research' Hojo is doing with these journals, has got to be something completely psychotic. It's bad enough with the suggestions he's put up, about SOLDIER and the mako plants. Heidegger and Scarlet discussed it in secret out of ear range of Palmer who tells the President everything, but whatever Hojo's doing, they're in on it and they're going to play dumb if ever the President—or Palmer—hears. So why write such valuable information? Only because I plan on burning this later, of course. This is crazy…. I feel like a lunatic writing down my thoughts. And I don't think my tea is strong enough.
What about these plans now? I don't know. But I'd like to find out. I'm not usually one to spy unless ordered but if I get wind that it may, in some way, interfere with my job or the functions and abilities of ShinRa Inc. I will make sure the President gives those involved their just desserts.
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