Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Puppet Theory ❯ Midnight conversions ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

To let you know how I write, I put my ideas on paper, I don't know why but I like writing it on paper first, then I type it up in word. Hope you like this! Please R&R


Puppet Theory.

Chapter 1: Midnight conversions.

After drifting in and out of sleep he finally started to wake up clear headed but the seagulls was making the banging at his temples worse. So he moved a hand to rub his forehead.

What! Seagulls! There were no seagulls on Mt. Gagazet! With that thought his azure eyes to a dark room. Starting to sit up and look around he felt a shooting pain from his ribs Immediately he cried out in surprise and put his hand on to his waist finding it bound. He could move and feel! He almost jumped from the bed but a tinge of pain from his ribs reminded him. With just enough light to see his hand in fount of his face and proceeded to do so.

After opening and closing his hand for an undetermined time. He started to hunt down where the pale light was coming from. Looking out the window the moon it was so close. But as he looked closer he noticed it wasn't a moon, it was a PLANET! Where was he?

A soft noise came from the other side of the window. Turning he watched a glow from the open door, that soon turned in to a candle in a brass holder held by a pale dainty hand on a matching pale slim arm.

Walking in to the room the gleaming silver haired woman smiled softly at him. Placing the candle on the night table by the, bed she then sat on the end of the bed with a worried look on her face. He thought he saw her eyes glow a brighter emerald as she nervously nibbled on her rosy lip. After a nervous silence she broke it with a simple question. "Who are you?" She looked at him. "Seymour, who are you?" he asked back. "Hadiya" she answered back with another small smile that led in to another period of silence. It was broken when he heard a light laughter from the women next to him, which made him laugh to and because he was FREE! They laughed a little bit louder and a little bit harder till his ribs couldn't take it. Wearily he lay back on to the pillows.

Getting up Hadiya pulled a small green flask from the pocket of her lavender dress and opened it. "For the pain and the light abrasions." She told him as she offered it. "Thank you, but where is this place?" Seymour asked and took a sip from the flask. He gave a smile as he felt the tingle of the potion healed him and eased the pain from his ribs. Hadiya sighed and looked down at her lap idly picking at invisible lavender fuzz off her dress. "It's hard to explain now but I'll tell you tomorrow, you still need the sleep."

Seymour looked at her and nodded. "Very well but answer me this. What planet is that?" he asked pointing to the blue orb floating out beyond his window. Following his hand with her eyes, Hadiya smiled when she had the planet in her gaze. "You would call it Spira."