Fire Emblem Fan Fiction ❯ Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Divergence ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Divergence
Wow, my first Fire Emblem story. I've done quite a few works of original fiction and gave only passing consideration to writing fanfics. Still, this idea popped into my head and just wouldn't go away. This takes place after Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and the basic premise of this story revolves around Sephiran's final warning:
“Sephiran: ...Thus do heroes give birth to new chapters in history... Ike, I doubt if you've even noticed... Your story, the everyday mercenary who becomes a hero will awake ugly appetite and ambition in many. It will be the cause of strife and discord throughout the land. I'm certain Ashnard saw the truth in this. In a way, Ashnard's dream may have been fulfilled. The seeds of war have indeed been sewn across the continent. It appears your trials are just beginning, my gallant, young hero... May the goddess ride with you.”
What I wish to present here is an interpretation of how this warning might unfold. The seeds of war have, indeed, been spread across the continent, and they are sprouting. This first part, centered on Ike, reflects on his journey and where his road now lies. And Sephiran, having foreseen an imperiled future, takes a dangerous gamble to keep Ike in play in the ongoing search for peace and unity between Beorc and Laguz.
There are multiple pairings, so please no flames. Also, some of the characters are purposefully OOC to reflect possible changes they undergo in the years after the war. So, please don't tell me that they're OOC, just tell me whether of not these changes make sense and enhance the story.
Disclaimer: Does anybody seriously think I own Fire Emblem? Intelligent Systems owns Fire Emblem and I envy them greatly.
********Part 1, one month after Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, the year 646*********
Divergence: Beyond the dark fog of time lie Crossroads and Cliffs
The golden orb of the sun cast waves of orange and gold light as it touched the distant sea. Gradually, the luminous orb seemed to sink into the briny depths and the horizon dimmed from gold to the dark orange that would ultimately give way to the stars. Titania was right, it DID look like the horizon was on fire.
The morning bustle of Capital Way, the road connecting Melior with the Crimean heartland, had come and gone but smoke from the campfires of Merchant Convoys and Supply Caravans rose in thin plumes along it as traders awaited the business that would come with the dawn. Many Beorc and Laguz traders and builders now swarmed the roads leading into and through Crimea and even Daein to aid in the reconstruction. And turn a generous profit, of course.
Within the walls of the Crimean Capital, the streets were deserted but there was sound aplenty. Here and there the crackle of burning hearths could be heard along with the clatter of emptying tankards and the occasional grunts and cheers from what one might suppose to be arm-wrestling contests. The clipped speech of Muarim, the Tiger Laguz offering small praise to those who didn't lose TOO quickly to him, and the boisterous gloating of Largo, the same-claimed World-Class Berserker, figured prominently in the din.
To the south, on the fringe of one's vision, was the Sea of Trees. That tropical stretch of land, little more than a pool of emerald from this distance, was the natural barrier between the expansive grasslands of Crimea and the inner, more temperate forests of Gallia.
Ike had to give credit where it was due, Castle Crimea offered a breathtaking view but, admiring it wasn't his reason for being out here. After everything that had happened over the past year, some fourteen months by Ike's reckoning, he needed time to think. A short lived chuckle escaped his lips as he remembered the somewhat frequent insinuations from Titania; the red-haired Paladin who was his second-in-command, and Mist; his younger sister, that thinking wasn't something Ike did often. Still, his churning thoughts drifted in many directions while his eyes strayed southwards toward Gallia.
In a time not so long ago, the people of Crimea and Gallia regarded their proximity to one another with distaste, if not outright dread. In a matter of months, following the end of the war in which Ike had led the Crimean Liberation Army, things had changed completely.
It hadn't happened overnight, by any means. The long standing friendship and political partnership between Crimea's departed Monarch King Ramon and Caineghis, King of Lions and ruler of Gallia, had long been viewed with enmity. More than a few…less-than-loyal Crimeans, blamed this for Daein's Invasion. Many still thought that, to some extent, but all had found the news of a combined Beorc/Laguz Army conquering the Daein Capital of Nevassa and then liberating Crimea to be too incredible to dismiss. When the reconstruction gained momentum, and Beorc and Laguz soon became vested partners in rebuilding they discovered, to their astonishment, that they could work rather well together.
Perhaps, in many ways, it truly started on the small scale. The Mercenary Commander Greil, once Gawain of Daein's Four Riders, had found refuge in Gallia under the protection of Caineghis along with his wife Elena many years ago. Greil, a mystery to all in life and death, had told little of his tale and yet Caineghis could see in this man, of a race not his own, a man that could be trusted. Greil had two children, Ike and Mist, and spent his last hours of life seeing them safely to Caineghis. The King of Lions trusted a man who was not of his own kind, to enter, live in and ultimately leave his realm and the Mercenary Commander, knowing his death was near, had entrusted the safety of his children to the King of Lions. And, in turn, King Ramon entrusted the life of his daughter, Elincia, to Caineghis when his own life neared its end.
Thinking of his slain father brought a hint of tears to Ike's eyes, and he wiped them away. Ike often found himself wondering what his father would have thought of all this. Ike hoped that his campaign against Ashnard, the Mad King of Daein, would've made his father proud. However, Ike hadn't the faintest doubts that Greil would've pointed out every mistake Ike had made, which was quite a few, and he hadn't the faintest doubt that Greil would've been critical of Ike's bluntness. “Making the employers angry doesn't help fill company coffers,” he sometimes said. And, Ike had a funny feeling that Greil would've found Elincia granting him the title of Lord to be quite amusing. Still, Greil's death was an old pain and Ike ultimately came to terms with it. Defeating the enigmatic Black Knight, Greil's slayer, had done much to help the healing process.
Ike then thought of the improbable friendship between Jill, the Wyvern Rider who turned her back on Daein, and Lethe, the volatile Cat Laguz from Gallia, both of whom had served with him. That had been an interesting illustration of the new, growing bond between Beorc and Laguz. At first, the two avoided each other as much as their duties to the war effort would permit. The rare occasions Jill spoke during that time, in which she uttered the phrase `sub-human,' had nearly cost her an eye. After a few, very fumbling, attempts at conversation on Jill's part, Lethe gave her some useful, if blunt, advice: Think. And, she did. She thought of the tireless dedication she saw from the Lion, Tiger and Cat Laguz of Gallia, the loyalty of the Hawk Laguz of Phoenicis, the generosity of the Dragon Laguz of Goldoa and the beautiful, if melancholy, singing of the Heron Laguz of Serenes Forest.
Jill found much to be admired in the Laguz, when she started to look at matters with both eyes open, but she also found something profoundly troubling. She had been taught, even before she could read or write, that the `sub-humans' were Abominations and Infidels to be exterminated. And, for many years, she believed it. And yet, if even half of what she'd seen and discovered was true, then her indoctrination in Daein, all the work and sacrifice she'd done in Daein's service and everything that she had believed in had all been a pathetic sham. And, it seemed, this knowledge was too much.
Ike remembered, grimly, the terrible battle of Talrega. A backwater Daein Province of farmers and traders in riverside communities of no strategic importance, save for the fact that the Crimean Liberation Army was marching through it to reach Nevassa. General Petrine, one of Daein's infamous Four Riders, had ordered the floodgates opened in an effort to slow down the combined Beorc/Laguz forces. Ike had been profoundly troubled when he learned that Jill's father commanded the forces in Talrega, albeit unwillingly, and his worries were compounded when Jill took the field and seemed as if she was trying to get herself killed. Many a bowman tried to knock her out of the sky, but all were cut down before they could even ready their arrows. Ike, for some reason, wasn't the faintest bit surprised when he learned that Jill's benefactor was Lethe. Of course, Lethe's pride was too great to admit this when Ike inquired about it. And, when Ike mentioned that he saw Jill and Lethe shaking hands after a rather sentimental conversation, Lethe's claws nearly removed one of his eyes.
Perhaps Titania and Mist's assessment that Ike spent too little time thinking wasn't far off the mark.
Ike's thoughts then strayed toward the bonds he had formed with the Laguz. During his travels, Ike had met not only Caineghis, but also the Cat Laguz Ranulf, the Hawk King Tibarn, the Heron Prince Reyson, the long lost Heron Princess Leanne and the Dragon Laguz Nasir, Ena, Raijion and Kurthnaga. Ranulf was the polar opposite of the moody Lethe, always chipper and cracking jokes and teasing anybody he could get his hands on. Ike seemed to be Ranulf's favorite victim, but Ike nonetheless found Ranulf a valuable fighter and liaison between the Crimean Liberation Army and Gallia.
Resyon and Nasir were different stories all together. Reyson, the Prince of the Serenes Herons, had seen his entire country put to the torch and sword and this atrocity had darkened the Heron Prince's heart. This darkness had transcended into overpowering rage and hatred when his friend Naesala, the Raven King of Kilvas, led him to the colorless ruins of Serenes Forest and betrayed him to Begnion slavers. Ike and his companions had discovered Reyson, but found him far less than receptive to their aid. Ike could still remember the hatred in Reyson's eyes and it chilled him to the bone. Things, however, changed between them when Leanne was found by Ike in Serenes Forest. At first, Reyson was still hesitant about trusting Beorc. But then, Leanne said…well, Ike wasn't sure what Reyson's long lost sister had said. Leanne spoke in the Ancient Tongue, which was probably commonplace when Herons still dwelt in Serenes, and Ike couldn't understand a word of it. But, whatever Leanne said was enough because Reyson joined the Crimean Liberation Army and proved invaluable.
Nasir, the White Dragon Laguz from Goldoa, had been a part of the war before it had even truly started. Nasir had been a longtime ally of Gallia, probably before Ike was even born considering a Dragon Laguz's longevity, but matters had taken a terrible turn when Raijion, husband of her granddaughter Ena, had been abducted and Raijion's life used to blackmail Ena into Daein's service as a tactician. Ike could still remember the utter astonishment he felt learning that Nasir was a grandfather. Heck, Nasir barely looked old enough to be married.
A pang of regret followed that musing. Ike had relied on Nasir, not only for safe passage to Begnion, but also as an advisor. Nasir possessed a gentle wisdom and insight that Ike had rarely encountered in another person, and yet Nasir had betrayed them. Nasir had alerted the Daein garrison of Tor Garen of Crimea's approach, had stolen the deadly Lehran's Medallion from Mist and had attacked Ike in order to allow Ena, whom was commanding the forces at Nevassa, to escape. Ike could still remember smoldering rage that surged through his blood at this, and found himself wondering why he didn't decapitate Nasir on the spot.
Whatever had stopped him though was fortuitous. Nasir, just after his arrest, had pointed Ike towards Palmeni Temple where Ike had found vital clues about Lehran's Medallion and of Ashnard's intent to acquire it. Nasir had also intervened just after the Black Knight had fallen, rescuing the captive Ena and then telling everything to Ike as well as telling them of Gritnea Tower.
Ike felt his gorge rise at that thought and fought to keep his supper from making a second appearance. Ashnard, after gaining the deadly Lehran's Medallion, had abducted Leanne in hopes of using a Heron Laguz's powers to unlock those of the Medallion. Nasir, when he returned, shared this information. That Tower was, simply put, barbaric. Ashnard had devised some sort of serum that, when administered to a Laguz, would lock them in their animal form and drive them into a feral rage. Hence the name `Feral Ones,' as Daein called them. As terrible as the idea of a drug stripping someone of their free will was, the dungeons below Gritnea Tower were even worse. They were brimming over with corpses of Laguz that had been killed by the life shortening effects of the serums. Most of them were corrupted, their features altered into something hideous and others were so corrupted and decayed that the flesh was melting off the bones. And the horrible stench nearly caused Ike to pass out (1).
Looking back, Ike was able to forgive Nasir. After all, Ike suspected that he wouldn't have acted differently in Nasir's position.
Ultimately, Ike's eyes began to drift between two places: the ruins of the Mercenary Fort where'd he'd been raised and trained, and Serenes Forest where the first transformation between the two races had occurred. Ike studied the charred ground and exposed foundations of the Mercenary Fort that his father had built and had trained all of the original Greil Mercenaries: Titania; the red-haired Paladin, Soren; the cynical Mage, Gatrie; the skirt chasing Knight, Shinon; the taciturn Sniper, Rhys; the frail but dependable Priest and healer, Oscar; the perpetually squinting Cavalier and Boyd; the boisterous Fighter and Oscar's younger brother as well as Ike himself. Also part of that family, as Greil had dubbed it, was Mist; Ike's younger sister and a Cleric, and Rolf; Oscar and Boyd's younger brother and a skilled Archer. The original Greil Mercenaries had returned to the Fort along with Mia; the bouncy-as-hell Myrmidon, who'd served alongside them during the war and wanted to stay on.
After Daein consolidated their hold on Occupied Crimea, they burned the Fort down (2). Titania and Soren, as always, were pragmatic about it and, after all, the Greil Mercenaries had more than enough money to rebuild it. Oscar and Rhys, true to nature, reflected that they should be glad they weren't in the Fort when it was torched. Boyd, Gatrie, Shinon and Rolf were agitated, though probably because they would be doing a lot of the grunt work rebuilding it. And, Mist and Mia were ecstatically discussing all their plans to…redecorate the Fort. The musing of what the two young women had in mind made Ike cringe.
When Ike's gaze fell upon Serenes Forest, it brought a smile to his face. He still remembered how, after Reyson and Leanne had been rescued, they had sung at the Serenes Alter. That enchanted singing, a Heron galdr Ike supposed, had caused the once lifeless Forest to be reborn. Suddenly, the dull colorlessness was replaced by vibrant green as trees and flowers and grass and shrubs sprang back to life.
A few days ago, Ike had returned to the reborn Serenes Forest. All his friends who'd fought alongside him and the leaders of the other countries in Tellius were in attendance as well. The official business of signing the Treaty of Serenes, a first step towards realizing King Ramon's vision of peace and unity between Beorc and Laguz, soon transitioned into a night of remembrance and merriment. A small feast had been prepared as well as music and recreation.
Ike remembered, with some fondness, how Boyd had lost more than a week's salary in a game of dice (3). Of course, the barrel of ale he'd drained beforehand probably had something to do with it. Oscar and Kieran; the flamboyant Cavalier whom Captained Crimea's Fifth Platoon, were juggling the tasks of showing their respective ladies a good evening and besting the other in a training match. Marcia; the fuchsia haired Pegasus Knight, cheered for Kieran at bewildering decibels while Tanith; the FalcoKnight whom was Deputy Commander of Begnion's Holy Guard, shouted tactical advice towards Oscar. Gatrie meanwhile was involved in a clumsy but determined waltz with Astrid; a Cavalier and Noblewoman whom sought to escape an arranged marriage. Ike had long known that Gatrie had taken a liking to Astrid, but then again Gatrie took a liking to pretty much any woman he could get his hands on. Ike's jaw hit the floor, however, when he learned that Gatrie had dueled with Astrid's fiancé for her hand and won.
Now, if only the victorious Gatrie would just stop bragging about how many punches he'd landed on the unfortunate Noble's jaw and clavicle.
The real hilarity, however, occurred with Rhys and Mia. Mia had, for some completely inscrutable reason, taken it into her head that the frail Rhys was her destined archrival and thus hounded him to become a Myrmidon under her training. Such sessions usually ended with Rhys having many bruises and more than a few cramps. During the party, Mia shouted “Hey Rhys, think fast!” and lunged at him with her trainer. Rhys, apparently, DID think fast, though perhaps faster than he would've otherwise liked. His Healing Staff, before Ike's disbelieving eyes, slammed upon Mia's wrist and her sword clattered to the ground. Then, in that same motion, Rhys swung the Staff into Mia's stomach and then against her forehead, sending her crashing to the ground. Rhys, suddenly stricken looking, bent over Mia to tend to her injuries when she suddenly shot up with a bizarre smile on her face. And she said “I think we're on to something. Please, hit me again!” (4)
It had taken quite a while for the laughter to die down after that one.
Another interesting sight had been Leanne dancing with a less-than-enthused looking Naesala. Reyson had nearly had a heart attack when he saw that. Though Reyson had offered Naesala begrudging forgiveness, admitting that Naesala's treachery had unwittingly led them to finding Leanne, the Heron Prince was hardly the let-bygones-be-bygones sort. Ike had to admit, he had his suspicions about Naesala and Leanne. During the assault on Gritnea Tower, Naesala had learned of Leanne's imprisonment there, masqueraded as a guard, and freed her. That he did so at all was peculiar enough, that he did it without demanding an exorbitant payment was flabbergasting. (5)
Ike had been pretty much all over the party, mostly making sure that his friends behaved themselves. Jill's intoxicated, hiccup punctuated singing and Ranulf's glazed over eyes and his seeming to think everybody that talked to him had a twin that only he could see was a clear indication that Ike had his work cut out for him. Between making sure that Mist and Rolf and the other younger attendees didn't have any alcohol, keeping those that drank too much under control and ensuring that Mia and Rhys' wrongheaded sparing and Reyson's protestations of Leanne dancing with Naesala didn't turn into full blown brawls, Ike wasn't having much fun. Then, his attention was arrested when his gaze fell upon her.
Elincia Ridell Crimea, the newly crowned Queen of Crimea and his onetime employer. The emerald haired Queen was near the great Serenes Altar speaking to Sanaki; the child-like Apostle whom ruled Begnion. Ike did not envy her at that moment, the few instances when he himself had spoken with Sanaki had hardly been pleasant. Then, to Ike's surprise, the discussion ended and Elincia came towards him. Ike looked upon her with the same wonderment and longing that he'd worn when he first beheld her on war-torn Capital Way. Elincia was moving about, speaking quickly to the various officials and surveying the festivities. Mia and Rhys had abandoned their bizarre sparring and had now joined Gatrie and Astrid and Naesala and Leanne in waltzing in the vibrant, sunlit clearing that encompassed the Serenes Altar. Kieran and Marica and Oscar and Tanith joined in as well and Jill was dragging Haar, the Wyvern Lord who'd been a trusted confidant to her departed father, into the area occupied by the waltzing couples and Ranulf was coaxing a displeased looking Lethe into doing the same. Still, Ike's eyes were focused on Elincia and he noticed that she had no partner.
Before his mind finished processing what this meant, Ike heard what sounded like Mist's voice behind him. His younger sister said something that sounded like `go get her you dope' and he felt what must've been Mist's foot being driven into his lower back. The impact pitched him forward and, before he could retreat, Elincia had spotted him. After fighting in a war, slaying more men than one could count, saving innumerable lives and helping to rebuild a shattered nation, he wasn't about to look the coward by being unable to muster the courage to dance with a beautiful woman. And, though Ike would never admit it, he had rather hoped for a chance to waltz with Elincia.
Mist seemed to share Ike's tendency for unorthodox methods, but her heart was still in the right place.
As the two danced, Ike reflected on when he first met Elincia. Rather he met her but she didn't meet him just then. After learning of the Daein attack on Melior, Greil ordered Ike to lead a small band of the Greil Mercenaries along Capital Way to learn more about the situation. Ike had been bewildered that his father would entrust him, a raw recruit with little combat experience, with such an important command. That, however, flew right out the window when his group ran afoul of a Daein patrol. After the battle had ended, and after Shinon had finally been convinced to stop looting the corpses, Rhys and Soren had spotted someone collapsed in the overgrowth.
When Ike first beheld her, the sight left him numb and wiped words from his brain. A slender, curvaceous body garbed in a flowing gown the color of a dusking sky. Her hair, a silken length of woven emerald, cascaded to her shoulders with tendrils framing her delicate face. The delicacy of her pale countenance almost seemed unreal, as if she was either illusionary or would crumble to dust if he touched her the wrong way. Her eyes opened, only for a split second, and he could see the faint hint of eyes with irises of pure gold. Then, a gasp and she lapsed back into a fevered slumber.
Somehow, that broke the trance and Ike could move again. He moved toward her, checked her pulse and her breathing, both were regular. Though sweat and dew dampened her from head to toe and her features were marred by an occasional bruise or cut, Ike was past the point of being panicked by a little blood. She was alright, she would recover.
Soren, upon seeing this scene, advised them to leave her and withdraw to the Fort. And, for an irrational split-second, Ike didn't like Soren at all. Ike quickly shook that off, it was a knee-jerk reaction and a stupid one at that. Soren was far from altruistic, but he was only saying what he believed was best for the Greil Mercenaries. Still, once that trouble Ike had with talking had gone away, he'd disagreed. He scooped up the unconscious woman and led his small troop back to the Fort.
That moment, in many ways, was the edge of a knife. Once Elincia was within the Fort, the link between Ike's past life and the present had been severed. The ensuing debate, of whether to accept Elincia's request to escort her to Gallia, was quickly rendered moot when Greil deduced that Daein forces had besieged the Fort. Ike wasn't surprised when Greil decided to aid Elincia. Greil's decision that Ike command the defenses at the main entrance, while Greil guarded the rear entrance, and then Greil giving Ike command of the escort while Greil himself led a diversionary team, THAT was a surprise. Ike still couldn't comprehend where that sudden faith had come from, why an inexperienced Mercenary had been given not one, not two, but three vital commands. And, Greil didn't live to give him a straight answer.
Ike couldn't help but wonder if the reason was because Greil, somehow, had foreseen that his days were nearly done. (6)
Ike shook it off and shifted his focus. During the two month voyage to Begnion aboard Nasir's ship, he and Elincia had gotten to know one another. At the least, talking to her on the top deck proved a pleasant alternative to lounging below deck with his fellow Mercenaries. It took nearly a week for the Mercenaries to get their sea legs and, during that time, at least one meal a day would make a second appearance. Ike had grown up amongst Mercenaries, he was accustomed to the stench of sweaty, dirty bodies, of travel stained clothing, of blood spattered armor and the occasional horse manure. Still, the combined stink of eighteen Mercenaries, four Merchants, three horses and one Pegasus, all suffering from acute seasickness, was too much for him.
Elincia didn't talk much about herself, whether this was simple courtesy or whether she believed her life in hiding was simply too dull could not be determined. Still, Elincia was insatiably curious and eagerly asked about...well, quite a few things actually. Questions about Ike's life as a Mercenary, more about the others in the Mercenary Company, who joined when and why and still other questions about the places Ike had traveled to in Crimea.
Elincia herself told him very little at first, but Ike ultimately coaxed it out of her. Elincia, as she had mentioned, had been born after her father King Ramon had named Duke Renning, Ramon's younger brother and Commander of Crimea's Army, as successor to the Throne. Her birth had caused the succession for the Throne to become contested and even Ike, who knew even less about politics than Elincia, saw the problem. He'd read more than a few stories where contested Thrones led to Civil War, and the sacrifice of countless lives. When pressed, Elincia told him about the Royal Villa where she'd been secretly raised and educated. Ike heard stories about her parents and Uncle, who was surprisingly loving of his potential rival for the Throne, as well as Geoffrey and Lucia who'd been like older siblings to her. Geoffrey was the azure haired Paladin and General whom led Elincia's waylaid escort on Capital Way. Lucia; the azure haired Swordmaster who was Geoffrey's younger sister, was a playmate in Elincia's childhood and later her trainer in swordsmanship. Elincia also told Ike about how Lucia had once routed a phalanx of Brigands single-handedly. Ike could still remember the quaver of her voice as she finished that story, and he didn't like it. He placed one rugged hand on her slender shoulder and told her that, if Geoffrey and Lucia were even half as strong as she believed then they were still alive. And, Ike was ultimately proven right.
Once the ever-growing Mercenary Company had arrived in Begnion, Ike took a grand total of five second to decide that he didn't like the place. Sienne, the Capital of Begnion, was certainly beautiful enough. The elegant architecture resembled nothing that could be found in comparatively rustic Crimea or Spartan Gallia. When Ike got past that though, he found the Nobles and Sanaki, the child-like Apostle. The Nobles, without effort, came across to him as venal, self-obsessive, greedy and amoral. And, Sanaki further soured his opinion when she proved herself as childish as her appearance suggested, using her mastery of trickery to play a game of wits and words with Elincia under the guise of confirming her identity. Eventually, Sanaki's incessant giggle concluded the farce. Elincia took this with polite, if bewildered, acquiescence. Ike did not show similar restraint.
Ike's outburst of indignation, which verged on insulting the Apostle, might've gotten him beheaded if Sanaki didn't need him almost as much as Elincia did.
And, need him Sanaki did. By the end of their time in Begnion, Ike and the Greil Mercenaries had helped the Apostle to expose the illegal trade of Laguz slaves amongst the Nobles and had found the Heron siblings Reyson and Leanne. This brought about not only the Aposle granting her nation's support for Crimea's restoration but also in the rebirth of Serenes Forest and the Hawk Laguz of Phoenicis, as well as Reyson himself, joining the cause. However, there was a problem: in order to command the regiment of Begnion Soldiers, Ike had to be granted peerage from Elincia and dubbed a Lord.
That news came like a punch in the guts, Ike was barely able to tolerate seeing or talking to Nobles but becoming one? He had never felt a stronger feeling of revulsion, even from the mob at Port Toha who'd ratted him out to Daein because they were frightened into a violent fervor at the sight of Ranulf. He was halfway through an impassioned refusal when he caught sight of the stricken look on Elincia's face. And, that sight reminded of why they were here: they needed to liberate and rebuild Crimea and to do that they would need Begnion troops to help them fight Daein. And, those troops wouldn't follow him unless he was a Lord. And, he was a breath away from ignoring all that because of an inflated view of his own dignity? He suddenly felt frustrated, ashamed and incredibly stupid.
He hadn't even been dubbed a Noble yet, and their self-centeredness had already rubbed off on him. (7)
So, astonishing himself in the act, he retracted his refusal and took the title of Lord and General of the Crimean Liberation Army. And, oddly enough, the smile that Elincia gave him somehow caused Ike's frustration and self revulsion to evaporate. And, that offered a small measure of warmth as they journeyed across the frozen wastes of Daein. And, after the decimation of Talrega, the theft of Lehran's Medallion, Nasir's betrayal and learning just how dangerous Lehran's Medallion truly was, he needed what little comfort he could muster. This knowledge, that the dark power which had crushed all the lands beneath a watery tomb had been within the Medallion around Mist's neck all this time, that it had been Ashnard's true goal all along and that Ike had let it slip through his fingers, was chilling. It caused him to pass many a sleepless night.
After Nevassa had fallen and the Crimean Liberation Army had joined with Geoffrey and Lucia and the other Crimean Soldiers, Elincia astonished him by taking the field. For a split second, Ike didn't recognize her. For one thing, she had exchanged her orange gown for a set of armor, not unlike those used by a Pegasus Knight, and a magnificent winged horse followed in her wake. Her emerald hair was also coiled into a tight bun and a slender sword, Amiti, rested in a sheath at her side. Ike had been skeptical, to say the least. If Elincia were to fall in battle, a thought which sent tendrils of dread snaking across his mind, then everything they'd done would have been for nothing. Yet, to his astonishment, he found himself agreeing.
During the battle of Fort Pinell, Ike kept one eye on Elincia as she flew through the battle. Elincia had joined with Mist to act as mounted healers, closing the distance with injured troops, healing them and then doubling back to safety. Both could wield swords with some proficiency, but Ike was dubious about how much that would count for in intense combat. He soon found, however, that he had little choice in the matter. Fort Pinell proved to be one of the most protracted battles he'd yet fought. Daein reinforcements continued to flood onto the blood soaked plain with no end in sight and Ike was forced to give ground and pull back his troops to form a defensive phalanx.
And, that proved to be more complicated than he'd supposed. His forces had become dispersed and he kept his mounted and flying units busy rescuing troops that had been cornered or boxed in. Ike, meanwhile, had been acting as a one-man-diversionary-squad with the simple goal of making the Daein troops want to kill him so badly that they'd ignore the others. He succeeded spectacularly for he soon found himself up against three Daein Halberdiers, two Daein Paladins and one Daein Sniper. Ike's blade wove through a defensive velocity so fast that watching his blade nearly made him too dizzy to fight. Ultimately, he managed to dispatch the Halberdiers and Paladins, but by then the Sniper had Ike in his sights and Ike was too exhausted to dodge the arrow. But, he didn't have to. Metal and feathers flashed before Ike's gaze and the Sniper's head fell away from his shoulders. Ike, somehow, wasn't the faintest bit surprised when his benefactor was revealed to be Elincia. He immediately returned the favor when he noticed, and eliminated, two Snipers who'd attempted to ambush Elincia when she landed to check on Ike's wellbeing.
Afterward, a furious Mist somehow juggled the task of fighting the battle and reprimanding Ike for endangering himself with disturbing skill. How she could continue riding and swinging her sword while yelling her lungs out at Ike was a mystery perhaps best left unsolved.
When time finally came to fight the Black Knight, Ike steeled himself. He discreetly trained with the sacred blade Ragnell, familiarizing himself with the weight and balance of the only weapon that could fight the Black Knight. The whole time, fear crept into his mind like an ice dagger, twisting in his brain and spreading chills into his thoughts. The Black Knight, unquestionably the most powerful of Ashnard's minions, was the man who had slain his father. Ike's father, Greil, was the mightiest warrior Ike had ever known and the Black Knight had killed him seemingly without effort. And, the image of Ike sharing that fate continued to dance across his mind's eye.
Eventually, he fell to one knee, drove Ragnell's blade into the soil and lapsed into meditation that occasionally edged towards brooding. But, it ended abruptly when he felt two hands upon his face. He didn't bother looking to see who it was, the touch was familiar. When he opened his eyes, Elincia sat before him with concern written plainly across her features. After a moment, they began to talk. Ike wasn't able to remember the exact words, but he did remember that he eventually confided in her his dread at facing the Black Knight. Elincia reminded him that he'd faced and defeated countless foes and, since Ike had already beaten two of Daein's Four Riders, of whom the Black Knight was a member, then it was Ike who had the odds in his favor.
Then, something strange happened. Elincia, as she began to rise, pecked him on the cheek. Then, just as suddenly, before Ike could comprehend the impulse, he rose and engulfed Elincia's lips in a long kiss. When the two of them finally parted, it looked as if all their blood had migrated to their faces. Elincia, eventually, asked him why he did that and Ike told her the truth: it simply seemed like the right thing to do, and he wasn't sure he'd ever get another chance.
When Ike emerged from the rubble of Nados Castle, with Nasir (8) at his side bearing an unconscious Ena, he beheld Titania, Mist, Soren, Elincia and pretty much everybody awaiting for him. Mist, tears of unabashed joy streaming down her cheeks, greeted him with a strange combination of a hug and a flying tackle that nearly sent him over backwards. Everybody was thinking it, but it was impossible to say which of them asked first.
“Did you win?” the whole army seemed to ask at once.
Ike didn't answer, not with words anyway. Instead, he showed them his hands. One held the Black Knight's sword Alondite. The other held the Black Knight's helmet, the ebony black of the blessed metal marred by blood. (9) Ike had done it: he had defeated the Black Knight, had taken the Black Knight's blade as his own and the Black Knight himself had been entombed under the rubble of the crumbled Nados Castle. His father, and Goddess knows how many others, had been avenged. And he promptly disappeared beneath a sea of people hugging him, shaking his hand, clapping him on the back and ruffling his hair while everybody else thrust their fists in the air and cheered deafeningly.
The following night, after extricating himself from his adoring public, Ike and Elincia had shared a second, much longer, but still secret, kiss. Then, Ike slept peacefully for the first time since he couldn't even remember.
The last time Ike and Elincia had spoken was just after her coronation. Elincia had lingered in the Throne Room nervous, more like terrified, at the prospect of becoming a Queen. And, simply because no one had taught her how to fulfill the duties of a Queen. Ike had been so bewildered, so astonished by the sheer nonsense of it all, that the first thing that came out of his mouth was the last thing he should've even considered saying.
Again, Titania and Mist's assessment about how often Ike thought before acting came to mind.
Still, Ike managed a recovery when he realized something so simple that it astonished him: Elincia had the same problem that he had struggled with just before Nados Castle. And, he knew exactly what to do. He reminded her of how she had managed to persuade the King of Lions, the Apostle of Begnion and countless others to fight for Crimea and how she had worked to aid and inspire the troops. He reminded her of how she'd taken the field and how it had bolstered the morale of the troops, not to mention the two of them taking turns saving one another's life. And, he reminded her that she did all that without anybody teaching her anything.
And, it worked like a charm. Elincia rose, offered him her hand and the two made their way to the Courtyard to meet the cheering crowds.
Just as these memories finished chasing each other through his mind, the waltz ended and Ike concluded it by bowing graciously and gently kissed Elincia's hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Titania give him an approving smile accompanied by a conspiratorial wink. Titania had, inexplicably, insisted on teaching Ike how to waltz and had invested quite some time, and a great deal of patience, in the lessons. Had Ike disappointed her, he had a funny feeling it might have proven hazardous to his health.
After the two had parted, Ike finally made a startling discovery: he was in love with Elincia. The notion surprised him, astonished him. He'd been about halfway through discarding the idea as too silly to entertain when Sephiran, the Prime Minister of Begnion whom Ike had met twice on his journey, approached him. Early in the war Sephiran, assuming that was his real name and not another one of his numerous aliases, (10) had been masquerading as a Monk and healer while gathering intelligence about Daein's actions in Crimea. During this time he'd met, and readily connected, with Ike. Later, when Sephiran returned to Begnion, he arranged for the heavily engaged Crimean Liberation Army to receive additional reinforcements. And, he and Ike had met just after the war when Sephiran had visited Castle Crimea. The Prime Minister had found Ike's desire to renounce his title of Lord to be incredibly amusing, and Ike found Sephiran's reaction to be incredibly rude. Still, Sephiran was an honorable man and he and Ike quickly lapsed into the easy conversation of old friends.
What Sephiran had to say though, surprised him: Sanaki had been discussing the likelihood of Ike remaining involved in the governance of Crimea after the reconstruction had ended. More bewildering still was the fact that the Apostle seemed eager for Ike to stay on. Elincia had admitted that it seemed unlikely but that she would, as Sephiran had quoted, `be of gladdened heart' if Ike decided to stay.
Of course, Ike reminded Sephiran of his desire to renounce his title of Lord but Sephiran, once again, surprised him.
“Is that Greil talking, or you?” Sephiran had asked.
Whatever Ike had been expecting to hear, that was NOT it. And, for a moment, he resented the rebuke but Sephiran quickly explained himself.
“I know you Ike,” Sephiran informed him bluntly, “better than you might realize. Do you remember Port Toha?”
Ike wished he could forget. The Mercenaries had been traveling in disguise through Toha to reach Nasir's ship for the journey to Begnion. Ranulf, who was guiding them, had had the misfortune of being discovered and a mob of townsfolk began to beat and kick him. And Ike, sentimentality outpacing common sense, intervened and, in so doing, exposed their presence to the local vigilantes and the Daein contingent nearby. Though Ranulf had escaped, Ike did not share Ranulf's pragmatic dismissal of the incident. When one of the Toha vigilantes locked sword with him, Ike wanted to kill him. It was the same when a sinewy man with a club and a scraggly old woman with a cane tried to waylay him. But, for some reason, he didn't kill them. Something, he wasn't sure what, caused him to guide his blade through the limbs of his enemies rather than the chest or neck. And, the same unknown `something' occasionally caused him to use the flat of his sword, rather than the edge, to bat offenders out of his path. The escape from Toha had been a nearly bloodless victory and Ike still didn't know how it happened. Something similar happened when he'd unwittingly stumbled across the base of the Laguz Emancipation Army in Begnion during the clandestine investigation of the illegal trade of Laguz Slaves. But then, it had made sense because he needed information more than notches in his blade. Or, was there more to it than that?
“What about Talrega?” Sephiran persisted.
Again, that was a moment that Ike badly wanted to forget. Though the Greil Mercenaries had fought their way to the floodgates and closed them as quickly as possible, it wasn't quickly enough. The flooding had decimated the homes and farms, leaving hundreds homeless. Ike had astonished the others by deciding to provide food and healing to the displaced Talregans while they waited for the flooded river to recede and allow them to cross. Soren had fervently disagreed, and so did the Talregans themselves, but Ike was not deterred.
“Is there a point to this?” Ike asked.
Sephiran gave him a kindly smile and placed one hand on his shoulder.
“Those weren't the only times that you've been altruistic at your own expense,” Sephiran pointed out. “I've learned, amongst other things, about how, as a young boy, you'd discovered a bird with a broken wing and spent three days nursing it back to health.” (11)
Ike's astonishment that Sephiran knew that must've shown on his face for the Prime Minister of Begnion burst into another gale of laughter that sparked resentment in Ike.
“It's quite simple really,” Sephiran told him, “you want to save everyone. Many people do, sometimes they can but too often they can't. You however…you're different. How many lives have you and the other troops saved by winning the war against Ashnard? Can you even count them?”
Ike had to admit, he couldn't even hazard a guess. And, he had to admit, Sephiran's assessment did make some sense. He thought about the surprise and then transcendent joy that flashed across Reyson's face when Leanne had been found in Serenes Forest and his profound relief, mingled with bemusement, when Naesala freed Leanne from Gritnea Tower. He thought about the Crimean villagers near Delbray Castle who'd been so thrilled that the Daein occupation force was under assault. He thought about the joyous tears Mist had shed when he returned, alive, from his battle with the Black Knight. And, he remembered the sweet smile that Elincia had given him on that day in the Throne Room. And these moments, any one of them in fact, was worth more than all the gold on the continent. Sephiran was right, saving lives was what mattered to Ike.
“I'm also aware that you have also come to believe in the late King Ramon's dream of unity between Beorc and Laguz,” Sephiran continued, and his voice suddenly dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, “and I'm far from ignorant of your disdain of the ways of the Nobility.”
Ike was about to mention that Sephiran was contradicting himself when he was cut off.
“What if you could change that?” Sephiran offered.
Ike burst out laughing, taking mischievous delight in Sephiran's look of discomfort, and flatly told the Prime Minister that, even if he was interested, that no one would accept him in the Crimean Court. Then, inexplicably, Sephiran's smile returned. He put an arm around Ike's shoulder and turned him to face Elincia. Ike could feel the color draining out of his cheeks.
How much DID Sephiran discover while wandering the land as a consummate spy?
“I know you desire to return to the life of a simple Mercenary, but it is enough?” Sephiran asked. “Your father wanted you to keep Mist safe and to take care of his Mercenary Company. And, you've succeeded at both.”
“He also told me to live peacefully in Gallia and warned me not to go after the Black Knight and I did neither,” Ike countered.
“Because that isn't in your nature,” Sephiran pointed out.
And indeed, it wasn't. Ike had never been one to run away from his problems. For years, Ike had sparred with his father and left each bout with nothing to show for it except a comically large collection of bruises on both his body and his ego. Yet, he just kept on coming back for more and, ultimately, he learned how to win.
Still, dueling swords with Mercenaries was one thing, dueling words with politicians was something else completely.
And yet...for some reason, Sephiran's words seemed strangely impossible to dismiss.
“I have learned of every hour, every minute, of your exploits,” Sephiran informed him, his claim sounding quite believable, “and I've noticed a few things. King Ramon's dream of unity between Beorc and Laguz has rubbed off on you, you've made more friends and won more respect amongst the Laguz than most people would even consider trying. And, I know how repugnant you find the greed, self-centeredness and prejudices of the Nobility. You might have the chance to change that.”
“How?” Ike asked, unable to conceal his skepticism.
Sephiran's smile became warmer, almost reminiscent of Greil's when he and Ike talked about Ike's mother or Caineghis' when he recognized the `young pup' of his treasured friend.
“You can still help others,” Sephiran told him. “You can still promote unity between Beorc and Laguz and you can…persuade the Nobles to amend their habits and punish those that decide that they are above the law. If you remain in Crimea's Court, you would have the power to do all of these things and more.”
“Stay as what?” Ike snorted.
Sephiran gave an earnest shrug.
“A General perhaps,” he suggested. “Maybe a Military Advisor or a member of the Imperial Guard or maybe…”
He trailed of, making a near invisible gesture towards Elincia.
“…a Prince Consort,” he finished.
If Ike's jaw had dropped any lower, it would've scooped up a mouthful of dirt and grass. Still, he supposed that he shouldn't have been surprised. Sephiran had a disconcerting ability to know just about everything.
“Oh, don't worry,” Sephiran told him, “I've told no one of the…affectionate gestures you've shown each other nor shall I. And, I'm very happy for you both.”
Ike gazed past Sephiran at Elincia, a look of guarded longing in his eyes. Guarded it might have been, but Sephiran saw right through him.
“When she said she would `be of gladdened heart,' she meant it more than one sense of the phrase,” Sephiran voiced. “I'm aware that you two love each other.”
For a long moment, Ike didn't speak. He simply gazed at Elincia and thought, again, of their time together during the war, of their talks about their friends and family and country, of the faith Elincia had shown in him when she requested that he lead the Crimean Liberation Army, of how they had saved one-another from death at Fort Pinell, how they'd shared their first kiss before Nados Castle and another afterwards and how Ike had helped her to gather her courage just after her coronation. And, he was only too aware of how mismatched they were. He was a Mercenary, she was a Queen. He was boisterous and impulsive, she was demure and shy. He was long since accustomed to the traits and quirks of city and village life, she had gained this knowledge only recently. He was a man of the real world who was charmed by the idealism of the Crimean Court, she was a woman of the Crimean Court who regarded the, once unfamiliar, real world with a thirst for knowledge.
The conflicted nature of the whole affair tugged the corners of his mouth downward.
“That's tempting,” he answered, “but she's too good for me.”
Sephiran gave him a penetrating look and, when he spoke, he used the tone a parent might when reminding a child of something they ought to already know.
“Don't you remember what I said to you the last time we spoke?” Sephiran asked. “`If you wish it, no post will be beyond your reach.'” (12)
Something in that statement, maybe Sephiran's matter-of-fact tone or the words or his disconcerting ability to see into Ike's thoughts, but whatever it was it caused an image to paint itself his mind's eye.
The image was elaborate, woven like a tapestry. He saw his blade Ragnell crossed with his father's axe Urvan (13) and a decorated spear that looked like one he'd seen in a great portrait of Duke Renning. On the left and right were the images of a Lion and Hawk Laguz, below and above was the image of a Dragon Laguz and a Heron Laguz singing soundlessly. At the bottom, but large enough to monopolize a viewer's attention, was the clawed hand of a Laguz joined in an embrace of brotherhood with the comparatively unimpressive hand of a Beorc. (14) The image then began to recede, flying back into a bank of black fog in which only the beginnings of two roads were visible. A crossroads. And, despite the fact that he couldn't see more than half a league into the dark fog, he felt strangely certain that one road would lead him to the image and the other would lead him over a cliff. Crossroads and Cliffs. The only question was which path would take him where.
“It seems I've given you much to consider,” Sephiran admitted. “I think I'll give you some time to think about what I've said and, in the meantime, let us enjoy the celebrations.”
Sephiran had turned to leave but Ike clapped one hand on the Prime Minister's shoulder to stop him.
“When I've decided, how will I find you?” Ike asked.
“Oh, I'll find you,” Sephiran replied, a cunning grin gracing his features. “You may have noticed that I have a tendency to just appear when I'm needed. I'll be there when you're done thinking.”
That had been…how many days ago? Not many, but Ike had spent much of that time lingering on the high balcony thinking until he risked an acute case of pneumonia from repeatedly pondering the matter outdoors well into the night.
And thus, here he was staring out at the vast fields and valleys of Crimea, the distant forests of Gallia, the almost invisible snowfields of Daein, the ruins of the Mercenary Fort where he'd been raised and trained and the distant, reborn Serenes Forest. And, he understood that the strange mental image he'd seen had migrated into reality: he had come to a crossroads and one road would lead him over a cliff. He gazed at the ruins of the soon-to-be rebuilt Mercenary Fort and the reborn Serenes Forest and saw, in each, a possible future.
The Fort was where he had grown up, where he learned how to wield a blade and where the Greil Mercenaries had long called home and were eager to rebuild. Ike thought about all the memories that the scorched foundations held. He thought of Boyd shirking his training out of pure and simple impatience and Titania pulling her hair out trying to straighten him up. He thought of how, after every mission, Gatrie and Shinon would return and drink themselves into amusing stupors. He thought of Rhys, who spent half the time out of action from fever, nausea and coughing spasms, and yet who was always pushing himself as far as he could to help others, hardly surprising as he was a Priest. He thought of Oscar always training in lance combat and horsemanship, and how his skill was bewildering since his perpetual squint made it look as if his eyes were always closed. He thought of Soren who spent every waking moment reading up on spells and tactics. In fact, on the rare occasions when Soren was pried away from his books to have a night of revelry on the town, he had to be literally pried away and dragged by his ankles. He thought of Mist, who was remarkably headstrong and brave for her young age and Rolf who, despite his spunk and combat experience, was still as young inwardly as he was outwardly. (15)
And, of course he thought of his father. The two would always spend each morning sparring until one of them, usually Greil, was the winner. During that time, Ike could clearly recall the story behind every bruise on his body. And, the blunt wooden training sword could make quite a few when it was in the right hands. Even when Ike managed to beat his father in a spar, Ike knew that Greil had been holding back even if Greil never admitted it.
That musing caused Ike's gaze to shift back towards Gallia and his thoughts drifted toward the night of Greil's death. Ike had been trying, vainly, to sleep in the ruins of Gebal Castle, the safe haven that had been given to them before they arrived at Castle Gallia, when he saw Greil leaving and walking into the woods. When he caught up with Greil he asked him where he was going, and why Greil was giving him command of the Mercenaries when he was far from experienced enough to lead them. Strangely, instead of answering either question, Greil asked Ike if he remembered his mother. Then, when Ike admitted that he remembered very little, the talk abruptly ended with Greil ordering him to return to the Castle and then continuing into the words.
It has been told that Ike could be trusted to do what he believed was right, but not what he was told. And, he proved it when he followed Greil and found him in combat against the Black Knight. When the Black Knight had impaled Greil, had killed the mightiest man Ike had ever known, a cold void opened in his chest. It sucked down all thought leaving behind only shock, rage and, some would say, a disturbing lack of common sense. Ike had lunged at the Black Knight and almost lost his head. He lunged again and only a glancing slash sent him staggering back and the flat of the Black Knight's blade knocked air from his lungs and slammed him against an inconveniently placed boulder.
If Caineghis hadn't roared, and informed the Black Knight that he had unwelcome company, Ike might've died along with his father.
Greil's body was buried in what used to be Gebal Castle's Courtyard, with only his axe Urvan and a pile of wild flowers marking the spot. Was it still there or had the grave been pillaged during the fighting along the border of Gallia and Occupied Crimea? Ike had considered reburying Greil at the rebuilt Fort, if the body could be retrieved. Ike still remembered what Greil had asked with his dying breath: to take care of the Company and Mist, to not pursue the Black Knight and to live peacefully in Gallia. So far, Ike had only followed two of those four wishes.
Ike had vowed, despite his youth and inexperience, to lead his father's Mercenary Company. And, he still wanted to do that. He still regarded the eclectic collection of Mercenaries as his family and he did intend to ensure that Mist and the rest of them were in good hands regardless of where, or what, he was.
But, strangely, it no longer seemed like enough.
His eyes strayed now toward Serenes Forest. He thought of the signing of the Treaty of Serenes. He still remembered the signing of the Treaty, the chance it represented for a fresh start between the Beorc and Laguz races, and he remembered the celebration. He particularly remembered waltzing with Elincia and the talk he'd had with Sephiran. And, he realized something: neither choice before him was truly perfect. He could return to the Mercenary Company, but the anonymity he'd hoped to regain would forever elude him. The people who bowed to him in the streets and the Merchants who insisted on giving him their wares and services at ridiculous discounts, if not for free, and the swarms of young women who flirted with him whenever he was within eyeshot would not stop anytime soon. Heck, he'd been a hero for only a month and he already had a World-Class Inn named after him. But, then again, he would still be with the people he loved and honor his father's dying wish. Well, half of Greil's dying wish anyway.
But, on the other hand, there was Sephiran's offer. What if Sephiran was serious? What if Ike could, truly, change things? What if he could take the Nobility, which he despised, and transform it from the greedy, money-grubbing narcissists they were now into something better? What if he could help to cement the bonds between Beorc and Laguz, which he and the others had spent many months and so much blood creating and for which King Ramon and Duke Renning gave their lives? And, all the Soldiers that had lost limbs or sight in the war and all the families that had seen their loved ones slain by the conflict, Ike had seen plenty of both. Could remaining with the Crimean Court give him the power to help them? All of them? To do all these things? And more?
He wanted that, but he knew what it would cost him. He would have to relinquish command of the Mercenary Company, a prospect which would surely delight Shinon, and relocate to Castle Crimea in Melior. And, when and how often, and possibly if, he could see the Greil Mercenaries again would be in the Goddess' hands, as the phrase goes. But, then again, if he stayed with the Greil Mercenaries, how often would his eyes wander in the direction of Melior and wonder if he'd left Ramon's dream to die in his absence?
Then, of course, there was Elincia. He knew now that his earlier self analysis, about how mismatched they were, was little more than a pathetic attempt at rationalization. Ike had long ago been charmed by Elincia's beauty, kindness and innocence. Not as innocent as she had been, perhaps, before having spilled blood for her nation. But, then again, Ike had spilled blood aplenty during, and even before, the war. And, though that bloodshed would haunt their dreams for many a year, neither of them had been tainted by what they'd done. And, through it all, Ike could not shake the memory of that waltz he and Elincia shared nor of their two, secret kisses during the war.
It seemed that, in the end, it all boiled down to a question of loyalties, or simply a question of which was the lesser of two evils. To leave behind the Mercenary Company or to leave Elincia and let the duties of building the future change hands? Neither choice was perfect, but which choice was better?
Then, he realized something else: the Greil Mercenaries had, in a way, answered the question of loyalty already. Titania had been…rather insistent that Ike learn how to waltz. Mist, who'd long since adopted Elincia as the older sister she'd never had, had pushed him, kicked him actually, into dancing with Elincia. Gatrie, Oscar, Boyd and Rolf had, during the later portion of the ocean voyage to Begnion, abruptly took it into their heads that Ike had a girlfriend. He recently overhead Rhys making a prayer to Ashera, and to Greil, that Ike might find happiness `wherever he may go.' A number of books on politics and Court etiquette, which Ike knew to belong to Soren, had mysteriously found their way into Ike's room. Even Shinon had, during a drunken rant, intimated that Ike liked Elincia. Greil was right, the Mercenaries were like his family: they loved him enough to let him go. (16)
This brought a wave of warmth and affection and no small amount of relief that was as uplifting and energizing as the rays of the morning sun. And, speaking of the morning sun, the eastern sky was now painted with gold as the luminous orb began to rise. Ike regarded this sight with bemusement, was it sunrise already?
“How long HAVE I been out here?” Ike wondered out loud.
“Six hours, give or take a few minutes,” a familiar voice replied with a chuckle.
Ike wasn't the least bit surprised when he turned around and beheld Sephiran. Again, Ike found Sephiran's ability to pop up anywhere and seemingly know everything both disconcerting and thoroughly annoying. Still, the Prime Minister of Begnion extending both hands and offering an object to Ike.
“The Greil Mercenaries commissioned this for you,” Sephiran told him. “Mist wanted to give it to you personally but she gave me permission to present it to you. She knew I needed to talk to you and, well, you know how boorish I can be.”
Ike decided to do himself a big favor by not commenting on that statement.
Ike examined the object and his jaw dropped. It was a scabbard, a magnificent metal scabbard sized to accommodate Ragnell. The edge of the scabbard was adorned with small, thumbnail sized gemstones in an alternating pattern of emeralds, rubies, blue sapphires, orange labradorites and yellow topazes. (17) Inscribed within the enclosure of gems, in what looked like silver, was a simple phrase. Or proverb perhaps.
Though families may ultimately separate, parents pass away and children grow up and leave home, bonds of love and brotherhood are eternal. Good luck Ike and, wherever you may go and whatever you may do, you will always be welcome with us.
Inscribed below that were the names of each of the Greil Mercenaries, including Mia's as she had joined the group permanently. (18) And, it made that warmth and affection coursing through his body grow and he grinned so broadly that it felt like his face would split open.
“This is quite a wedding gift,” Ike commented, trying to conceal the happy tears that threatened to drench the whole balcony.
“You've…,” Sephiran began, a trace of anticipation entering his voice.
“Made my decision,” Ike finished. “If Elincia accepts, that is.”
“I believe she will,” Sephiran replied.
As the two men moved towards the door to reenter the Castle, they heard a shout from the street below.
“Hey!” somebody shouted. “What happened to that great statue of General Ike that was on the Castle balcony?”
Ike turned to face Sephiran, one eyebrow arched inquisitively, and Sephiran simply shrugged.
“You'd be surprised how…still you are when you're thinking.” Sephiran explained, doing a poor job at muffling his laughter. (19)
Ike rolled his eyes, made a mental note not to invite Sephiran to the wedding if he could help it, and then let it drop. And, with reverence, with gratitude, without fear and without regret, Ike strode into the Castle to embrace his future.
Two years later, in the year 648, Ike and Elincia were wed in the Courtyard of Melior and, despite Ike's glowering, Sephiran was in attendance. While everyone around the Prime Minister of Begnion was thoroughly occupied with the business of celebrating until they dropped, Sephiran himself was pensive. He was silently praying to Ashera that his gamble would pay off.
And, quite a gamble it was.
Sephiran had a rare gift of perception, though he sometimes found it difficult to put into words. He had the ability to perceive, in a limited way, how people could impact the future and he could perceive the connections between such people and the effects those connections had. When he met Ike, as had happened from time to time in the past, a lattice had formed in his mind's eye. Ike was a shatter point, a man who would literally build or shatter the future of Tellius. And, he had perceived a tangle of fault lines of destiny binding Ike to five people: The Black Knight, Elincia, Greil, Ashnard and Sephiran himself. These five, for even the memory and legacy of those whom were dead could have influence, would guide Ike to become either the new hope of Tellius or Tellius' worst nightmare. The fault lines in the lattice bound all their lives and futures together for good or ill. (20)
Though Sephiran could not always interpret the significance of the connections he perceived, and had only his own judgment to rely on for calculating how and when the proper move could be made, his perception never failed to show him something of vital importance. Not long after Sephiran first met Ike, he'd had a second vision. This time Sanaki was the shatter point and she was connected to Ike, Elincia and, astonishingly enough, the extinct Serenes Herons. (21) On one sheer plane that destiny might reach was the symbol Ashera's Divine hands spread as if offering an embrace, a representation of absolution. On the other sheer plane was the image of dark thunder clouds, which Sephiran believed to symbolize everlasting misery. This had baffled Sephiran since the Serenes Herons were believed to be extinct but when Ike discovered Reyson and Leanne, and Leanne somehow persuaded Reyson to make peace with the Apostle, destiny traveled along the fault line to Ashera's absolution. Sephiran's perception was a mystery even to him, but he knew better than to ignore it.
The lattice he perceived now was equally perplexing and, perhaps, even more vital. The sheer plane of the lattice that included the shatter point where Ike laid, was connected to two others and the right strike would move destiny in one direction or another. On one sheer plane that destiny might reach was Greil's axe Urvan, which must've represented the Greil Mercenaries, and another sheer plane bore the image of a wedding ring and a crown which represented the event unfolding between the Lord General and the Queen. And, those sheer planes gave way to two others: one was the image of the banner that Ike had seen in his mind's eye on the night at Serenes Forest and on the other sheer plane was Tellius in flames.
Though these images were fairly self explanatory, the connection between them wasn't. The right strike, or the proper action, would unlock the potential of the shatter point. And, that would send a crack from the shatter point to one sheer plane, to either the Greil Mercenaries or the Throne of Crimea, and from there either to peace or devastation. However, the sheer planes were marred with flaws that could nudge an unfolding destiny down the wrong path. Those flaws, he supposed, were what he'd feared would arise from Ike's story: Envy. By now, everyone knew about Ike: the boy who became a Mercenary, the Mercenary who became a Lord General, the Lord General who overthrew a tyrant and united a continent. Such a story, Sephiran knew, would breed envy, ugly ambition and hatred in those who were jealous of Ike's power and prestige. That, perhaps, was Ashnard's contingency plan: if Ashnard could not embroil the continent in war then his slayer might do so without realizing it. And, Sephiran feared that if Ike received all that and then discarded it that it might fuel the flames that were already crackling to life.
When Sephiran realized that Ike had become enamored with Elincia, he saw an opportunity. He also saw that Ike was different from any Noble, even unofficial Noble, that he'd ever met. Ike had an understanding of the people, especially the Laguz, that the combined, so-called knowledge of the Begnion Senate could not match. Ike was also unafraid to bend the rules if the results were to the better. And, his uncanny ability to draw others to him granted him the loyalty of countless people. Ike was very different from any Noble, in some ways he was better. Vastly so, some would say
He needed to be kept in play on the eternal journey towards a better future.
Sephiran decided, again as he sometimes did in the past, to take advantage of his influence upon the shatter point. Perhaps, if Ike married Elincia and used his traits to guide Crimea into the future that King Ramon had dreamt of, then maybe the people might warm up to him when they saw the good he did with his power. And, possibly, the flaws marring the lattice would smooth away. And, perhaps, that would be the gesture that was needed to guide the future to peace, unity and prosperity and away from Ashnard's vision of hell.
But, that was an exceedingly large `perhaps.'
And, he wouldn't know if his gamble had worked for some time, until either a golden age dawned or until Tellius turned into a pyre of war, blood and despair. What Sephiran had done had either extinguished the flames Ashnard sought to ignite or had given those flames more fuel to help it burn. And, for now, all he could do was try to enjoy himself, wait and pray that he hadn't just signed the death warrant of all Tellius' peoples.
What Sephiran didn't know was that the first move had already been made. In Ike's borrowed chambers in the Castle was a display rack on which he exhibited the greatest three of his trophies. The first was Ragnell, the sacred blade that he'd used to defeat the Black Knight and slay Ashnard. The second was Alondite, another sacred blade that was Ragnell's counterpart which had been the Black Knight's weapon. The third was the Black Knight's helmet, black colored sacred metal that only a sacred blade could damage, caked with dried blood from the battle with Ike.
Ragnell was still there. But Alondite and the Black Knight's helmet were not. (22)
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Author's Note: Well, hopefully, that sets the stage nicely for the other two chapters. I know that I'm tempting fate by pairing Ike up with Elincia so three things: First, flames will be ignored, Second, this works in Sephiran's favor because, with Ike in a position of power, he can remain in play in guiding the future of Tellius. Third, although Ike still hates the pomp and greed of the Nobility, Sephiran talks him into swallowing it by appealing to his altruism. By the way, how'd you like that scabbard? I thought it would be appropriate for the Mercenaries to give Ike the freedom to choose his own future. I also hope that the psychology that Sephiran was working to influence Ike was convincing and that his gift of perception were interesting, since his role in the game is small, though thought provoking, I pretty much did some freewheeling in fashioning his character and motivations. Well, reviews are appreciated and thanks for reading.
The game, more or less, leaves it to the imagination what the dungeons look like. That is my idea for it.
While there's no evidence that Daein troops burned the Fort, it IS possible.
Basically an early, traveling version of Craps.
I had too much fun writing that, but I think it fits with Mia's character.
I've seen a couple of fics that pair Naesala with Leanne and it makes sense. She might straighten him up, or help Reyson and Tibarn to do so. After she learns English that is.
Greil DID know about the Medallion's power and that Ashnard wanted it. He might've realized that his luck had run out and so he sped up Ike's training.
That was my attempt at a, suitably ironic, reason for Ike to accept peerage as a Lord.
I rather like Nasir, I always try to beat the Black Knight so I can get him.
I know that didn't happen in the game, I took a creative license to it.
During your meeting with the Apostle, she implies that Sephiran isn't his real name.
Again, I took a creative license to that.
This is a direct quote from Ike's conversation with Sephiran at the end of the game.
I've seen, on YouTube, that you can use some sort of code to play as Greil. During that video he uses an axe called Urvan, which MIGHT be his axe from the game.
This banner is an important symbol through the stories, keep it in mind.
Most of that I got from the Supports between the Mercenaries.
This part was inspired by the proverb “If you love somebody, let them go,” by Kahil Gibran.
The gemstones represent Ike and Elincia. The rubies represent Ike's cape, the blue sapphires represent his eyes, the orange labradorites represent Elincia's gown, the emeralds represent Elincia's hair and the yellow topazes represent both Elincia's eyes and the color of Ragnell's blade.
During the Epilogue, Mia signs on with the Greil Mercenaries. And, the autographed scabbard is as much the Company's blessing to make his own choice as it is a tool.
I don't know why I wrote that, but it does seem pretty funny.
Since Sephiran is an enigmatic character, I took a lot of liberties with him and, his perception explains why he believes, but does not know, that Ike must remain in Crimea's Court.
Keep in mind, that would've happened before Reyson was introduced so Sephiran didn't know that some Herons had survived.
A bit of, albeit obvious, foreshadowing.