Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Beginnings ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I don't own fruits basket. Nope, nope nopers!

Right, so I've updated exactly one day after having posted the last chapter. Yea baby! Since Ayame's had almost no fic time in these past chapters, he's begged a moment of our time. He'd personally like to say a few words.

Ayame: Ahem. A most important element has been left from Carpet's writing. She had failed to bring out one of the most crucial parts of this drama. Its of such a complex and stunning nature that I dare say, she'll regret this loss for the rest of her life. In all honesty, because of her ineptitude, there may very well be-

Carpet: Just get on with it, you twit!

Ayame: Its just this: she forgot to mention just how very SEXY I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How could she write such a story without my super manly hotness? And my poor Gure! I must comfort him!

Gure: But you were here just last night, Aya.

Ayame: But that was thousands of minutes ago!!!! Far too long, my Gure!

Gure: Too long!

Carpet: Ayame, may I remind you that Shigure is my bed slave and not yours. If you want him back then you'll just have to fight me for him.


Carpet: And I'm not afraid to use cheap make up and poorly bought hair chemicals.

Ayame: In that case, Gure, I'm afraid I must give you up. SOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carpet: Oh, here's a cookie…

Ayame: YOSH!

Gure: And that's why I love her.

Carpet: That and the fact that I'm the sexiest woman alive!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!


Gure: Damn.

Enough with that. On with the show.



Chapter 8

"Please, please, please- pretty please, can we go to the dance at least?"


"You know you can't."

"I feel fine! Its been a whole week…"

Yuki put down the dish he had been drying and fixed a pair of steady eyes on her, calmly shaking his head. Then, from over the top of Tohru's head, he glared at Kyou who looked like he was only seconds from giving into Tohru's begging. She had been asking and cajoling for close to an hour for them to go to the dance, but the answer was always a steadfast 'no.'

The doctor had said she was not to leave the house for two weeks, and while indoors she was to rest and do minimal work. And thus sleeping and hearty food had been prescribed, as well as complete and utter boredom. She had never been so bored or restless in her life. If she tried to cook, Kyou would yell at her. If she tried to clean, Yuki would scold her. If she did anything other then sit in the futon they had bought for her and stare into space, she'd get in trouble. She felt like she was five years old again.

In all honesty, all of her wasted energy had been building up, and if she didn't do something soon, Tohru was convinced she'd end up doing something completely out of character- she might even grab her coat and just run over to Nayoko's. The only real thing stopping her from doing exactly that was the fact that Kyou and Yuki would get worried and then angry. That and the fact that they literally were guarding the door.

"I'm going to go crazy, you know. I sit here all day doing absolutely nothing. You won't let me clean, cook,- you won't even let me study! Its not fair…I want to go to the dance. You're both so mean."

Tohru crossed her arms and shuffled deeper into her blankets, a scowl across her face. The sound of muffled laughter finally drove her from her thoughts. Across the room, both Kyou and Yuki were doubled up, trying desperately to disguise their laughter with coughing. It only made her more cranky. How dare they laugh at her! They got to go outside and do whatever they wanted. They didn't have anyone acting like an overprotective grandmother hovering over their shoulders every second, insisting that they eat a second bowl of soup.

And now they were laughing at her…

She took the edge of the blanket and cupped it over her head, covering her face and ears. If they were going to be like that then she would just go to sleep and try not to think about the dance that was going on right at that moment. Nayoko-san had dropped by earlier that week, her hands filled with pictures of the store and the street all decorated. Her theme this year had been 'ice palace.' She had run water over her roof's eves, creating icicles. Then she had frosted up the windows and run water over them as well, making the entire front of the store appear like a frozen gingerbread house.

Tohru had cooed and awed over the pictures, and the whole meeting had ended far too quickly in her opinion, for Nayoko soon left with promises of returning later that week. But the week was almost over and no Nayoko. And now they were laughing at her. How could they? She did everything for them…cooked for them, took care of them, not that they cared now…

With a start, Tohru sat straight up, her blankets shoved off violently. "Oh no!"

Her exclamation brought a sudden end to the laughter, as both boys ran to her side.

"What's wrong?" Yuki asked, placing a hand on her forehead.

"Do you feel faint? Lie down." Kyou pulled down on her arm.

Tohru pulled free from their hands and shook her head. "No, no…I'm fine. I just- I can't believe how I'm acting! I'm sorry. I'm acting like such a child. You're doing all this work for me, and all I do is complain. I don't know what's come over me these past days… Please forgive me!"

She bowed her head until it touched the ground. Over her head, Yuki and Kyou exchanged a look. It had been a little strange the way she had been acting lately. But of course, Tohru had been changing quite a bit since they had moved to Chiyo. They were changing as well. It wasn't so hard anymore to be around the other…not that either one was willing to admit that. They weren't friends by any means, but at least they could tolerate each other. Especially when Tohru was counting on them.

"Please! Please forgive me!" her muffled voice came up from under her bangs.

Kyou placed a hand on her head, ruffling her hair affectionately. "You have been a brat this past week. Almost thought about smacking you a couple of times."

"You're just frustrated, Tohru. But you have to listen to us. You're still weak, even if you feel fine. So its just for another week, and then you can start working all the time again." Yuki's voice softened as he added, "I'm just worried about you. It was- it was horrible when you stopped breathing, Tohru. It felt like my own heart stopped."

"Yuki-kun, still though, I shouldn't have-"

Kyou cut her off, "Be quiet. Just do as we say, and we'll let it pass. But from now on, no more misbehaving." He twisted his face into a reproving frown, the gesture bringing almost immediate laughter to Tohru lips. Imagine Kyou trying to play the part of a scolding teacher!

"Kyou-kun, you sound just like a teacher! I think you're really do like your job."

Kyou glanced at Yuki who too was trying to hide his smile. Damn rat…probably though he was superior or something.

"Ha- at least, I'm not prancing around in the flowers making daisy chains like some."

"No, that's true, you don't prance. You merely have little girls weave them into your hair. Pedophile." Yuki responded coolly, before helping Tohru up from the floor.

Kyou scowled before returning the insult. Tohru covered her mouth as she leaned back against the wall. She hadn't really missed their bickering, but this egg shell stepping that they had been doing was nerve racking. It was probably part of the reason she had been so frustrated. At least this way it was out in the open.

She pressed her nose against the cold window pane. Outside, the ground was covered by a white blanket of snow. The long frozen spell that had coated the town had finally graduated into snowfall while she was in the hospital. She had been a little disappointed to have missed it first falling, but now she would be content with simply being allowed to go out into it. Even now, when she was nearly an adult, she still loved the feeling of playing in the snow. She and her mother used to stage neighborhood snowball fights with the other kids. And then late at night, they'd make rows upon rows of snow angels that'd be filled up by morning.

A smile lighted her lips. Her mother would have loved this little house.

'It's a project, Tohru! And its our job to make it the best home possible. Work hard!'

Yes, that's exactly what she would say.

Tohru returned her brown eyes to watching 'her' boys. Her smile turned to one of fondness as she watched them argue. While neither one would ever admit it, they really were alike. Yuki hid his feelings behind a cool exterior, but he cared very much about the people he loved. He was loyal and smart and strong. Kyou hid his own feelings behind a different type of mask- anger- but it was a mask all the same. And he, too, was truly very kind. He was strong and affectionate and awkward- just like a little boy. But they were both turning into men, a thought that sometimes confused Tohru.

While she hadn't discussed the kiss she had shared with Kyou, the memory of it still rested on her mind. As she was sure it did on Kyou. His manner was more relaxed around her, but the tension was stronger, like he was holding something back all the time. Tohru felt it on her own side- her stomach would tighten and her blood would rush. But she felt the same feeling as when she would find Yuki staring at her, or when he would wrap a piece of her hair around his fingers at night.

Yuki had never been a very 'touchy-feely' person, but since the hospital, whenever he was close, his hand was touching her. Her shoulder, or cheek, or hand, or hair- it was like he craved contact.

It had her all very confused.

Her eyes trailed away from their faces and back to the radio that stood in the corner. Kyou had given it to her just over three months ago- it was his way of saying his was sorry. Unfortunately, the only station it picked up was an oldies station that played old romantic fluff songs. Tohru didn't mind, but even Yuki had to call it quits after listening to the same love angst songs for three hours. So she only played it when they were gone from the house.

The radio gave her an idea. If they wouldn't let her go to the dance, then they'd have their own one here.

"Yes! It'll be perfect!" she shouted, a fist raised into the air.

"Tohru?" Yuki asked confused.

"Hey, I was talking to you!" Kyou yelled at him.

"Later, baka neko. It gets annoying when all I hear are the same insults time and time again. Get some new material for next time."

Kyou was going to reply but gave up. Yuki already had refocused his attentions on Tohru.

"If you won't let me go to the dance, then we'll have our own!" Tohru clapped her hands happily. She could wear that dress from Hana's birthday last year. She had only worn it the once- it had really been too fine to wear for anything else. Already, she was cataloguing how'd she do her hair, and how to decorate the house. "Oh, it'll be great. Alright, since you won't let me cook, Kyou-kun can make the rice balls. And Yuki- you'll move the radio to find the best reception. Dress your best! The dance starts at seven!"

Before either one could reply, the hurricane that was Tohru breezed past them and dug through the box that held her clothes before pulling out her dress.

"Uh, Tohru, maybe it'd be better if-" Yuki stopped his words as Tohru faced him with her blinding smile.

"Yes, Yuki-kun?"

"Never mind. I'll take care of the radio," he stammered. He shrugged at Kyou who stood shock still. Tohru wanted them to have a dance? For the three of them? Then she would be dancing…with him- and the rat as well. Kyou scowled at the thought. He'd just have to prove that he was the better dancer. Of course, it'd help if he knew how to dance…


"He doesn't remember anything, Ha-san?"

Hatori shook his head before inhaling deeply from his cigarette. The strain of the past days had weighed heavily on him. His eyes were laden with heavy bags and his lips were tightly drawn. Shigure had invited him over for dinner. The writer had always known how to cook, and quite well in Hatori's estimation. But despite the quality of the meal, Hatori had barely tasted it. His mind kept on returning to Momiji's drawn face.

The boy had woken up hours later to Hatori sitting next to him. He had been confused at first, and withdrawn. Hatori had hoped that he would soon return to his usual nature despite the absence of Tohru from his memories. But it was as if the boy's subconscious had latched onto the idea of Tohru too completely for it to have been erased. Momiji had spoken barely ten words in the past week. He acted much like a robot, eating on command and dressing when prompted.

Hatsuharu had picked up the rabbit without a comment to Hatori other than suggesting that it'd be best if the dragon kept himself from the main rooms for a while. Hatori could guess why. Even the ever superfluous Ayame had been shocked by the news. And for once, the doctor could use his obnoxious good humor. The only person who hadn't laid judgment or disdain had been Shigure.

"Do you think there's a chance he could remember her again with time?" Shigure asked quietly, his blue eyes staring pointedly at the door.

Hatori sighed. It had been a question that had plagued him as well. He didn't really think it was possible, but then again, Tohru had had a way of inlaying herself deeply into their hearts. If anyone could be remembered again, it'd be her.

"There's a chance. Very slim, but its there. It depends on Momiji mostly."

"Would it help if he was told about her?"

Again with the pointed questions. Of all the things Shigure was, stupid could never be used to describe him. Out of the jyuunishi, the most intelligent of them was by far the man sitting in front of him. He hid it well, always acting like a kid, joking and laughing. Yet, Shigure had proved himself to be the most reliable and surprisingly loyal of them all. And the bravest.

Akito had let him leave the grounds without a second glance, and gave him a large amount of freedom. It was to his care that Kyou and Yuki had been given. But ultimately, even Shigure had shown his true colors. When it came to choosing between Akito and the boys' happiness, he had chosen the boys. Now, Akito had pulled in the reigns. He wanted them all to return to the House.

"You're not going to come back, are you?" Hatori asked a pointed question of his own, even though he already knew the answer.

Shigure smiled brightly, popping a piece of chicken into his mouth. "I miss my little flower. Food tastes so much better when made by her hands. Right, Ha-san?"

"It does. But answer my question, Shigure."

He dropped his chopsticks, a sigh escaping his lips. "I won't return to that place. I will not succumb my will to that of a spoiled child. What he did to you was more than enough to open my eyes. I won't allow him to continue destroying all of our lives in the hopes that he will somehow come to see the 'light.' Stupid, foolish boy… If he only knew the truth."

"You know very well that he can't know. It'd be the end of any hope if he did." Hatori exhaled slowly, the cloud of smoke enveloping his face.

"I know that. I think I may know that better than anyone. But he grows weaker every week, Ha-san. If he dies before- if he dies too early then it'll be up to another generation to break the chain. I really had thought that if anyone could break through to his heart, it'd be my little flower."

Shigure straightened his shoulders, his smile left behind for this discussion. The second greatest secret of the jyuunishi- the one secret that if Akito ever learned, there'd be no chance of redemption. It was an unspoken rule that it never be discussed, not even in private as he and Hatori were doing. It was too much like tempting fate. And if there was one thing Shigure knew, it was that in the Sohma family, tempting fate was calling upon the gods' curses.

"She still could, Shigure."

He sighed once again. What Hatori said was true, but he really didn't want to take the chance. Hatori had lost his chance at happiness. Momiji had had his memory stolen away, and there was no end to the means Akito would go to remove Tohru's touch from their lives. He could stand any of that, but if he went after Tohru herself- he would never forgive himself.

"Hai, hai, Ha-san. Of course, you're right! Oh brilliant doctor- you should just admit the truth. You just miss seeing our little flower walking around in her short dresses." He winked teasingly, the discussion put to bed.

Hatori bit back the smile that tried at his lips. Even now his best friend did his best to lift his spirits. Even now.


"Ha ha!"


"Its so beautiful, ne? Kyou-kun? Yuki-kun?" Tohru twirled around in her white dress, the blue lace edges matching her ribbons. Kyou grimaced slightly in his collared shirt. Tohru had insisted on both he and Yuki dressing up as well. He didn't know where she had drudged up the tie or even the shirt for that matter, but she had produced the two and shoved him into the bathroom. Yuki hadn't had a problem as he wore all those girly shirts anyways.

He looked so smug standing over there, like he was some kind of parent or something. It made Kyou want to punch that look off his face, but he held it back. Tohru's condition had him more worried than he let on. He would continue training, but he'd save the fighting for when Tohru was better. He could do that for her. Then one day, when he finally beat that rat, he could tell her why-


Kyou shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Tohru stared at him innocently, a glimmer of worry in her eyes.

"Uh, its fine, if you go for that thing," he stammered at last. Tohru beamed back at him and turned to Yuki to extract an answer.

"Its as beautiful as its decorator," Yuki said, smiling. Tohru blushed and turned on the radio. Immediately, the room was filled with the sounds of heyday love songs. She turned back around, her smile reaching to her eyes. Everything was just so perfect! She had put up makeshift paper lanterns of red and blue- the mixing colors giving the room a holiday atmosphere. She had then pushed their beds and the table to the edge of the room to make a mini dance floor. Finally, though, she laid out a red and gold sheer table cloth on the ground to make a rug. With the music added, everything seem perfect.

Tohru cocked her head and nodded encouragingly at the boys. "Who wants to dance first?"

She reached out her hands expectantly. But as the seconds passed and neither boy made a move towards her, both her smile and hands began to falter.

"This is kind of stupid, isn't it?" she said finally, her voice soft. "And childish, I guess…"

She turned her back to them and turned off the radio. The sudden removal of music brought Kyou back to his wits. Tohru stood at the small table, her hand resting on the power knob. He couldn't see her face very well, but he could imagine her expression. She was probably trying to hide her disappointment, and in a few moments would turn back around and act as if everything was normal.

It wasn't that he didn't want to dance with her… he did! Its just that he didn't want to share the moment with anyone else, especially not with Yuki. He didn't want anyone else to broach into what he wanted solely for himself. But how could he tell her that? She'd blame herself.

Things were getting too confusing.

"I didn't really want to dance anyway, you know? I just liked the idea of dressing up- and we've already done all of that! So this is great! Thank you both, Kyou-kun, Yuki-kun. Yes, but now, we should eat Kyou-kun's rice balls. I'll get the plates, and you, Yuki-kun, can you get the table? Oh, and I'll pick up the table cloth. It was dumb to put it on the floor; now its all dirty…"

Tohru rambled on, darting across the room, trying to keep herself busy and draw attention away from the awkward moment just seconds ago.

"Tohru- stop. I would like to dance with you…if you don't mind." Yuki placed his hand on her shoulder, turning her around to face him. The strained smile was immediately replaced with a genuine one.

"Hai!" She raced over to the radio, and once again music filled the walls. Yuki took Tohru by the hand and led her onto the 'dance floor,' skillfully holding her close, yet not to where they were touching. He laced his fingers through hers and drew her other hand behind his neck. With his free hand he circled her small waist and drew his lips close to her ear.

"You look beautiful tonight, Tohru. Like a princess," he whispered, his breath tickling at her ear. Tohru blushed furiously and whispered back, "But Yuki-kun- its you that looks handsome…"

"Tohru, you've always been beautiful to me, inside and out."

Something in Yuki's tone of voice made Tohru crane her head to meet his grey eyes. The warmth that started in her stomach spread throughout her chest and she felt light headed. Why was he looking at her look that? Why did he make her feel like this? Why did he and Kyou make her heart feel so confused? Yuki leaned in closer, his nose barely touching hers. Her eyes began to close almost naturally, and she felt the lightest of touches on her lips. His kiss came tentatively, as if he was afraid of breaking her, of breaking the moment. Her lips were just as soft as he imagined and they made him want more. But she drew back, her eyes wide open with shock.

"Yuki-kun…" she lifted her fingers to her lips and stepped back from his arms. A blur of orange made her whirl around, just barely catching a glimpse of Kyou leaving through the door.

"Kyou-kun! Wait-"

But it was too late. He had already left. The music played on- its singer bleeding on about the trials of love lost and gained, the words making a staccato of sound in the back of her mind. Why had he kissed her? It was just like with Kyou- she had felt the same emotions and same spirit in the touch. Fear and confusion; desperation and sadness; and inexplicable happiness in the moment.

She couldn't face him now…she was too afraid of what her face might let pass. She was too afraid to hurt him. Only now was her heart getting a glimmer of where the source of her mixed emotions was coming from. Kyou and Yuki; Yuki and Kyou- they were like two halves of one person for her. So closely intertwined that it was almost impossible to separate what she felt for them. Where did love for one end, and love for the other begin?

"Ano, Yuki-kun, why did you kiss me?" Tohru asked finally, her eyes staring at the wall in front of her. The red papered lantern glowed in its small space, enveloping everything in its few inches of radius in a red glow.

Yuki inhaled sharply before running his hand through her hair, as if the motion could explain anything- as if it could explain it all.

"I love you, Tohru," he said simply. From under his hands, Tohru shuddered, a gasp escaping from her lips.

"I've loved you from the moment you asked to be my friend, from the moment you stepped into my life."

"But why?" She twisted around, breaking from his grip. Her eyes were filled with tears, something in her heart breaking. "You can't love me, Yuki…you can't! I'm not good enough- don't you understand? You barely know me, and its my fault, but how can you love this shell I've given you?"

"It may have been a shell, but you still came through, Tohru- your goodness and kindness and compassion. All the things I love about you. How could I not? How could anyone who meets you not love you?"

"No, Yuki! Its not true! I can't believe that…" the tears began to fall freely. How easily they came now… all it took were a few words and everything would resurface, all her past pains and hurts. They all skewed together- one intangible birthing another, until finally the child of these parents took its first step. The step that would break her, because people who loved her got hurt. She got hurt…

"No, Yuki…please don't say that. Let's just forget this night and your words. You can't mean them…Please. Please, Yuki, just wait. I can't- I just can't!" She broke down completely, covering her face with her hands, her sobs muffled in her skirt. Her beautiful dress was now stained by her tears. She couldn't wear it again- even if not for her tears. Now they'd bear a memory, she'd sooner forget.

Yuki stared at her back in shock. Of all the reactions, this was not what he expected. Maybe confusion, maybe startlement, but ultimately he had expected her blushing and stammering. He had hoped for maybe a return of feeling, but in all honesty, he hadn't counted on it. But for her to break down in tears…

He kneeled down beside her and tried drawing her hands away from her face. He waited until her sobs had quieted down before going on.

"I'm sorry, Tohru. You're right…this was not the time. So we'll forget about this. Just- just stop crying. Please, just stop crying…"

Tohru didn't answer, but her tears did stop their fall. He patted her back softly and then rose and put on his coat.

"I'm going to go find that cat. Don't worry about him, Tohru. We'll be back before too late. If you would warm up dinner, then?" He smiled softly before leaving.

Tohru lifted her heavy head from her lap, the music still playing in the background. It was just like Yuki to do this. He tried to distract her from her worries and fears- he was always trying to comfort her. How typical of her to be this selfish…

I'm trying to do like you said, Mother, but I'm afraid if I keep on hurting them, they'll leave me. Its too hard, Mother. Too hard…

She sighed and dried her eyes on the edges of her dress. What a mess she must look! But they would need their dinner, and this place was a mess.

With that she picked up the table cloth from the floor and tucked it neatly away in a box.


Kyou ran on, his panting breath rising in clouds before him. The scene kept on replaying before his eyes, blending in with the motion of wind through the trees and the pin drops of ice falling from the heavens. Like a swirling storm seen from a merry go round, he saw the image of Tohru's closed eyes and her waiting lips. She stood in a blackness, alone and frozen. But in walked the light and sun, warming her, touching her, kissing her! Again and again he heard the song's line dancing through his mind.

'it's the lasting moment, this moment; it's the seized dream, this dream. And now I hold you…'

He had held her, even if it wasn't supposed to happen. He had kissed her, even if he hadn't the right words to say. But- and the merry go round went once more, the tinny music rising in a crescendo with his falling feet.

It hurt too damn much. It wasn't right that he should care so much, or that he could be hurt so easily. He couldn't blame her though. What did he have to offer in comparison to that rat? He had nothing. He was nothing. He had no dreams or aspirations outside of being freed from Akito's decree. He hadn't ever thought to hope beyond that. He hadn't dared.

His special spot arrived far too early for his energy. He wanted desperately for something to break him from his thoughts- from these images that refused to leave. Again and again, he'd see her kissing that guy. Her closing eyes- but he had to stop. He had too!

"Damn it!"

The wind took his words from the cliff's edge and into the sea. Kyou stepped to the edge and leaned into the wind, the only thing preventing him from falling forward was his grip on a tree's branch. The chill of the air stole his breath away, and warmth that his rushing blood had given him faded into a dulled nothingness. If only it could do the same for his heart…

"It figures that you'd be stupid enough to run out into the snow without a coat."

Yuki stepped into the clearing, throwing Kyou's coat at his stunned face.

"Don't act so surprised. You left a trail that even a toddler could follow. Whoever described cats as graceful obviously never met you."

Kyou shrugged into the coat, clenching down his jaw.

"Why're you here? Why don't you go back? You seemed cozy enough," he bit out finally.

Yuki took his time in answering, but finally, as another gust of wind cut through the warmth of the their coats, he answered. "She's not ready. She didn't decide anything."

"What?" Kyou let go of the branch, and stepped away from the cliff side, surprised.

Yuki crouched near the ground, his arms wrapped around his body. "She asked me to forget it happened. To forget that I kissed her, and to forget what I told her."

Kyou didn't need to ask what it was that he had said. He was fairly sure it was along the same lines of what he wanted to say.

"And she was upset, very upset. So its to be forgotten. Come back to the house and act as if nothing has happened, otherwise she may get upset again."

Yuki straightened from his crouch and smoothed out his coat seams. He nodded once, his eyes barely making contact with Kyou's own. Kyou wasn't sure what passed there- but it was something like understanding. But that was ridiculous- the damn rat was probably just baiting him.

"Don't order me around! I'll go back when I feel like it!" he snapped.

"Do what you want. Tohru's heating up dinner, and she'll be worried if you're out too long. But if you want to act like your usual stupid self, then suit yourself. Its cold out, and I'm going back."

Yuki turned around and retraced his steps, his back soon disappearing into the brush. Kyou turned back to the sea, watching as it met the night's horizon, the two blending into one. He could give her time. He could give her as long as it takes, if it meant he could stay with her for now.

He could wait.

Then he too turned and walked back into the trees, following his steps that had been made in retreat just minutes ago.


Note to Reviewers:

I'm sorry for not having mentioned you all before! You are my drive in writing this story, so thank you all so much! And in all honesty, your compliments to my writing have really touched me. I love to write, however, I've often been told that I have no talent. Well, screw them all! I'll take your compliments over their critiques any old day.

Please keep reviewing. I should have chapter 9 out by Tuesday.