Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Beginnings ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I don't own Fruits Basket, or assuredly I wouldn't be writing fanfics but making sure that second season was made. Ahem.

Oh and a general apology to all; one of my awesome reviewers informed me that Akito was not the chicken, but rather that

was Kureno. I'm guessing that's told in the Manga.


Chapter Two

The left over morning fog held tenaciously to the group of small houses that huddled along the cliffs. The small town had grown like a vine, twisting and grabbing at the shoreline, finding small nooks of protection between the tall walls of rock. Below the haze, the sea struck out at the cliffs, their waves surging at a climax and then withdrawing. Through the heavy cloud fall, a small blue car made its way precariously up the muddied road.

Kyou leaned into the steering wheel, his eyes wide open to watch for each bend in the road. One mistaken curve, and well, it wouldn't be good. From below, he could hear the crashing of waves. In the back seat, Yuki sat keeping steadying hands on Tohru. She had yet to wake from the sedatives Hatori had given her.

They had been traveling for just short of ten hours. After Hatori had given Tohru the sedative, he had given Kyou the keys to his extra car, a dilapidated blue Isuzu. Yuki had withdrawn their savings, which, while amounting to quite a bit, would not last more than at least six months minus the rent. In that time, either Kyou or Yuki, or even both would need to find jobs. In the mean time, they'd simply focus on healing Tohru both physically and emotionally.

Yuki knew only too well the two-sided barbs of Akito's attacks. While his fists would plummet, his words would strike. With a sigh, Yuki glanced out of the window, his hands never leaving Tohru's shoulders. Kyou had said this little sea side town was small enough and non descript enough that not even Akito would be able to find them. At least, not for a while.

The stupid cat hadn't spoken much during the drive. He had taken the wheel without complaint, and the only sign of emotion behind his still face was a slight narrowing of his red eyes when Yuki had moved Tohru's head into his lap. However, that look had been replaced with something so gentle when the cat's eyes moved to study Tohru's tattered face through the rear view mirror.

Yuki watched, as periodically, the cat's eyes would return to catch glimpses of Tohru. It was as if the cat…cared for her. Yuki felt something stir inside him. A feeling of tension perhaps, or maybe just worry for Tohru, but…and he saw that same look of tenderness pass over Kyou's face, and he knew it was anger akin to jealousy. That baka neko, thinking he had a right to look at Tohru that way. With a jerk of his head, purple hair covering his eyes, Yuki returned to staring out of the window.

"Oi, nezumi, the road's going to be worse. Make sure you hold her steady." Kyou struggled to keep the animosity out of his voice.

"Just pay attention to the road," Yuki snapped.

Kyou bristled. He didn't need that damn mouse to tell him that, as if he was some idiot. He tightened his grip around the steering wheel. It was he who had thought of Chiyo as a place to hide out. And it was he who had called his old landlady about places to rent. She had recommended a realtor who kept cheap one-bedroom houses along the coast, facing the rough side of the cape. And it was he who had managed to convince that realtor to accept a deposit for six months time, plus a little extra to keep his mouth shut.

Kuso nezumi, what had he done? Nothing at all. Still though. Kyou remembered the look on Yuki's face when he had found Tohru lying in that cold kitchen. Yuki looked terrified; that stupid mouse had looked as if the world had come crashing in on him. And then there was the relief that took over his features once Hatori had said none of the damage was permanent. Kyou had felt it too, especially when Hatori had emphasized that Tohru was intact.

There had been that a mutual fear between the two. Naturally, finding Tohru with her clothes torn, bloodied, and bruised had led their minds to thinking the worst. But- and Kyou felt another wave of relief flow over him- the worst hadn't happened. Tohru would be all right.

Abruptly, Kyou slammed on the brakes. He had almost run into their house, the fog being so thick. Behind him, Yuki leaned down to prevent Tohru from falling off the seat and hurting herself further.

From the back, Kyou heard Yuki muttering. Turning around, he saw that Yuki had transformed and was in his mouse form.

"Baka neko, you could have hurt Honda-san!" Yuki patted her face gently with his paws.

Kyou turned back around and got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. Damn mouse, always thinking he was so much better than everyone, always thinking he was the only one who cared about Tohru. Taking the keys from his pocket, Kyou hurriedly grabbed a box from the trunk and hurried up the faint path to the worn but sturdy looking house. Finally getting the key to turn in the rusted lock, he opened the door. Immediately, he regretted it. A stale, musty odor greeted him. Dust layered everything, from the small stovetop to the windowsills.

"We can't bring Honda-san into this." Yuki had obviously turned back to normal, and stood behind Kyou holding another box. Kyou sighed and dropped the box he was holding into a corner.

"Open some windows. I'll try to get rid of some of this dust." Kyou started to rummage through the box he had brought in.

"So this is the great place you found for us?" Yuki muttered while struggling at a stuck catch.

Kyou stiffened, but continued with his search. Damn that 'prince,' this was the best he could get. Straightening, Kyou pulled out a worn blanket that he had packed in his haste.

"You should wet that and wipe away the dust," Yuki instructed.

"I know that!" Kyou hated how Yuki always managed to say the very thing that annoyed him. "I'm not an idiot."

"Then quit acting like one, and start wiping away at the dust. You're wasting time, and Honda-san is still lying cramped up in the car."

Yuki grabbed at a piece of cloth from another box and started wiping some of the film off the window. He grimaced at the black streak left on it. Stretching, he batted away at a scattering of cobwebs up in a corner. He could feel Kyou's glare on his back.

"Why don't you try cleaning, and not watch me," Yuki intoned calmly. Kyou narrowed his eyes and grunted, kneeling to scrub at the floor.

Both boys were soon lost in their own thoughts as they wiped away the dirt and mold that coated the walls and floors. Yuki catalogued the small house's contents as he cleaned. There was only one room, with a small shanty on the side that held a tiny shower and commode with a chipped sink stuffed between them. In one corner of the house was a small cooking stove that looked decades old, even if just judged by the dust layering it. The room was bare but for that. Two tiny windows brought in a meager amount of sunlight. It was going to be cramped while living there.

Yuki glanced up sharply at Kyou's bent form. It was just entering fall, too. The cat always became more disagreeable when the weather turned cold. How were they to stay in this tiny place without killing each other? Sighing lightly, Yuki just shook his head and continued scrubbing. He'd have to make an effort to ignore Kyou; he'd have to make it for Tohru. Unconsciously, Yuki kept glancing out the window to the car; almost as if afraid the car and its contents would suddenly disappear.

Kyou stood up suddenly, stomping lightly. Yuki looked up startled. The minutes must have passed by more quickly that he thought, because the room looked degrees cleaner. From across the room, Kyou's eyes narrowed and then angrily he marched forward, snatching the rag Yuki had been cleaning with from his hands.

"Baka neko, what do you think you're doing?"

Kyou seethed. "Kuso nezumi, this is my sweatshirt!"

Yuki just shrugged. "Couldn't tell the difference."

"You just ruined my shirt!" Kyou hissed.

"Then just clean it," Yuki replied calmly.

Kyou dropped his sweatshirt to the newly cleaned floor and punched forward with his fist. Yuki caught it neatly in his hand and flipped Kyou to the ground.

"Damn you…" Kyou muttered as he readied himself for another blow.

"Ano…Sohma-kun, Kyou-kun, where are we?"

Both boys dropped their fists, surprised out of their fight by Tohru who now stood leaning against the doorway. For a moment, neither answered. Tohru shivered slightly in the fog, and they returned to action.

Yuki took her by one arm and led her into the room, while Kyou hurried to grab the last remaining boxes from the car. Tohru had felt so bewildered when she awoke in the backseat of the car. Her mind was still a little fuzzy, all she remembered was coming home last night and making dinner…but then the faint press of pain went through her chest and she remembered. Akito had been there…and he had hurt her.

"Honda-san, you shouldn't have gotten up. You need to rest and heal yourself," Yuki said gently.

Tohru shook her head. "I'm fine, really, I'm fine. Sohma-kun is too kind, worrying about me. I'm fine, just a little tired."

Kyou stepped back into the house, closing the door heavily behind him. Tohru winced at the sound, her hand flying to her head.

"Don't make so much noise. Honda-san has a concussion," Yuki scolded.

Kyou bit back a remark and merely put down the boxes in his arms. He opened one and pulled out the bedrolls. He hit Yuki in the face with one, and then kneeled to hand Tohru hers.

Weakly, Tohru took it into her arms. "Thank you, Kyou-kun. But please, tell me, where is Shigure-san? Where are we?"

Yuki looked up and met Kyou's eyes. How were they to explain this to her?

"Oi, we decided, that is-"

"Honda-san, it was not safe at the house, so we-"

Tohru looked up confused. What did they mean? Yuki dropped his gaze; why was this so difficult to say? Kyou flushed lightly; they had kind of kidnapped her almost. Tohru went back and forth between their faces, and then stared at her hands, taking in the bandages almost subconsciously. And then it dawned on her…

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I caused so many problems for Sohma-kun and Kyou-kun. I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me! I didn't know. And now you've done so much. I can't, no-"

Tohru stopped at the touch of Yuki's fingers against her lips. "Ne, Honda-san, please don't apologize. We left because we didn't want you to leave. We wanted to stay with you."

Tohru's mouth grew large, and then she winced. Her jaw was so sore.

"You…are you alright?" Kyou asked uncomfortably.

"Of course, she's not alright. She was beaten raw just last night. Baka neko." Yuki snapped.

Again Kyou bit back his response, but his fists clenched anyways. Stupid mouse, always acting so smart. But Kyou dropped his griping as Tohru's steady smile faded. Her pupils grew large as some unseen pain hit her. Nervously, he dropped to his knees.

"Honda-san!" Yuki cried as she fainted into his lap. Kyou looked away, the blush from earlier growing.

Kyou picked up the bedroll that had fallen from her hands and spread it out over the floor. Grabbing a pillow and a heavy comforter, he arranged Tohru's bed, while Yuki cradled her head gently between his hands. Glaring at the slim boy, Kyou took Tohru from his hands and laid her out on the bed, his lips tightening at the small moan that escaped her lips. Like a mother, he tucked the blanket securely around her.

Stepping back, Kyou shot a glare at Yuki's head, but held in the words he wanted to say. Walking to the door, he said in a low tone, "I'm heading into town to get some food."

"Don't get lost."

"I'm not like that stupid cow!"

"Then don't get lost."

Kyou wanted to slam the door behind him, but that might have woken Tohru, so instead he resorted to cursing Yuki in every way possible while starting the car. Damn mouse…

Yuki looked first at the boxes piled in the corner then at the still dirty stove and finally at Tohru's huddled form. Sighing heavily, he shuffled towards the boxes, taking out their contents. Soon, he had everything divided. Kyou had thought of everything…surprisingly. There were blankets, towels, matches, dishes, a small ax, one of those full nine yards type pocketknives, clothes, and even some soap and shampoo. Yuki dug through the pile of clothes for a jacket- the sea air while refreshingly clear was also colder than the inland- when his hand closed upon something small and narrow. Pulling his hand out from the box, his eyes widened in shock. Kyou had included in all his packing the ribbons Tohru always wore in her hair. They were the yellow ribbons he had given her for white Valentine's Day.

Why had the stupid cat packed these ribbons along with everything else? He must have- and Yuki's eyes fell on Tohru's face- it had been because she liked them. Yuki placed the ribbons back into the box and returned to finding his jacket. Pulling it out, he slipped it on quickly, relishing the sudden warmth. Neatly putting everything away, Yuki moved onto the stove. If they were to stay here all of the six months Kyou had paid for, then their only source of heat during winter would be this stove.

With a heavy sigh followed by a slight grin, Yuki picked up the sweatshirt he had been using to clean earlier and tugged on the black hatch. Finally, it broke free and Yuki was greeted with a cloud of soot that covered his face. He sighed again; he never did like cleaning.


While technically Chiyo stretched out to pattern across the cliffs, the main part of the town was centered in the smack middle of the cape. The few stores stood out like a smattering of huddled bodies looking to hide from a storm. It was one of those many seaside towns that asked few questions and held to the adage "one's business is one's business." There was a fierce loyalty though that the villagers held to one another. Even if their names weren't shared, once a part of Chiyo, always a part of Chiyo and it was that bond that promised Kyou both protection and anonymity.

Even though he had thought to pack most everything the three of them would need during their stay here, Kyou had forgotten one of the most important of staples: food. With careful budgeting and hopefully the addition of an income from a local job or two, they'd be able to pull through. Still though, come spring he'd see about Yuki making a vegetable garden or something. Not that he needed the mouse's help or anything, but Tohru did like fresh vegetables, and this far north fresh vegetables would be a rarity. Chiyo was a sea village; everyone depended on the sea for their sustenance. Maybe he'd pick up a nice fish for their dinner tonight…he'd read somewhere that certain fish had important proteins that help people to heal faster.

Kyou parked the Isuzu just beyond the main hub's outskirts, thinking it better to walk through the street. The streets were empty and a good many of the stores had 'closed' signs hanging through their windows. Even though the summer had only just ended, the people were preparing for a the harsh northern winter. Whatever outside business that the town brought in during the warmer months had surely tapered off by now. As it was, Kyou hurried into the town's one left open convenience store.

Immediately he was greeted by the store's patron, an middle-aged woman with a kind look on her face. Nervously, Kyou nodded in return and tugged on the hood of his sweatshirt, hoping to hide most of his orange hair from view. Despite his knowledge of the town's workings, he still wasn't ready to trust random strangers. Even a woman smiling so nicely. Kyou grabbed a basket from the entrance and headed down the aisles.

Now that he was here, Kyou wasn't sure what to get. They'd need rice, tea, maybe some potatoes, (they wouldn't go bad for a while) a few eggs, maybe some flour for Tohru to make noodles when she was well again. Kyou scratched his head; maybe he should have asked the nezumi before leaving. Immediately, he struck that thought from his head. He didn't need that damned rat's advice. This was only shopping, something that little idiot Tohru always did. A fond smile lighted his lips almost without thought. But he shrugged himself out of it and went back to studying the shelves before him.

"Young man, can I help you find something?" Kyou almost jumped; the woman had crept up behind him almost silently.

"I'm fine," Kyou said gruffly, hoping the woman would just leave him alone.

Instead, she took the basket out of his hands, and steered him from the aisle. Depositing him in a chair towards the entrance, she faced him with a smile on her face.

"Ne, you can call me Nayoko-san. How many of you are there and for how long?"

Kyou faulted. Had he really been that easy to read? "Uh…"

Nayoko smiled encouragingly, and Kyou felt his cheeks flush. "Three. For six months."

Nayoko looked thoughtful, a chubby finger placed against her temple. "Eto…I can give you rice and other dry foods for that long, but the fresh stuff will have to be bought a monthly basis. Good?"

Kyou just nodded, muttering something indiscernible under his breath. Nayoko just smiled, hefting a box from behind the register onto the counter.

"Your welcome. Can you carry this box to where ever you're going?"

Kyou grunted in assent. Nayoko just nodded, a knowing smile on her face. Kyou stayed seated, his face growing more read as Nayoko went and found everything they'd need for the time being. In no time the box was full with different foodstuffs. Kyou spoke up as he watched her put in some bottles of milk.

"Uh, Nayoko-san, we don't have a fridge to keep the milk."

Nayoko patted him on the head, much like one would to a pet. "No worries, young man, just leave the bottles and other cold things outside during the night and they'll stay fine. You can always just fill a bowl with cold water and place them in there. Nothing will spoil. You get used to doing things these way up here."

When Nayoko rang up the total, Kyou was surprised by how little it all cost. He handed her the money and picked the heavy box up easily, giving a nod as he left the store. Nayoko just smiled in return and went back to reading her romance novel.

Kyou just smiled into the strong wind that blew back his hood. That Nayoko lady had been a godsend. Now all that was left was hitting the drug store for some painkillers for Tohru and maybe some hot pads to keep her feet warm. He blushed lightly at the thought of her feet. She had such little toes. Not that he looked at them or anything…but it was always hard to not keep back a blush when he'd find her sitting on the porch painting her toe nails that light coral. It was such an innocent sight, and so personal too. He had just sat there in the tree watching her delicately move the brush up and down over her toes, her cute face bent in concentration. But then that rat had shown up, ruining the whole picture. As usual he said something to his 'Honda-san' and she had smiled that smile that never failed to touch him. But that smile had been for the kuso nezumi and not for him.

Kyou stuffed the box into the back of the car, the milk bottles clinking warningly. He drew back a fist and slammed it into the side of the car, relishing the streak of pain that went through his arm. Who cared about that rat anyways? Not him. Hurriedly, he ran back into town to catch the drug store before it closed. Once inside, he took no time in grabbing some of the hot pads and the biggest bottle of generic pain reliever they had. On a second thought, he grabbed some sleeping aid pills as well. The more Tohru slept, the faster she'd heal.

The store clerk paid him no attention as he rung up the purchases. Kyou's eyebrow twitched almost inperceivably. That Nayoko had reminded a little of Shigure in some odd way. Maybe it was that look in her eyes like she knew so much more than she was showing. Or maybe it was that book she was reading; it was written by Shigure. Whatever it was, he was thankful she had helped him out. Now he could just head back to their home.

Back in the car, Kyou smiled largely, the unusual gesture gracing his features. He had called their little shack a home. And that's exactly what he wanted to make of it. He wanted to make a little home for him and Tohru. Too bad that stupid rat was here too.

The fog had finally cleared, but the air still clung to the ground, the sea mist creating a hazy tint to the sky. Even the sun seemed dulled. While the fog hadn't affected him too much earlier, Kyou could feel the wetness creeping into his bones making everything ache. By the time he had finally made his way back up to the house, he could feel every little joint and muscle screaming out their complaints.

Wearily, Kyou turned off the engine and took out the box Nayoko had prepared for him, making sure to grab the stuff from the drug store. Balancing the box in one hand, he opened the front door.

"Nezumi, I'm back."

Kyou felt something run through him as the sound of crying made its way to his ears. From behind the box, his amber eyes grew large and then angry. Tohru was kneeling, her head between her knees, tears coursing down her bruised face. Beside her, Yuki sat an expression of confusion on his face.

"Honda-san, please what's wrong? Are you hurting somewhere? Please, tell me what's wrong?" Yuki tried to bring her face out from her knees. Kyou dropped the box, a bag of rice spilling out on to the floor.

"Hey you…what are you crying for? Did the rat do something to you?" Kyou knelt awkwardly, and not knowing where to put his hands, placed on her back.

Tohru just continued sobbing. The dream had been so bad. She hadn't dreamt anything like that since she was very little. And it had felt so real, so very real that she actually thought her mother was still alive. What was worse was when she woke up and remembered all over again.

"How did she start?" Kyou asked lowly, keeping his eyes trained on the shaking girl beside him.

"I had just finished with the stove when Honda-san sat up suddenly, terrified. And then she just started crying. She's been like this for about ten minutes. I can't get her to stop." Yuki seemed to have forgotten his hatred for Kyou for the moment, because normally he wouldn't have admitted any incompetence.

Suddenly, Tohru sat straight up, the tears still falling from her large brown eyes normally so happy, so strong. Without warning she wrapped both her arms around Yuki's and Kyou's startled bodies. The inevitable happened, and while they sat there in shock, they could hear the faint words coming from her lips.

"I'm so sorry…Mother, I'm so sorry that I didn't try harder…I'm so sorry…so sorry…"


Ciao all! I just wanted to let you know that while I am going to continually update, I like having long chapters and as such the updates won't be daily like they have been thus. Rather its probably going to be a couple days or so between each. Anyways, I'm going to have an official tally of how you'd all like this fic pairing to end up being. Yuki or Kyou? On with the thanks.


Thanks for the encouragement. I do appreciate it.

Serena B:

Thanks for telling me about Akito. Now I have a question for you. Someone told me that Akito isn't even part of the Jyuunishi, but rather he's just the clan head. Is that true? I've only seen the anime, so I don't what the manga says.


Here's a tissue. Heeheehee.

Pseudonym Sylphmuse:

Thanks so much! To be honest, I write almost entirely original fics and I rarely get reviews. Anyone else pissed off that there's no longer an anime/manga section under original fiction? Minor griping; however, I can't believe I made you want to cry. I'll try to hold back some of the tear gushing. La!


I know; Akito's a real bastard. Sure he's carrying the curse and all that, but honestly, get a grip. Yeah, I have issues. You know, I've always been curious about Tohru. Yeah she's always smiling and encouraging, but every person has their breaking point. I think I'm going to explore that with my fic. Tohru can't always be happy.


I should send your comment to one of my old English teachers. She used to scold me constantly, saying that I was far too wordy with my writing and that I had too much of a personal voice. Ha! Take that you anal retentive clothes nazi! Maeven thinks my writing style's great. (I really have too much of an imagination.)