Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Honda's curse ❯ Honda's true form ( Chapter 3 )

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Honda's true form

"We are back!" Both Honda and Yuki shouted at the same time as they entered the house. However, there was no respond anywhere. "Well, Shigure must have gone out…" Yuki said. "Emm, Yuki, I think I smell something burning," Honda said.

"Well, now you mentioned it, I think I do smell something burning," Yuki said, sniffing the air, " And I think it's coming from upstairs!!"

When Honda heard that, she rushed upstairs thinking *Please don't let it be my room* But she was shocked when she saw that smoke was coming out form her room. She rushed into her room and saw that the table where she placed her mother's photo was burnt down and her mother's photo was nowhere to be seen.

"Honda-san, where are you going? Wait for me! "Yuki shouted. He rushed up the stairs and arrived just in time to see Honda fainted and return to her original form.

Wha…what! Honda has also a true form that she hides?! Wonder how did she keep it a secret all these time?

*Hey Honda, remember the time we spend together? Wake up now please…* Honda opened her eyes and saw Yuki looking at her with worried eyes. "Ahh……"Honda tried to move but realised that she was in her form of nightingdale ……