Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Objectionable Secrets ❯ Objectionable Secrets ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

SPOILERS FOR REVELATIONS MADE ABOUT AKITO IN LATER CHAPTERS OF THE MANGA (Chapter 97 & 98 specifically). If you wish to be spoiled, you may visit either or both of the following links.

Akito spoiler summary :

Akito spoiler manga panel:




Another request by Mona-chan. *huggles* Some might call this Yuki's revenge. Some may think he's totally OOC. But given the fact that he learns a pretty big secret, I suppose it's justifiable. Lemon warning. Told from Akito's point of view. A standard disclaimer appears at the end of the story.

When was I reduced this?!

I am his god! Not his servant!

Yet, here I am, servicing the damn rat.

He's my servant! Mine! My toy!

But...I have to do what he says.

At one time, I would have done it out of love. Despite my attitude, the beatings, the harsh words, I loved him. LOVED. I would have done anything for him. ANYTHING!

But...the past is the past.

Now all I feel is intense hatred. Hatred for his domination. Hatred for his cockiness. His rightness. It's the same hatred he once had for me.

All because he knows my secret.

All because...I'm really a woman.

It was a day like any other. Horribly rough. Too many people. Too many problems. I retired early, wanting to take a nice, hot bath. The steaming tub was waiting for me when I arrived in my quarters. Wasting no time I stripped down and crawled in, mewling as hot water washed over my sore muscles and tired limbs. I sank down to my chin, letting the water lapse against my face as my body greedily soaked up the warmth. The smell of lavender relaxed me, nearly put me to sleep.

And I woke up to see HIM there.


I have to say I was as startled as he was. So much so that I reached for my towel a little too late. The thin layer of bubbles that had skimmed the water was gone, leaving me in plain sight. I was mortified.

Only to be made angrier by his smile.

"So this is the big secret," he asked between giggles.

He said it as if it were amusing.

It was not the reaction I had expected, especially from him.

But then, everything that happened afterwards, I had not expected.

"You want me to keep your secret? Then you'll have to do something for me."

"Like what?"

"Oh, don't look so defensive. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I will."

My punishment? I was to be his slave. But we're not talking slave in the usual sense. More like...biblical...if you're into one of those religions.

Much to my dismay, he had been right. I did enjoy it.

It was not my first time with a man. Oh the look on his face when he penetrated me was priceless! Yuki tried getting the details out of me -- I don't think I've ever been banged so hard in my life -- but I refused to tell him. He may have discovered my biggest secret, but he wasn't going to know any more. Not if I could help it.

It was, however, my first time not being the one in control. As much as I wanted to be on top, to move things along faster, to touch him, he was clearly in command. Not me. It urked my finer sensibilities, but when it was all said and done, he had been right...and I was left pissed.

"You don't expect me to be satisfied, do you? After only one time?"

It should've been a one-time thing. We spent hours that first night...well, he spent most of it reclining while I did most of the work...having some of the best, and worst, sex of my life. But when he came to me a week later, already swollen and wanting more, I couldn't refuse. Not because he'd reveal my secret, but because...I wanted it too.

That fact alone makes me want to hate him even more.

But I hate him so much as it is, I'm not sure it's possible.

We meet on a regular basis now. I'm surprised the whole house isn't talking about it. Yuki never comes to the Honke, not if he can help it. I'm not even sure why he was there when he came upon me. Probably something to do with that silly girl living with them. But I don't recall doing anything BAD to her, so I'm still a little confused.

Maybe he was just at the right place at the right time.

Well, right for him anyway.

Reclining on my futon he looks like an Adonis. Not so much in the Greek sense as he is not overly muscular. Well toned in just the right places, the combination of lean and muscular fits him well. His hair is unruly from an already eager bout of sex play and his eyes are half closed in creamy ecstasy. He enjoys a good blowjob.

What man doesn't?

And I'm pretty good at it now. I've had plenty of practice time with Kureno and Shigure. The rat's manhood is in pale comparison, but he is still of good size. There's at least an inch of his manhood forcing its way down my throat as my lips reach the base. Before my gag reflex can kick in, I slowly slide him out of my mouth pulling as hard as I can with my lips and cheeks. The head pops out with an audible sound, followed by a deep groan.

I can't help but smile as I repeat the action. Over and over until I can feel the tension in his thighs under my hands. Feel him squirming beneath me, his hands clenched so tightly in my hair I think he may actually pull it out. He's very close to orgasm. A few more teasing strokes and it will all be over for the night.

Or so I think.

His hands pull on my hair, hard enough to pull me away. I squeal at the sudden sharpness of pain and look at him with an expression of anger and hurt. Still, I do as he silently bids, lifting myself away from his twitching cock.

What will he do now, I wonder. We've only explored several positions. One is as wonderful as the next when it comes down to it. I assume the familiar position of submission before him, sitting on my knees, my eyes slightly averted from his lavender gaze. Despite my own disgust, my body shivers with anticipation. With want.

Damn him! I am NOT his bitch!

"You're getting better," he pants with a wan smile. Arrogant bastard!

I make no move as he sits up in front of me, facing me as if my equal. HAH! Both hands caress my cheeks, his thumbs lightly applying pressure against my lower lip. I look at him directly then, and wait to be slapped. It's what he always does when I'm "disobedient".

But...he kisses me instead.

It's quite unexpected, this turn of events. He is no less eager, but more gentle. I have to hold back a moan as his tongue asks for entrance and I open my lips for him. I like this side of the rat. It's how he SHOULD act, caring and revering. But it never stays this way for very long.

Too soon he'll want fulfillment and very roughly he'll take it. Not that I don't like it rough, mind you, but it's all take and no give. Just the way I am with Kureno. The way I sometimes am with Shigure.

Yet this kiss slowly becomes heated and we find ourselves pawing at each other like hormonal pre-teens making out for the first time. I allow him to take the lead, his hands massaging my back and sides. His thumbs occasionally caress the underside of my bare breasts. My hands mirror his, gently kneading the flesh of his chest as he does mine. I moan. He moans in return.

Then things start to heat up more.

He takes total command. I don't object as he lowers me to the floor, covering my body with his. Objecting will get neither one of us what we want. And damn him but I want him more than anything at the moment!

My arms pull him closer as he presses into me. I can feel his hardness against my thigh. Feel how wet and sticky it is from our previous foreplay. I should feel disgusted, but as our tongues duel, one hand snaking its way down my stomach to find my heated center, all other thought is gone. Completion fills my head, my body.

The finger fuck is as good as the kiss, his digits knowing just how to move inside of me. First two, then three digits. His thumb toys with my clit, his fingertips pushing against my vaginal walls as they slide in and out. I cry out into the kiss, his mouth stifling the sound so that the hovering servants can hear me.

But I want them to hear. I want them to hear everything I do. Those stupid bitches would be so jealous! manhood. He groans back, pulling away from the kiss, a devilish grin playing upon his lips. I want him all the more for how evil he looks, but this different persona...frightens me.

And as his fingers still inside me, so do my movements underneath him.

For a moment, all we do is stare at each other. I wonder if he sees the fear in my eyes. I can see the doubt in his. Why does he doubt? This is his game,

I groan in frustration, moving my thigh so it pushes against his throbbing isn't it? Curse him to hell! I want so badly to object to this cruel torture and yet...I long for it.

Trying not to sound exasperated...or desperate...I inquire, "Yuki?"

He blinks, still silent. Then I feel his fingers leave me, my body shivering as an after effect. His other hand leaves my breast. His body withdraws. For a moment the fear is in more than my eyes. Invisible fingers clench my heart and my stomach as, for a moment, I truly believe he means to leave me. Disgraced and in shambles on my own futon.

Doubt flashes in his eyes for only a second more. Then passion takes over. In a blur of motion I'm flipped over. I realize what's going to happen in a matter of seconds, but that is not enough time for me to get to my hands and knees.

Nor does he wait.

His hands grasp tightly at my hips, lifting me off the mat. I feel him enter me without preamble, pushing in to the hilt. I'm split in two, almost literally. His starting movements are not slow, demanding, taking. A steady sound fills the room, but I hardly hear it above the pounding of my own heartbeat in my ears.

My body responds without question, clenching him inside me, pushing against him, wanting him even deeper. Each murmur of his name from my lips is a praise, and a curse. I want him to move faster. Dammit this friction is not enough! I twist my hips, use my elbows as leverage to push against him. But it's all for nothing. He continues his steady rhythm, his constant driving.

Then we both fall over the edge.

I'm still panting, wanting more as he pulls out of me. My body is unable to move, so it simply falls to the floor. I wait for him to join me. Wait for those dreadful words I always hear before he leaves.

But all I hear are footsteps.

And the snap of the door as it opens and closes.

I'm alone. Just as I began the evening, so it ends. But there is one difference. One more reason for me to hate him.

It's not my fault I have such an objectionable secret!

So then, why can't I stop crying?


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue. I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills. ^_^