Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Release Me ❯ Secrets Revealed ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Chapter 4~
AN: AHHHH!!!! I love Sanyu! She's sooooo cute! AND SHE'S MINE! Srry that I haven't been updating lately. Mommy's been takin the comp for a couple of weeks cause I supposedly stay on too long. ^^ Anyways enjoy! R&R How is it so far?!?!??! PLESAE R&R?!??!?!??! SOME KIND OF FEEDBACK WOULD BE NICE! ^^ I hope you like Sanyu-chan though I'll try updating more often! Hehe anyways Enjoy!
Hatori, Shigure, and Sanyu went into Hatori's house to see Momiji sitting on the porch apparently waiting for them. When he saw Sanyu he immediately jumped up and rushed on over to squeeze the life out of the adorable girl.
Momiji: Hatori! She's so CUTE!
Shigure: Now, Momiji calm down. You wouldn't want to crush Sanyu-chan now would you?
Momiji: Ah! I'm sorry! Are you ok Sanyu-chan?
Sanyu nodded before hesitantly reaching up with her arms up at Momiji. Smiling Momiji swept her up and they looked at each other and giggled.
Hatori: Where's Haru?
Shigure: Yes, where is our dear cow? You two are usually seen together.
Momiji's smile turned bittersweet.
Momiji: Akito said that he wanted to talk to him. He just headed over not to long ago. You went to go see Akito-san didn't you Sanyu-chan?
Sanyu: Hai! ^^
Shigure: Are you ok Sanyu-chan?
Sanyu: Hai. Hai. I'm fine.
Hatori: Let's go in so I can change your bandages.
Momiji: Huh?!? Who hurt my Sanyu-chan!?! Who? Who? I'll sick Haru on him!
They went inside and Momiji pestered Sanyu some more until she was plucked out of his arms and onto the examination table. Hatori examined the wounds and rebandaged them after kicked out the loudmouthed idiots.
Sanyu: Ne. Ne. Haa-san who is Haru-kun?
Hatori: Haru is the same age as Momiji but taller and not as loud. You'll like him. He's very kind.
Sanyu happily nodded and jumped off the table and went out to rejoin Momiji and Shigure. Hatori's gaze drifted out the window and to what he had just discovered. He had rewrapped the wounds so no suspicions would arise but he was puzzled. The rate at which her arms had healed was abnormal. The wounds that were barely a day old were already almost completely healed. He simply dismissed it as her being a very very quick healer but he highly doubted it.
Hatori's thoughts: Sanyu is a special girl. We don't transform when we hug her and she is able to miraculously heal in a short period of time. Will she be able to break our curse?
He exited his office and watched as Sanyu chased them in a game of Tag. After a little bit he stopped them.
Hatori: Shigure, I think it's about time that you went home.
Shigure still laughing with a triumphant Sanyu sitting on him nodded. Hatori quietly went back in his house to get rid of the oncoming headache that was quickly forming from the day stress. Sanyu hugged Momiji good-bye and Shigure and Sanyu headed back to the house.
Upon arriving Shigure's expression suddenly turned serious. They went in and walked to the living room to see Tohru's things cast aside outside the room. Inside Tohru was tightly holding a girl with long black hair and had obviously passed out. A little puddle of bile lay near them, which was obviously from the unconscious girl. Then suddenly there was a loud poof and the girl had changed into a horse. Yuki had also entered the house and Tohru began panicking over the horse known as Rin. Sanyu looked at Yuki with curious eyes.
Sanyu: Yuu-nii why did she change into a horse?
All movement stopped and snapped to the curious girl.
Yuki: Shigure! You let her see?!?
Sanyu looked at the horse and then asked a question that shocked everyone.
Sanyu: Is she cursed?
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HAHA!!! ^^ Any ways could you guys please send my reviews??!?!?!?!??!?!?!? I would love to have some feedback on my story ^^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was a little bland.