Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Seven Days ❯ Day the Second ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket and all its characters are properties of Takaya Natsuki-sensei and Hana to Yume comics. Everything else in this fanfic are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to name, places, yada yada yada are simply examples of the world's many coincidental mysteries.

Seven Days : Day the Second

By Ina-chan

Kaibara H.S. Courtyard


"Ara?" Hana-chan's monotonous voice had a hint of surprise as she studied her friend's face. She sensed something amiss in her friend's denpa this morning, but now as they sat together for lunch, on the grass out by the courtyard, her suspicions became clear. Under the bright sun, the faint dark circles under Tooru's eyes had become more apparent.

Come to think of it… the dark haired woman paused as she nibbled thoughtfully on a stick of chocolate covered Pocky… there were also something equally odd with Souma Yuki's denpa. A line of worry furrowed over the young woman's forehead as she turned her full attention to her best friend, "Is everything all right, Tooru-kun?"

"Eh?" Uo-chan looked up and silently studied the face of the young woman in front of them

Beads of sweat lined on Tooru's forehead as she forced a strained smile to line her lips, "O-o-of course everything's all right?"

"Suspicious…" Hana-chan closed her eyes before delicately biting the chocolate Pocky stick she held on her hand

"What's suspicious?" Uo-chan echoed apprehensively at the denpa woman's words

"Tooru-kun's denpa."

"Eh?" Rivulets of sweat started to flow down the girl's face

"And for some strange reason, Souma Yuki seemed to be consciously avoiding you all morning… and Souma Yuki's denpa as well is…"

Tooru froze, her bangs hiding and shadowing her eyes as she bowed her head

"Tooru…" The ex-yankee narrowed her eyes dangerously as she leaned forward to force her best friend to meet her eyes, "Did something happen last night?"

"EH!? N-n-nothing happened!" Tooru exclaimed, instantly going on 'super-shocked-mode', "We didn't do anything at all! Kyou-kun even made sure by standing guard and sleeping in the hall by my door all night last night. Not that Yuki-kun would do anything like that. I tried to make Kyou-kun go back to his room so he can sleep more comfortably… but Ayame-san slept over so Kyou-kun said that he wanted to make sure Ayame-san and Shigure-san wouldn't think and plot of doing something weird together… but everything turned out all right. Nothing happened… ah-heh-heh… heh…"

"Ara?" Hana-chan blinked, hand carrying another Pocky stick, frozen in mid-air.

"Doing… something… weird…?" Uo-chan's right eyebrow started to twitch uncontrollably.

"Haaaaaa…" Tooru uttered as she clasped her hands together and wrung her fingers nervously

"Toooooruuuuuu…" Uo-chan drawled in a dangerously low 'you-don't-have-a-choice-but-to-tell-me-everything-now' growl

"H-HAI!!!Ayame-sancameovertoShigure-san'shousewhenhefoundoutfromKura mae-sanaboutYuki-kunandthecurseandsaidthattheonlywaytobreakthecurseisforYuk i-kuntostopbeingavirginbeforethesevendaysareupandnowYuki-kunandKyou-kunarem anandneitherofthemwillletmeandKyou-kundoesn'twanttodoiteither," Tooru stammered anxiously in one breath as she brought her hands over her flaming cheeks

"………" Hana-chan bit into her Pocky stick blankly

Uo-chan's reaction, however, was more volatile and spontaneous…

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!" She screamed as she abruptly got on her feet, angry veins popping all over her head, one indignant fist shaking in front of her, "W-WHAT KIND OF STUPID IDIOT WOULD SUGGEST SOMETHING SO… SO… SO… STUPIDLY… IDIOTIC!?!?!?!?"

"Haaa…" Tooru timidly faltered as another bead of sweat nervously hung over her forehead

"Calm down, Arisa," Hana-chan's soothing monotonous voice intoned, "However stupid it is, the suggestion is only out of common sense."

Uo-chan took a deep cleansing breath and sat down again, "I know that… but why do they have to suggest that Tooru do such a thing."

"Ayame-san that no one said it had to be a girl," Tooru offered helpfully

"Ah, that's even worse…" Uo-chan looked as if she was going to turn green with disgust at the thought

"Of course, the real question to ask here is…" Hana-chan stated seriously as she crushed her empty Pocky box and primly brushed the crumbs that were caught by her skirt, before giving her best friend a significant look, "Does Tooru-kun want to?"

"Of course not! How can you even let a thought like that enter your mind?" Uo-chan countered irritably before turning her attention to the timid girl, "Tooru DOESN'T want to, right?"

"Eh?" Tooru stared back at her friends blankly. She didn't even think about it at all. She was too horrified at Ayame's suggestion at that time to really think about it. She bowed her head as she sank deeper into her thoughts.

She didn't want Yuki-kun to die, and it was true that she would do anything she could in order to help him. But sleeping with him… no, she can't do such a thing. It's not right. Yuki-kun is special. So he needs a special girl to be with him. She's just plain and ordinary. They don't match at all. Yuki-kun couldn't even get himself to look at her since last night. Not that she was able to raise her own eyes to look at him, but she was pretty sure he was disgusted at the thought of doing something like that with a plain and simple girl like her…

And Kyou-kun… she's never seen him with that expression on his face when he was guarding her door. He was so serious and determined… and angry… Not the usual angry look he always carries. She couldn't explain it, but the look on his face was just different… almost scary.

She made Kyou-kun angry… and Yuki-kun… no… there's no way he could possibly want her…

For some strange reason, the thought started to make her chest started hurt. She clutched her chest, trying to will away the painful ache that throbbed in time with her heart. She felt tears of despair starting to well in her eyes. She was such a hypocrite. There she was, saying that she would do anything to help… but in the end she was useless. And the whole thing was her fault too. This was the thanks she gave in return when Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun and all the Soumas were so kind to her…

"Tooru-kun, sorry," Hana-chan said softly as she put a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder, "I didn't mean for Tooru-kun to get upset over my question. That's not the only solution to the problem. As soon as Megumi figures out the curse, we're sure to find out how we can break it without resorting to that."

The timid young woman nodded as she wiped the unshed tears pooling at the corners of her eyes with the back of her sleeve, before breaking into a weak smile, "I should be the one who's sorry. Hana-chan and Uo-chan are both worrying over me. I'm not even sure why I suddenly felt like crying."

"It's because your heart still hasn't decided between the two of them yet," Uo-chan simply stated in a soft and serious tone, studying her friend's profile

"Eh?" Tooru blinked and gave the ex-Yankee a puzzled look

"Saa! It's going to be time to go back to class soon," Uo-chan announced more cheerfully, ignoring her, "We better clean up and start to get going."

"Ah! I'll throw away the trash!" Tooru offered, returning to her usual light demeanor, as she gathered their litter in a bag and made her way to the rubbish bin at the far end of the courtyard

"Yare-yare…" Uo-chan sighed when the other girl was out of hearing distance, "What a big mess we're in. Ne, Hanajima, you better make sure that you and your brother finds another way to solve this problem."

"I promise to find another solution, " Hana-chan stated solemnly, "I won't allow Tooru-kun to have to make a sacrifice in order for Souma Yuki to get rid of his virginity to save his life."

Kaibara H.S. Covered Walkway


"EEEEHHHH!?!?!?" Kinoshita Minami, second-year-representative of the Prince Yuki Fan Club, screamed in horror at the news, "A-a-are you sure you heard that right, Mio-san?"

Yamagishi Mio, first-year-representative of the Prince Yuki Fan Club, nodded as she bent over to catch her breath, "I overheard the Yankee and Denpa Demon as I passed by the courtyard!"

Kinoshita made a determined fist, "As second year representative and current senior officer of the Prince Yuki Fan Club, I cannot allow this! We vowed to Minagawa-senpai that while she's busy with her college entrance examination preparation that we will protect our Prince Yuki from the likes of that Witch, Honda Tooru, with all our strength."

Yamagishi nodded in agreement, "Yes… so what do we do? The Yankee and the Denpa Demon is going to protect the Witch more than ever now."

A bead of sweat appeared on the older girl's forehead.

Kaibara H.S. Hallway


"Ne, ne, ne… I overheard something interesting while I was passing by the walkway," a random Kaibara High School student called after a group of students in the hallway

Kaibara H.S. Cafeteria


"Did you hear about Souma-san?"

"Souma-san? Which one?"

"The really cute one."

"Can't you be even more specific?"

"The incoming school council president."

"Souma Yuki-kun? What about him?"

"I heard that…"

Kaibara H.S. Library


"Did you know that Yuki-kun is…"


"SHHHH!!!! Quiet over there, don't you know where you are?"

Kaibara H.S. Teacher's Lounge




"The students are saying something disturbing about one of the students in your class!"

Kaibara H.S. Student Council Room


"Hai, moshi-moshi!" A young man answered his cell phone casually, before his eyes suddenly grew wide at the message he heard, "YUKI IS WHAAAAAAT!?!?!?"

Kaibara H.S. Class 2-D

12:35 (and 20 seconds)

"This is an emergency! Emergency!" Momiji yelled at the top of his lungs as he burst into the classroom door, "Yuki! Kyo! To-ru! It's an emergency!"

"NA!? What are you doing here? It's almost time for classes to start!" Kyou crossed his arms sternly as he gave his younger cousin an irritated look. By then, most of the class had returned from lunch break, and was eyeing the scene before them curiously. Kyou turned around and gave his classmates a scary angrier-than-usual-glare, "WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU STARING AT!?!?!"

The members of class 2-D turned around uncomfortably and pretended to ignore the scene. Kyou returned his attention to the rabbit, "Stop making a scene and go back to your class."

"But this is an emergency!" Momiji protested, "Where's Yuki?"

Kyou let out an annoyed sigh as he jutted his thumb to the general direction of a figure uncharacteristically and tiredly slumped over his desk.

"Eh?" Momiji blinked as he walked closer, "Why is Yuki wearing his gym shirt in class?"

"It's somewhat a long and very interesting story…" Kyou smirked, despite of himself

"Shut up, stupid cat," came Yuki's muffled reply

"What's wrong with Yuki," Momiji asked worriedly before the cat can utter a retort, "Is Yuki sick?"

Yuki sighed and lifted his head, "Isn't there something that you wanted, Momiji?"

"Ah! That's right!" The younger boy's eyes widened as he remembered the reason why he came in the first place, "Some of my classmates were saying something strange about Yuki…"

"Haru! That idiot!" Kyou groaned in exasperation as he automatically made his way to the door

Yuki made another sigh as he stood up from his seat.

"No, wait! That's not the emergency!" Momiji objected as he grabbed on to Yuki's sleeve, "The other students were saying that Yuki…"


Yuki made an involuntary wince at the sight of Manabe Kakeru stood by class 2-D's doorway, gasping and trying to catch his breath.

"NA!? Now, who the hell is THIS idiot?" Kyou muttered in annoyance

"I, Manabe Kakeru, incoming vice-president of the student council will not allow this dishonourable travesty to continue. Most specially by the incoming student council president," Manabe ranted as he made his way to stand in front of the bewildered young man, "As our leader, you should be a role model to your subordinates in the student council!"

"Manabe-san, what in the world are you talking about?" Yuki frowned, genuinely starting to get annoyed

"KAAAAAA!" Manabe let out his suppressed cry as he grabbed Yuki by the arms, tears running down his face, "Don't be so selfish Yun-yun! You have to infect me with it too! I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEASE INFECT ME TOO!! Who would have thought such a wonderful illness existed!"

"What are you talking about!?" Yuki stated coldly, now going beyond the level of annoyance and quickly reaching ire

"What am I talking about?" Manabe echoed as he blinked, instantly letting the other young man out of his grasp, "But the whole school is talking about it. There's no use hiding and denying it now."

"Hiding? Denying what?" Yuki demanded angrily

"That Souma Yuki is ill with a very serious an life-threatening disease…" Manabe crossed his arms solemnly, "… and the only cure is to get laid by a beautiful and willing virgin as soon as possible."


The silence that accompanied the 45 pairs of eyes watching the mortified and frozen figure that is Souma Yuki from inside the classroom of class 2-D was a hundred times more deafening that the symphonic clattering of chairs, pens, notebooks, and other various objects that followed the collective reactive gasps to Manabe Kakeru's revelation.

Yuki's pale lips moved silently, an obviously failed attempt to defend himself. His eyes wandered around the room like a caged animal, desperately trying not to drown in the sea of his classmate's equally shocked faces staring back at him. And finally, his eyes finally stopped as he met the horrified look on a certain pair of brown eyes, of a certain girl accompanied by her two best friends, who was most unfortunately entering the classroom at that very crucial moment.

Then it began.

That uncomfortable and burning tightening in his chest that prevented life-giving air from moving in and out of his lungs. His eyes blurred as he clutched his chest and grasped the edge of his desk with his other hand as his legs started to loose their strength.


"Oi, what's wrong with him?"

"Kyo, is Yuki having an attack?"





Souma Shigure's House


Hatori blinked in surprise at the scene that greeted him. Tooru rushed to him, babbling incoherently with tears streaming generously down her face, before he could even take his shoes off. Shigure was sprawled on the floor, tired and half-conscious from a long bout of laughing. Momiji, Haru, Kyou and Tooru's two friends were seated around the table playing a game of cards. And Ayame was…

"Ara! Tori-san has arrived!" Ayame exclaimed cheerfully as he waved a washcloth at him before dumping it in a basin of iced water

Hatori blinked again.

…what the hell was Ayame still doing here in the first place?

Kyou looked up and saw the young doctor before letting out a tired sigh, "It's a long and interesting story."

Hatori closed his eyes and raised a palm, "No, I don't think want to hear it."

To be continued…

Author's squawk:

Haaaa! My first finished fic after a bout of 4-day creativeness exhaustion! ^_^. Well… I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm starting to loose steam on thinking up of funny situations! I think the next chapter will be serious but mostly waffy (of course, just as insanely silly). It's just because I'm starting to feel sorry for Yuki and maybe give him a little break. Man! I'm really putting him in a lot of stressful situations. Haaaa… makes you wonder if he will really survive through this fic, ne?

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