Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Tohru: Who will win her heart? ❯ Yuki and Haru ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tohru: Who will win her heart?

Chapter 2- Yuki's and Haru

After Kyo had proclaimed his love for Tohru, they walked hand in hand towards the house. Right before they went in Kyo bent down and kissed Tohru gently on the lips. Shigure looked up and smiled at them when they walked in.

`Alas, our Tohru has been bitten by the lovebug and Kyo here seems to have done the biting.' He said. Both Tohru and Kyo blushed a deep red and murmured, `I'll be in my room' and went upstairs.

Shigure shook his head. `I wonder where that Yuki has gone off to.' He said to himself. `But he'll show up eventually.'

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Yuki felt nothing but coldness, and saw nothing but blackness. `If I'm not dead yet then I will be soon.' he thought to himself, barely able to hear himself think over the roar of the river. The last thing he felt was pebbles rubbing against his skin. Then he passed out, knowing nothing more.

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Tohru woke up early the next morning. She got up, washed, dressed and decided to go for an early morning walk in the forest. She walked, and thought about how much her life had changed since she had met the Sohmas. She sighed peacefully, listening to the birds chirping and the wind blowing through the trees. They seemed to almost be talking to each other.

She came upon the river, and sat down on it's bank, letting her feet dangle in the water. It was all so peaceful. She let her eyes wander to the other river bank, which was more beachlike, and they came upon a huddled figure. She looked closely at it, and after a few minutes realized it was a person. She jumped into the river, and swam across.

`Mister?' she said, walking over to the man. `Mister, are you alright?' she asked again.

She turned the figure over and gasped. `Yuki?!' she said. `KYO! SHIGURE!' she screamed. She then looked at Yuki closer and found that he was breathing. Barely, but he was breathing. `KYO!!!' she screamed again, her cry choked by a sob. `Yuki, don't die… Please! Don't die!' Tohru sobbed. She lay down, with her head on his chest, trying to keep her warm without hugging him, because she figured he would be worse off as a rat.

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Kyo sat up suddenly. Someone was calling him. He didn't know that Shigure had just woken up as suddenly. He got up out of bed, and pulled on a pair of pants. He ran out of the house at the same time as Shigure nearly collided into him.

`What?… Why…?' they both said at the same time, then without answering ran out towards the river. They didn't know why, but they somehow knew that they had to go to the river.

They reached the river panting. Tohru was huddled on the far bank. Kyo's look of confusion instantly turned to one of worry.

`Tohru! Are you okay?' he shouted. There was no answer.

He jumped into the stream and swam across to the other side. `Tohru!' he called `godammit Tohru! Answer me!' She looked up and there were tearstreaks on her face. Her face was red, and her eyes were full of hurt. Kyo reached the shore. He ran, and knelt beside Tohru, and saw Yuki.

`Oh… Tohru…' he said, reaching over and taking her hand. Shigure came over, saw Yuki, and looked away. After a moment he gathered himself, and took Yuki in his arms. He walked down the river bank, and a single tear slid down his cheek.

Tohru and Kyo were still sitting in the same spot. `Tohru…' Kyo said. Tohru began to sob silently. Nothing Kyo said or did could make her stop.

`Princess… What's wrong princess?' he asked her, stroking her hair. `It's… all… my… fault…' Tohru said between sobs. Kyo looked horrified. `It's not your fault!' he all but shouted. She pulled away from him, her wide eyes hurt, and innocent. `But it is…' she said before fainting from the emotional stress. Kyo took her in his arms, and kissed her forehead.

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Kyo reached the house about half an hour later. Shigure wasn't there. Kyo put Tohru in her bed, then went downstairs and sat down. His state of shock started to set in. All of the sudden he turned into a cat. He meowed, and settled down to sleep.

He was still sleeping when Haru walked in, so he didn't feel Haru stroking his head. Haru got up and went back outside, afraid of what would happen if Kyo were to wake up.

When Tohru woke up it was dark out. There were tearstains on her cheeks, and she was still mentally exhausted. She made her way downstairs to get something to eat. It was totally dark downstairs. Tohru tripped over something while she was walking to the kitchen. When she looked back she saw Kyo's naked body, and turned around quickly. Kyo hadn't woken up, thankfully. When she got to the kitchen she popped some onigiri into her mouth. While she was busy chewing Kyo walked into the room. Tohru almost screamed with fright when she turned around.

`Oh… Kyo. It's only you.' she said. That was before she noticed he was only wearing a blanket tied around his waist. He walked over to her, still half-asleep, and then Tohru felt his arms around her waist. When she looked up at him she was met with his lips pressing against hers. Without realizing what she was doing, she kissed him back, and put her arms around his neck. He groaned. She kissed him with more force. She felt his tongue on her lips, and she touched it with her own. Kyo groaned again. He pressed Tohru up against the counter, and kissed her again. Then Tohru felt him harden and she pushed him away. `Let's stop now… please?' she asked, wide eye's pleading and lustful at the same time. Kyo kissed her one last time. `Ok… we'll put it on hold.' he said, then he turned away and went upstairs.

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Haru melted back into the darkness, unaware of the tears flowing down his cheeks. All he felt was an invisible knife going into his heart, again and again. `I've lost what I never had…' he whispered to himself before running out the front door.

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Yuki woke up, not knowing where he was. He realized that he was neither in heaven nor hell, and that his attempt to end his life had failed. It hurt to breath, and he couldn't move his body. There was a flash of bright light, and then it disappeared. He heard footsteps approaching wherever he was lying, and he shut his eyes quickly.

`He's still asleep.' came Akito's soft voice.

`Yes… but his breathing seems to be better.' Shigure answered.

`He was foolish to let that Honda girl affect him like this.' Akito told Shigure. Then h e walked away, and left Shigure to watch over his little cousin.

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Shigure didn't realize that Yuki had woken up briefly, because he was caught up in his own thoughts. He was trying to figure out why Yuki would want to kill himself. He had everything. He had a family that loved him, a home, food anf friends. There was no reason for him to try and end his life. Shigure sighed. He was frustrated, because this was the pattern his thoughts had been taking over the course of the last day. His little cousin must not realize how lucky he really was.

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End Chapter 2