Full Moon Wo Sagashite Fan Fiction ❯ Finding the Gateway to Heaven ❯ And Cut To... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5 - And Cut To…

Wakaoji could only stare at his young former companion for a time, shock creeping through his body like the ripples of an earthquake. It had taken some time for him to become accustomed the idea of his former friend's death, and now he would have to become accustomed to his return to life. Wakaoji carefully treaded around the subject of Takuto's time as a Shinigami, forcing himself not to ask Takuto if he were really here. Mitsuki had warned that Takuto had become quite angry with her at the mention of being a Shinigami.

"Takuto, you're really here," he finally said, "I've been looking for you."

"So I'd heard, and I've been avoiding you," came the abrupt reply.

This is Takuto allright, thought Wakaoji to himself. For Mitsuki's sake... and for his, I need to be careful.

"Could you come with me, Takuto, there are some things I'd like to talk about with you."

"Beh, talk right here, old man."

Leery of the club in front of which they were still standing, Wakaoji knew that this might be his only chance to regain the trust of the revived boy, and continued amidst several worried glances at the club's door.

"I am a doctor now, Takuto, did you know that?"

"I'd heard the rumors, so you really did give up on music, huh. Pathetic."

"Takuto, I performed surgery on someone with throat cancer, a singer like yourself. And she kept her voice. She asked me to… and I want to help you, Takuto, will you consider letting me do the procedure to cure you?"

"Eh?" Takuto said, bristling slightly at mention of his ailment.

Wakaoji only stood silently, forcing himself not to press the issue and give Takuto some room to decide.

"First tell me why you quit," Takuto said after a time, "I thought you loved music, yet as soon as you could, you went and became a doctor."

Immensely relieved, Wakaoji quickly replied, "Gladly! Would you like to come with me, first? I need to go back inside, Mr. Yakamura invited us to speak with him."

"Hah, that guy? Feh, I only came here because…" Takuto trailed off.

"You really want to play again, don't you?"

Takuto remained silent for a time, his distress evident.

"Nobody wants to even listen to me play the guitar, you know, they only think of me as Takuto Kira, the singer for Route L."

"That is the way of music, Takuto. Well, you're welcome to come with me if you'd like," Wakaoji offered, then added, almost as an afterthought, "And, I became a producer not too long ago," partially thanks to you, Takuto. Wakaoji kept the thought to himself.

"Fine, let's go," Takuto said, and followed Wakaoji inside. "A real cure, huh?"


Mitsuki's heart pounded wildly in her chest.

"… and he's staying above a florist's shop, not far from here, but I don't think he's ready to see you yet, Mitsuki. He doesn't remember anything from that time, though I have tried mentioning things here and there."

"But he will go through the surgery? Can you heal him, Wakaoji-sensei? Can he sing again, too?"

"He has not let me run the tests yet, I think he is simply afraid, Mitsuki. Besides that, he has a hard time seeing me as a doctor. It may be a while before he allows me to even look at his throat."

"Wakaoji-sensei! You have to, and soon! I remember you told me that it had to be done within a limited amount of time. Please, Wakaoji-senai, please."

"As you'll note, poor Ooshige-san has been left out of this until now."

"Where has she been, anyway?"


"Yes, sensei, I'll be sure to have her here soon. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm very sorry, I mean, It'll be great working with you, let's do our best!"

Ooshige let out a tired sigh as the tone indicated that the call was over. Not that she didn't appreciate all the work, but handling three up and coming idols was become extremely hectic, not to mention that she had been fending off questions about Full Moon ever since L-I-V-E. Her new talents were surprisingly … talented, at least. A young actor by the name of Kenjiri Mamotose, a singress to be named Hojiri Fumo, and the best and brightest of those under her care, someone who Ooshige thought would do well as an actor and a singer, a boy of only six who had already been asked to almost fifteen commercial spots.

And still there were the constant phone calls regarding Full Moon, "So, Ooshige, where is she hiding?" "Ooshige-san, you really don't know where she went?" "Do you know how many people are asking about Full Moon-san, and you, her manager don't know? It's impossible!" "We're prepared to offer you …" "Get me Full Moon and I'll get you …" "Full Moon.." "Full Moon…!" "FULL MOON…!!!"

Ooshige leaned her body heavily against the wall. Flustered as she was, with Mitsuki she had grown so much that her current issues oddly seemed easy to handle. Sakura Sato rounded the corner, his hand clutching his mother's, to find Ooshige laughing to herself, a weary yet content smile gracing her face. His mother loosened her grip on his hand, and sensing her misunderstanding, he calmly turned his starry brown eyes up to hers and told her, "Don't worry, mama, she's happy."

Extremely embarrassed, Ooshige turned her blushing face to the duo and hastily bowed several times while apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I was just…" but to her astonishment, Sato and his mother were merely smiling at her, nearly laughing.

"Ooshige-san, did something good happen today?"

"Sato-san," Ooshige said, addressing the mother, "I just realized how easy Full Moon made it for me to handle things that would have been very difficult before I met her."

"You were Full Moon's manager?"

"I told you that, mama," piped in Sakura Sato, "She even let me meet Full Moon before she disappeared."

"Oh, is that so? Well, then. I don't suppose you know where…" she stopped suddenly, for Ooshige had fallen to the floor, her legs dangling towards the sky. "Oh, is that a bad subject to talk about?"

Righting herself swiftly, Ooshige said, "It's just that I cannot tell anybody, and I have had to tell that to about fifty people today alone, and," noting the blinking red light on her phone, "I think I have another few to tell the same thing, soon. How do all these people get my phone number!!!" she screamed the last bit rather loudly, fanning the Sato's hair back as if they were in a wind tunnel.

Maintaining her composure, Sakura's mother said, "I'm sure she had her reasons, she did promise everyone she would return, ne?"

Ooshige smiled, hiding the sadness of knowledge inside herself, "She did, didn't she?"

"Ooshige-san, Full Moon was very pretty, I hope I can meet her again," said Sakura.

Her smile dimmed a bit as she responded, "Me too, Sakura-chan."

After a brief pause, she turned their attention back to matters at hand, "Now, are you ready to get to work, we have two commercials for you to audition for, plus the children's show at 7…"