Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Action and Reaction ❯ What is right and what is good. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Walking in the door, his arms heavily laden with books and papers, Edward kicked it shut with a foot.
Dumping the load in a pile upon a table, he sighed, glancing at the clock. “Damn that Mustang, he said it was only ten when I left. It’s already midnight.” he muttered to himself angrily.
A door creaked to his left and he grimaced. His outburst had awoken Al, it was made certain when soft arms closed about his waist in a hug.
Turning to look at his brother he offered a weak smile, even though his mind was still raging over the clock on the wall.
“Hey Al, I’m sorry I woke you. Mustang said it wasn’t this late, I was hurrying and-” Al cut him off with a wide grin and a tighter hug.
Ed sighed once more. “Let’s go to bed.”

Kicking off his heavy boots and tossing his coat over a chair, Edward flopped onto the bed, cheek pressed against the pillow as he lay upon his stomach.
Al crawled lightly into bed, pulling close to Ed, he whispered pleadingly “Brother, would you play with my hair.”
Edward groaned “Al, It’s late, I’ve got to get up early and..” he trailed off when he saw the look upon Al’s face. Gray eyes were dark and pleading, golden eyebrows were knitted in a slight grimace.
Ed sighed in resignation. “Alright, but just for a little while. Until you fall asleep.”
Al’s face shifted immediately into a smile and Ed gave a smirk in return, when would he learn that his brother could play him like a harp.
Pushing himself up into a sitting position, leaning against the backboard for support, he patted his lap and Al happily sprawled himself across his legs, head resting beside Edward’s hands.
Lifting Al’s golden hair between his fingers he threaded it through. Gently undoing the string that restricted his brother’s long tresses of gold.
He lifted and pulled the strands, falling into a repetitious pattern that caused Al’s eyes to droop and a drowsy smirk to play across his face.
Ed smiled, he couldn’t remember when they had begun this strange ritual. It had to have been soon after Al had regained his body, he had been infatuated with touch, smell, and taste.
Edward had gone insane, constantly reminding his brother of the task at hand when he would be distracted by the way an object felt or smelled.
His odd infatuation with silky sheets and clothes never ceased to amaze Edward.
When Ed had purchased a silky satin nightshirt, Al was endlessly fascinated and delighted as he would gently stroke the fabric clinging to his elder brother’s side.
Ed would awake with Al pressed close against him, his face buried in the silky folds of the fabric upon his chest.

A soft moan brought him out of his thoughts and Ed looked to his younger brother’s face, seeing a look of pure ecstasy and relaxation.
Gray eyes were dull in this peaceful state of body and mind.
Edward untangled his fingers from his brother’s hair and with a soft tousle he turned on his side to sleep.

Yet Al was up again, pleading for Ed to continue his ministrations.
Leaning across his brother from behind, Al allowed his arms to dangle at Ed’s waist. Though his hands did not remain there and slowly grazed Ed’s inner thigh.
Clamping his eyes shut tight, Edward clenched his teeth slightly “Al, I’ve told you. D-Don’t do that.”
Al smirked slightly and whispered playfully “Do what brother?”
Running soft hands glaringly near to what Ed was implying.
Ed bit his lip at his involuntary reaction to Al’s touch, sitting up, he caused his brother to fall back upon his haunches, a triumphant smirk present upon his features.
“Al you know what I’m talking about. We had a very long talk about this a few nights ago. You can’t do that. You know what it does to me--I-It’s just not right.” Edward said this all a bit louder than he might have intended and the wavering pitch in his voice revealed his weakness on this subject.
There was something about the look in Al’s eyes, something that screamed a little too much satisfaction, yes satisfaction, perhaps in the fact that he could control Ed’s every action.
“But, brother, I didn’t do anything.” Edward shook his head and sighed “Al.”
It seemed his younger brother could also plot his reactions.