Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Edward's Big Adventure ❯ It's No Ordinary Peice of Fluff ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 4
It’s No Ordinary Piece of Fluff

“That. Is. Cold. Don’t. Ever. Do. That. Again.” Riza’s usual hardass look returned to her face as she held the gun to Ed.

“Yes’m! Just don’t shoot my face off!” Ed’s cocktail glass and banana peel lay forgotten on the floor. Surprisingly, only a few people were looking at them. ‘’I guess they’re really that drunk!’ Ed thought to himself.

“Ed...” Hawkeye said, lowering her gun.

“Hmm?” Ed straightened up.

“None of this leaves this bar.” She then turned away and walked to the back of the bar, feeling perfectly safe that Ed wouldn’t repeat anything. The gun at her side would guarantee that.

Ed turned back to Savannah. The sky was already beginning to darken, so he asked her where a place might be that he could spend the night.

“Hmm..well, there’s always the tavern down the street--it’s got some rooms to rent out. Then again, seeing as you’re not much of a drinker..I’m guessing that was your first stop.”

Ed grimaced, to which Savannah grinned and said, “Don’t worry, this pub also has a few spare rooms. The stairs are over there. I think that the third door on the left is free... Why don’t you go take a look?”

“Thanks.” Ed turned and started up the creaky stairs. As soon as he was on the fourth step, he fell through. “Gyaaaahhhhhhh!” He landed with a thud on a hard packed mound of dirt. As he got up and brushed himself off, he noticed through the dark abyss a small pinpoint of light. He walked slowly towards it, feeling each step before taking it. However, no matter how much care he took in his process, nothing could have prepared him for what came next.

“Damn f-ing pebble think it can f-ing trip an f-ing person so f-ing much f-ing larger than it’s insignificant f-ing self?! How f-ing rude!”

Picking himself up, he proceeded towards the light. Of course, as he walked, the closer he got, the larger the light got. In almost no time at all, he had reached an open door. As he walked through, he saw a whole bunch of little ferret-type creatures crowded around a candle lit alter, bowing. One of them heard him and turned around. He saw Ed, and signaled to a couple other creatures. They followed the first one up to Edward. Despite his attempts to get them off, the first one raced up his leg, while the other two wrapped a cord around his ankles, then pulled the ends,, tripping him. Ed fell back, and the first ferret came face to face with him. He leaned in really close and.....POP! Right in the eye.

“FUCKING RODENT BASTARDS!!!” All the ferret people turned around at this. They quickly swarmed around Ed, apparently forgetting thier prayer thing.

Or not. Edward was lifted up and placed apon the altar. All Ed could see above him was a swarm of ferret people, wavering in and out of his veiw. Then, above him, one focused itself in his eyes. Prehaps this was becasue of the heavy looking club, which was soon brought down apon Ed’s head, knocking him out.