Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Rainbows ❯ flower meanings ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

And I just keep typing and typing.
Don't own
Roy looked at the flower on his desk
It was one of the many mysteries of his life at the moment. That and why Fullmetal was acting so strange, but back to the flower.
How in the world had it gotten there?
Then there was the next mystery, why was there a book under it?
Roy wasn't stupid, so when he read the title of the book: Flower's and Their Meanings ,he knew someone was trying to tell him something.
Roy picked up the flower and read the tag wrapped around the stem. He recognized the handwriting instantly as Edwards. The flower was a Jonquil.
Picking up the book, Roy searched the alphabetically ordered names for the meaning of his flower.
Jonquil, he read, Love me; Affection returned; Desire; sympathy; Desire for affection returned.
Roy didn't need to be a genius to figure out what it was Edward was trying to tell him.
Did you people get it? It was kinda abstract, so I was wondering. If you didn't it was Ed who gave Roy the flower and the book. The flower's meaning was his way of saying he wants Roy to love him back, get it?
The next one is a sequel: how Roy answers.