Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Walking the Line Between Want and Need ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2
“Lieutenant,” he turned and called out. “It's gotten dark and I believe I should walk you home.”
Riza turned around to look at the man in uniform quickly walking back toward her. “You needn't bother, sir. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” His heals clicked sharply on the linoleum floor of the hallway.
“I know you are; it would just make me feel better. After all, Scar is still on the loose.”
“Scar is after state alchemists, not their subordinates. By all rights I should be the one walking you home.” He was close enough for her to see his face and the usual smirk he wore.
“Humor me, lieutenant.”
“Yes sir.”
<<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>>
They were both quiet on the way to her apartment, the walk made in a companionable silence. He insisted on accompanying her to her front door and watched her open it with her key. Pushing the door open, she stepped inside and turned to thank the Colonel. In the dim light of the hallway her eyes became a rich brown yet they still reflected that touch of sadness, the small smile on her lips not quite reaching those eyes. He wanted to stroke her cheek and tell her everything would be all right, but how could he speak such words knowing they weren't true. False assurances would probably just annoy her since she knew as well as he that every move they made was now overshadowed with danger. Since Hughes death he hadn't seen a real smile on her face, but then again, he couldn't recall really smiling either. Just as he had, she had taken the death of their friend hard. Up until then, their actions and the things they'd learned had never been seen as life-threatening and it was a harsh price to pay to learn otherwise. It was quite obvious that anyone who got in the way of the homunculi could be disposed of in a similar fashion. Hughes death had changed their perspective and while they weren't even sure what it was that he had learned that cost him his life, Roy was determined to find out. Hughes death had made him realize how important his friends were. And how very important Riza was to him. The thought of loosing her scared him the most. He was determined to reach his goal but if Riza wasn't beside him it would be a bittersweet victory at best. He wasn't even sure he could make it alone.
“I appreciate you walking me home sir.” Her voice broke through his thoughts.
“Not a problem, lieutenant.” He replied. But neither of them moved; they just stared at each other. Her gaze soon fell to the doorknob he rested his hand on. His long fingers not currently covered with his gloves fascinated her. How she would love to feel those fingers on her body. It was a ridiculous fantasy, she reminded herself and with a sad smile, she made ready to close the door.
Before she realized what was happening, he'd taken a step towards her, bowed his head and pressed his lips to hers. One hand wrapped around her waist and the other held the back of her head, pulling her close. Too startled to react, Riza froze, her eyes still open, looking questioningly into his. Her commanding officer was kissing her! Roy Mustang! Never in a million years had she ever truly thought something like this would happen. She may have daydreamed about it, but she'd never thought he would even consider kissing her and now she was completely frozen giving him no response.
Noticing her cold reaction, Roy pulled back and hesitated when finding the surprised expression on her face. His eyes lowered to look at her red lips. They had just looked so tempting, so enticing, just begging to be kissed. Damn it! He gave into his desires and had crossed the line between friend and lover - the line that he shouldn't have even thought of crossing. With her unenthusiastic response she told him everything he needed to know, sending his heart plummeting into his stomach. She quite obviously didn't feel the same way for him as he felt for her. Slightly ashamed of his impulsive behavior, he let out a pent up breath and spoke softly, unable to look back into her eyes. “I-I'm sorry lieutenant. I shouldn't have done that. Please forget I-”
Riza quickly glanced up and down the hall before suddenly grabbing him by the lapels of his coat and dragging him into her apartment, closing the door behind him. As soon as she heard the click of the door, her lips were pressed to his, easily conveying the feelings Roy had been hoping for. His arms wrapped around her, again pulling her to him. The way their bodies fit together, molding perfectly to fit with that of the other; it was as if their bodies were created solely for this, her soft curves pressed tightly to his well muscled form. Her lips parted slightly, just enough to suck on his lower lip. Parting further, she allowed her tongue to trace the seam of his mouth. He obligingly opened, his tongue slipping out to meet hers and coax her into his mouth, giving them their first taste of each other. She found her hands sliding up his chest, pushing the cloth of his coat off his shoulders.
“Riza,” he whispered into her mouth. “If I don't leave now I won't be able to stop.” He warned.
“Good, don't stop… please… not now. I want you to stay.” She said softly. He looked down at her to see the desire burning in her eyes. The way her lips were slightly parted, her bottom lip held between her teeth and her softly panting breaths making her chest rise and fall against him all aroused him even more. Her hand snaked up to stroke his cheek. She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to strengthen herself to take blow of his refusal, laying the side of her face against his chest. Inhaling deeply, she briefly enjoyed his scent, burning it into her memory before speaking. “Please, I need you... just once. I promise I won't ever ask you again.”
It then hit him just how much she wanted him and he was unable to deny her what he'd been craving himself those past few months. He knew it was wrong and he knew he should be stronger and refuse, but if she wanted it too then maybe just once would be alright.
Riza moaned as he pushed her back against the wall, his body pressing against hers and their lips locked in an agonizingly slow kiss. He was like a drug, addictive and making her crave more; she was even stupidly confident she could stop after tasting him once. As foolish and unrealistic a thought, she never wanted this to end. If they never stopped, did that count as just once? Reluctantly releasing her mouth, Roy looked deep into her mahogany eyes and asked the weighing question on his mind. “And you're absolutely sure you want this?”
Her eyes closed as she placed small butterfly kisses along his jaw, finally whispering her positive reply into his ear. “More than anything. And I want you now.” Her hot breath and husky voice sending a shiver through his body that settled in his groin, adding to the pool of desire steadily collecting there since she'd dragged him into her apartment. Her hands slid from his shoulders, down over his chest to the front of his pants, but instead of unbuttoning his pants she ran her hands over his well muscled stomach. She pushed him back far enough to pull his shirt up over his head and dropped it on the floor.
At the same time, he removed her jacket and pulled up her shirt to expose the dark blue lace bra she was wearing. Groaning, he moved his mouth down to lick along the edge of the delicate fabric. “You look better than I'd ever imagined… So pretty, with such soft skin…” he said between kisses. Not bothering to unhook her bra, he pulled the cups down to expose the creamy skin of her breasts. The cool air caused her nipples to crinkle, something that seemed to please him greatly. His tongue circled around the areola, the long gentle laps relaxing and warming the rosy-tips. Pulling back, he blew on her breast and watched the skin pucker again. Lowering his head again and now using the entire rough surface of his tongue he licked at her again, causing her to tip her head back against the wall and groan softly. Her hands ran through his hair, holding his head to her breast. When he started sucking, drawing her into his mouth, she whimpered. The soft sounds of pleasure made by his usually composed lieutenant made him smirk with delight. He changed breasts, lavishing attention upon the other one. Meanwhile, his fingers were working to unfasten her pants, roughly pulling them down once unzipped. She kicked off her shoes and struggled out of her pants, flinging them down the hall with one of her feet.
His fingers dipped into the blue lace panties, sliding down between the damp fabric and the soft blond curls. She was soaking. Surely she couldn't have become this wet in just the few seconds they'd been kissing. Had she been thinking of him or was she imagining he was someone else? Was it really possible she could have wanted this as much as he did? She had pulled him into her apartment after all. As his fingers brushed the right spot her body automatically arched toward him and she tried to stifle her cry by biting her lip. Her fingernails scraped across his back, leaving angry red welts, but the pain only aroused him more. The pants of his uniform were becoming uncomfortably tight, but the nimble fingers from Riza's hand quickly remedied the problem. Sucking on her collarbone, he sighed when she finally ripped down his pants and boxer shorts, allowing her to finally touch him. Taking him into her hand she firmly stroked his length, the velvety skin wonderfully pliable over his hardened cock. His breaths became shallow, now hitched and shaky. It was her turn to smirk as his eyes closed and his head fell back with a groan. There was a sort of satisfaction knowing he was that hard for her and that he wanted this as much as she did.
His hand between her legs moved away, pulling her underwear down with it. Needing to fill the empty feeling left by his hand, she stepped out of her panties and wrapped a long slim leg around his hip to hold him close. Her hand reached down and skillfully guided him into her, drawing a groan from him as he slid into the tight passage. Pulling back, he thrust his hips back toward her, forcing her against the wall with a soft thump and drawing a whimpering cry from her throat. Soon the only sounds other than flesh slapping flesh was the rugged grunts he made and her soft whimpers. In an effort to keep quiet as she drew closer to an orgasm, she muffled her cries in his neck, enjoying the slightly salty taste of his skin.
His lips bit her earlobe and speaking breathlessly into her ear, he begged, “Say my name, Riza. I want to hear you say it.”
“Roy,” she moaned softly. It was amazing how erotic just hearing her say his name was. Amazing that one word could express such emotion.
“Again...” he growled.
“Roy!” her wavering voice was slightly stronger, easily conveying her intense need for him.
His grunts were soft and pleasing in her ear and the growing fire in her belly quickly built to unbearable levels. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, her orgasm ripped through her body, sending muscles spasming and waves of heat to her extremities. Her sharp cry was cut off by his lips crashing against hers. The tightening of her muscles around him pushed him over, racking his body with a rolling shudder.
Gasping for breath, Roy leaned over to rest his head next to hers on the wall, his chest expanding and contracting harshly against hers. Some of her hair had come loose from her clip and now trailed down over her shoulder, smelling so good he never wanted to move. The leg she had wrapped around his waist slowly slid down the back of his legs until it touched the floor and she was able to support herself once again.
“You should probably go, sir.” She whispered. Her eyes were closed and she could still feel small tremors radiating from between her legs.
A wry smile formed on his face. “Already? Was it that bad?”
She reached over and turned his face so she could look into his eyes, the soft unfocused glaze of satisfaction he saw in hers pleasing him more than words could express. “I just don't want this to cause trouble.” Her lips found his and placed a series of small gentle kisses there.
“Give me a minute. I want to stay like this for just a moment before I have to go. I want to remember this.” With a soft smile, she lowered her head and rested it on his chest, listening to his heart beats as they regulated. Arms wrapped around her, fitting comfortably between the wall and the curvature of her low back, he rested his cheek against her hair and again inhaled her scent, trying to memorize her smell and the sensations from where her body pressed against his. At that moment, he felt more content than he had in years. It was as if, for just that moment, he was safe in her arms and there was no way the outside world could touch him. Nothing else mattered except being here with her.
But, as with all things, the moment was over and reality crashed back upon them. With a sigh, he backed away, finally separating the link between their bodies. They both silently straightened their clothes, he pulling up his pants and she merely drawing her shirt back down. Her panties and pants had been tossed somewhere down the dark hall and, seeing as she wasn't going anywhere, she forewent the rest of her uniform.
Still leaning against the wall, she watched him pick up his shirt and jacket from the floor, her eyes sliding down to look at his ass. She felt a sharp jab in her stomach, a combination of satisfaction and a desire for more. Apparently, once wasn't enough. Sure, she had felt his nice and firm bare butt but she wanted to see it as well. Oh, who was she kidding? Even if she could see his bare ass every day of her life she would never grow tired of seeing it. Just like she would never grow tired of feeling his lips on hers or the softness of his hair or seeing his black eyes so close and burning with desire. And she would never forget the feeling of him thrusting into her. Now that she had a taste, would she be able to deny herself again? Oh, and the muscles of his stomach; she couldn't help but admire them as he pulled his shirt over his head. Shaking her head to bring her thoughts back to the present, she realized she still wanted him - even more now, if that was possible. “I'm sorry sir,” she whispered hesitantly. “Maybe I shouldn't have dragged you in here-”
He cut her off with a frown. “You didn't do anything I haven't been dreaming of. You were all I could think about this afternoon.” He came over and brushed her lips with his. “I wish I could stay; maybe then I could see more of your apartment than just the hallway.” He smirked as she flushed lightly. “This wasn't something I forced you into, was it?”
She shook her head and smiled. “I'd been thinking of it all day, too. Longer actually.” She sighed. “But you better go.”
“Good night Lieutenant.” He ran a hand through his hair and opened the door.
“Good night, sir.”
Before she could close the door, he turned around and blocked the doorway. “I can't understand why you're against the whole miniskirt thing - you've got great legs.” He gave her his usual smirk and his eyes glittered mischievously, looking down at her still bare limbs.
“Good night, sir.” She said firmly, pushing him out the door and shutting it behind him with a smile that actually shone in her eyes.
<<< >>> <<< >>> <<< >>>
The colonel left the building and started his walk home whistling a song, albeit slightly out of tune. The sexual tension between he and Riza had finally broken leaving him more relaxed than he'd been since Hughes death.
In the shadows of a building across the street, a lone figure watched the man walk away. “Pride should be pleased with this information…” the figure purred softly.